St. Isaac Jogues School


St. Isaac Jogues School

300 Great Lakes Boulevard Brampton, Ontario L6R 2W7

Principal: Mr. Tony McLoughlin

Secretary: Ms. Margaret Barbe

Tel: (905) 799- 2558 Fax: (905) 799-6198

Trustee: Mr. Shawn Xaviour (416) 528-9622

OfficeTelephone: 905-890-0708

Pastor: Fr. Robert Mignella (905) 792-7497 Superintendent: Mr. Les Storey (905) 890-1221

November 2015

A Prayer for Communities

Lord, today we remember our schools,teachers, and students.

Lord, in some of our schools today, we are frustrated that we cannot honor you openly, in prayer, as we would like. And as you deserve. But we are thankful that there are those who continue to bring the message of your Son Jesus

Christ. And they do it through their example. And they do it every day. They are our teachers.

Christ came to live with us as a teacher. He encouraged us to use with his wisdom, his truth, and his endurance. He taught so that others may teach the world. And so, as it has been shown to us, may those who will influence and shape the minds of our youth, may they be ever mindful of the greatest Teacher of all.

Lord, we pray that you will grant our educators wisdom as they deal with an ever-changing society. Help them to remember that every effort is an opportunity to change a life, to inspire, to energize, to bring out that special gift you have blessed to each and every one of us.

Lord, we pray for the strength and endurance of our schools, teachers, and students. The road is a long one, never ending, and at times frustrating.

We pray for their patience. We pray that when results are not apparent, may they be reminded that it is your time table that counts, Lord. And may they not be discouraged.

And Lord, we pray a special prayer that our teachers and all of student s may know the reward of gratitude and that they may enjoy a sense of achievement.



A person of conscience chooses the right thing, even when it is hard

A person of conscience takes time to think and pray before making decisions

A person of conscience knows that their actions and decisions affect all those around them

A person of conscience thinks of others before themselves


Remembrance Day gives us an opportunity to pay respects to the more than 100,000 Canadians who have lost their lives in wars and peace keeping duties for Canada. Remembrance Day began after the end of the First World War which ended on the 11 th hour, of the 11 th day, of the 11 th month. On

November 11 th

, our school will honour those who have served and died in World War I, World War II, Korea and in all peace missions. A liturgical service including a speaker will be held in the school gym at 10:30 a.m. Parents are welcome to join us.


Thank you to the St. Isaac School community for supporting literacy through our Magazine Fundraiser. All students attended an assembly and received a take home package related to the QSP

Magazine Fundraiser and Chocolate

Cookie Dough . While our official fundraiser is over, You can follow the process and you can support our school by going on to your computer and completing an on-line order.

Magazine orders are still available by simply going to and follow the prompts. Our school code is : 3737780

Before you know it, you will receive top selling magazines such as

: Chickadee, Sports Illustrated, Chatelaine, Ladies Fitness,

Reader’s Digest and Maclean’s.


If your child has a severe reaction to peanuts, peanut by-products, bee/wasp stings, etc. please let the school know as soon as possible. It is essential that the information you provide us is accurate and up-to-date. There are various forms which need to be completed by you and your family doctor if it is necessary to store an epipen/medication at school.. We continue to have students with severe, life threatening allergies to nuts and peanuts.

Although this may or may not affect your child’s class directly, we require your continue cooperation in sending foods to school that are free of peanuts, nuts, or their by-products. As a school, we also do not allow products such as

WOWbutter, etc as these peanut alternatives can be quite confusing to all staff, parents, and most importantly children.

We cannot guarantee that any classroom is nut free, but we are attempting to minimize the exposure and keep everyone as safe and healthy as possible.

Reminders and Resources: Cold and

Flu Season

As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel

Catholic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensuring that our schools are clean and that our school communities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases, our board increases the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds schools to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff. Many resources are utilized from our regional health units.

A reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be contracted in public places throughout the year. For example, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, are transferred from person to person through hand contact. Cold and flu viruses typically peak from

December through February, but can start as early as


Casual Dress Down Days

You may have noticed the teaching faculty of St. Isaac

Jogues school dress casual on Fridays. They do this to support Share Life and United Way Charities .

Homework Tips: Be a Role Model

Let your child see you reading, writing, using math, and doing other things that require thought and effort. For example, during your child’s homework time, consider doing some of your own work such as paying bills, balancing a cheque book or reviewing a recipe. In this way, your child sees that the skills he or she will need as they mature.


Students are requested not to bring valuables or items of importance to school.

Heartache often follows when these items disappear. The school does not accept responsibility for the above, valuable adult time, including instruction, is often consumed assisting students to locate missing items. Personal items should be marked with your child’s name. When visiting the school please take a moment to check the Lost and Found box that is located on the first floor of the school. Missing coats, boots and lunch bags often turn up in this receptacle.

Over the past year concern has arisen around the exchanging and selling of trading cards. As you are well aware, many of these cards are of considerable value and many of our children are not of a maturity level that allows them to understand their worth. With this in mind, it is school policy that these cards should not be brought to school.


Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their chil d in the Our Lady of Providence’s Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting on: Wednesday November 11 th , 2015

7:00 p.m. Please note the meeting will take place at St. Angela

Merici School ( located at 83 Edenbrook Hill Drive, Brampton ON )


Grade 4 parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their child in the

Grade 5-8 Extended French classes at St. Jean Brebeuf for

September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting on:

January 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Please note the meeting will take place at St. Jean Brebeuf School ( located at 63 Glenforest Road,

Brampton )


It is a policy in the Dufferin Peel CDSB that all of its schools conduct a “Lockdown

Procedure” twice a year. This will be initiated should an emergency exist on school property or in the surrounding neighbourhood. Part of the process is to practice the “Lockdown Procedure” just as we practice our Fire Drills.

We will have a Lockdown Drill with our staff and students on the morning of

November 10th. If you come to the school at that time, the doors will be locked and you will not be allowed to enter the building until the Lockdown Drill has been completed.

Students and staff have been instructed that when they hear the announcement "INITIATE LOCKDOWN

PROCEDURES" over the public address system, followed by the "repeated beeping bell", all staff and students will take the following action:

A) all students and staff inside the building should go to the nearest room and close or lock the door;

B) all students and staff once in the room must lay on the floor away from doors and windows;

C) all students and staff in the room are to remain on the floor until further instructions are provided;

D) all students and staff that are outside of the building, are to quickly move as far away from the building as far as possible and remain there until further instructions are provided.

Our Primary evacuation site is Great Lakes Public

School and our Secondary site is the Silver City

Theatres at Trinity Commons. The procedure will be conducted with as much sensitivity as possible in order not to cause undue concern with students. The staff and students will remain focused and vigilant in following the procedures. Our second Lockdown drill will not be until the spring. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to call the school.

Brampton Beast: East Coast League Hockey

The ECHL’s Brampton Beast have generously donated 4 sets of Season

Tickets to our school. When any staff member catches a child following our

School’s Golden Rules… they may win four tickets to an upcoming game.

If you and your child love hockey, please let your teacher and you may be eligible to win the tickets.



Please note that in our efforts to be more ECO-

Friendly, we encourage our parents / guardians to access our Monthly Newsletters by visiting our school website at: and view all of our Newsletters there. All information can be retrieved from previous months in case an event or date has been forgotten.

We also encourage you to sign up for the Jogues

Monthly Newsletters to be automatically delivered to your mailbox. If you have already completed a CASL

(Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation), you do not need to resubmit a new one this year.

If you did not already sign up for electronic deliveryand wish to do so now, we have attached the:


CONSENT FORM.” Please note that Email

Addresses are never shared with others.


When a student has any blow to the head, it is Board

Policy that we contact one of the child’s parents to inform them. We are required to notify you even for very minor injuries, and we ask that parents not become alarmed should you receive a call.


On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations in which non-custodial parents arrive at school asking to visit their child or to take their child home after school.

We are best able to serve and protect students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights and other special instructions. If legal custody matters affect your family, please ensure that our office and classroom teachers are aware of any custodial arrangements that may affect your child during school hours.

Dates to Remember

November 2 nd

November 4 th

Rosary Apostolate

Grade 8’s to D’Youville S.S.

November 4 th Take Your Kids to Work Day

November 10 th Lockdown Practice Rehearsal

November 10 th School Council: 6:30 pm

November 11 th Progress Reports go home

November 11 th Remembrance Day presentation- 10:30am

November 11 th French Immersion Meeting

November 17 th Progress Reports go home

November 19 th Interview Night: 3:40- 8:30pm

November 20 th Movie Day

—Terry Fox Appreciation Day
