Sculpture Wire Assessment: Study of LINE, SPACE and SHAPE Name and Section: ___________________ Use the following scale to grade your work. 10 points = Excellent Verve Imaginative Inventive Confident 9 points = Strong Evocative Successful Some Inconsistencies 8 points = Good Sense Of Purpose Technical Competence 7 points = Moderate Real Effort Emerging 6 points = Weak Awkward 5 points = Poor Simplistic Trite Copied Craftsmanship: Worked skillfully and paid attention to details (10 points each) _____ _____ The contour line made by the wire is smooth; no evidence of bumps or unnecessary “wrinkles” in the wire; looks finished and complete. _____ _____ Cleanliness of form; wire intersections are clean, no protruding stray ends, wire is wrapped tightly and evenly; piece is sturdy and stable. Design/Composition and Idea/Concept: Successfully organized the art elements according to the principles of design, and worked inventively with originality and creativity (10 points each) _____ _____ LINE: The wire creates clear and accurate contour lines to define the form of the referenced object. You looked at your reference object as you worked. _____ _____ SHAPE AND SPACE: Wire was used to “break” the referenced object into inventive shapes and positive/negative space. _____ _____ PROPORTION: Object was clearly and thoughtfully fabricated using realistic or exaggerated proportion. Which one did you use? Check ONE only: _____ realistic proportion: all parts of the object are proportionate and to scale with each other (it may be larger than life size, but it is still proportionate as measured against a standard reference, your object) _____ exaggerated proportion: some part(s) of the object are exaggerated in size, form or texture to make the piece more expressive. _____ _____ EMPHASIS: Copper wire, black wire or “flattened” wire was successfully used to emphasize a focal point or texture. Effort and Time on Task: (10 points) _____ _____ Used art tools and processes skillfully. Took time to develop idea and used class time wisely. Brought in an object to look at as you worked. *Describe your use of line, shape and space. How did you describe the form in a creative and/or expressive manner? For example, was it the way you divided the shapes and used positive/negative space to define the form? Be specific. ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ *Why did you choose to make the proportions realistic or why did you choose to exaggerate the proportions. Be specific. Did you do so in order to create a certain mood or for another reason? ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ *Describe what you did well and what you could improve upon. Be specific and describe strengths and areas for improvement in your work. What did you enjoy? What was difficult or frustrating? __________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ Completion of rubric thoughtfully and honestly _________/ 10 points TOTAL: _______ / 80 POINTS