Proud Purple & Principal's Message

Purple & Proud
June 2015
Principal's Message
Jeffrey Quenneville
Sharon Bolger
Jennifer Meier
David Amaral
Luz Del Rosario
St. Joseph
Fr. Marc-André Campbell
Tel: 905.826.2766
Be not afraid…come follow Me!
-St. Joseph SS scriptural motto
As this year draws to a close here at St. Joe’s, I must pause and take stock in the seemingly
endless list of accomplishments we have experienced in our school family this past year.
Even since our last edition of Purple & Proud, St. Joseph students continue to impress with their
outstanding contributions to those in need. Our annual Feast Day celebration netted $10,000 to
support ShareLife in all the good work they do through the 40+ agencies they fund. We also
raised over a combined $4000 for Habitat for Humanity and the Knights’ Table – all by paying to
wear Civvies! We have also received recognition from the Terry Fox Foundation that, for the
seventh time in ten years, St. Joseph S.S. is one of the top fundraising secondary schools in
Ontario! Our students participated in the March for Life in Ottawa and continued, through
the retreat program, to put service into action at the Good Shepherd Centre for the homeless in
On the sports front this year, we had several teams secure a berth in ROPSSAA playoff games
and, in the case of our Table Tennis and Curling squads, we are hanging two new Championship
banners in our gym. Several of our Track & Field athletes made the cut for Regional finals and
two of our athletes competed at OFSSAA! We are especially proud of Clarissa Griffith – a student
from our Planning for Independence class. Her hard work and dedication to racing in the 100m
allowed her to compete at a Provincial level! Way to go Clarissa!!
Of course all of these accomplishments would not have been possible without the support and
guidance of our teachers. The students of St. Joe’s have been blessed with a staff who commit
themselves beyond the walls of the classroom. They truly are a remarkable group!
I would also like to thank the parents in our community for the faith and trust you’ve placed
in me in my time as principal. I appreciate your support of our community. We play essential roles
as partners in Catholic education along with St. Joseph Parish and I would like to thank Father
Marc-Andre, Father Russell, Father Joseph and Deacon George for their ongoing support of
our school. There is a thriving connection between our school and our church. The students of St.
Joe’s are blessed.
Sadly for us, there are some teachers who are moving on to new “adventures” in their life’s journey. We wish the best for the following teachers as they move to their new schools: Ms. Barrile,
Ms. Kerr, Ms. De Carvalho, Mr. Borgh and Mr. Febbraro. We also bid a Happy Retirement to
our beloved Ms. Jamieson and Father Kennedy. To all of our staff who are leaving – your
contributions to the life of St. Joe’s will not be forgotten!
In closing, I want to congratulate the graduates of 2015. Your “race to the finish line” of high school
is done! In 2 Timothy 4:7, St. Paul writes: “I have fought the good fight. I have finished the race.
I have kept the faith.” St. Paul speaks from prison of his own departure near the end of his own life
and his passionate commitment to the teaching of Gospel. For all students of St. Joe’s, I pray that
you remember that, in the most challenging times of your life, this line from Mary Stevenson’s
1936 Footprints in the Sand: “The years when you have seen only one set of footprints, my child,
is when I carried you.” It is during these times that your Catholic education and your grounding in
the gospels of our Lord Jesus Christ will serve your deepest needs and provide you comfort.
God bless,
J. Quenneville
St. Joseph Secondary School
• 5555 Creditview Road, Mississauga, ON L5V 2B9
Telephone: 905.812.1376 • Fax: 905.812.0812 • Follow us on Twitter: @StJosephSSMiss
Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board
Perfect Attendance
From Your Catholic School Trustee
Luz Del Rosario
Well finally. It seems that, all of a sudden, summer weather is upon us and so, incredibly, is the end of
the 2014-15 school year. As we reflect back over the year, we can see that it was, in fact, a very
successful year for Dufferin-Peel students in terms of achievement, success and well-being. With
steadily rising EQAO scores, matching or surpassing the provincial standard in most assessment areas,
and graduation rates that are among the highest in the province, this board continues to be defined, in
part, by our high levels of success and achievement.
Yet, we are much more than that. Our commitment to helping each student fulfill their potential,
through the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations, means that our students graduate with the
tools to become good, solid contributing members of the communities in which they will live. We
On February 20th 2015, honoured
students at St. Joseph Secondary
School celebrated the achievement
of their perfect attendance. These
students were treated to a special
breakfast and took a picture with the
principal, Mr. Quenneville, to capture
the moment. Regular class attendance requires discipline and time
management skills. These skills are
beneficial no matter what career
path students choose. Our school
community is very proud of these
We have recently celebrated Catholic Education Week in our schools. It has been our pleasure to attend
liturgies, a Board wide Mass, school concerts and plays, cultural festivals, Shining Stars, Joe Sax Festival,
math congress, sporting events and much more. As your trustee, we see the contribution of dedicated
teaching and support staff, administrators and senior management who work together with trustees to
facilitate conditions to foster success. We also see, firsthand, the important role of our
parents/guardians, working in concert with the school and the parish in fostering conditions for success
and well-being. We are blessed to have such wonderful, engaged and dedicated Catholic School Councils
that support learning and student achievement as well as promote community building in our schools.
We are facing challenges. We are seeing cuts to our funding of 1 to 2 %. While this does not seem like a
large amount, for us this will mean $12 to $16 million in less funding. It is our task along with our staff,
to deliver a balanced budget and continue to provide quality Catholic educational experiences to our
students. And we will.
So, as we complete the final leg of the journey that is the 2014-15 school year, we thank our staff for
your hard work and dedication, we thank our parents/guardians for choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic
education for your child(ren) and for entrusting them into our care. It is a responsibility for which we are
grateful and one that we cherish. To our students, thank you for all you have done to contribute to the
life of your school. For those who are graduating and moving on to post-secondary education or the
world of work, may God continue to go with you and bless you on your journey. To our returning
students and families, we look forward to seeing you in September.
We wish you many blessings and best wishes for a peaceful and restful summer. And may the good Lord
always hold you in the palm of His hand.
Thank you for Choosing a Dufferin-Peel Catholic Education
.ollow us on Twitter!
Black History Month Conference
On Thursday February 19th, 2015, students from St. Joseph
Secondary School attended the annual DPCDSB Black
History Conference at St. Paul Secondary School. This
year’s theme was “It’s Everyone’s History: Let Our
Voices Soar”. Representatives from the DPCDSB and the
local media were present alongside the keynote speaker
Tracy Moore, who is the host of Canada’s longest running
lifestyle show CityLine. Through workshops on African
Caribbean Resistance and Identity, and traditional African
dancing, the conference enlightened and empowered
all participants by learning about and celebrating the
contributions of African-Canadians.
Page 2
There are a few very basic questions that present
themselves to each and every one of us. They are
demanding questions for even if they are avoided,
they never quite disappear, always lingering in our
lives, and one might say that what appears to be no
answer to these questions is an answer itself.
Let us begin with the most basic of all questions,
‘Why does anything exist?’ From the Christian
perspective, what exists exists because of the love
of the Holy and Life-Creating Trinity. Nothing brings
itself into being or existence. You exist, and I exist
because we are loved by God. God is really the
only truly existing one, the eternally existing one.
Everyone and everything that exists derives its
existence from God, not from itself. Plainly, there
is only one source of existence. St. John the
Evangelist in his first catholic letter says of God:
“God is love (agape in Greek means a love that has
no limits or conditions; a love that never counts the
cost of loving), and those who abide in love abide in
God, and God abides in them.” (1 Jn.4.16) We exist
because we are loved. This is a bold claim but
really the only one that ties everything together.
“There is no fear in love (agape), but perfect love
casts out fear.” (1 Jn.4.18) Who does not want to be
loved, who does not want to love? This is the
deepest human longing, a longing that can only be
fulfilled in the Life-Creating Trinity. For God not only
creates, God creates with a plan and a purpose.
Mount Alverno Retreat Centre
On Wednesday, May 20, Mrs. Theriault and Fr. Kennedy
accompanied two grade 11 religion classes to Mount Alverno
Retreat Centre near Orangeville where they spent the day.
This beautiful setting of woods and meadows provided an ideal
milieu to take time to contemplate on our need for community
and our relationship with God’s creation, and one another. The
55 students participated in a variety of activities; community
building in the chapel, hiking through a maze, and a labyrinth,
and prayer and reflection at an outdoor chapel. Our day was
blessed with glorious sunshine, moderate temperatures,
laughter, camaraderie and joy.
During mass at the Preparation of the Gifts, the
deacon pours wine and a little water into the chalice
saying: “By the mystery of this water and wine may
we come to share in the divinity of Christ, who
humbles himself to share in our humanity.” These
words make clear the plan of the God who is love.
Every human person, at least in potential is created
by God to share in the divine life of the Holy Trinity.
In God’s curriculum has been created in order to
participate for all eternity in a communion of love
(agape) in the Trinitarian life.
When questioned about the greatest commandment,
Jesus says to us, “You shall love the Lord your God
with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with
all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, you shall love your
neighbor as yourself.”
The human person is made to be a lover for all
eternity. Practice this by mercy, forgiveness,
repentance, meekness, humility, gentleness; see
Christ in all and let all see Christ in you.
Protodeacon David Kennedy
Acting Chaplaincy Leader
The Religion Department would like to
welcome the students to follow us on Twitter!
Page 3
Guidance Department
University Information
Applicants who have not received an offer of admission
can inquire about possible openings at other Ontario
universities through the OUAC Admission Information
Service from June 6th to August 29th 2015. This information can be found at or call (519) 8231063. To be considered for admission, applicants must
have completed the OSSD including six 4U or 4M courses
by late August 2015. Admission averages for available
programs will be posted.
Any applicants planning to do summer school must
contact the universities to which they have applied and
inform them that an official transcript will be submitted to
the university and to the OUAC by the student personally
as secondary schools are closed in the summer.
College Information
Applicants who have registered to take a summer school
course must submit an official transcript of their marks to
each college personally as soon as it becomes available.
As well, if you were unsuccessful in your efforts to be
admitted into a program for September 2015, it is to your
benefit to continue to access the Ontario Colleges website
for programs that are still accepting applications.
Summer School
Summer information was distributed to all students in late
April. Most students who had intended to attend summer
school have already registered through the Guidance
Department. For students who still have not registered
for a summer school course yet, you will have one final
opportunity to register via a walk-in registration on
June 29th at all summer school locations from 10:30am 3:00pm or until courses are full. If you have not yet
registered it is to your benefit to get there early! You will
only be able to register if space is available in the
summer school course.
Applying to American Universities and Colleges
Students who are interested in pursuing an education
in an American post-secondary school should begin
planning for this no later than grade 11. American schools
require students to write a specialized exam called the
SAT at or ACT at, the
dates of which are posted outside of the Guidance and
Career Education Office. Students can write the exam
more than once and the best scores are the ones that are
Student-athletes interested in applying to American
universities or colleges should register at to submit their academic
records in order to determine their eligibility.
Some SAT Prep Sites/ Workshops (fees may apply): (Kaplan Test Prep Site)
Page 4
OneMatch Clinic at St. Joseph’s
On Thursday, May 28, OneMatch Stem Cell Clinic
was held in the School’s Atrium. OneMatch is a division
of Canadian Blood Services; their mission is to collect DNA
swabs from as many Canadians as possible, in the hopes
of finding DNA “matches” for several hundred Canadians
suffering from various diseases, including leukemia,
lymphoma, and other cancers.
We were blessed with a visit by Cristina da Corte, a former
St. Joseph’s alumnus who is herself in need of a stem cell
match. Her positive, fighting, spirit was an inspiration to
volunteers and donors alike!
Dozens of students volunteered their time from 9AM to
2PM by signing up donors, assisting with cheek swabs,
and so much more. DNA donors aged 17-35 are needed,
so many of our Grade 11s and 12s volunteered for
the cause, along with some teachers. Teacher leaders
Elizabeth Mota-Kenney and Cynthia Rawn-Kane would
like to thank the dozens of students who gave of their
time to make this event a success.
Should you wish to participate in this very worthy cause,
sign up at, and a cheek swab DNA kit
will be sent to your home with instructions. It’s easy,
painless and free. Remember ... you can be the one match
that saves a life!
St. Joseph
The St. Joseph Micro Urban Farm or SMUrF has been a
project of our Pre-AP Science Students and students in
our Technology Department using resources from an Innovation Grant from the Board. The goal of the project
was to take an unused paved lot behind the school and
turn it into a container-based vegetable garden. The
project has been a great success and has been an opportunity for our student to use their science, math and
technology skills in a practical setting. The students are
now enjoying their first crop of beans, squash blossoms
and zuchinnis.
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Premier's Award for Accepting Schools
MPP Bob Delaney visited St. Joseph Catholic Secondary School on May 8 to present the school with the 2013-2014
Premier’s Award for Accepting Schools. The Premier’s Award for Accepting Schools recognizes exceptional and innovative work being done in schools to create a safe and accepting school environment.
Catholic School Learning Plan Update
In 2014-15 at St. Joseph Secondary School, a Mathematics and Numeracy Capacity Building Collaborative Inquiry was
conducted by staff. This year’s Theory of Action was as follows: If mathematics teachers incorporate a collaborative,
inquiry-based approach to curriculum delivery, then students’ engagement and comfort level will improve and critical
thinking and problem solving will increase. School-wide capacity building in mathematics and numeracy and schoolwide development of collaborative student inquiry learning were facilitated. To summarize our learning:
1) Learning processes in mathematics strongly resemble the next generation learning processes
in all subject areas.
2) Personal Electronic Devices (PEDs) used to support learning are valuable tools
to enhance presentations, assessment, research and inquiry.
3) Overall, students reported a positive attitude towards mathematics.
4) Initially, students reported that they were not comfortable completing problem solving tasks.
5) In post-observation, students reported increased comfort levels when working on rich inquiry tasks.
Further development of mathematics and numeracy inquiry next year will be guided by the following questions:
1) How may we further embed inquiry as a next generation instructional practice
throughout our school organization?
2) What are the relationships among student well-being, engagement and achievement?
3) How may our understanding of these relationships be used to advance program planning
and increase student achievement?
4) How will we best implement technology and PED use to maximize higher order thinking
and knowledge building?
Our Catholic School Learning Plan is designed to fulfill the tenets of Dufferin-Peel’s Catholic Board Learning Plan 20132016. You may find out more details regarding the progress of our school goals’ initiatives under the “School Plan” tab
on the home page of our school website.
Page 6
– Provincials 2015
On February 5-7th, the St. Joseph
DECA chapter competed in Toronto
against schools from all over Ontario.
Students demonstrated professionalism and maturity over the weekend and
did extremely well in the competition.
Congratulations to all DECA members!
On Friday, May 22,
the Grade 11 and 12
physics students made
their way to Canada’s Wonderland to investigate the Physics of Canada’s
biggest Amusement Park. Our Physicists took along their instruments and
measured velocities, accelerations and g-forces of several of the Park’s
iconic thrill rides, including the Behemoth, the Leviathan, the Psyclone,
the Drop Tower, the Vortex, and of course the Xtreme Skyflyer. Each
student calculated the physical parameters of various rides at the park,
using the equations of kinematics and dynamics. The students certainly
enjoyed their time at Canada’s Wonderland, and look forward to next year’s
The Grade nine students spent a beautiful sunny day at the Toronto Zoo
on Monday, May 25. There they learned about species at risk and enjoyed
the many wild animals. They are now deep into their Astronomy Unit,
studying spectral lines, and discovering what chemicals burn in the heart
of the stars. During the last week of classes, they will perform a four part
CPT, where they will do experiments in biology, chemistry, electricity, and
space science.
Shivam Dubey
Hanu Chaudhari
Balsimran Singh
Cassandra Fernandes
Jeandel Sajol
Akshara George
Julia Perlotta
Christina Pantone
Nicole Smiciklas
Sarah Domigues
Page 7
Music News
St. Joseph shows a full audience how to
SEIZE THE FUNK at the Living Arts Centre!
On May 28, 2015 our music students performed at their Spring
Concert entitled “Seize the Funk” at the Living Arts Centre. This
concert featured our Marching Band, Jazz Band, Guitar
Ensemble, Grade 12 and 11 vocal classes and Junior Concert
Bands, who rocked the sold-out audience with popular tunes.
Under the direction of Mr. Lamarche and Mrs. Morrison, our
concert was a big hit! We are also grateful for Ms. Cunningham and
Mr. Kelleher for their hard work backstage, the MCs Jamie-Lynn
Giove and Grace Hernandez, and Principal Quenneville and
Trustee Luz Del Rosario for their never ending support. Please
visit the St. Joseph Music channel on YouTube where this concert
will be posted!
Page 8
Story of My Life ...
Expressions 2015
On April 22nd, the Drama Club teamed up with
the Choir classes and musical band for another
outstanding performance at Expressions 2015.
Expressions is a board-wide theatrical event
that was created to celebrate and honour World
Theatre Day by providing students across
Dufferin-Peel the opportunity to showcase their
talents on the main stage at the Living Arts
Centre. The piece that was created by
Mr. Kelleher, Mr. Lamarche and Mrs. Morrison
was an outstanding musical performance that
focused on high school, bullying, friendship and
the unwritten future that many senior students
fear. The underlying message that the future
is unwritten and we are in control of what
happens was very clear. Our actions will
define who we are as people and give us the
future that we deserve. The piece also touched
upon the important impact the Arts program has
had on students at St. Joe’s. These incredibly
talented performers demonstrated that without
the music and drama programs, they would not
be the confident, dedicated, well-rounded
people they are today.
This live musical extravaganza blew audience
members away and once again proved that
St. Joseph is on another level when it comes
to musical performance.
Page 9
Field Trips - Grade 12
Environment and
Resource Management
and World Issues
Mrs. Cipriano’s and Mr. Cescolini’s Grade 12 students traveled on three trips
this semester to several local parks. On April 21st, accompanied Mr. Gatta’s
Environmental Science students, classes braved the cold, wet weather to
measure the age of trees and test the quality of the water in the Credit River.
Then, on May 12th, students attended the Peel Water Story Bus tour and
visited several locations along the Credit River watershed including the
Cheltenham Badlands. On this trip, students participated in experiential learning
while pouring water and dye down a storm drain and watching it emerge in the
outflow. Once again, students had an opportunity to test water in local streams.
Finally, on May 22nd, joined by Ms. Cipriano’s grade 9 Geography students
and members of the Green Team, classes traveled to the Heartlake
Conservation area in Brampton to be student volunteers in the Peel Water
Festival. Students lead activities for over 1000 local elementary students. Grade
9’s, 11’s and 12’s ran exciting activities teaching the children about the
importance of water. They demonstrated the true leadership qualities found in
St. Joseph students!
Page 10
The Green Team and Ontario Ecoschools 2015
This past semester has been extremely busy for the Green Team! On February 5th,
the school celebrated National Sweater Day, and students were encouraged to wear
a “sweater with a story”. In March, students focused on the theme of ‘water’, and held
two campaigns including “The Great Gulp” and “Water Awareness Week”. Students
encouraged the use of re-usable water bottles and gave prizes for students who
participated in a survey including a grand prize draw! This year, three re-fill stations
have been installed making it much easier for staff and students to use re-usable
water bottles! On March 28th, the entire school turned the lights out to celebrate
Earth Hour during the hours of 10:00 – 11:00 am.
April proved to be even busier! During Earth week, students conducted a second
waste audit, planted seeds in sub-irrigated planters, participated in a 20-minute
makeover (litter clean up) and watched a wonderful presentation by Envirodrum.
Envirodrum is a Toronto percussion band that uses instruments made from recycled
materials. They played songs that got Grade 9’s and 10’s singing and participating,
while teaching some very important statistics about re-using, reducing and recycling!
On April 23rd, Green Team members participated in Stewardship day along with the
Peel Environmental Youth Alliance and planted over 200 native tree species at
Bishop Stoke Park!
In addition to all of these wonderful activities, students attended several field trips with
Ms Cipriano’s classes (see Social Science News), continued with Friday Lights’ Out
theme, regular Energy Audits and Waste tallies as well as weekly meetings to brainstorm eco-ideas. For two consecutive years, St. Joe’s has achieved GOLD status!
Stay Green!
Page 11
Kensington Market
On Wednesday May 6 2015, all second semester Grade Nine
Geography Students travelled to Kensington Market in Toronto.
At this Canadian National Historic Site, students participated
in a multicultural investigation in the distinctive neighbourhood
as part of their Population and Culture Unit of Study. Students
were exposed to a variety of foods, dress, artifacts, languages
and unique architecture. Students had a wonderful time
investigating and researching what makes this area one of
Toronto’s most vibrant communities.
St. Joseph S.S. PATH Students
Outward Bound Adventure
Aboriginal Life and Culture
On April 14 2015, Aaron Bell discussed
Aboriginal life and culture with all the Grade
Nine Geography students. Topics included
stereotypes regarding Aboriginal peoples,
way of life on reserves, the residential
school system, the Canadian apology,
and new efforts to recognize Aboriginal
identity. Students were treated with
hearing several creation stories passed
down from many generations.
On May 7th, Aaron returned and this time,
Native Studies and Social Science students
were engaged in a drum presentation.
Here students learned the significance of
the drum, its creation, use in games
and culture, and its significance to understanding nature and spirituality.
Page 12
On Wednesday May 13th, students from the PATH (Peer As Teacher
Helpers) program attended a one day outdoor education adventure at
Rattlesnake Point Conservation Area in Milton, Ontario. The day was
facilitated by Outward Bound Canada and Adventure Works Climbing.
The students spent half of the day hiking and team building while the
other half was spent scaling 60 foot cliffs on the Niagara Escarpment.
The day was an excellent opportunity to bond and develop spiritually
and was a positive experience for all involved.
Moderns Corner
As the school year comes to an end, we are saying “adieu” to our Grade 12 students who are
embarking on some wonderful journeys.
“Follow your dreams and continue to explore the French language and culture. It has been
wonderful sharing the last four years with all our students in French classes. It has been great
seeing you speak, dramatize and sing in French.” Bonne chance dans l’avenir!
Enrollment in AP French courses continues to grow. Please see us in the Moderns Department
for more information.
Writer’s Craft: Sharing Stories
For the second year in a row, Mrs. Kerr’s Writer’s Craft class had the
privilege of sharing their fairy tales to the Kindergarten and Grade
One classes at St. Raymond Elementary School. The senior writers
worked tirelessly on their stories through the writing process of brainstorming, rough drafts, editing, illustration and publication. The Grade
12’s were very excited to have the opportunity to expose their original
tales. The elementary students were exceptionally attentive and thoroughly enjoyed each tale. Our Writer’s Craft class would like to thank
the teachers at St. Raymond Elementary School for welcoming our
stories once again.
Haute Couture:
Toilet Paper Fashionistas!!!
Every year, the Fashion Class has a very ‘Project Runway esque’
competition where the students get into small groups to design
and execute a piece for a small runway show. They only have
ONE class to do this so time is of the essence and toward the
end of the period they must strut their stuff. Classrooms are
chosen and given ballots to score the designs. Can you guess
the winner this year?
From left: Vanessa Parise, Rebecca Fasesin,
Esther Valdez, Monique Corneli, and Nikki Agostino
Page 13
Busy Semester for St. Joe‘s Art Council
Thank you to Anne Marie W. and Kristina Z. for their work on the Construction Technology door.
Mr. Daley loves it!
Shout out to all the face painters who helped out in the community at the
beginning of June: Adriana, Mustafa and Sasha at the Bread and Honey
Festival and Amanda, Anne Marie, Ashleen, Dominic, Francesca,
Jennifer, Kaylee, Lisette, Michelle, Nicole, Rafia and Toni at the Trillium
Hospital Bed Race.
Art Field Trips
A group of Grade 10 and 11 Art students
learned about the opportunities available to
them in the arts in the city of Mississauga at
the Living Arts Centre and Art Gallery of
Mississauga. They saw the TALWST exhibition which showcased miniature art histories
with contemporary themes. Special mention
goes out to Jason T. for incorporating these
concepts into his Grade 10 Religion through
Art Saint project.
Religion through Art
Art students who took both Grade 9 & 10 Visual Arts were
enrolled in a brand new course – HRE 2OV - Religion through Art.
They had the opportunity to refine their artistic skills while
making meaningful connections with the Religion curriculum.
The art work shown depict Self Portraits, Parts of the Mass,
Miracles, Gospels, and the Seven Sacraments.
Page 14
The Visual Art students visited the Ontario College of Art and Design’s
annual Graduate Exhibit and Open House on May 31st. It was an
inspirational day of viewing the latest and hottest trends in the art world,
and the outstanding talent of future industry experts. It also gave the
students some insight into art-related post-secondary programs and
future careers. Overall a fun and informative day!
Shout out to
Anime Fans (FANIMES)
DPCDSB “Images” Exhibit
Congratulations to this year’s
Recipients of the Certificate of
Concentration in the Arts:
St. Joe’s Artsfest Art Exhibit
The eleventh year of the Anime Club
has come to an end. The dedicated
fans of Japanese animation and manga
comic books will have to wait until next
year to share their passion and drawing skills. Throughout the year, members contributed their ideas and skills
in creating drawings and Manga style
comic strips to highlight their many talents. Lastly, a big round of applause
for our leaders Matthew and Jacqueline
for all their hard work making the Anime
Club such a success.
Crishto Lavides and Andrew Deans
planned out their 4 years of high school
in order to take a minimum of six arts
related courses, completing each credit
with a high level of commitment and
success. Congratulations!
St. Joseph’s Visual Arts students displayed their work at the board-wide art
exhibit at Mississauga City Hall from June 8 to the 12th. Opening night
ceremonies were on Monday June 8th. It was always an amazing exhibit,
displaying the best works from artists all across our school board, and
St. Joseph Secondary School is always well-represented!
Congratulations to Kaitlin, John, and Amanda.
This semester, grade 9, 10 and 11 Visual Arts students, as well as students
from the PIP Art class, held an art exhibit in the atrium of the school during
])HJIBAIJ^. We hope that you had a chance to check out all of the great work
that was produced by our talented artists this semester, including the amazing works from our PIP student artists!
Grade 10 Visual Arts Class and the PIP Art Class
Recently, one of our grade 10 Visual Art classes and the PIP art class had the
opportunity to visit a replica of old Meadowvale Village, created by owner
Terry in his own backyard! Terry used salvaged materials from historic
Meadowvale Village to create each one of the miniature buildings which were
built to replicate as closely as possible, the original historic buildings. Inside
each of these buildings were many items that were also salvaged from that
time. It has taken Terry 17 years to complete this project and his love of the
community and the history behind it is truly evident. The students really
appreciated his presentation, hospitality and the work he put into the village.
For the remainder of the day, students went to the Meadowvale Conservation Area to work on life drawing and to sketch the natural landscape. It was
an excellent day!
Peace Garden by PIP
Coming soon!!!! The PIP students have been painting wooden images to
hang on the fence of around the Peace Garden. This has been a project that
they have been working on for quite some time now. First, they traced the
shapes of butterflies and fish out on the wood, and then, once the shapes
were cut by Mr. Daley, they painted and will eventually varnish them. Soon,
they will help to hang each one. Keep your eyes open for them!
Page 15
Biz Corner
As usual, our Technology Department continues to exceed
expectations by not only winning in competitions, but also
going above and beyond to serve in the community.
Automotive Update:
Antonio Malatesta and Manvir Panesar both competed
at the Toronto Automotive Competition at the Auto Show
run by Centennial College. They competed against twenty
other schools from the GTA area. There were numerous
challenges involved including solving problems on a 2015
Volkswagen Jetta. They boys did an excellent job and
placed third in the competition.
Antonio Malatesta also won Gold at the board level skills
competition in the automotive field. He then went on to
compete in the Provincial competition in Waterloo. He
competed against 61 other competitors from all over
Ontario. He completed numerous times challenges and
finished a very respectable 15 in the entire province!
Investor’s Club
The Investor’s Club rolls on.
For the seventh consecutive year, students participated against in the Investor’s Club competition. Once
again, only by keeping a pulse on the economy,
heeding some sage advice – buy low and sell high –
and throwing in a dash of luck, can you achieve
The Investor’s Club would like to thank all participants
and especially MVP Rebecca Lay for her hard work
and dedication to the club.
Stay tuned: Next fall, the Investor’s Club looks to
participate in the Nipissing Stock Market Challenge
to pit our savvy investors against students from across
the province to win prizes and bragging rights!
And remember…
“Financial peace isn’t the acquisition of stuff.
It’s learning to live on less than you make, so you
can give money back and have money to invest.
You can’t win until you do this.”
- Dave Ramsey
Cosmo Update:
In continuing to serve our
community and put a smile on
some of the elderly, the Grade
10, 11 and 12 Cosmetology
students go to Leisure World,
Senior Care, bi-weekly and
perform manicures on the
residents. Below see some
of those wonderful smiles and
pretty nails too!
These four young gentlemen performed in the Board-wide Skills
Canada competition and won a gold medal! After accomplishing
this great feat, they then enrolled in the Home Building Competition and were able to work and perform their carpentry skills in
the Ontario level challenge. Although they didn’t win, they were
awesome representatives for our school and for Dufferin-Peel.
There names are: Thanoj Thangarajah, Robert Kerry, Aaron
Alberto and Anthony Machado, coached by Mr. Daley, OCT.
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JAG FITT Room (Health Action Team)
St. Joseph Secondary was awarded the Ministry of Education’s Just Move
Physical Activity in Secondary Schools Grant in June 2014. The goal of the
grant was to improve overall wellness and to increase the amount of physical
activity among the students from St. Joseph’s. Maurizio and Miriam Falzata,
both teachers at St. Joseph, allocated the grant monies to create a spin/cycling and exercise room that all students and staff could access throughout
the school day. The name of this room is JAG FITT to emphasize principles if
fitness: frequency, intensity, time and type of physical activity. The room contains 24 spin bikes, a tv and dvd player, sound system, exercise videos, weights,
resistance bands, yoga blocks and exercise mats. Teachers can sign out the
room and have exercise sessions with the students. As a result of the fitness
room, students reported an increase in physical fitness, improved self-esteem,
improved concentration in school and improved feelings of overall wellness.
Swim Team 2014-2015
Swim Team
This year, the Swim Team worked really hard, both in and out of the water. The school hosted two
meets, with many students helping out with set-up, timing and clean-up. At the championships,
we had five relays make the top 5, with our senior boys earning Silver in both the medley relay
and the freestyle relay. The following students earned top honors: Josh Del Prado got a bronze
medal for his 100 meter freestyle; Jackie Mariano got 4th in both the 50 meter and 100 meter
freestyle; and Mark Di Giacomo got 5th in the 200 meter freestyle.
We were really lucky this year to have two students qualify for OFSAA. Omar Mohamed qualified
for the 50meter and the 200meter freestyle and Jackie Mariano for the 50 meter freestyle. Both
students were excited to represent St. Joes at provincials, they tried their best and had fun. We
look forward to next season and hopefully having more students representing St. Joes at OFSAA!
Jackie Mariano,
Thomas McCready,
Joshua Persaud,
Keisha Segne, Kent Tran,
Nick Manucdoc,
Owen McCready,
Matthew Haddad
Coach Gilmore,
Amanda Santelli,
Anthony Machado,
Thomas Aguila,
Joshua Del Prado,
Andrew Benn, Brian Tran,
Mark Di Giacomo,
Megan Maloney,
Caroline Murray
Chantelle Blanchette,
Tiffany Ramlogan,
Marthena Phan,
Samantha Ramgarib,
Gabby Peters,
Alexander Brandy,
Leisha Fernando,
Alexia Rusnov,
Coach Jonker
Caitlyn Rajkumar-Sahadath,
Ally Carmona,
Jeremy Ilano,
Omar Mohamed,
Daniel Gomez,
Alyssa Apilan,
Team Manager
Kirsta Colonello
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Athletic Banquet
On Wednesday, June 3, 2015, 440 athletes and coaches traveled to the Versailles
Convention Centre to attend the 22nd Annual St. Joseph Athletic Banquet.
The athletes had dinner, saw several slide shows and a video that highlighted the
year’s accomplishments and then received over 120 awards. Congratulations to all
of our athletes for representing St. Joseph so well over the course of the year.
Special mention goes to our Junior and Senior Letter award winners as well as our
Christian Athlete and Athlete of the Year winners. They are:
Junior Letter ....................................... Bobbie Alvernaz, Cara Cardozo,
Lauren Farrugia, Daniel Gomez,
Ife Nwoko, Ivana Zelich
Senior Athletic ................................... David Gomez, Shanay Gosling,
Joshua King, Jessica Kitala,
Brendan Shea, Jonathan Sivakumar,
Daniel Zucchet
Award of Excellence .......................... Brianne Bokla, Brice Cardozo,
Shannon Fenech, Paulina Gadomski,
Chris Karabassis, Emily Majcher,
Christina Pantone
Junior Girls
Christian Athlete of the Year ............. Ife Nwoko
Junior Boys
Christian Athlete of the Year ............. Jerod Argoso-Synchangco
Junior Girls Athlete of the Year ......... Lauren Farrugia
Junior Boys Athlete of the Year ......... Andrei Manalo
Senior Girls
Christian Athlete of the Year ............. Shannon Fenech
Senior Boys
Christian Athlete of the Year ............. Danny Bigas
Senior Girls Athlete of the Year ......... Brianne Bokla
Senior Boys Athlete of the Year ........ Matthew Goncalves
Page 19
Jaguar Track and Field
It was another busy spring season for your Jaguar Track and
Field Team. As the largest sports team representing St. Joe’s,
athletes had much to brag about. At the Philip Pocock Invitational
field meet, our high jumpers swept the podium winning medals
in every age group. Many students on the team jumped, ran, or
threw to personal best performances throughout the season
with 14 members of the team finishing in the top 5 at ROPSSAA
and moving on to represent St. Joe’s at the South Regional
Championships. This included the midget boys 4 x 100 metre
relay team comprised of Zachery McKee ( who also finished
2nd in high jump ), Miguel Roska, Nick Manucduc, and
Michael Medeiros-Hogg, Lawrence Marso in junior boys long
jump, Kaeson Lewis in junior boys triple jump, Emily Power in
midget girls 1500 metres, Clarissa Griffith and Mark Macayan
in the para 100 metres, Nadia Pajnic and Bridget Boulos in
senior girls high jump, Christina Valentino in junior girls high
jump, and Oge Nwoko and Shamar Brown in senior boys high
jump. From South Regionals, two of our athletes, Clarissa
Griffith and Shamar Brown moved on to represent St. Joe’s at
the OFSSAA championships at Varsity Stadium in downtown
Toronto. Well done Jags!
PIP Athletics
Students in the Planning for Independence class have
had a busy and very successful year of sports activities. They started in the fall with a ROPSSAA bocce
ball tournament, and followed that up with a basketball, a bowling, and a soccer tournament. They then
ended their sports calendar with a two-day track and
field championship. This year, the students had a
number of top six finishes in their many track and
field events and brought home a number of medals.
Phoebe Bootsma won bronze medals in both shot
put and long jump, Mark Macayan won the bronze
medal in high jump, Jasmine De Freitas won the
gold medal in precision throw, and Clarissa Griffith
won the gold medal in both the 100 and 200 metre
events. It has been a great year of fun and fitness for
all of our Planning for Independence students.
HPE Volleyball Course
This has been an exciting semester in the Physical
and Health Education Department. This semester, we
were able to run our first Grade Eleven Volleyball
Course. These students learned the basic skills, rules,
and systems in volleyball. Each student also learned
how to referee a match. This class had the opportunity to go to the CIS Women’s Volleyball Championship that was held at U of T’s new Goldring Centre
(First Championship to play there!). It was the quarter
final game UBC vs Montreal. It was a great experience for all to watch competitive volleyball.
Now what would a volleyball course be if it didn’t include some BEACH volleyball!! It was fun in sun with two days of
outdoor beach volleyball at Huron Park. These students quickly learned that beach volleyball is definitely not as easy as
it looks – but had a fun time playing in the sand. Thanks for such a great semester and bringing your game every day.
Mrs. McCann