Digital Photo 3: Environmental Portraiture Shooting Assignment: PART A

Digital Photo 3:
Environmental Portraiture Shooting Assignment:
Self-portrait: Take at least 15 exposures. Think about how you can portray and express yourself
visually. You may be in the shot and/or you may include other objects that say something about
you. You may take these in the studio in school using our artificial lights, set up your own studio
at home, or create an environmental portrait in which you use the background, space, and props
to add something meaningful. The photos can be posed or more candid. Use lighting
purposefully and thoughtfully in order to add a particular mood or feeling. Use a tripod if you
have one and your self-timer. Or, set everything up and then have an assistant just click the
button for you.
Choose 1 (or more) of the following and take at least 20 exposures:
1. Portrait of a significant person in your life: Photograph someone special to you. Express the
character of this person through your photographs. Include objects, props or the environment to
add something meaningful about the person. For example, if their hands are important to the
work they do, you may want to take some detail shots of their hands.
2. Portrait of you and your significant person: Take photographs of the two of you together.
Express the qualities of your relationship visually. Include props or environmental details when
Consider your compositions and framing carefully.
Go beyond the typical snapshot. Use the environment to add something meaningful.
Use lighting effectively to express the mood and illuminate the subject.
Try different angles and distances as you shoot.
Focus and expose properly. Bracket if necessary.
35 or more Images DUE: __________________