St. Joseph Secondary School Newsletter - February 2014

Purple & Proud
February 2014
Jeffrey Quenneville
Sharon Bolger
Jennifer Meier
Paul Nalli
David Amaral
Peter Ferreira
St. Joseph
Fr. Marc-André Campbell
Tel: 905.826.2766
Principal's Message
It is unbelievable to think we have reached the end of the semester already! It has
been an eventful and fruitful time since September, as we journey through our 20th
Anniversary year, with many exciting developments here at St. Joe’s.
So far in this milestone year, we have lived out our Catholic faith commitment to be
people of charity and service in many ways. Staff and students came together to raise
over $12,000 for the Canadian Cancer Society on yet another successful Terry Fox Day!
In addition to these monetary donations, St. Joseph family members have spent time
working with charitable organizations such as Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children
and helping the St. Vincent De Paul Society, as we do every year, by filling Christmas
baskets for needy families in our area. On a new front, our Visual Arts and ACE classes
gave their time and talents to paint Rink huts for the City of Mississauga to use at outdoor
rinks. As a Catholic community, we are truly living our Faith! As Blessed Mother Teresa
of Calcutta said, “It is not what we do, but how much love we put in the doing.”
Our amazing staff have continued their journey as a professional learning community,
growing in their ability to provide excellence in Catholic education. We are striving to
increase our levels collaborative inquiry – the process whereby we, as educators, put
our collective “heads together” to answer a very important question: “What can we do
to make our school better?” By gathering data, examining our current practices and
constantly measuring success, we are able to travel a road of continuous improvement
together to ensure that St. Joseph is the best place for your son or daughter to grow
intellectually, socially and spiritually in the time they are with us. As Principal, I want to
thank my staff for their on-going commitment to student success and to making St. Joe’s
the best place it can be for all our kids!
Perhaps the most exciting news that we have received as a school community this
semester came in late November when the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
chose St. Joseph’s as the Regional Advanced Placement program provider for
Mississauga. Building on the AP courses we are already offering, we will join St. Edmund
Campion (Regional AP Provider for Brampton) in offering a comprehensive AP program,
spanning Grades 9 through 12, open to all residents of Mississauga who are highly
motivated, high-academic achievers.
The AP Program is an internationally recognized four-year high school program
following a curriculum established by the College Board. This curriculum provides an
enriched and accelerated learning environment leading to the possibility of earning
University credits while still in high school! The flexibility of the program allows students
to choose their areas of specialization and customize the program to suit their needs.
We are thrilled to provide this program at St. Joe’s!
Go Jags!
- Mr. Q
St. Joseph Secondary School
• 5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON L5V 2B9
Tel: 905.812.1376 • Fax: 905.812.0812 •
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Night of Original Works
This past December, Mr. Kelleher’s Grade 12 Dramatic Arts class performed at the
10th annual Night of Original Works. This event is the culminating performance
task for students who have been involved in drama throughout their high school
career. This performance is not just an assignment but rather a life changing event
that students diligently work on over a five week period. These talented students
were responsible for writing, directing, producing and starring in their very own original One-Act play to a live audience of nearly 200 people. The first show was a
comedic piece entitled, The Audition, a story of bullying, a lockdown, fake friendships and the importance of believing in
yourself. This show was created by and starred Abegail Burdeos, Rhea Sabharwal and Kristen Silvestri. The final
show of the night was a dramedy entitled The Session, a show that took audience members on a rollercoaster ride of
mental illness, tragedy and family values. This show was created by and starred Fatima Butt, Kelsey Fernandes and
Stephanie Leite. Audience members were stunned at the talent, commitment and dedication of these fine actors. It was
an inspiring and creative night that was a wonderful way for these senior drama students to end their Dramatic Arts class
Remembrance Day
This past November, in order to honour the men and women who fight for our freedom and freedom across the world, the
Performing Arts students joined together and staged a very moving Remembrance Day performance. Mr. Kelleher’s
Drama Club teamed up with Ms. Morrison’s Vocal Class to musically demonstrate the impact that war has on not only
soldiers, but also their families. The students on stage could not have performed without the musical accompaniment of
Mr. Lamarche’s Jazz Band, who eloquently set the tone of the entire performance. The key aspect of the performance
was to show that, regardless of religious or political beliefs, people all over the world are equal and should be treated as
such. This message was clear as the students sang:
“We’re one, but we’re not the same, We get to, Carry each other, Carry each other, One...”
This was another extraordinary example of using the Performing Arts
to teach, entertain and most importantly,
instill empathy in our Catholic school community.
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San Francisco Trip
May 15 to May 19, 2014
OneMatch Clinic
at St. Joseph’s
We are planning a fantastic trip to San Francisco and the
The Bay area for the May long weekend. We will be seeing all
the sights of The City By the Bay including: The Golden Gate
Bridge, Fisherman’s Wharf, Alcatraz, Lombard Street “the
crookedest street in the world”, Monterey Bay Aquarium, and
the Santa Cruz Pier Fair.
It’s not too late to join us. Please see Mrs. Price or Mrs. Neal
in the Social Science office (Room #316) for more details.
We will be blogging about our adventures! There will be a link
on our school website so you can follow along with us in May.
Remembrance Day Assemblies
On November 11, 2013 the St. Joseph C.S.S. community
gathered for our annual Remembrance Day Assemblies.
This year, former St. Joseph student, Master Corporal Karl
Firstenhaupt of the Canadian Armed Forces, joined the
ceremonies and described why soldiers give the ultimate
sacrifice for their countries. Also special guest, RCMP
Sergeant Darrel Nay, was present and along side Master
Corporal Firstenhaupt laid the wreath during a moment of
Several teachers worked on producing this year's three
ceremonies. Drama teacher, Mr. Kelleher, and the drama
students created a beautiful dramatic work showcasing
the sacrifice and horror of war. Entrance music, the
playing of “The Last Post” and singing of “O Canada”
was orchestrated by music teachers Ms. Morrison and
Mr. Lamarche. Vice Principal’s Ms. Bolger and Ms. Meier,
and Religion Department Head Ms. Pianta read moving
closing prayers and reflections. Social Science teachers
Mr. Carraro, Mr. Cescolini and Ms. Neal emceed the event,
displayed a slide show and Veteran’s Affairs Video, and
coordinated the day’s event.
On Wednesday, November 13, the Community
Outreach Group ran a OneMatch Stem Cell Clinic in
the School’s Atrium. OneMatch is a division of Canadian Blood Services; their mission is to collect DNA
swabs from as many Canadians as possible, in the
hopes of finding DNA “matches” for several hundred
Canadians suffering from various diseases, including
leukemia, lymphoma, and other cancers.
Cristina da Corte, a former St. Joseph’s alumnus who
is herself in need of a stem cell match, joined the
Outreach Group for their training. She shared her
inspiring story with the Outreach Team, and took part
in the OneMatch clinic the following day.
Dozens of Outreach members volunteered their time
from 9AM to 2PM by signing up donors, assisting with
cheek swabs, and so much more. DNA donors aged
17-35 are needed, so many of our Grade 12s volunteered for the cause, along with some teachers. Over
a hundred precious DNA donations were collected.
Should you wish to participate in this very worthy cause,
sign up at, and a cheek swab DNA kit
will be sent to your home with instructions. On behalf
of the hundreds of Canadians desperately waiting for
the stem cells that can save their lives, the Outreach
Group would like to thank you for answering the call.
Outreach group leaders Elizabeth Mota-Kenney,
Cynthia Rawn-Kane and Julian Smith, and
Chaplaincy leader Dee Pereira, would like to thank the
dozens of students who gave of their time to make this
event a success. We are looking forward to holding
another “Mini-Swab” OneMatch event next term.
Why not drop by the School and make your donation?
It’s easy, painless and free. Remember ... you can be
the one match that saves a life!
The student body was moved by the images, sights, and
sounds of the ceremonies and were able to reflect on
Canada’s involvement in various conflicts from the War of
1812, to present day Afghanistan.
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Awards Night
Follow Us
On Twitter
On October 24th, the St. Joseph Secondary School Community celebrated the academic
achievements of our students for 2012/13. The following students were recognized for
their outstanding accomplishments:
Business Studies, Careers and Cooperative Education Department: John Vairo, Caitlin
Randria, Julia Perlotto (2), Antonio Marasigan, Justin Fernandes, Curtis Menon,
Emily Ngo, Andrea Amores, Aly Balbaa, Christine Le, Dhwani Agrawal, Steven
DeSoua, Ranvir Chaudhari, John Martin, Barrington Sherman Jr., Cassie Fast, Giselle
Laurino, Julian Simone, Sandra Kaldas, Charlene Fenech, Simmy Rehal.
English Department: John Vairo, Julianna Marcantonio, Vanessa Gregoris, Julia
Perlotto, Antonio Malatesta, Shanice Wynter, Jonathan Panuelos, Arjanveer Singh,
Ashley Patag.
Health and Physical Education: Nikki Agostino, Monika Roska, Jonathan Sivakumar,
Kaitlyn Ferreira, Nicole Smiciklas, Brice Cardozo, Ranvir Chaudhari, Mark Henderson,
David Hoang, Tyler Quintanilha, Ashely Patag, Paul Allen Pancho, Vednansh
Bharadwaj, Richard Lam, Jobunpreet Bhardwaj, Dilu Seneviratne, Nilu Seneviratne,
Brian Randria.
Mathematics Department:
Kyle Fernandez, Denilson Rojas, Selver Butros,
Renee Johnson Lyons, Bavly Fahmy, Patrick Aleman, Sabrina Fernandes, Lindsay
Soares-Aires, George Padgeigis, Christine Williams, Jon Capitanea, Sara DiMichelle,
Craig Fernandes.
Modern Languages and English as a Second Language: Megan Dinis, Francisco
Mendina, Amina Almawlawi, George Padeigis, Julia Perlotto, Daniela Natale, Ruth
Kumkum (2), Sandra Mina, Silver Butrus, Marina DePaula, Minjue Shao, Mirai Ayoub,
Wesley Fabroa.
Religion Department: Melissa Paras, Natalie Scola, Mirai Ayoub, Jon Capitanea,
Craig Fernandes, Michael Bandiera.
Science Department: Angela Paredes, Juliana Marcantonio, Renee Johnson-Lyons,
Sarah Dri, Cinde Tran, George Padeigis, Julia Perlotto, Linday Soares-Aires,
Shannon Fenech, Priscilla Valentino, Jonathan Panuelos (2), Craig Fernandes.
Social Science and Humanities: Alexandra Lavery, Kevin Araujo, Cinde Tran, Cindy
Tran, Julia Perlotto, Jordan McFoy, Antonio Malatesta, George Padeigis, Leanne
Baird, Zaakirah Karbary, Khushmanjot Pamma, Jonathan Panuelos, Karen D’Souza,
Ruth Kumkum.
Academic Resource: Isabella Suppa, Michael Peixoto, Roma Mazhar.
Technology and Computers: Bavly Fahmy, Daria Tomczyk, Baltej Panesar, Melissa
Amorim, Antonio Malatesta, Vanessa Ruscetta, Marian Daniel, Mark DiGiacomo,
Nicole Smiciklas, Stephanie Leite (2), Lucas Glowacki, Doton Espinas, Arnalld
Kurusumuthu, Jehnae Davis, Nilu Seneviratne, Jonathan Panuelos, Andre De
Guzman, Jordan Simoes, Maricriz Rodriguez, Bjorn Hanks.
Visual and Performing Arts: Alana Barone, Laura Dragicevic, Francesco Pisani,
Thomas McCready, Lena Nguyen, Denise Hernandez, Brianne Bokla, Micala Cassano,
Kaitlyn Ferreira, Hashim Al-Hashmi, Robert Bortolus, Arman Syed, Janelle Demello
(2), Kiara Dumpit, Rachel Alessio, Fatima Butt, Edan DeSouza, Jae Mejia, Avjanveer
Singh, Ivana Radman, Dhwani Agrawal, Khushmanjot Pamma.
Several special recognition awards were presented to conclude the evening. This included The Streetsville Musicorp Awards, which are presented to the student in each
grade level of instrumental music demonstrating excellence and commitment to extracurricular music activities: for grade nine, Fady Felobos; grade ten, Janelle Demello;
and grade 11, Brian Randria.
The Trustee Award was presented to Michael Vairo for earning the highest academic
average in grade nine; the Joe Hugel Award was presented to Julia Perlotto for earning
the highest academic average in grade 10; and the Superintendent’s Award was
presented to Jonathan Panuelos for earning the highest academic average in grade 11.
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Breakfast of Champions
Dallas Adome
Darlington Adome
Gloria Aires
David Ardell
Aquan Barrett
Brigette Bartolome
Shenelle Beharry
Denise Bermejo
Alana Breen
Jovan Burgess
Ana-Maria Calixto
Micala Cassano
Kelvin Cheng
Kaleigh Coffey
Jonathan Constandimou
Calvin Coward
Karen D’souza
Christina De Chellis
Matthew Dombrady
Reem Elmahdy
Viktoria Eres
Desiree Falcao
Cris Felgas
Antonio Fernandes
Marim Gergees
Sade Gibbs
Ahmad Jabr
Salaha Javed
Joseph Keliny
Tyson Le
Jake Linhares
Lobo Durwin
Renee Lopez
Mark Macayan
Antonio Malatesta
Dominic Marc
Nikole Marchand
Edem Mantet-Bonsrah
Maelynne Medina
Mina Mounir
Monica Monsour
Caroline Murray
Daniella Natale
Ishtar Oraha
Manvir Panesar
Ashley Patag
Eric Penny
Francesco Pisani
Jenna Piitz
Jesse Ponte
Trelawny Reid
Kayla Rodrigues
Justin Roska
Rose Schrader
Meray Sedak
Raya Sharma
Joyce Siu
Sidonie Smalling
Wilson To
Daria Tomczyk
Jalyn Trinidad
Daniella Valencia
Ethan Villanueva
Breakfast of Champions
Students nominated for the Breakfast of Champions are individuals who have demonstrated a positive attitude and outstanding effort in the classroom this semester. Students
considered for nomination are not necessarily the top academic students in the class.
These students have added to the life of the class by their positive attitude.
Congratulations for your efforts and continue the outstanding work that has resulted in
your nomination for the Breakfast of Champions.
2014 Black History Month Events
Event Name:
“Black History
is Our History”
February 3rd
Speaker Nicolle La Rain focuses on the root
of racism, the celebration of similarities and
differences, while challenging students to
live out the dream of Martin Luther King Jr.
“Beneath Springhill:
The Maurice Ruddick
February 11th
This 45 minute musical chronicles the life of
Maurice Ruddick, an African Canadian who
survived the historic mining disaster in Springhill,
Nova Scotia in 1958.
Speakers Corner
February 27th
During all 3 lunches students will have the
opportunity to celebrate Black History Month
by sharing their thoughts through inspirational
quotes, music and poetry.
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Grade 9 Information Night: Tuesday November 26th
The St. Joes Grade 9 Information Night was a resounding success and was well attended by our community! Our school
came alive with participation from all departments who informed parents and students about our programs as well as the
innovative programs that we offer. Link Crew Ambassadors provided tours of our school while music played in the atrium
and our school mascot was busy taking pictures with prospective students. We are proud of our school community and
it showed! Thank you to all who participated in this event.
“The Power of Me” - Grade 9 Girls’ Night In
Not your typical girls get together. We prayed and discovered our God-given gifts in the mirror, we ate a nutritious meal
and we danced until we were out of breath. We discovered our creative side as we created “St. Joe’s” original creations
and showed them off on the runway. Finally, we talked about how to create the future we want and deserve through
positive self talk and creating a “Believe In Your Dreams” plaque. What a great evening of laughter, fun and bonding –
the girls LOVED IT!
University & College Fair – November 7th, 2013
A full house; the building was buzzing with our senior level students and their parents as they perused 40 booths
covering Ontario universities, colleges and private sector schools. Information was gathered through discussions with
the reps, materials passed out and presentations. Definitely an informative and worthwhile event!
Cookies and Cram: Helping
Gr. 9 & Gr. 10 students with
Exam Preparations!
On January 13 and January 15, the Link Crew
Ambassadors and Student Success championed
the 2nd Annual Cookies and Cram event. The
turnout exceeded our expectations with over 220
Grade 9 and Grade 10 students showing up over
the two-day event.
What is Cookies and Cram?
Cookies and Cram is a way for Grade 9 and
Grade 10 students to kick-start their exam preparations by getting together with other like-minded
students in a relaxed and comfortable environment while enjoying some cookies and hot
chocolate. By making exam preparation more
enjoyable (less intimidating), students will start
preparing earlier, smarter, and gain confidence
that is important for their growth and development. With staff tutors and senior peer tutors
available after-school, students were able to
access the expertise they needed.
On behalf of the Link Crew Ambassadors and
Student Success, we wish the Grade 9 and Grade
10 students the best of luck on their exams.
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Culture Shock 2013
On November 21, 2013, St. Joseph Catholic Secondary
School’s annual multicultural event, Culture Shock, was held
in the school’s cafetorium. It was a phenomenal evening!
Every year, the program is augmented to represent our
schools’ goals and values. In the seven weeks prior to the
celebration, teacher supervisors oversaw student leaders
who worked collaboratively with their teams of students in
the creative design and production of their pavilions. Some
of the individual pavilion groups were themselves
multicultural, which was a wonderful testimony to the
inclusivity we cherish at St. Joseph’s. Students spent many
hours creating large decorative artistic banners, educational
posters and videos, artwork and artifacts to be displayed
for the public. Students wrote literary reflections about
Saints from their countries of origin that were read during
morning and afternoon announcements. Each day leading
up to the big night, The Lord’s Prayer was recited in the
many languages of our student body. Participating students
who worked diligently outside of school hours accumulated
community service credit for their efforts. Students created
and displayed posters throughout the school marketing
different characteristics of their country's pavilion. Our
guests savored the plethora of traditional ethnic foods
provided by students. The greatest accomplishment was
the stage show during which students adorned in their
ethnic attire presented the cultural dances and songs they
had rehearsed and mastered. The flags of many countries
were included in our colourful opening and closing
ceremonies. After seven weeks of planning and
organizing, families, members of the community, students
and staff were ecstatic with the celebration of St. Joseph’s
greatest asset – our diversity.
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Thank you to Alessya Pulera, Anne Marie Wasilewski and Julia Perlotto.
The dedicated art students designed the buttons to promote “St. Joseph
20 Year Serving in Christ” and “Ask me why St. Joe’s is Awesome”. Alessya’s
technical knowledge of design and Photoshop as well as the designing
skills of Anne Marie and Julia helped to get this project completed within a
very tight schedule.
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Thanks to all who participated in our Art Battle.
Together we raised over $300 towards our Cathy Parker Award.
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PATH Students Have a Busy Semester
The St. Joseph S.S. PATH (Peer As Teacher Helpers)
Program is a unique one credit co-op program for students
interested in exploring the teaching profession or for students
looking for a leadership experience. PATH students, who are
in grade 12 are placed in a grade nine or 10 classes and aid
the teacher in delivering curriculum for an entire semester.
PATH students actually begin their semester the week before
classes begin. In order to be ready for the first day of school,
PATH students participate in a two-day workshop in August.
On Friday September 13th, students from the PATH program
attended a one-day retreat at the beautiful Silvercreek
Outdoor Education Centre. Throughout the day, the students
participated in leadership activities, self exploration, and
activities which explored their spirituality. The day was an
excellent opportunity to bond and develop spiritually and was
a positive experience for all involved.
These same students also received specific training on high-yield strategies for improving literacy skills, guided practice
and the 3 part lesson model. The workshop delivered by Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Literacy Consultants Chris Clarke and Audrey Alvaro is the same workshop provided for teachers within our school board. The PATH
students impressed the Literacy Consultants with their enthusiasm, insights, and the teaching experience they have
already acquired.
The PATH class rounded out the semester by hosting a PATH Portfolio Open House. This event was very well attended
and a huge success.
Congratulations to the PATH students this semester for providing leadership both in and out of your respective classrooms.
This semester’s PATH students are: Julianne Aguilar, Azmat Alvi, Devon Asantie-Yeboah, Chantel Asiedu, Philip
Ayala, Mahnoor Ayyaz, Anees Bajwa, Clarisse Balatbat, Jason Balaci, Patrick Bogdziewicz, Sara Bendzel, Caitlind
Boulos, Paulina Bucao, Abby Burdeos, Christian Burzese, Ana-Maria Calixto, Jehnae Davis, Christina DeCiantis,
Sara DiMichele, Cassie Fast, Sara Fernandes, Lucas Glowacki, Yostina Kostantine, Sasha Kotyck,Jenny Lavery,
Stephanie Leite, Andrew MacIsaac, Antonio Marasigan, Michael Marsala,Joseph Martinez-Neme, Rikza Mazhar,
Daniel Medeiros, Sandra Mina, Alexa Neves-Hua, Jessica
Social Science News:
Grade 9 Geography Classes visit Niagara Falls
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On October 4th, all semester one Grade 9 Geography classes traveled
to Niagara Falls to study the Great Lakes-St Lawrence land formation.
Students rode on the Maid of the Mist and watched a movie at the IMAX
Theatre detailing the history of the Falls. Students learned about the
myths and legends behind the surrounding ecosystem and the aboriginal
communities that lived in the area. Watching the enormity of the water
body itself demonstrated to students the vastness of the Niagara River
and the Horseshoe formation making up the Falls. It was a great day
enjoyed by all classes!
Social Science News:
Grade 12 Geography
Field Trip to
Andrews Scenic Acres
On October 23rd, Mrs. Cipriano’s and Mr.
Cescolini’s Geography classes travelled to
Andrews Scenic Acres, a farm in Milton where
students had the opportunity to learn about
how a local farm uses renewable technology.
The farm has three large solar panels used
to power agricultural production! Students
learned about the operation of the farm and
its use of organic processes. Classes braved
a chilly day outside and went on a wagon ride,
picked pumpkins, had a wonderful outdoor
barbeque and even went on a tour of the
Haunted Forest! Stay Green St. Joe’s!
ACE Integrates Local History
and First Nations Art
This year, the ACE Program was given a unique opportunity to try
their hand at First Nation’s art. In conjunction with the City of
Mississauga, the students were asked to paint a mural on an ice
shed that is being used at Bidwell Common Park, close to the Credit
River. Students had to research possible designs that represented
a theme for that area, and then collaborate on a plan that would
incorporate all four sides of the shed walls into a single mural that
wrapped around the building. A theme that depicted trading and life
along the Credit River for the First Nations People was chosen. Over
the next couple of weeks, the students worked hard at designing
and painting while they watched their creativity come to fruition.
Congratulations to the ACE students for a job well done!
Aboriginal Presentation
On November 25, a representative from the Peel
Aboriginal Network, PAN, came to St. Joseph
C.S.S. and spoke to the Social Science classes
including all grade nine academic and applied
Geography classes, grade ten History and grade
Twelve Canadian and World Issues classes.
In her presentation, she discussed traditional
aboriginal culture, foods, customs and beliefs.
She also discussed the difficulties aboriginals had
experienced including residential schools, living
conditions of some reserves and assimilation
She then spoke to the Federal Government’s apology made to
aboriginals across Canada and current initiatives being developed
to tell the various aboriginal stories and educate Canadians on their
struggles, successes and current way of life.
Students and staff were deeply moved by the presentation and made
a commitment to have continual relations with the group.
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Ontario Superior Court Trip
Our Grade 11 Law students travelled to
Ontario Superior Court in Toronto this semester.
Students were able to see our justice system
in action as they observed real cases.
Students then put their knowledge of trial procedure to work
by completing their very own Mock Trials. Each student in class
participated with a role as either a Defense Attorney, Crown Attorney,
Witness, Police Officer or the Accused.
St. Joseph Ontario Ecoschools Certification
The Ontario Ecoschools initiative has been very successful for the
past several years, and St. Joseph continues to participate in events
and initiate exciting change. Ms. Cipriano’s Gr. 12 Environmental
Resource Management class (CGR 4M1) continues to use USB flash
drives to receive and submit assignments. This contributes to energy
savings and paper savings! St. Joe’s also participated in a waste
audit, where students calculated the amount of waste produced in
one school day, and determined the amount of waste diverted from
the landfill.
The Green team is working on many exciting initiatives. This includes
“Buy Nothing Day”, where students raised awareness about
consumerism. Also, every month all classes are invited to participate
in our community clean up, where students go outside to pick up litter
around the school and park. St. Joe’s adopted Marc Diab park and
that remains the focus of our clean ups!
Our PIP class continues to help St. Joe’s with recycling. Thanks you
so much to Ms. Petersons and Ms. DiGennaro and her wonderful class
of students. They help contribute to the community and are true
examples of our Green Team motto “Think, Act and Live Green!”
Thank you to all members of the community for participating in
both St. Joe’s Earth Hour, Trashless Tuesdays and the monthly
Community Cleanup, and for your continued support
to the Green program at St. Joe’s!
Semester 2 at St. Joe’s is promising
to be very exciting! There will be many
other “Green” activities during
Earth week, and students are
planning a new quiet area in the
Peace Garden to relax
in the shade once the
hot days arrive!
Stay Green St. Joe’s!
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Buy Nothing Day 2013
On December 10th, The Green Team
hosted “Buy Nothing Day”. Officially, Buy
Nothing Day (BND) is an international day
of protest against consumerism. The first
Buy Nothing Day was organized in Canada
in September 1992 as a day for society to
examine the issue of over-consumption.
The St. Joseph Green Team organized the
amazing in school “thrift shop” and it was a
huge success! Leading up to the event,
staff and students were invited to bring
in gently used items to trade on BND.
Students used tickets earned in class to
“pop tags” on donated items. Great work
Green Team – continue to send these
important messages to our community!
CSI Comes to St. Joseph
St. Joseph’s Law classes attended an interactive workshop with Wade Knaap, a former
Toronto Police Forensic Science investigator who is a current Lecturer of Forensic
Science at the University of Toronto. Mr. Knaap and his graduate student, Jessica,
conducted experiments with the students to demonstrate how investigators can obtain fingerprints from different objects and lift footprints from surfaces. Students learned
about a variety of techniques used by investigators and how forensic science has
become an integral part of our Criminal Justice system.
Grade 10 Civics Trip to Queens Park
On Monday December 16, 2013, several Grade Ten Civics classes travelled to Queens Park. Here the students were
treated to a tour of the legislative building, discussed how Provincial parliament operates, and discovered the history
behind our government. The tour was very informative and encouraged students to become active citizens.
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Science Department Anatomy Trip
On Friday, November 22nd, students and teachers from the St.
Joseph Science Department made the two hour drive to Kingston,
Ontario to visit the Anatomy Lab at Queen’s University. The 84
students on the trip participated in a unique program offered by
the Department of Anatomy within the University’s prestigious
School of Medicine. This program gave the students the chance
to learn anatomy through the direct handling and examination of
real human cadavers. The trip was an invaluable experience for
our students considering a future career in the fields of health and
Canadian Heritage
Warplane Museum Trip
This semester our Grade 10 History students
travelled the Canadian Heritage Warplane
Museum in Hamilton to partake in their World
War 2 and beyond program.
This interactive
Our students dressed up as
program allowed a WW2 Bren Gun Girl and
students to see
WW2 Fighter Pilot.
real planes used
in World War 2
and listen to
stories about
the war both
overseas and
on the
This was
an amazing
for students to
see history
come alive.
Silver at ROPSSAA!
Have you ever seen Oleg Telishchuk, Patrick Lowisz, Colin Tolentino,
Brice Cardozo and of course Gordon Chau play table tennis? If you haven’t,
these seniors, as well as all of our players, including Jessica Yi are worth
watching, as they instill fear in their opponents.
This season of ROPSSAA league table tennis was the best ever for the Jags
Table Tennis teams. It was the first year that our school has had a Girls
team, who won three of seven games. The boys’ team continued to show its
abilities, making the playoffs again, and earning silver medals in the
ROPSSAA championship.
We look forward to the ROPSSAA individual tournament on February 4th,
where our boys and girls will showcase their skills individually among the
best of the Peel Region.
All of these athletes are also members of the club here at St. Joseph. Since
our humble beginnings in 2008, the Table Tennis Club has developed into a
group of 40 students. We meet on Mondays and Thursdays and we
welcome all students interested in learning how to play table tennis, those
who love the sport and those who are ready to join the Table Tennis Team.
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Junior Girls Volleyball Team 2013-2014
Junior Boys
Football Team
During the month of October, the Junior
Boys Football Team began two annual
traditions, a Shoe Drive and a Period 4
Buy-In for the last home game.
The Shoe Drive quickly grew into a
board-wide initiative, with schools such
as St. Richard’s Elementary School
donating 123 pairs of shoes. All the
shoes donated are given to the
Canadian Food for Children and the
Good Shepherd Center.
Senior Girls Volleyball Team 2013-2014
So far this year the Senior Girls Volleyball team have a 1 and 2 record with
three games to play in the regular season. Earlier in the season they competed in the St. Roch and Streetsville tournament where they represented
the school well. Congratulations to all the girls and best of luck the rest of
the season. Members of this year’s team are:
Leanne Baird, Brianne Bokla, Fatima Butt, Paulina Gadmonski,
Serena Huynh, Miranda Indovina, Jessica Kitala, Rebecca Lay,
Emily Majcher, Denyse Mangubat, Jasmine Mejia,
Christina Pantone, Ashley Patay
St. Joseph hosted a period 4 Buy-In
football game against the defending
champions Lorne Park Secondary. The
boys narrowly lost the game in the last
two minutes but were winners off the field
as we raised over $1300. The proceeds
raised from the Period 4 Buy-In went to
the “All for One Survivors Foundation”
which raises money for the Canadian
Cancer Society’s Transportation
Program, which transports cancer
patients to and from their appointments.
The foundation also provides emotional
support to cancer patients.
Managers: Ryan Obeyesekere, David Gomez
Coaches: E. Mastrangelo and G. Hunt
Senior Girls Volleyball Team 2013-2014
Page 15
Jaguars of the Week
Each week we celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of significant students on our athletic teams and
extra-curricular activities within our school community. Here is a list of the winners for semester one 2013-14.
Athletes of the Week
Clythus Griffith .............. Junior Boys Football Team
Monika Roska ............... Junior Girls Basketball Team
Nilu Senevirath .............. Girls Field Hockey Team
Shannon Fenech ........... Girls Field Hockey Team
Sharon D’Souza ............ Girls Field Hockey Team
Dwani Agrawal .............. Girls Field Hockey Team
Denyse Mangubat ......... Senior Girls Basketball Team
Wesley Fabroa ............... Senior Boys Volleyball Team
Lucas Glowacki ............. Senior Boys Volleyball Team
Laura Dragicevic ........... Girls Field Hockey Team
Karen D’Souza ............... Girls Field Hockey Team
Desiree Falcao ............... Girls Field Hockey Team
Wynona Falcao .............. Girls Field Hockey Team
Daniel Zucchet .............. Junior Boys Cross Country Running Team
Daniel Policelli ............... Junior Boys Cross Country Running Team
Marc D’Silva .................. Junior Boys Cross Country Running Team
Melissa Gabriele ............ Girls Golf Team
Allana Padua ................. Senior Girls Basketball Team
Cara Cardoza ................. Girls Field Hockey Team
Renee Lopez ................. Girls Field Hockey Team
Richa Machado ............. Girls Field Hockey Team
Julia Perlotto ................. Girls Field Hockey Team
Olivia Francone ............. Girls Field Hockey Team
Steven Hoff ................... Senior Boys Volleyball Team
Steven de Sousa ........... Senior Boys Volleyball Team
Jacob Esposito .............. Senior Boys Cross Country Running Team
Jordan McFoy ............... Senior Boys Cross Country Running Team
Danny Bigas .................. Senior Boys Cross Country Running Team
Amrit Sanghera ............. Senior Girls Cross Country Running Team
Michael Lipa .................. Senior Boys Volleyball Team
Courtney Park ............... Senior Boys Volleyball Team
Brian Zapa ..................... Junior Boys Volleyball Team
Jonathan Sivarkumar .... Junior Boys Volleyball Team
Gino Teledanes .............. Junior Boys Volleyball Team
Brianne Bokla ................ Girls Flag Football Team
Emma Zammit ............... Girls Flag Football Team
Shanay Gosling ............. Girls Flag Football Team
Michael Cairns .............. Senior Boys Hockey Team
Anthony Machado ......... Swim Team
Jessica Ardell ................ Girls Hockey Team
Moses Genat ................. Junior Boys Basketball Team
Courtney Park ............... Senior Boys Basketball Team
Tim Tesoro .................... Senior Boys Basketball Team
David El-Sawaby ........... Senior Boys Basketball Team
Denyse Mangubat ......... Senior Girls Volleyball Team
Brianne Bokla ................ Senior Girls Volleyball Team
Girls Table Tennis Team
Boys Table Tennis Team
Danielle Marsala ............ Girls Hockey Team
Shay Moreira ................. Girls Hockey Team
Page 16
Co-curricular Jaguars of the Week
Jehnae Davis ...................................... Student Athletic Council
Shawal Alvi ........................................ Girls Night In Volunteer
Marina De Paula ................................. Girls Night In Volunteer
Daniella Markus ................................. Girls Night In Volunteer
Nataliya Murdza ................................. Girls Night In Volunteer
Vocal Classes ..................................... Singing at School Liturgies
Karen D’Souza.................................... Altar Server
Sara Fernandes .................................. Altar Server
Matthew Goncalves............................ Altar Server
George Padeigis ................................. Altar Server
Sevastian Krzyczewski ....................... Altar Server
James Tordecilla ................................ Altar Server
Cheska Viray ...................................... Altar Server
Zoe Nathaniel ..................................... Liturgical Reader
Justin Roska ...................................... Liturgical Reader
David Pham ........................................ Liturgical Reader
Liam Harvie-Doyle ............................. Liturgical Reader
Sasha Gomes ..................................... Liturgical Reader
Natalie Akladius ................................. Liturgical Reader
Renee Chan ........................................ Artist
Ronald Dejumo .................................. Artist
Chelestine Segreto ............................. Artist
Mr. McDowell’s Gr. 9 Drama Class ..... Thriller Flash Mob
Remembrance Day Performers
Tharmiha Thangarajah ....................... Marker for Senior Boys Football Games
Clarissa Griffith .................................. Marker for Senior Boys Football Games
Augustine Roland............................... Marker for Senior Boys Football Games
Mark Macayan.................................... Marker for Senior Boys Football Games
Allison Tubosa .................................... School Newspaper “The Mirror”
Amina Almawlawi .............................. School Newspaper “The Mirror”
Zaakirah Karbary ................................ School Newspaper “The Mirror”
Gr. 9 & 10 Visual Arts Classes ........... Flags of Countries Initiative
Retreat Leaders for all Gr. 9 Retreats
Chantel Asiedu ................................... OneMatch Stem Cell Clinic
Ana Maria Calixto ............................... OneMatch Stem Cell Clinic
Monica Mantua .................................. OneMatch Stem Cell Clinic
Michaela Tokar ................................... OneMatch Stem Cell Clinic
Athletic Council .................................. Gr. 9 Dance
Jessica Punzal ................................... Minister of the Environment
Gr. 12 Drama Class ............................ Night of Original Works
Alessya Pulera.................................... St. Joe’s Buttons Creator
Anne Marie Wasilewski ...................... St. Joe’s Buttons Creator
Julia Perlotto ...................................... St. Joe’s Buttons Creator
Visual Arts Council ............................. Wall Display
Student Council.................................. 12 Days of Spirit Campaign