Large Displays Enhance Spatial Knowledge of a Virtual Environment Jonathan Z. Bakdash Department of Psychology University of Virginia Jason S. Augustyn U.S. Army Natick Soldier Systems Center Abstract Previous research has found performance for several egocentric tasks to be superior on physically large displays relative to smaller ones, even when visual angle is held constant. This finding is believed to be due to the more immersive nature of large displays. In our experiment, we examined if using a large display to learn a virtual environment (VE) would improve egocentric knowledge of the target locations. Participants learned the location of five targets by freely exploring a desktop large-scale VE of a city on either a small (25” diagonally) or large (72” diagonally) screen. Viewing distance was adjusted so that both displays subtended the same viewing angle. Knowledge of the environment was then assessed using a head-mounted display in virtual reality, by asking participants to stand at each target and point at the other unseen targets. Angular pointing error was significantly lower when the environment was learned on a 72” display. Our results suggest that large displays are superior for learning a virtual environment and the advantages of learning an environment on a large display may transfer to navigation in the real world. CR Categories: H.5.1 [Multimedia Information Systems]: Artificial, augmented, and virtual realities; H.5.2 [Information Interfaces and Presentation]: User Interfaces – Screen design, User-centered design; J.4 [Social and Behavioral Sciences]: Psychology. Keywords: display size, navigation, virtual reality, immersion, presence 1 Introduction Physically large displays are becoming increasingly popular, presumably because the immersive nature of large displays results in a greater feeling of presence or a sense of “being there”. Previous research has found scenes from movies were liked better on a large screen compared to a small screen [Revees and Nass, 1996]. Also, people reported that they felt more like they were “there” when watching action movie clips on large screen [Reeves et al. 1993]. Large displays also improve performance on cognitive tasks. Memory for the content of movie scenes was improved [Reeves & Nash, 1996]. Additionally, performance for egocentric (viewer-centered frame of reference) cognitive Dennis R. Proffitt Department of Psychology University of Virginia tasks is superior on a large display compared to a small one, even when the visual angle (angle the stimulus subtends on the retina) between the displays is identical (see Tan [2004]). For cognitive tasks that were exocentric (object-centered frame of reference), Tan [2004] found no performance difference between a small and large display. Tan suggested that this advantage may stem from large displays biasing participants into developing egocentric strategies, which does not appear to be beneficial exocentric tasks. One of the egocentric tasks used in Tan’s dissertation was path integration on a large and small display (for a summary see Tan et al. [2004]). In this experiment participants saw a first person, egocentric view of a sparse VE and used a joystick to move along a path. Since the VE contained no landmarks, participants continuously updated their spatial position relative to the starting point using velocity and acceleration cues from optic flow. They then returned to where they believed the origin was which was not indicated by any features in the environment. Distance errors relative to the origin were lowest in the large display condition and no difference in display size was found for the heading angle to the origin. While navigating through the environment, one way people are able to effectively reach a particular location is by using spatial updating, which is the process of keeping track of where things are in the environment after they have gone out of sight. Spatial updating is inherently egocentric, locations in the environment are updated relative to the self [Rieser, 1989]. One example of spatial updating is walking into a room and knowing still knowing the location of the door when it is out of sight. Another example of spatial updating is moving through a city towards a destination, having the route blocked by construction. and taking a detour but still knowing the location of the destination. In the current work, we wanted to determine if the benefits of learning a VE on a large display would extend to a complex navigation task and transfer to a fully immersive test environment by using virtual reality (VR). Knowledge of the VE was assessed by having participants point at unseen target locations, measuring their ability to perform spatial updating. 2 Experiment In our study, participants freely explored a VE on either a 25” or 72” (measured diagonally) projected display. They were instructed to find a set of targets scattered throughout the environment and learn where these targets were in relation to each other. In order to examine physical display size independent of field of view, the visual angle of both displays was fixed at 15.8°. The experiment was divided into a learning phase (on a large or small display) and a test phase (in VR). a) 20” wide small display b) 58” wide large display c) Bird’s eye view of the small and large displays. Figure 1: Display size setup. Note the visual angle was the same for the small and large displays; both have the same horizontal field of view 15.8°. 2.1 Participants Thirty-eight (19 male, 19 female) University of Virginia students, ranging in age from 18 to 23, participated in the experiment. Participants either received course credit or were paid. All had normal or corrected-to-normal vision. 2.2 Virtual Environment and Equipment The virtual city environment was created in Alice 99 and was approximately 150 meters by 200 meters in size. Participants traveled along streets which were laid out in an irregular grid. head-mounted display (HMD), which provided a 48° horizontal field of view. A Dell Precision 360 computer with a GeForce 4 MX420 and GeForce 4 MX200 graphics cards providing stereo images to the HMD rendered at 640 x 480 and 60 frames per second. An Intersense Model IS-900 motion tracking system registered head movements to appropriately update the HMD images. Participants rotated in place and looked around, pointing at unseen targets by pressing the bottom button on a tracked wand, shown below in Figure 2. Angular pointing error was measured by the deviation from the center of a target, ignoring elevation. Five target locations were placed throughout the environment such that no other targets were visible when standing at any particular target. The average straight-line (going through buildings and any other objects) distance between two targets was 96 meters. Movement through the VE was controlled using a Saitek Cyborg EVO joystick; the throttle was used to control walking speed and heading direction was adjusted via the joystick. Learning Phase: During the learning phase of the experiment, the VE was rendered at 640 x 480 and 60 frames per second on a Dell Dimension 8250 computer equipped with a GeForce 4 Ti 4200 graphics card running Windows XP. An Epson PowerLite 811p projector and a Sharp Notevision 6 projector were used to display the environment for the small and large screen conditions, respectively. A switchbox was used to send video output to the appropriate projector. The projectors were qualitatively equated for brightness and contrast. The images for both projectors were displayed on a DA-LITE screen. In order to hold viewing angle constant at 15.8°, the small display condition the screen was positioned 6 feet away from participants, in the large display condition the screen was 17.33 feet away from participants. The size of the small display image was 20” wide and 15” tall and the large display image was 58” wide and 43” tall. Figure 1 shows each display condition and the distances and field of view. Testing Phase: In the testing phase, the same VE was rendered with Alice99, but it was viewed through a Virtual Research V8 Figure 2: On the left is a person in VR wearing a headmounted display and holding the wand in their hand for pointing. On the right is the representation of the wand in VR. 2.3 Design Two conditions were tested in a between-subjects design. In the 25” display condition there were nine male and seven female participants and in the 72” display condition there were seven male and nine female participants that completed the study. Six participants were unable to complete the experiment due to motion sickness. 2.4 Procedure Prior to starting the experiment participants completed the Santa Barbara Sense of Direction Scale (SBSOD) [Hegarty et al., 2002]. In addition, participants also indicated their level of experience with first person video games and the average number of hours per week spent playing first person video games. Participants were instructed how to use the joystick. They then practiced navigating in a VE, similar in appearance to the actual experiment environment, for about a minute. To ensure participants were able to use the joystick, they had to walk around a city block in the practice VE in less than 45 seconds. Only two participants were unable to circle the block on their first try. These participants were given additional practice and were then able to meet the criterion for mastering the joystick. Learning phase In the learning phase participants were given 20 minutes to freely explore the VE. Participants started at one of the target locations, selected at random. They were told to learn the locations of five targets (tank, school, helicopter, gazebo, humvee) relative to each other. Also, they were instructed that their knowledge of the environment would be tested by standing at each of the five targets and pointing at the other unseen targets in VR. Participants started at a random target location. The exploration time was sufficient for all participants to visit every target at least once. Testing phase In VR, participants stood at each of the target locations (5) and pointed at the other unseen targets (4) with the wand. The order of the target locations stood at and pointed at were randomized for each participant. 3 Results Learning phase During learning, participants traveled the approximately same distance through the VE and visited the same total number of targets, regardless of display size. This insured that learning was equivalent under both screen size conditions. Independent samples t-tests indicated that neither the distance traveled through the VE, small display (M=2368.62 meters) and large screen (M=2228.00 meters), nor the total number of targets visited, small display (M=21.54 targets) and large screen (M=20.50 targets), differed significantly (all ps > .05). Due to a technical problem, learning data was missing for three participants in the small display condition and two in the large display condition. Testing phase Angular pointing error was assessed using absolute values collapsing across target location for pointing and target pointed at for each screen size. An independent samples t-test showed absolute pointing error for the small display condition (M=27.99°) was significantly greater than for the large display condition (M=13.46°), t(30) = 2.29, p = 0.03, see Figure 3. No relationship was found between angular pointing error and the score for the SBSOD scale or the video game experience questions. Absolute Angular Pointing Error (degrees) Practice 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Small Display Large Display Figure 3: Absolute value of angular pointing error for the small display and large display condition. 4 Discussion This study shows that learning a complex VE on a physically large display compared to a small one promotes the transfer of spatial knowledge to a fully immersive test environment. The superiority of the large display condition is demonstrated by the finding that it resulted in less than half the angular pointing than the small display condition. Since visual angle was equated, our findings provide further evidence that it is the physical size of the display that is important for cognitive task performance. More specifically, Tan [2004], Tan et al. [2004] has reported that egocentric task performance is superior on large displays because they are more likely to evoke egocentric strategies. The promotion of egocentric frames of reference by larger displays may be linked to the increased sense of presence they afford. In this study, there was an inherent confound between viewing distance, physical display size, and field of view. Future research could use virtual displays in VR to disentangle these variables, similar to the experiment design used by Dixon et al. [2000]. Participants’ knowledge of the VE was assessed in VR, suggesting that learning a computer generated version of a real environment on a large display may transfer to the real world, leading to improved navigation performance. However, previous research by Darken and Banker [1998] and Darken and Goerger [1999] found negligible real world transfer performance with VEs. Future research could investigate unexplored areas in display size research such as using an exocentric navigation task like map learning and passive learning of a large scale environment. Acknowledgments This research was supported by NBCH Grant 1050023 from DARPA to the third author. References Darken, R.P. & Banker, W.P. 1998. Navigating in Natural Environments: A Virtual Environment Training Transfer Study. In Proceedings of VRAIS 1998, 12-19. Darken, R.P., & Goerger, S.R. 1999. The Transfer of Strategies from Virtual to Real Environments: An Explanation for Performance Differences? In Proceedings of Virtual Worlds and Simulations 1999, pp. 159-164. Dixon, M.W., Wraga, M., Proffitt, D.R., & Williams, G.C. 2000. Eye height scaling of absolute size in immersive and nonimmersive displays. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 26, 582-593. Hegarty, M., Richardson, A., Montello, D., Lovelace, K., & Subbiah, I. 2002. Development of a self-report measure of environmental spatial ability. Intelligence, 30, 425-447. Tan, D.S. 2004. Exploiting the cognitive and social benefits of physically large displays. 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