Monte Carlo Treatment Planning: Implementation of Clinical Systems Richard Popple1 and Joanna E. Cygler2,3,4 1Department of Radiation Oncology, The University of Alabama at Birmingham 2The Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre, Ottawa, Canada 3Carleton 4University University Dept. of Physics, Ottawa, Canada of Ottawa, Dept. of Radiology. Ottawa, Canada L’Hopital The Ottawa d’Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre Outline 1. Educational review of the physics of the MC method. 2. Factors associated with MC dose calculation within the patient-specific geometry, such as statistical uncertainties, approximations of the underlying physics model, CT-number to material density assignments, and reporting of dose-tomedium versus dose-to-water. 3. Review the vendor transport codes currently used for clinical treatment planning. 4. Experimental verification of MC algorithms. 5. Potential clinical implications of MC calculated dose distributions. 6. Example timing comparisons of the major vendor MC codes in the clinical setting. Outline/Objectives Part I Disclosure and Acknowledgements • UAB has a RapidArc evaluation agreement with Varian Medical Systems • Author has a research grant with Varian Medical Systems • Some slides courtesy of – Indrin Chetty, Ph.D. – D.W.O. Rogers, Ph.D. • Educational review of the physics of the MC method factors associated with MC dose calculation within the patient-specific geometry • – – – – statistical uncertainties approximations of the underlying physics model CT-number to material density assignments dose-to-medium versus dose-to-water 1 TGTG-105 Monte Carlo method overview Med Phys 34 (2007) 4818-4853 10 MeV photon on lead along incident photon . “The Monte Carlo technique for the simulation of the transport of electrons and photons through bulk media consists of using knowledge of the probability distributions governing the individual interactions of electrons and photons in materials to simulate the random trajectories of individual particles. One keeps track of physical quantities of interest for a large number of histories to provide the required information about the average quantities.” D.W.O. Rogers and A.F. Bielajew 10 MeV electrons on water from rightelectrons blue positrons red electrons blue photons yellow photons yellow incident incident Courtesy D.W.O. Rogers Courtesy D.W.O. Rogers 2 Condensed history method Condensed history techniques On the condensed history technique for electron transport”, Kawrakow and Bielajew, Process overview Variance Reduction Techniques (VRT) target • Efficiency ε = 1 / s2T – T∝N • Variance Reduction Techniques increase ε by reducing s2 for a given number of particles. – – – – Range rejection Bremsstrahlung splitting Russian roulette And more… • Inappropriate application of VRT can result in inaccurate results and/or reduced efficiency. vacuum window flattening filter phase space plane 1 jaws patientdependent structures MLC phase space plane 2 primary collimator ion chamber patientindependent components phase space: position, energy, direction, type, latch (region of creation, interaction, etc.) 3 Accelerator beam model CTCT-number to material density • Patient tissues (via imaging data) need to be converted into cross sections required for MC simulation. • Direct simulation • Stored phase space • Virtual source model CTCT-number to material density Tissue CT image (HU) Convert to densities HU vs. density conversion ramp Relative Electron Density air 0.0 lung 0.2 (0.10.5) Soft tissue, water 1.0 spongy bone 1.2 skull 1.65 compact bone 1.85 CTCT-number to material density • Both mass density ( ) and material compositions (atomic number, Z) are needed for accurate MC calculation • Failure to incorporate compositions, Zeff, can result in notable errors at higher tissue densities (Verhaegen and Devic, PMB, 50:937, ‘05) 4 DoseDose-toto-medium versus dosedose-totowater • Historical clinical experience is based on dose-to-water, (Dw) – therapeutic doses and normal tissue tolerance doses are based on Dw – possible need for revision, since more accurate dose calculation available now? • Dose-to-medium (Dm) is inherently computed by MC dose algorithms. – may be of more clinical relevance than Dw • TG-105 recommends that a method be available in MC code to convert Dm to Dw and that both values are reported. Clinical Examples: Dw and Dm Dm Converting Dm to Dw The conversion can be accomplished using the BraggGray formalism: S D =D w m ρ S ρ w m w Unrestricted wat-to-med mass collision m stopping power averaged over the energy spectrum of electrons at the pt. of interest This can be applied either as a post-processing step or as a multiplication factor to the energy loss step Clinical Examples: Dw and Dm Dw Dogan, Dogan, Siebers, Keall: Phys Med Biol 51: 496749674980 (2006) Dogan, Dogan, Siebers, Keall: Phys Med Biol 51: 496749674980 (2006) 5 Clinical Examples: Dw and Dm Statistical uncertainty • Two sources – Treatment head simulation – Patient simulation • Statistical uncertainty in dose will approach the latent uncertainty associated with the phase space Knoos et al: Phys Med Biol 51: 57855785-5807 (2006) Reporting of statistical uncertainty Effect on dose prescriptions • Statistical outliers (max. or min. dose points) can deviate from the mean dose by many standard deviations • MC-based dose prescriptions should be volume-based • Do not prescribe to max or min dose points 6 Statistical uncertainties: Recommendations Approximations of the underlying physics model • DVHs and dose indices, such as TCP and NTCP are not highly sensitive to statistical noise • Systematic uncertainties can be introduced by approximations – Calculations with statistical precision of <2% are sufficient to accurately predict these values – – – – • For serial organs, where point doses are important, (e.g. the max. cord dose) higher statistical precision may be necessary Monte Carlo Treatment Planning: Implementation of Clinical Systems Part II: Clinical Implementation Outline Part II • • Joanna E. Cygler, Ph.D., FCCPM, FAAPM The Ottawa Hospital Regional Cancer Centre, Ottawa, Canada Carleton University Dept. of Physics, Ottawa, Canada University of Ottawa, Dept. of Radiology. Ottawa, Canada The Ottawa L’Hopital Hospital d’Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre Source model Efficiency enhancing techniques Macro Monte Carlo methods Etc…. • Monte Carlo based commercial TP systems Experimental verification of MC algorithms - homogeneous water phantom - heterogeneous phantoms - setting user control parameters in the TPS to achieve optimum results (minimum statistical noise, minimum distortion of real dose distribution Brief review of potential clinical implications of MC calculated dose distributions - Use of bolus, lead wires etc. - Water tank vs. real patient MU • Timing comparisons of major vendor MC codes in the clinical setting. 7 Rationale for Monte Carlo based Treatment Planning Systems Why do we need Monte Carlo based Treatment Planning Systems? • Traditional dose calculation algorithms fail in many cases • MC gives us in general the right answer • There are no significant approximations – – – – no approximate scaling of kernels is needed electron transport is fully modelled geometry can be modelled as exactly as we know it All types of inhomogeneities are properly handled • There are many experimental benchmarks showing MC calculations can be very accurate • Difficulties of commercial pencil beam based algorithms – Monitor unit calculations for arbitrary SSD values – large errors* – Dose distribution in inhomogeneous media has large errors for complex geometries * can be circumvented by entering separate virtual machines for each SSD – labour consuming Rationale for Monte Carlo dose calculation for electron beams 6.2 cm 15 9 MeV Relative Dose Rationale for Monte Carlo dose calculation for electron beams 10 Measured Pencil beam Monte Carlo depth = 6.2 cm depth = 7 cm 5 0 -10 /tex/E TP /abs/X TS K 09S .O R G -5 0 Horizontal Position /cm 5 10 98-10-21 Ding, G. X., et al, Int. J. Rad. Onc. Biol Phys. (2005) 63:622-633 8 Commercial implementations • MDS Nordion 2001* Description of Nucletron Electron Monte Carlo DCM - First commercial Monte Carlo treatment planning for electron beams – Implementation of Kawrakow’s VMC++ Monte Carlo dose calculation algorithm (2000) Fixed applicator with optional, arbitrary inserts – Handles electron beams from all clinical linacs • Varian Eclipse eMC 2004 – Based on Neuenschwander’s MMC dose calculation algorithm Calculates absolute dose per monitor unit (Gy/MU) (1992) – Handles electron beams from Varian linacs only • CMS Monaco for photon beams – IMRT only *presently Nucletron Varian Macro Monte Carlo • PDF table look-up for “kugels” or spheres instead of analytical and numerical calculation • CT images pre-processes 510(k) clearance (June 2002) User input data for MC based TPS Treatment unit specifications: • Position and thickness of jaw collimators and MLC – Homogenous areas large spheres – In/near heterogeneous areas small spheres • For each applicator scraper layer: Thickness Position Shape (perimeter and edge) Composition – 30 incident energy values (0.2-25 MeV) – 5 materials (air, lung, water, Lucite and solid bone) – 5 sphere sizes (0.5-3.0 mm) • For inserts: Thickness Shape Composition • Database with probable outcome for every combination of: EGSnrc used to create beam data No head geometry details required for Eclipse, since at this time it only works for Varian linac configuration 9 User input data for MC TPS cont Dosimetric data for beam characterization • Beam profiles without applicators: -in-air profiles for various field sizes –in-water profiles –Central axis depth dose for various field sizes –Some off-axis profiles • Beam profiles with applicators: – Central axis depth dose and profiles in water – Absolute dose at the calibration point Dosimetric data for verification – Central axis depth doses and profiles for various field sizes Software commissioning tests: goals • Setting user control parameters in the TPS to achieve optimum results (minimum statistical noise, accuracy vs. speed of calculations) – Number of histories – Voxel size – Smoothing • Understand differences between water tank and real patient anatomy based monitor unit values Clinical implementation of treatment planning software • Beam data acquisition and fitting • Software commissioning tests* • Clinical implementation – procedures for clinical use – possible restrictions – staff training *should include tests specific to Monte Carlo A physicist responsible for TPS implementation should have a thorough understanding of how the system works. User controlled MC calculation parameters • Nucletron – User can define number of histories used in calculation (in terms of particle #/cm2) • Varian – User can define: • Maximum number of histories used in calculation >/=0 • statistical uncertainty (within the high dose volume) • Calculation grid size (voxel size) • Smoothing method and level • Random number generator seed 10 Software commissioning tests Typical Experimental setup • Criteria for acceptability – Van Dyk et al, Int. J. Rad. Oncol. Biol. Phys., 26, 261-273,1993; – Fraass, et al, AAPM TG 53: Quality assurance for clinical radiotherapy • Homogeneous water phantom • Inhomogeneous phantoms – Cygler et al, Phys. Med. Biol., 32, 1073, 1987 – Ding al, Med. Phys., 26, 2571-2580, 1999 – Shiu et al, Med.Phys. 19, 623—36, 1992; – Boyd et al, Med. Phys., 28, 950-8, 2001 Water tank •p-type electron diode Diode detector •Scan resolution = 1mm • Measurements, especially in heterogeneous phantoms, should done with a high (1 mm) resolution In-air or in water beam profiles Lateral profiles at various depths, SSD=100 cm, Nucletron TPS Homogeneous water phantom tests • Standard SSD 100 cm and extended SSD 9 MeV, 10x10cm2 applicator, SSD=100cm. Homogeneous water phantom,cross-plane profiles at various depths. MC with 10k/cm2. – Open applicators – PDD and profiles – Square and circular cut-outs • Oblique incidence – All open applicators 110 110 100 100 90 90 meas.@2cm 60 calc.@2cm 50 meas.@3.0cm calc.@3.0cm 40 70 60 meas.@d=7.8cm calc.@d=7.8cm 50 calc.@d=7.8cm,50k meas.@d=9cm calc.@d=9cm calc.@d=9cm,50k 40 meas.@4.0cm 30 30 – Square, rectangular, circular, some irregular cutouts meas.@d=3cm calc.@d=3cm calc.@d=3cm,50k 80 70 Dose / cGy • MU tests – SSD 100 and extended SSD 2 20 MeV, 10x10cm applicator, SSD=100cm. Homogeneous water phantom. Cross-plane profiles at 2 various depths. MC with 10k and 50k/cm . 80 D os e / cG y – GA = 150 and 300 •RFA300 (Scanditronix) Scanditronix) dosimetry system Electron applicator treatment planning,” Med. Phys. 25, 1773–1829 1998 calc.@4.0cm 20 20 10 10 0 0 -10 -5 0 Off - axis / cm 5 10 -10 -5 0 5 10 Off - axis / cm 11 Overall mean and variance of MC/hand monitor unit deviation, Nucletron TPS Inhomogeneous phantoms 0.45 0.40 0.35 Mean=-0.003 0.30 Variance=0.0129 fraction Theory Our data • Low and high density inhomogeneities – 1 D (slab) geometry 0.25 – 2 D (ribs) geometry 0.20 0.15 – 3 D (small cylindrical) geometry 0.10 0.05 • Complex (trachea and spine) geometry 0.00 -0.05 -0.04 -0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 1- MC/hand Cygler et al. Med. Phys. 31 (2004) 142-153 Air cylinder 900 MHz, CPU time for 50k/cm2 14:01-20 MeV , 9:31 – 9MeV Voxel size 0.39 cm, 47 slices cylinder 20 MeV, Air cylinder,10x10cm2 applicator, SSD=100cm. Cross-plane profiles. MC with 10k/cm2. 9 MeV, Air cylinder,10x10cm2 applicator, SSD=100cm. Cross-plane profiles. MC with 10k/cm2. 140 140 60 40 Dose / cGy 80 80 meas.@d=2.1cm calc.@d=2.1cm calc.@d=2.1cm,50k meas.@d=6cm 60 110 100 90 80 calc.@d=6cm calc.@d=6cm,50k 40 calc.@d=5cm,50k -1 0 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 Off - axis / cm 4 6 8 -8 -6 -4 -2 Meas 0.1 cm 70 60 20 20 -8 120 0.39 cm dose / cGy 100 meas@d= 2.1cm calc.@d=2.1cm calc.@d=2.1cm,50k meas.@d=4cm calc.@d=4cm calc.@d=4cm,50k meas.@d=5cm calc.@d=5cm 100 0.19 cm 130 120 120 Dose / cGy Results MC tests:voxel size 9 MeV Air 0 2 Off - axis / cm 4 6 8 -0 .5 0 0 .5 1 o f f - a x is / c m Cygler et al. Med. Phys. 31 (2004) 142-153 12 Eclipse eMC no smoothing Eclipse eMC Effect of voxel size and smoothing Voxel size = 2 mm Air Air Air Air 4.7 cm Bone Bone depth = 4.7 cm 18 MeV 110 90 Relative Dose 100 90 Relative Dose 100 80 depth = 6.7 cm 70 60 50 depth = 7.7 cm 18 MeV 120 depth = 4.7 cm 30 80 70 60 50 20 20 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -4 -6 -2 0 2 4 6 Off-axis Y position /cm Ding, G X., et al (2006). Phys. Med. Biol. 51 (2006) 2781-2799. DoseDose-toto-water vs. dosedose-toto-medium 2 cm 1 cm diameter and 1 cm length 110 90 80 80 5 mm and with 3D smoothing 50 80 70 60 50 2 mm and with 3D smoothing 40 30 depth = 4.9 cm 20 depth = 4.9 cm 10 0 0 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 -6 Off-axis X position /cm -4 -2 0 2 4 6 Off-axis Y position /cm Ding, G X., et al (2006). Phys. Med. Biol. 51 (2006) 2781-2799. 9 MeV – clinical hard bone Dm vs. Dw BEAM/dosxyz simulation 70 Dose Dose 2 mmand with 3D smoothing 60 5 mm and with 3D smoothing 90 Bone cylinder is replaced by water-like medium but with bone density 100 90 70 depth = 2 60 50 40 60 50 20 Bone cylinder location 40 Measured eMC 30 30 20 10 10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 0 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 Central Axis Depth /cm Off-axis distance /cm Ding, G X., et al Phys. Med. Biol. 51 (2006) 2781-2799. 1.14 100 depth = 3 90 9 MeV 80 1.13 depth = 4 70 60 Measured eMC 50 40 (b) (a) SPR Dose 70 2 mmand no smoothing 18 MeV 100 110 9 MeV 100 0 80 10 Off-axis X position /cm Hard bone cylinder 90 20 0 0 110 30 10 10 120 40 Measured eMC 30 Measured eMC 2 mmand no smoothing 18 MeV 100 40 40 110 Relative Dose 110 120 Relative Dose 120 4.7 cm Bone Bone 1.12 30 Location of bone Water/Bone stopping-power ratios 1.11 20 10 0 1.10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 Off-axis distance /cm 6 8 0 1 2 3 4 5 depth in water /cm (c) 13 Results: clinical – soft bone • The maximum difference in dose is 1.8%, in agreement with soft bone phantom study and consistent with stopping power ratio • The maximum difference in dose is 1.8%, which is in agreement with the phantom studies Dose-to- % dose Dose-to-Water Medium Results: clinical – soft bone across patient / cm Clinical implementation issues Example of poorly fitting bolus • Bolus fitting (no air gaps) • Lead markers (wires, lead shots) used in simulation • Monitor unit calculations – Water tank or real patient anatomy – Dose to water or dose to medium • Workload 14 How to correct poorly fitting bolus Good clinical practice • Murphy’s Law of computer software (including Monte Carlo) “All software contains at least one bug” • Independent checks MU MC vs. hand calculations Monte Carlo Hand Calculations Real physical dose calculated on a patient anatomy Rectangular water tank Inhomogeneity correction included No inhomogeneity correction Arbitrary beam angle 9 MeV, full scatter phantom (water tank) RDR=1 cGy/MU Perpendicular beam incidence only 15 Lateral MU real patient vs.water tank scatter missing Real contour / Water tank = =234MU / 200MU=1.17 MC / Water tank= 292 / 256=1.14 MUMU-real patient vs. water tank Impact on DVH Posterior cervical lymph node irradiation - impact on DVH 120.0 PTV-MUMC PTV-MUWT 80.0 customized 35.0 30.0 LT eye-MU-WT 60.0 20.0 10.0 RT eye-MU-WT 20.0 25.0 15.0 RT eye-MUMC 40.0 conventional 3 LT eye-MUMC PTV / cm %volume 45.0 40.0 100.0 Jankowska et al, Radiotherapy & Oncology, 2007 5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 60.0 5.0 10.0 15.0 20.0 25.0 30.0 dose / Gy dose / Gy 16 Timing – Nucletron TPS Theraplan Plus • • • • • • Timing – Varian Eclipse 10x10 cm2 applicator 50k histories/cm2 Anatomy - 41 CT slices Voxels 3 mm3 Pentium 4 Xenon 2.2 GHz Calculation time – 1.5 min. for 6 MeV beam – 8.5 minutes for 20 MeV beam Eclipse MMC, Varian single CPU Pentium IV XEON, 2.4 GHz 10x10 cm2, applicator, water phantom, cubic voxels of 5.0 mm sides 6, 12, 18 MeV electrons, 3, 4, 4 minutes, respectively Faster than pencil beam! Chetty et al.: AAPM Task Group Report No. 105: Monte Carlobased treatment planning, Med. Phys. 34, 4818-4853, 2007 Conclusions Timing – Pinnacle3 dual processor 1.6 GHz Sun workstation, 16 GB RAM. Overall uncertainty 2% 1% Patient # histories CPU time (min) 1(cheek) 3.4x106 4.8 2 (ear) 1.7x106 2.1 3 (breast) 3.3x106 4 (face) 1.1x107 # histories 0.5% CPU time (min) # histories CPU time (h) 1.4x107 20 1.6x108 3.9 6.5x106 8.1 7.1x107 1.5 7.1 1.4x107 29.9 1.5x108 5.4 32.1 4.7x108 134.5 5.2x108 24.5 • Commercial MC based TP system are available – easy to implement and use – MC specific testing required • Fast and accurate 3-D dose calculations • Single virtual machine for all SSDs • Large impact on clinical practice – Accuracy improved – More attention to technical issues needed – Dose-to-medium calculated – MU based on real patient anatomy (including contour irregularities and tissue heterogeneities) • Requirement for well educated physics staff Fragoso et al.: Med. Phys. 35, 1028-1038, 2008 17 Acknowledgements George X. Ding George Daskalov Gordon Chan Robert Zohr Elena Gil Indrin Chetty Margarida Fragoso Richard Popple Charlie Ma David W.O. Rogers In the past I have received research support from Nucletron and Varian TOHCC has a research agreement with Elekta 18