Staff Presentation 2012-2013
Lake Zurich CUSD 95 has systems in place to achieve its mission of creating continuous learners who are caring, responsible citizens in a global community.
How do we provide support to LEP/ELL students?
14.7% of all District 95 students speak two or more languages in their homes.
Based on last year’s data,
In the District 95 ELL program we had
◦ 256 LEP students
◦ 181 who receive ELL services
◦ 25 languages spoken (17 last year)
◦ The most prevalent languages are
Spanish (112)
Polish (33)
Russian (23)
Korean (10)
Hindi (7)
Gujarati (4)
In terms of research based instruction in the second language….
It takes 5-10 years to learn a second language.
There are four language domains included in second language instruction.
Inclusive comprehensible input is needed.
The goals of the program are to meet academic achievement standards for grade promotion and to become proficient in English.
Program Description
The Transitional Program of Instruction (TPI) program is for students whose first language is a language other than
English. TPI provides instruction only in English.
The Transitional Bilingual Education(TBE) program provides support in students’ native language to assist the acquisition of English and succeed in academic subjects; whereas, TPI provides instruction only in English.
Assessments for Placement
MAP and local assessments- Newcomers who have been here less than one year may be exempt from local testing based on language proficiency.
Make sure each lesson addresses the four language domains
All curricular content is aligned with the Illinois
English Language Proficiency Standards and Illinois
Learning Standards which include the Common
◦ State set exit criteria
◦ 4.2 literacy; 4.8 composite
◦ In a typical year, between 20-40 students exit from the ELL/Bilingual prrograms
Mobility Rates
◦ 7% LEP vs. 3% non-LEP
K- 18%
1- 22%
3- 16.5%
4- 6.8%
5- 3%
6- 3%
7- 4.6%
9-12- 5%
Required component of the state TBE grant
Must meet a minimum of four times each year.
Our parents have requested a parent education focus.
◦ Understanding the American educational system
◦ Supporting learning at home
◦ The importance of using the native language
◦ Using games to promote language and communication at home
◦ Social and emotional well being
ELL/Bilingual teachers attend and translate
Ela Township volunteers from the 55+ group
High school World Language department has participated
◦ Student volunteers
◦ Teacher volunteer
Beginning of the year informational session
◦ Held in September
◦ All parents of ELL students are asked for input
◦ Introduction to ELL teachers
◦ Overview of the program
End of year Parents’ Night
◦ Held in May
◦ All parents are asked for input
◦ Overview of student successes
◦ All students are provided with summer learning materials
Summer school courses designed for ELL and bilingual students
No expense to families
ELL/Bilingual certified teachers
Approximately 80 students attended K-8
Summer field trip
Know the student’s English language proficiency levels.
Identify your lesson objects.
Identify the language objectives for the student.
Language - Selected from the Can Do
Descriptors based on students’ English language proficiency level
Topic- Selected from the grade appropriate content learning standards
Support- Sensory, graphic and interactive supports promote the development of students’ academic language proficiency
Arranged by grade level clusters
Represents the range of language proficiency definitions
Focus on an additive rather than subtractive perspective
Jo has an ACCESS profile of:
◦ Reading- 3.4
◦ Writing- 2.1
◦ Speaking 4.0
◦ Listening- 4.6
◦ If Jo is a third grade student that means….
With a partner, look at the Can Do descriptors for each domain. What could Jo do in your class? How might you modify assignments for Jo?
◦ Reading- 3.4
◦ Writing- 2.1
◦ Speaking 4.0
◦ Listening- 4.6
Choose one lesson and brainstorm with a partner to plan instruction that will support Jo’s needs.
Using the profile sheets your ELL teacher has provided to you, choose one student to consider.
◦ Can DO
Lake Zurich CUSD 95 has systems in place to achieve its mission of creating continuous learners who are caring, responsible citizens in a global community.
How do we provide support to LEP/ELL students?
3- Points to remember about LEP/ELL
2- Ideas to use in the classroom
1- Question I have