Book Report Project Due Monday May 23. 2016

Book Report Project
Due Monday May 23. 2016
The book you have chosen to read for the book report must remain at home until you have
completed the report. At that time you will return the book, the rubric, and the book report
As you read your book:
 Keep track of the pages you are reading on the reading log, to be sure you will finish
in time
 Think about which book report would work best for your book.
Once you have read half the book or more, choose one idea.
 By May 10th, tell Mrs. Detwiler or Mr. O. which report you will be doing, and why it
is a good one for your book
After you have finished the book:
 Be sure to read the directions for the book report very carefully. You will need to
include ALL parts.
 Remember to go back into your book to make sure your information is accurate
 Score yourself on the rubric, and return it with your book and book report.
The websites included are just suggestions of how to go about doing each activity. You do
NOT have to use these ideas, but you MUST follow the directions listed below them.
Have fun!! 
Return by Thursday May 5
Name ______________________________
Date _______________
Title of Book _____________________________________________
We understand that this project is due on May 23rd.
Student Signature ________________________ Parent Signature _______________________
Book Report Projects: Choose One
1. Write a letter to the author, using the correct formation for a friendly letter:
 Include 3-4 paragraphs. Mention which book you read by this author.
 Tell the author 3 things about this book, with details: something you did or didn’t like
and why, your opinion about the characters and plot (and why), and an idea for a
 Ask the author2-3 questions. These can be personal questions (favorite childhood
memory, favorite book, favorite place to visit, etc.) or they can be about the process of
writing this book, .
2. Make a mobile
Include 6 cards with information about:
 Write the title of the book and the author’s name.
 Each of the story elements: characters, setting, and plot (problem and solution).
 Write a character trait for the main character, and give text evidence to support your
 Write a paragraph telling if you liked the book or not, with 3 reasons why.
3. Create a timeline Works well for fictional stories or biographies
 You must have 6 to 8 events on the timeline
 Write the title of the book and author at top of page
 Summarize each event into a 4-5 sentence paragraph, then write it on the timeline in
chronological order. (The order in which they happened.)
 You must include at least 6 events.
Directions for GAME BOARD on back.
4. Make a board game
 Use one of the boards from the website, or create your own.
 Write the book title and author’s name on the board.
 You can add other simple directions on board spaces: Go back 1 space
 Draw/decorate the background of the board with pictures about the story.
 Make up 15 or more questions about the book on cards, or paper cut into the size of
cards: include questions about the characters, setting, problem, solution. If it is a
non-fiction book, include facts. WRITE NEATLY!
Number each card.
 Include a sheet of paper with the same numbers as the cards. Write the answers to all
questions on the sheet, matching numbers.
Example: Cards
1. What is the setting at
the beginning of the
Answers for Absolutely Truly
Sheet of paper
1. The very beginning of the
story takes place in Connecticut.
2. On Black Monday, Truly’s dad
was fighting in the war, and he
lost his arm in an explosion.
2. What happened on “Black