Self-Evaluation Based on the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations

Self-Evaluation Based on the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations
Instructions: Here are a number of statements about our hopes for a Graduate of the
Ontario Catholic School System. These statements may or may not apply to you. On the
answer sheet provided, write the number next to each statement to indicate the extent to
which you agree or disagree with each statement.
Be careful to place your answer beside the appropriate answer box.
Neither agree
nor disagree
1 – I know and understand the story of how Jesus came to save us from our sins?
2 – I use active and critical listening skills to understand Gospel values?
3 – I recognize that grace overpowers sin, and that in facing life’s challenges having hope is
4 – I demonstrate confidence and a positive sense of self? I respect the dignity and welfare
of others?
5 – I am able to work effectively as an interdependent team member?
6 – I relate and interact with family members in a loving, compassionate and respectful
7 – I, as a person formed in Catholic traditions, act legally and morally?
8 – I receive the sacraments of the Church? I know the significance of the Eucharist in the
Catholic faith?
9 – I can understand and use written materials effectively?
10 – I create, adapt, and evaluate new ideas while keeping the common good in mind?
11 – I demonstrate flexibility? I easily adapt to different situations?
12 – I am able to think critically about the meaning and purpose of work?
13 – I recognize human intimacy and sexuality as God-given gifts that are to be used for the
purpose that God intended?
14 – I accept accountability for my own actions?
15 – I reflect on God’s Word as taught in the Hebrew and Christian scriptures in my daily
16 – I can clearly and truthfully present information and ideas with sensitivity to others?
17 – I am able to think reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems?
18 – I take initiative and demonstrate Christian leadership skills?
19 – I strive to develop and reach my God-given potential, and make a meaningful
contribution to society?
20 – I value and honour the important role of family in today’s society?
21 – I seek and grant forgiveness in order to right my wrongs?
22 – I display values and attitudes that reflect Catholic teachings, and promote social
human solidarity, and the common good?
23 – I can you write and speak one or both of Canada’s official languages fluently?
24 –I make morally correct decisions in light of Gospel values?
25 – I manage and constructively influence change in a discerning matter? (Discerning
manner means with reflection and prayer about right and wrong.)
26 – I find meaning, dignity and fulfillment in work that contributes to the common good?
27 – I value and seek opportunities to nurture family prayer?
28 – I promote the sacredness of life in all that I do?
29 – I understand that God has given me a life to live, and that is not to be owned but to be
protected and cherished?
30 – I can effectively integrate the Catholic faith in analyzing the arts, media, technology,
and information systems to enhance the quality of life?
31 – I have adopted a holistic approach to life by integrating learning from various subject
area and experience?
32 – I set appropriate goals and priorities for myself in school, work, and personal life?
33 – I show respect towards the rights, responsibilities, and contributions of self and
34 – I minister to family, school, parish, and wider community through service?
35 – I am a witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting equality, democracy, and
solidarity for a just, peaceful and compassionate society?
36 – I share a close and intimate bond with God and others through prayer and worship?
37 – I examine, evaluate and apply knowledge of interdependent systems (political, ethical,
socioeconomic, and ecological) in developing a just and compassionate society?
38 – I can you apply effective communication, decision-making, problem solving, and time
and resource management skills in my life?
39 – I practice Christian leadership in achieving individual and group goals?
40 – I respect and affirm the diversity and interdependence of the world’s peoples and
41 – I recognize that God has a specific purpose and calling for me, and that throughout my
life’s journey, I will strive towards this calling?
42 – I examine and reflect on my personal values, abilities and aspirations, which influence
life’s choices and opportunities?
43 – I strive to achieve excellence, originality, and integrity in my own work, and support
these qualities in the work of others?
44 – I respect and understand the history, cultural heritage and differences of today’s
45 – I show respect towards people of all religions and faith traditions?
46 – I participate in leisure and fitness activities to lead a balanced and healthy lifestyle?
47 – I hope to apply my skills for employability, self-employment, and entrepreneurship in
relation to my Christian calling?
48 – I exercise the rights and responsibilities of a Canadian citizen?
49 – I incorporate faith into my daily life?
50 – I care for and respect the environment around me, and use resources wisely?
51 – I recognize that sin, human weakness, conflict, and forgiveness are all apart of the
human journey and that Jesus dying on the cross is the ultimate sign of forgiveness and is at
the heart of redemption?
52 – I contribute towards the common good through my actions in the community?