April 29, 2016 Dr. Sandra Kelly Chair, Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies Search Committee Associate Dean, South Carolina Honors College Carolina Trustee Professor, Psychology University of South Carolina Via email to Ms. Sarah Livingston (livings@mailbox.sc.edu) Dear Dr. Kelly: I submit this letter of application for the position of Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies at the University of South Carolina. I am currently the Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs of the Arnold School of Public Health here at the University. After more than twenty years in major administrative roles in the Arnold School, I have developed the skills and experience to meet the challenges of a position at a higher level. My current responsibilities include curriculum development, academic assessment, evaluation and accreditation, student affairs, faculty affairs, and general administration. In this statement, I address how my experience has prepared me for this position, in particular addressing the priorities and functions in the position description. In the area of curriculum development, I work closely with our faculty to develop proposals that maintain our academic standards and enhance our programs. Specific examples are development of our undergraduate programs in public health and restructuring a professional doctoral program to address accreditation criteria. Other initiatives include development of an online program with the Academic Partnerships initiative and development of several dual degree programs. Most recently, I am facilitating the move of the athletic training programs from the College of Education to the Arnold School. As academic program liaison for the Arnold School, I represent us at the University level as needed for all course and curriculum changes, working with both the Faculty Senate and Graduate Council governance processes. I have served six years on Graduate Council, including one as council chair and three as a committee chair, and served on the Carolina Core committee for four years. Curricular programs must be associated with student and program assessment. I coordinate our process evaluations such as student course evaluations and peer reviews of classroom teaching and have worked with program directors to develop and implement appropriate academic program evaluations. In addition to satisfying the institution’s SACS requirements, these assessments are also fundamental to our school accreditation; I have coordinated three accreditation self-studies (site visits in 2001, 2009 and 2017), in addition to a more peripheral role with program-level accreditations within the Arnold School. Beyond the University, I have chaired accreditation site visits for five schools of public health and one stand-alone baccalaureate program in public health, in addition to numerous accreditation consultations and site visits as a team member or for other purposes. Academically strong curricula and quality instruction are only part of what University of South Carolina students should expect, especially our undergraduate population. We must also provide the advisement, academic support, life coaching and career counseling, and other services to help these students become engaged citizens and lifelong learners. In addition to oversight of the Arnold School’s graduate student services, I have supported our Office of Public Health Education as our interdisciplinary public health program grew from eight to 800 students in eight years, in addition to growth of the established exercise science program from 600 to 1200 students in the same time frame. While we embrace the new training opportunities and resources of the University Advising Center this year, our current faculty advisor model is highly effective, based on feedback from our students. Our advisors also teach our students and guide their experiential learning, building strong relationships over time. However, we also recognize the need for and value of those student services that are provided at the campus level. I have worked extensively with the campus Office of Academic Integrity and with a variety of other offices and programs on campus. Because our dedicated undergraduate faculty advisors are so effective, I have less direct experience with programs such as the Student Success Center. Beyond my official responsibilities, I serve on the Phi Beta Kappa campus chapter executive committee and have been closely involved with the membership selection and initiation process. In addition to the activities described above that relate directly to our academic programs and support of our students, I also coordinate faculty recruitment, appointment, evaluation, and tenure and promotion activities for the Arnold School. My original training in biostatistics is well utilized for annual data reporting for a broad range of assessment and evaluation activities, including primary responsibility for the school’s Blueprint for Academic Excellence, utilizing campus institutional research data but also generating reports from our internal data systems. I also work closely with our administrative staff for all personnel matters, purchasing approvals, and budget monitoring and projections. At the University level, in addition to various committee memberships, I chaired the search committee for the previous executive director of the Office of Institutional Research and Assessment and a committee to develop a new calendar and space reservation policy (UNIV 6.00). In reference to other components of this vice provost position description, schools of public health traditionally have a combination of professional and academic degree programs with strong experiential components. Community engagement for faculty, staff and students is inherent in our mission, our course work and our research, so we have been encouraging beyondthe-classroom experiences and service learning long before USC Connect and other recent campus initiatives were established; we often lead the campus with students earning graduation with leadership distinction. Most recently, students in our public health capstone course raised almost $40,000 for sixteen local non-profit organizations. Faculty members across the school incorporate students into research programs, including through the Magellan program and South Carolina Honors College thesis projects. Reflecting our commitment to global health, the Arnold School is building partnerships with several international institutions and leads several study abroad programs. Because social justice and health equity are critical goals for public health, diversity and inclusion are identified as key values. We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for all individuals. This is exemplified by appointing one of the first associate deans for diversity, inclusion and equity on this campus last year. In considering my accomplishments in both traditional faculty venues and in administration, several leadership characteristics are obvious: organization, attention to detail, perseverance, and ability to multi-task. While these characteristics enable me to meet the responsibilities I have accepted, other characteristics also define more fully who I am: honesty, professional integrity and a strong sense of ethics, loyalty, commitment to academic excellence, respect for my colleagues, and commitment to fairness and diversity. I have gravitated to leadership roles in my academic career. Many aspects of the model of servant leadership describe my administrative style, but my perspective is always one of service to others while staying focused on achieving results consistent with mission and goals, values and integrity. Because of this perspective, my decisions are made with the best interests of the School as the highest priority, not my personal status and advancement. Similarly, I have excellent relationships with our staff, in large part because they know I respect and support their roles and view myself as a team player with them, working toward a common mission. Thank you for consideration of this application for Vice Provost and Dean of Undergraduate Studies. I have dedicated my career to the University of South Carolina for nearly three decades in the Arnold School, and I hope to have the opportunity to expand my contributions in direct support of undergraduate studies and accreditation and assessment activities at the campus level. I look forward to further conversations with you and can be reached as 803-777-3509 or caddy@mailbox.sc.edu. Sincerely, Cheryl L. Addy, PhD Senior Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Professor of Biostatistics Arnold School of Public Health Attachments: Curriculum vitae, References