8 Parkway Ave, Brampton, Ontario L6X 2G4 Telephone: (905) 451-8501 Fax: (905) 451-7535 Principal’s Message NEWSLETTER February 2016 Principal M. MacDonald Secretary A. Ashton Superintendent Miss. Brampton Central L. Papaloni Parish St. Jerome Parish Phone: 905-455-4260 Pastor Fr. Jan Kolodynski School Council Chair S. Pio School Council Vice Chair L. Clayton Trustees D. D’Souza Ward 5 Phone: 905-579-0126 A. Da Silva Wards 1&3 Phone: 416-706-5679 Reflections on the Child As in Nature— No two trees or flowers, although seeded at the same time, grow and bloom at the same rate, at the same height, or to the same degree of colour– so also in Children. Although the same age, each child is like an individual flower requiring different amounts of light, water, air and nurturing to grow to fullest potential. Given basic necessities, children will survive, but it is important to determine what each needs to truly flourish. We are the true gardeners in the Attendance Verification Phone: 905-451-8501 greenhouse of learning. Web Site www.dpcdsb.org/JOEBR Book Fair Thursday, February 4th 3:30—5:00 and 6:00—8:00 in the School Library February is here and the ground hog did see his shadow. According to folklore, we should be having six weeks more of winter. That being said, we have seen temperatures fluctuate over the last few weeks with warmer temperatures lately. We remind parents to continue to ensure that children come to school with hats, mittens and an extra pair of socks, as it can become colder at any time. With the dullness that winter can bring, the Student Council have decided to spice things up, creating a spirit week called “Sno Daze”. There will be a theme for each day. We are asking for a donation of $2.00 per child for this week. The proceeds will support the needy in our community through Share Life. Last week, we held a successful Kindergarten registration with about 22 students registering for September 2016. For more information or to register your child for Kindergarten for September, please contact the office. Thank you for supporting all the activities around the school and in turn supporting Share Life! M. MacDonald P.A. Day Friday, February 5, 2016 Teachers will be participating in Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences. There will be no school for students. Student Council Spirit Week “Sno Daze” Week of February 8th to 12th The Student Council is requesting a one-time donation of $2.00 from each student. Proceeds will go towards our local Share Life chapter. Monday, Feb. 8 - Sports Day - collection of $2 Tuesday, Feb. 9 - Pyjama Day Wednesday, Feb. 10 - Crazy Hair/Sock Day Thursday, Feb. 11 - Beach Day - Hot Chocolate & cookie given Friday, Feb. 12 - Wear Pink and Red Day - distribution of Candy-grams Candy-grams To celebrate Valentine’s Day, the Student Council is also selling candy-grams from now until Thursday, February 11th. Red, heart-shaped lollipops will be sold individually for $0.50 or 3 for $1.00. Students are encouraged to write kind messages to their friends and siblings throughout the school. The proceeds from this initiative will also go to support Share Life. Thank you for your continued support of Student Council endeavors and Share Life. St. Joseph’s Student Council Shrove Tuesday On Tuesday, February 9th the students of St. Joseph School will be treated to a traditional pancake breakfast. The pancakes are being made that morning by an enthusiastic group of parents from the School Council. The pancakes are free for the children to enjoy and funded through School Council Fundraising Activities put on this year. Thank you in advance to all parents involved in organizing this event and making the delicious pancakes! Communication Updates First Par Golf School Our students in Grades 6—8 will be participating in a Golf Programme that will be taking place in the school gym. It is a means of introducing golf to elementary students as a recreation and physical fitness activity. Each of the classes is receiving a series of four 50 minute blocks of instruction using regular golf clubs (irons and putters) and soft golf balls provided by the Programme. Left and right handed clubs are provided. No previous experience is necessary for the students. There is no cost to the students. Thank you to the School Council for covering the cost. Sessions will begin on Feb. 22nd. For more information on the programme, you can visit the website at nationalgolfinschools.com. Cold Weather Guidelines “It’s getting a little cold outside!” It is important that students dress appropriately for the weather! Hats, mitts, scarves and snowpants are necessary on most winter days. Having an additional pair of mitts and/or socks is also appreciated as children play in the snow and articles become wet. At times we reduce outdoor play time according to Wind Chill temperatures: - 25 or colder: students are kept indoors - 20 reduce amount of outdoor time Fresh air and exercise are essential for health and learning. Come prepared to go outside for recess. Winter is part of Canadian life. Children should be encouraged to go out and enjoy it. Also, we are not able to supervise students both in and outside. Punctuality School begins at 8:50 a.m. in the mor ning and at 12:50 p.m. in the afternoon. Students should arrive at school on time to line up with their appropriate class at the back of the school. We have noticed that most students arriving late are students that are driven to school. Parents, we would appreciate your support in stressing the importance of being on time. Punctuality and respect of time is an expectation for all students! Ash Wednesday February 10th is Ash Wednesday. Students will receive Ashes in their classrooms. There will be no school-wide liturgy. Communication Updates Virtue of the Month Inclement Weather and School Closure Affirmation: I am respectful. I treat others and myself with respect. I show courtesy to everyone. I learn from the wisdom of my elders. What is Respect? Respect is an attitude of honouring people and caring about their rights. Being respectful is reflected in the courtesy with which we treat one another, the way we speak, and the way we treat other people’s belongings. Speaking and acting respectfully gives people the dignity they deserve. Respect includes honouring the rules of your family and your school, behaving in a way which makes life more peaceful and orderly. Being respectful includes selfrespect. Every woman, man and child was created by God and we all deserve respect. Why practice Respect? Without respectfulness people’s privacy would be violated. Without respect people speak rudely to each other and treat others as if they do not matter. Being respectful helps people feel valued. When you treat yourself with respect, others respect you too. How do you practice Respect? A good way to practice respect is to think about how you would like to be treated and then treat others that way. How would you like others to treat your belongings, your right to privacy, your need for dignity? You do not run around inside someone’s home when there are breakables there. You treat their space and their belongings with respect. Being respectful is expressing even your strongest feelings in a peaceful way. It is expressing your opinion as an opinion, respectful of the fact that there is more than one way of seeing things. Practicing self-respect is treating yourself as you feel others deserve to be treated. You deserve it too! During the winter months inclement weather may cause disruption of bus transportation and regular school operations. A decision to cancel school transportation and/or to close schools is usually made by 6:00 a.m. and will be announced on the following radio stations: VIRGIN RADIO FM 99.9 CHUM AM 1050 CFTR AM 680 CFNY FM 102.1 CJCL AM 590 CHFI FM 98.1 CFRB AM 1010 EZ ROCK FM 97.3 CJBC (FR) AM 860 FM Z103.5 FM 93.1 AM 1540 AM 640 FM Q 107 CHIN FM 100.7 CITYPULSE GLOBAL NEWS CBC 99.1 We will be communicating one of four standard messages to the radio stations. The four announcements and their effect on the transportation system are as follows: (Please note that the highlighted text only will be communicated by the radio stations). 1. “DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES SERVING ST. ANDREW, ST. BENEDICT AND ST. PETER ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AND R.F. HALL SECONDARY SCHOOL ARE CANCELLED FOR TODAY.” 2. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES IN THE TOWN OF CALEDON AND THE COUNTY OF DUFFERIN ARE CANCELLED”. This means that all runs listed under announcement #l PLUS the following are cancelled. All schools in the Town of Caledon and all school runs that begin in the Town of Caledon. Individual schools will be notified if this cancellation affects their school. You are practicing the Virtue of RESPECT when you… Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated Treat the property of others with special care Honour other people’s need for time and space to themselves Speak courteously to everyone Are receptive to the wisdom of elders Honour the rules of your family and nation 3. “THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD BUSES ARE CANCELLED.” This means that: Expect respect for your body and your rights You need more practice when you… ALL Tr anspor tation ser vices pr ovided by the Duffer in-Peel Catholic District School Board and The Peel District School Board, including buses, vans and taxis have been cancelled for the entire day. Treat others like they do not matter 4. “THE SCHOOLS AND OFFICES OF BOTH THE DUFFERIN-PEEL CATHOLIC DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD AND THE PEEL DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARD ARE CLOSED.” This means that: Interrupt or barge in on anyone Ignore the wisdom of elders Use anything you want without the owner’s permission Make fun or talk back to elders Disobey the rules of your family or school ALL Duffer in-Peel Catholic District School Board and Peel District School Board schools and offices are closed to all students and staff. The information above is also provided in each student’s Agenda. St. Joseph School Updates RBC Learn to Skate Program Over three Friday afternoons in January, our Grade 4 students participated in a learn to skate program at Chris Gibson Arena. There were varying degrees of ability and students were streamed accordingly for instruction and assistance. It was impressive to watch the development of the students over the three one hour sessions, particularly for those students who had little or no skating experience before these sessions began. Thank you to Mr. Turner, Mrs. Cannon and our parent volunteers for supervising the students on the walk and with tying skates. Dates to Remember February 4 Parent/Teacher Interviews—evening 5 P.A. Day—Parent/Teacher Interviews 9 Shrove Tuesday - pancakes 10 Ash Wednesday 11 Junior Boys Basketball Mini Tournament 11 MBC Junior Science Olympics—Pauline Vanier 12 NBA—All star event—Grade 7/8 trip 15 Family Day School Skate—Friday, March 4th 19 Knights of Columbus Free Throw Competition We have booked Friday, March 4th at 1:30 p.m. for one hour for a fun skate for our Grade 4 to 8 students. We will leave the school at 12:50 p.m. and walk to Chris Gibson Recreation Centre. Helmets are mandatory for all participating students regardless of their ability. Parent Volunteers are encouraged to attend and are welcome to skate on the ice too. There is no cost to students. Thank you to our School Council for their generous offer to pay for the rental of the ice. 26 Virtues Assembly - 2:30 p.m. 27 First Reconciliation – Gr.2’s — 5:00 p.m. March 1 Rosary Apostolate visits 2 Hep B and HPV Clinics—Gr 7 & 8 4 Grade 4—8 Skating—Chris Gibson—p.m. 14-18 March break 21 Silvercreek trip—Gtade 5/6 and 4/5 classes 23 Family Skate Night – 6:00—8:00 p.m. 25 Good Friday Because the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada 28 Easter Monday—No School West roughly had consisted of members advocating non- 31 Chess—MBC Family Tournament Our Catholic School Heritage 6. What sacrifices did Catholics have to make to send their children to separate schools? denominational common schools and half were in favour of them, separate school legislation, for about fifteen years, contained three obstacles to their existence: Catholics could establish and support a separate school, but had to continue paying common school taxes. Thus, they paid tuition for their children in the separate school; The separate school had no permanence of existence. If the local common school board hired a Catholic as one of its teachers, then the separate school ceased to exist. Separate schools kept opening and closing in the early years; In the cities the separate school board required the permission of the common school board to open a new or an additional separate school. Sometimes the permission was not forthcoming. The legislation required twelve Catholic heads of family resident within a city, town or township common school section. The townships’ common school sections were so small that often there were not twelve resident Catholic families. NBA Junior Day—February 12th Our Intermediate students were selected to participate in the NBA Jr. Day on February 12 at the Enercare Centre in Toronto. This event is a basketball “skills and drills” clinic sponsored by NBA Canada as part of the 2016 NBA All-Star weekend. NBA Jr. Day features NBA clinicians, current NBA and WNBA all-stars and former NBA players. They will be bused from our school to the Enercare Centre at approximately 10:00 am on February 12th. Buses will return to the school and should arrive by approximately 3:45 pm. A snack and boxed lunch will be provided to the students for the trip. Students are provided with the NBA Jr. Day apparel (T-shirt, socks, shorts, sneakers) for him/her to keep and wear for the event. We are grateful to be chosen for this event!