St. Isaac Jogues School

St. Isaac Jogues School
300 Great Lakes Boulevard Brampton, Ontario L6R 2W7
Tel: (905) 799- 2558 Fax: (905) 799-6198
Principal: Mr. Tony McLoughlin
Secretary: Ms. Margaret Barbe
Pastor: Fr. Robert Mignella (905) 792-7497
October 2015
Gracious and Holy God,
please give us:intellect to understand
you, reason to discern you,
diligence to seek you,
wisdom to find you,
a spirit to know you,
a heart to meditate upon you,
ears to hear you, eyes to see you,
a tongue to proclaim you,
a way of life pleasing to you,
patience to wait for you
and perseverance to look for you.
Grant us your holy presence,
a blessed resurrection and life everlasting.
St. Benedict of Nursia
October’s Virtue – Empathy
An empathetic person listens when people speak.
An empathetic person notices when someone is
upset and tries to help.
An empathetic person can name their feelings
An empathetic person can see a situation from
another person’s point of view
An empathetic person accepts that others have
different perspectives.
Trustee: Mr. Shawn Xaviour (416) 528-9622
OfficeTelephone: 905-890-0708
Superintendent: Mr. Les Storey (905) 890-1221
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy
Public Consultation
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil
Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March
2015. This guideline sets expectations for all school
boards on managing and reviewing underutilized
school space, including potential school closures, and
for the greater coordination and sharing of planning
related information between school boards and other
community partners.
The guideline requires all school boards in the
province to develop or revise Pupil Accommodation
Review Policies and to invite public input into the
policy before it is finalized.
A survey to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel
Catholic District School Board’s draft amended
Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be
available for review and comment on the Board’s
website at until 4:30 pm on Friday,
October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be
available for reference and review. Please consider
reviewing and providing input on this policy.
School Council
It is my pleasure to
announce this year’s school
Council. Elected members
of the Council are:
Mrs. S. Menezes: Chair
Ms. M. Hosein-Priantha:
Ms. L Rebello- Treasurer
Ms. D. Frank: Community/Parish Rep.
Ms. A. Favale: Non-Teaching Rep.
The next School Council meeting will be held
Tuesday, November 10, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. All
parents are welcome to attend.
Lunch Hour Routines
If you plan to drop off your child’s
lunch, please assist us in efficient
distribution by reminding your child
to come to the office at lunch time.
Please label the lunch bag with child’s
name and teacher/grade on the labels available just
inside the main office where you can drop the
A reminder that students who regularly stay for
lunch are NOT permitted to leave school property
without a signed and dated note from parents each
time they leave school grounds. We encourage
consistency. Students either go home for lunch or
stay in school for lunch. Thank you for supporting
this important safety routine.
Our annual Thanksgiving Food
Drive currently will start
October 5st until October
16 . All food collected will
be donated to The Knight’s
Table on behalf of the St. Isaace
Jogues School Community. Thank
you for your generosity and for thinking of those
less fortunate.
Parents and caregivers are asked to refrain from
entering the schoolyard when dropping off their
children. When the only adults in the yard are staff,
unauthorized visitors can be immediately responded
to. Therefore, in the interest of safety and security we
ask that parents and caregivers say goodbye outside
the school fence and do not enter the yard. Thank you
for your co-operation.
In the interest of safety, all staff members will wear
an orange vest to identify them as staff members.
Supervision begins at 8:45 a.m. Please do
not bring/send your children to school
earlier than this time. Given safety
concerns, it is not a good idea to leave
your children outside unattended as student
supervision in the yard begins at 8:45 and not before.
Please make other arrangements for the care of your
children prior to 8:45 a.m.
In accordance with Ministry
regulations, three fire drills will be
conducted in the fall and three in the
spring. While we hope that a real
fire or emergency situation never arises,this practice
helps prepare our students in the event of an
emergency. We have already had two fire drills and
the third will take place sometime in early October.
The Catholic Code of Conduct
mirrors the revised Provincial
Code of Conduct. The Catholic
Code of Conduct sets standards
of behaviour that promote,
encourage and foster a shared
commitment to gospel values in daily life, respect for
the dignity of person’s created in God’s image,
responsible, participation in the civic life of the
school community, peaceful conflict resolution,
respect for diversity, and a commitment to exemplary
conduct, conscientious work, and service to others.
At St. Isaac Jogues, we continue to work together to
provide a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy Catholic
school community for all.
A huge thank you to the entire staff and
the students of St. Isaac Jogues. On
Wednesday September 30th, the entire
St. Isaac Jogues School community
ran/walked in aid of Cancer research.
We raised $1000.00 which will be sent
directly to the Terry Fox Foundation.
There are many things a parent can do at
home to support their children’s learning and
to develop a positive attitude toward school.
- Talk with your child about school, their
friends, and programs. Show you are
-Read every day with your child.
- Encourage them to read for fun. Discuss
what you have read.
- Monitor your child’s television viewing and
talk with them about the program s they
- Supervise homework, making sure your
child has a place to work, , a set homework
time, and that their assignments are
- Encourage your child to write
- Encourage exercise and good nutrition
- Provide learning experiences outside of
school. For example visit the library,
museums, zoo and historical sites.
- Communicate that education is important
and encourage your child to do well
- Children don’t know how to intuitively how
to behave; parents must teach them.
Student Verification Forms have be sent
home with all students. It is vital that we
have up to date information to contact
Parents / Guardians in the event of illness
or injury. There is space on the form to indicate an
Emergency Contact person who could act on your
behalf if necessary. Signed forms should be
returned to your child’s teacher(s) as soon as
possible so we can update the office records.
If your child has a severe reaction to peanuts,
peanut by-products, bee/wasp stings, etc. please
let the school know as soon as possible. It is
essential that the information you provide us is
accurate and up-to-date. There are various forms
which need to be completed by you and your family
doctor if it is necessary to store an epipen/medication
at school.. We continue to have students with severe,
life threatening allergies to nuts and peanuts.
Although this may or may not affect your child’s
class directly, we require your continue cooperation
in sending foods to school that are free of peanuts,
nuts, or their by-products. We cannot guarantee that
any classroom is nut free, but we are attempting to
minimize the exposure and keep everyone as safe and
healthy as possible.
Ontario Law (Immunization of School Pupils Act,
1990) requires all school age children to be
immunized against Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio,
Measles, Mumps and Rubella. The law
requires Peel Health to keep up-to-date
records of your child’s immunization.
In the past we have had a number of
students receive letters of suspension
from school due to records not being
updated at the Health Department. It is your
responsibility to forward the information to Peel
Health. Whenever you have your child immunized,
inform the Health Department. Your child, before
turning age 7, must have the Age 4-6 Booster for
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio. All necessary
immunization records for your children must be sent
to Peel Health. You may fax your up-to-date
information to Peel Health at 840-7144 or call 7917800 ext. 7661. Thank you.
Many thanks to parents / guardians who have been
using the correct and safe procedure for dropping
their children off in the morning in our Kiss and
Ride program. Our driveway is made
safer when everyone cooperates. Do
not get out of your car and pick up
your child. There is a designated spot for children
to wait for the next car in the lineup. Please ensure
you have pulled up to the front of the drop off line
to let children in or out of your car. The driveway
gets very congested as 9:00 a.m. approaches, and
many students are arriving after the bell rings.
Please be aware that it is our expectation that
children arrive at school on time and prepared to
As parents you are aware to be vigilant about your
child’s use of the
computer. Many of the
students are using
“ Facebook,” Text
messages, Hotmail,
MSN, and Blogs. It is
important that you be aware of the messages that
your child may be sending or receiving. Be aware of
what programs your child is using and with whom
your children are associating with at all times.
The St. Isaac Jogues School Website is up and
running for the 2014-2015 school year.!!! Thank you
to Mrs. Freitas and Mrs. Barbe for updating the site
with our newsletters, class announcements, Board
news etc. The website can be found at
As Principal, all teachers will send home the school
website address and all newsletters will posted
electronically at the start of every month. Only a
select number of hard copy newsletters will be
Due to the increased
enrolment at St. Isaac
Jogues, we know have
five buses picking up
and dropping off your
school age children. It
is VITALLY important that a parent, guardian or
caregiver is at the stop to meet their child. It can be
incredibly stressful for a young child to not have
someone there to greet them. All Bus Drivers are
instructed to return to the school, if a child is not met
by a parent, guardian or caregiver.
It is obvious that if a bus comes back to our school,
well after the school day that this can be an unsettling
situation for the child. PLEASE BE THERE TO
Textbooks are the property of the school and are
loaned out to students with the expectation that they
will be returned at the end of the school year in good
condition. The teachers keep a record of each
textbook that students are given. Please help to keep
our costs down by encouraging your student to take
proper care of them. There will be a replacement
cost to the student of the textbook is damaged, lost
or not returned at the end of the school year.
Mon. Oct. 5
Tues. Oct. 6
Tues. Oct. 6
Thurs.Oct. 8
Fri. Oct. 16
Fri. Oct. 23
Mon. Oct. 26
Wed. Oct. 28
Thurs. Oct. 29
Wed., Nov. 4
Rosary Apostolate begins
11:15 a.m. Spookathon Assembly
1pm QSP Magazines Assembly
Region of Peel visits Grade 2
Family Cross Country
Grade 2- Kortright Centre
Picture Retake Day
Spookathon—details to follow
Haunted House
Grade 8’s to D’Youville S.S.