Digital Photo II Independent Project Objective: You will be creating a body of work (5 final images) that communicates a cohesive theme or idea. Think about what you hope to visually express to viewers. Proposal: Write a clear and specific proposal stating what you plan to photograph and why you want to pursue this topic. Also include a brief description about how you plan to accomplish this, where you will do this, and what resources you may need and will use. Write with complete sentences. Collect and include 4-5 pictorial examples that demonstrate your topic or inspire you in some way (composition, lighting, subject matter, etc.). They can be any type of art work and do not have to be the exact subject matter you will photograph. Write a few sentences describing how these images influence or inspire you and your project idea. Consider who you researched for art criticism as a potential source of inspiration. PROPOSAL DUE:_________________ Project Ideas: You may want to choose one of the major photographic careers to explore (advertising, corporate, editorial, fine art). Advertising may include products you photograph as still life advertisements, fashion, food photography. Editorial includes photojournalism or documentary projects as in a photo story or photo essay. You may choose to concentrate on sports photography, street photography, etc. For corporate photography you may want to contact a company and take portraits and other images that the company could utilize in a brochure or annual report (you may be able to get paid for such a service). A fine art (personal) topic, such as a thematic body of work, a collage, images with text, anything of a more personal nature is the other option. You may want to shoot in the style of a photographer. The possibilities are endless. You may want to think along the lines of a photo story or essay. The photo story is a linear series of images which creates a story line with a beginning, middle, and end. It is a narrative set of images that works together to present a single topic. There is a direct progression from one picture to the next. The photo essay is a grouping of pictures that convey an impression of a subject. A photo essay might rely more on symbolism and subtle relationships or juxtapositions among pictures. This type of work is often found in magazines like Life or National Geographic. Composition: Effectively use the principles of design to organize the art elements. Use the rule of thirds when possible. Keep your compositions simple and crop out nonessentials. Crop through the viewfinder! Technical Info: Focus and expose your images properly. Bracket if necessary. Pre-focus if you are shooting sports or other action. NOTE: If you want to use the studio in school, arrangements can be made. See me about this. 50 or more digital images DUE: ___________________ Printing and Presentation Info: *You must digitally submit 5 or more images 8x10 or 11x14, smaller if you speak with me about how this size will be more effective for your project (for instance, if you are making a book). * You must print and mat a minimum of 2 of these prints or you may choose to present your images in another format, such as a book, collage, triptych, etc. See me with your idea. You will save the images you do not print in my hand-in folder. * You will write an artist statement to support your body of work.