St. Joseph Secondary School Newsletter - November 2013

Purple & Proud
November 2013
Jeffrey Quenneville
Sharon Bolger
Jennifer Meier
Paul Nalli
David Amaral
Peter Ferreira
St. Joseph
Fr. Marc-André Campbell
Tel: 905.826.2766
Principal's Message
Spread love everywhere you go.
Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.
– Blessed Mother Teresa
As we enter our second month of the school year, I look back on the first four weeks
with a big grin on my face. This is a GREAT school and I thank you for giving us your
children and partnering with us as we work together to mold them into the adults we
know they have the potential to be. The Holy Spirit is truly alive in our building and
showering us with His Grace each and every day here at St. Joe’s!
So much has already happened since the first day of school. We have had our
grade-level assemblies; our year-opening pilgrimages for Mass at St. Joseph
Parish; a once-again highly successful Terry Fox Day and a fantastic Grade 9 Spirit
Fest, where we placed our awesome Grade 9s “front and centre” for the entire day.
In addition, several sports teams have started their seasons and more than a dozen
clubs have already kicked off their activities for the year. In the classrooms, additional
“tech tools” such as SMART Boards, 50” LCD displays and desktop computers
were installed over the summer months. Thanks to our teachers embracing
21st century learning skills and being trained in strategies such as e-learning, blended
learning and the use of education-based websites, our students are being increasingly
immersed in a state-of-art educational environment. To continue building this
capacity, the Dufferin-Peel Board has installed wi-fi technology in all its schools and
the St. Joe’s wi-fi network will be activated in the very near future.
Our pastoral theme for this year “Serving in the Love of Christ” echoes the sentiments of the quote from Blessed Mother Teresa. As it is our 20th Anniversary, the
community of St. Joseph will be spending our entire year celebrating our strong legacy
of service, of “spreading love” and continuing our mission to be servants of Christ and
messengers of the Gospels.
God Bless and let’s have a great year!
- Mr. Q
St. Joseph Secondary School
• 5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON L5V 2B9
Tel: 905.812.1376 • Fax: 905.812.0812 •
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
September 3, 2013
Dear Families:
Welcome back to what promises to be another exciting academic year
filled with opportunities for learning within the context of our Catholic Faith!
A special welcome to all of our students who may be joining our
Mississauga South Family of Schools, and, in particular, to our Junior
Kindergarten students who are beginning their journey in learning in their
Catholic School. It is my honour to have been called to serve this Family
of Schools as Superintendent. I wish to thank all of the Administrators,
teachers and Board Staff who have made me feel so welcome!
The Mississauga South Family of Schools is a very active and vibrant
Family of Schools where the love of Christ can be found in our hallways,
our classrooms and in our daily endeavors. Jesus is indeed the reason
for our schools; He is the unseen but ever present teacher in our classrooms. He is the model of our faculty and the inspiration of our students.
We will continue to celebrate the gift of Catholic Education this year within
the theme of Catholic Education Week, “Serving in the Love of Christ”.
The Family consists of 22 elementary schools and 4 secondary schools,
all of which are served by extremely dedicated Administrators, teachers
and support staff who put the needs of every child first and truly believe in
the potential of each and every child. Eight parishes support our schools’
liturgical plans, working in partnership with teachers and students to
provide spiritual nourishment and development of our students and their
teachers. Furthermore, our school communities are privileged to be served
by 4 dedicated trustees: Mario Pascucci (Chair of the Board, Wards 1 and 3),
Sharon Hobin (Wards 2 and 8), Peter Ferreira (Wards 6 and 11) and
Bruno Iannicca (Ward 7), each of whom brings with them a wealth of
experience and a relentless passion for Catholic Education and the
success of all students.
The education of any child is indeed a co-operative endeavor. As parents,
you are requested to be part of your child’s education. Research has
indicated that there is indeed a correlation between parental involvement
and student learning, achievement and well being. You are encouraged to
ask questions about your child’s learning and to work collaboratively with
your child’s teacher and school to ensure that your child is receiving the
highest quality Catholic Education. For over 170 years, Catholic Schools
in Ontario have been producing quality young men and women … young
men and women who are not only solid academically but well rounded
citizens who have contributed positively to our society, both locally and on
a global scale. It is my hope that we all can reflect at what an awesome
opportunity we have been given in the ability to learn in a Catholic school
and to continue to advocate for this right.
I wish you, the families within the Mississauga South Family of Schools,
a very successful and productive year full of wonder and learning and
witnessing the love our Lord has for us. Our vocation in providing your
child with the highest quality Catholic Education is a privilege and one we
hold very dear; it is indeed a sacred trust.
David Amaral
Superintendent of Education
Mississauga South Family of Schools
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Message from the Trustee
As your Trustee, it gives me much pleasure to
welcome back all students, staff and parents
to another year at St. Joseph Secondary
School. A special welcome to those who are
new to our school community, may it be all
that you expect from a Catholic school. The
Dufferin-Peel Catholic School Board is a vibrant
part of this community and of our parishes,
and the preferred choice for parents and
supporters of Catholic education in our region.
We continue to be a Board that our community
can be proud of, as our successes mount
and our leadership in provincial initiatives
continues to be well-recognized and emulated.
Each of us contributes to the betterment of our
system and, consequently, to the improvement
and quality of experience for our students.
We are fortunate to welcome our returning staff
members. They have worked diligently over the
summer months setting up their classrooms
and programming for the new school year. As
we anticipate the successes of the year ahead,
we are reminded that each success will be the
result of the mutual support and respect we
as parents and educators show one another. It
is very important that the positive relationships
of the past continue throughout the upcoming
year. As our students mature, we are reminded
that their beliefs, ideals and sense of responsibility, friendship and family are constantly
challenged. The common language and
support we share as role models in their lives
will influence their values.
Our school community is strengthened through
our partnerships, none being more important
than our parish team and our School Council.
Our students respond respectfully and eagerly
to each faith and school initiative; this can only
be attributed to the values modeled by their parents. The staff of St. Joseph Secondary School
is committed to working with its partners to
continue to support each student in their quest
for knowledge, happiness and spiritual development. Together we are the sculptors.
I wish you all a successful 2013-2014 school
God Bless,
Peter Ferreira
Past Chair
Wards 6&11, DPCDSB
St. Joseph Secondary School
Music Students
64-)574November 28, 2013 7:30pm
Living Arts Centre
Tickets are available at
Featuring the vocal classes,
guitar classes and concert bands,
as well as our marching band
and jazz band!
$15.00 in advance
$20.00 day of concert
- “Serving in the Love of Christ”
Happy 20th St. Joseph C.S.S.! This year, we are
celebrating 20 years of celebrating in the love of
Christ. We will let the photos do the talking as
you read this wonderful newsletter!
As a faith community, we will focus our efforts
on serving the needs of the poor through our
various donation drives, fundraising efforts and
community outreach initiatives.
As a community in prayer, we will learn about
our “saint of the month” who through their life story
inspires our youth to seek Christ in the face of
the poor.
Enjoy the photos!
Archdiocese/Parish News
Ms. Pereira
Chaplaincy Leader
Congratulations Sebastian!
Sebastian Krzyczewski, who is an altar server
at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish, received the
Bishop’s Altar Server’s Award for Service in
October. Sebastian is also part of the liturgical
team at our school. He received a blessing and
was part of a special presentation along with
altar servers from other parishes in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
LIFE TEEN begins at St. Joseph Parish
This October, St. Joseph Parish kicked off its
first LIFE TEEN night bringing together young
people from Gr.9-12. We’ve had a coffee-house
showcasing the talents of our youth and a small
group sharing evening. Regular gatherings are
held every second and fourth Friday of the
month in the Parish Hall. To find out how to
become a part of LIFE TEEN, contact:
Ana Da Costa at the Parish
Walking the Talk in
Support of Cancer Research
Thank you to everyone for your help for
making this year’s Terry Fox Day a success.
Our school raised over $12,000.00
for the Terry Fox Foundation!
Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)
For those who are interested in learning more
about the Catholic Faith and are considering
Baptism or reception into the full communion
of the Catholic Church, RCIA classes are held
every Wednesday evening at 7:00 pm. Please
call St. Joseph Parish for more information
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Science News
Even though the autumn leaves are falling, and there is a
chill in the air, the temperature in the Science Department
keeps rising as our students juggle their busy schedules.
With only two months until the Christmas Break, it will be a
real race against the clock to get it all done!
The Senior Physicists are deep into their Mechanics Unit.
The Grade 11s are studying periodic motion, waves and
sound; they are currently making noise as they check the
speed of sound by amplifying tuning forks with cavity resonators. The Grade 12s, meanwhile, are just starting the
Energy and Momentum unit, and will soon be taking bets
as they sharpen their skills on the Pool Table labs.
Our Grade 9 Science Students have finished their Chemistry unit, and are studying Electricity and Biology. There
were fireworks in the Chemistry lab as the Grade 9s burned
magnesium and used Professor Hoffman’s apparatus to
electrify water into oxygen and explosive hydrogen gas.
When they get on to their Electricity Unit, they will be using
the Department’s Van der Graaf Generator to make their
own lightning bolts.
The Science Department is also partnering with the school’s
Community Outreach Group to organize a One Match Stem
Cell and Marrow Network Day at St. Joseph’s.
The Grade 10s have also just finished their Chemistry Unit.
Their studies include the four types of chemical reactions
(and the formulas for each one); in the lab, they have
been observing each type of reaction, from synthesis and
decomposition to single and double replacements.
On November 13, Canadian Blood Services and the
Outreach Group will be collecting cheek swabs in the Atrium
from our senior students (aged 17 and up), looking for a
suitable match for hundreds of Canadians suffering from a
variety of cancers and immune system disorders, including our own Cristina di Corte, who is looking for a suitable
bone marrow donor for her very rare disease. Even if you
can’t stop by to donate, you can help Cristina (and others
like her) by tweeting #HopeForCristina every Wednesday.
The Senior Chemists are also studying chemical reactions,
with an emphasis on combustion. Complete or Incomplete,
the Grade 11s have pulled out all the stops, even burning
innocent gummy bears to measure the energy locked up
in the chemical bonds that hold their sugar molecules
together. This incredibly strong reaction is the same
energy source that powers every type of animal, including
human beings.
The Grade 12 Chemistry Lab smells sweet this month! Now
that they have finished exploring the nature of the atom,
they have started Organic Chemistry. Now they are
making their own esters and perfumes and filling the
science lab hallways with their sweet, sticky scents.
Chanel Number 5, move over...
Two of our science teachers have recently had additions
to their families! Mr. Joseph Skrak became the proud father of Nikola Joseph (7 pounds, 8 ounces) on May 4; and
Mrs. Jodi Sampson gave birth to a 5 pound 9 ounce baby
girl, Isla Marielle, on August 9. The Science department
and our students wish the new Moms, Dads and the new
babies all the best!
Our Senior Biology students have also been quite busy
this month. Grade 11 biology teachers tell us that the
students “are creating babies in the class. The students
are simulating how babies get their traits from both their
mom and their dad. One partner acts as the mom and the
other acts as the dad. They soon find that most traits are
hereditary and that the traits a child expresses are
random, both from the mom and the dad.”
Meanwhile, the Grade 12 Biologists have been studying
cellular respiration by building their own glucose molecules.
Then they will be looking at their transformations inside
the cell as they release energy for the human body.
However, the Grade 12 AP Biology students have gone in
a different direction. These biologists are designing their
own research studies examining the variables that increase
the effectiveness of liver enzymes.
Senior Biology students will also be going on a field trip on
November 22 to the Anatomy Labs at Queen’s University
in Kingston. Here they will be examining human anatomy
and exploring the biological intricacies of our bodies.
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The Science Department is pleased to announce that one
of its teachers, Atef Makkar (Physics), has won one of the
2013 Toronto Star Teaching Awards. Now in its fifth year,
this Award is selected by parents, teachers and students,
and it recognizes excellence in teaching. Congratulations
to Mr. Makkar!
Good luck to all our students as they approach the
Midterms. We know you can do it, so hang in there!
“If a tree falls in the forest,
does it make a sound?”
Of course it does! We were there! On September 16th
our ACE program accompanied by Mr. Dovigo, Ms.
Lewis and Ms. Hoffmann braved elements of Algonquin
Park to embark on a 5 day hiking expedition.
Connecting with
First Nation’s Traditions
On October 18th, 2013, Mr. Balaura’s Grade 10 Phys. Ed
class and Mr. Robitaille’s A.C.E. class took advantage of
the opportunity to integrate curriculum and learn about the
First Nation’s game of lacrosse. The students were treated
to a number of demonstrations and other games related to
the First Nation’s People. The teachers and students would
like to extend their sincere thanks to Kevin Sandy and
Christina Bomberry of the Six Nations Lacrosse program
for not only their expertise within the game of lacrosse, but
also for sharing some of their personal stories.
There were many lessons learned on our trip:
• Enduring nighttime temperature of
– 2 degrees Celsius – when you have
never camped before,
• hauling a 50 pound pack around
on your back – when you have
never camped before,
• putting away your GORP- or risk
fattening up that dastardly chipmunk,
• gathering enough dry firewood
- to cook on an open fire and
to be warm at night,
• hanging the food pack
– to keep the bears at bay, and
• re-hanging the food pack in the dark
because you forgot to put your
tooth paste away.
The students and teachers alike were awed by the
plethora of stars, the Milky Way and the passing
satellites lighting up the night skies. This setting made
for the perfect atmosphere for story telling around a
blazing bonfire. The days were filled with lessons
learned, breathtaking beauty, and the sound of the
crunching leaves beneath our feet that melded together
with the fall colours making our experience complete.
Mr. Robitaille would like to than the above mentioned
teachers for lending a hand throughout the week.
Congratulations to all of the A.C.E. students for
leaving their comforts of home to adapt to
the great outdoors.
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EQAO Math Results
EQAO Literacy Test Results
We are delighted to report that 92% of our students
in Grade 9 Academic Mathematics last year scored
at or above the provincial standard (Levels 3 and 4)
on the EQAO Math Test. This success rate is higher
than our Board and provincial results.
We have some very good news about our EQAO Literacy Test
results! Congratulations to all students who wrote the test.
Your hard work and efforts were fruitful.
47% of students in our Grade 9 Applied Level course
were at or above the provincial standard. Although
this score is somewhat lower than the previous two
years, the percentage of students who attained Level
2 increased significantly.
Thank you to Department Head Joe Spano and
the St. Joseph Math Department members. This
dynamic group continues to lead the way in implementation of the following initiatives:
a) TIPS4RM in the Grade 9 Applied Math
b) Interactive whiteboard software development
c) SRS (clickers) for assessment of
student learning
d) Desire 2 Learn platform and other
web-based resources
e) collaborative practice
f) inquiry learning.
Last year, the St. Joseph SS Math Department ran
a successful pilot which involved incorporating
assessment of the Grade 9 EQAO Math Test as part
of the formal assessment of learning for students in
the Applied Level Program. This project reduced the
number of assessments at the end of the course.
Students’ anxiety appeared to reduce and the
method was judged to be an effective indicator of
the successful attainment of Ministry, Board and
course expectations.
Way to go Jags!
88% of our First Time Eligible Students were successful in the
Grade 10 literacy test written in May 2013. This is an increase
of 2% over our previous three year 86% success rate, of which
we were already proud.
Thank you to all classroom teachers who work daily to support
our literacy goals for students. We appreciate all your hard
work overseeing students’ writing of the test. Thank you to the
department literacy representatives who provide consultation
and information to their department members.
Special thank you to Ms. Locicero, who is realizing the fruits of
her labours, and to Mrs. Romeo who co-chaired our EQAO
Team last year.
Many thanks to Mrs. Schramm and the members of the
Academic Resource Department for their superb efforts in
ensuring that our students with special education needs were
well prepared to utilize assistive technology in addition to the
on-going literacy support they provide. 53% of our first time
eligible students with special education needs were successful and have outperformed those at the provincial and board
Our English Language Learners are often deferred when they
are first eligible to write in order to become proficient in
English. We are pleased to announce that 38% of our previously eligible ELL students were successful. This rate is higher
than the board and provincial success rate for this group. Our
deferral rate was lower than the board and provincial rate.
Thank you to Ms. Moser and Ms. Taddeo and all those
associated with our ELL programs. Our additional efforts in
programing for this group last year appear to have supported
success for our ELL students.
Way to go Jags!
Keep Your Contact Information Current!
Please ensure that our school records are up-to-date and accurate.
Call the school to change your address and phone numbers as soon as there is a change.
Maintain You Medical Records as Well!
Have there been any changes in your son or daughter’s health information?
Has your son or daughter been prescribed an EpiPen? Be sure to update your
records at school so we can keep our students safe.
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“The Power of Me”
- Grade 9 Girls’ Night In
Not your typical girls get together. We prayed and discovered
our God-given gifts in the mirror, we ate a nutritious meal, we
danced until we were out of breath. We discovered our creative side as we created “St. Joe’s” original creations and showed
them off on the runway. Finally, we talked about how to create
the future we want and deserve through positive self talk and
creating a “Believe In Your Dreams” plaque. What a great
evening of laughter, fun and bonding – the girls LOVED IT!
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
40 Matheson Blvd. West, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1C5 • Tel: (905) 890-1221 • Fax: (905) 890-7610
September 3, 2013
Dear Parents/Guardians
Like you, we want our students to experience success. Our shared focus is on student well being and achievement. If a student is facing challenges
at home or school, or is unsafe, it influences how they learn, grow and interact with others. Our goal is to help our students and to ensure their
safety. We take a team approach at the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and we have a number of resources within our schools and
within the community to help families.
One of the organizations we collabrate with is Peel's Children's Aid Society whose role is to support and help strengthen families so children are safe
and well. Last year, Peel CAS worked with approximately 10,000 families. For those who live in Dufferin County, another agency we partner with is
the Dufferin Child and Family Services, in Orangeville, who also work to keep children and/or families safe.
Because of their relationship with children and youth, school staff may become aware of students who might be experiencing difficulties. When this
occurs, resources and the resources of partners like Peel Children's Aid are called upon to help resolve the concern or issues. Under the Child and
Family Services Act (2000), every person within our school board who has reason to believe that a child is or may be abused or neglected must
report his/her suspicions directly to the Children's Aid Society. Information about the concern must be shared with them so that Children's Aid can
learn more about what is happening and work with the families to develop solutions.
It is not the school's responsibility to investigate, evaluate or assign blame.
Keeping children safe is a shared responsibility – parents/guardians, schools, police, Children's Aid Societies and all members of our community.
Within our Catholic Community, Culture and Caring we support well being and achievement of all students, including those who are in the care of
the Children's Aid societies. It is our sacred trust to ensure your child/children's safety and well being.
S. Kendrick
Superintendent, Special Education and Support Services
G. Carley, MSW, RSW
Chief Social Worker
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Senior Boys Volleyball Team
This year, the Senior Boys’ Volleyball Team has had a
successful season thus far. Along with five regular season games, the team has also participated in three senior boys’ volleyball tournaments (St.Roch S.S, Turner
Fenton S.S, and Brampton Centennial S.S.). The Jaguars captured the championship at the Turner Fenton
S.S Flight B match defeating St. Edmund Campion S.S.
Go Jags! This year’s Senior Boys Volleyball team is:
David Ardell
Michael Cairns
Kevin Churchill
Steven de Sousa
David El Sabawy
Craig Fernandes
Steven Hoff
Joshua King
Richard Lam
Michael Lipa
Ryan Obeyeskere
Courtney Park
Gurjant Singh
Oleg Telishchuk
Wesley Fabroa, and
Lucas Glowacki.
Wesley and Lucas have proven to be great captains for
the Jaguars. They were also nominated as Jaguars of
the Week for their skills and leadership. Thank you boys!
There are a number of graduating players on this year’s
team that deserve honourable mention and wished the
best of luck after the season. They are: David Ardell,
Steven de Sousa, Wesley Fabroa, Craig Fernandes,
Lucas Glowacki, Steven Hoff, Richard Lam, Michael Lipa,
Courtney Park, Gurjant Singh and Oleg Telishchuk. Go
Jags Go!
Coaches: Mr. Hunt & Mrs. McCann
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