Advanced Placement and Special Topics Spanish Table of Contents

AP and Special Topics Spanish
Advanced Placement and Special Topics Spanish
Required Summer and Fall Reading/Assignments Packet
Table of Contents
Rational for Summer and Fall Work
Page 2
General Directions
Page 2
Summer Assignment #1
Page 3
Summer Assignment #2
Page 4
Summer Assignment #3
Page 5
Summer Assignment #4
Page 6
Required Fall Assignments
Page 7
Signature and Home Computer Page
Page 10
Success on the AP Spanish Exam
Page 11
AP Language Exam Format
Page 13
Resources and Workbook Information
Page 15
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Advanced Placement and Special TopicsSpanish
Required Summer and Fall Reading/Assignments
Rationale for Summer Assignments
Although we are just completing one school year, it is the time to look forward and
prepare for the next. As an advanced student you will be part of a select and motivated
group of students who use our language to help our community, who strive to become
better communicators, and who enjoy a real challenge.
As well as receiving additional opportunities that come your way because you are an
advanced student, you also have additional responsibilities. Those come in the form of
summer work, and for AP students, fall study sessions. These assignments are not
offered as a punishment but as a way to maintain language skills when you are not
getting regular class practice. Like riding a bike, playing a sport or an instrument,
language is a skill and must be maintained. As my band director said many years ago,
“Use it or lose it!”. He was right about my clarinet and I don’t want him to be right about
your ability to use your language. These activities are not meant to be overly time
consuming but much of that will depend upon your current level of language skill. In any
skill, some people are just naturally more adept, while others must invest more time and
effort to arrive at the same skill level, however without practice everyone will lose ability.
Summer work is a well established fact in the AP community and I have utilized
recommendations from the AP Spanish Teachers Electronic Message Board and
comments from past AP students for many of these ideas, while mixing in my own twist.
So…Let’s get started!
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
General Directions
**First you must join our class message board at and enroll for
messages on Remind 101.
Remind 101:
You may already be registered with another class, if not, your membership is free, just
sign up. You will need the course code dykw2x to enroll in the Spanish 3.5 and AP
class and begin posting your work. Your first task is to go to the post Introducirte a tus
compañeros and add your personal post. This should be done immediately, I need to
know that you are able to access the site. Please comment (en español) on other
student’s post as well as posting your own work. This will make the work more
interesting, you will get to see what others have done, and we will begin to get to know
each other. Our Spanish class will combine students from different classes and we need
to know each other in order to work together well.
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Each of the following assignments has a 2 week window for completion. You are
required to complete the summer assignments during the assigned time period. While
you certainly may work ahead, please post your work during the designated time,
absolutely no assignment will be accepted late. The assignments integrate the use of
technology while maintaining the integrity of language acquisition through real-life
experiences. Because technology is involved, make sure that you allow time to complete
each activity and work with any glitches that occur, (they will always occur so prepare for
them). Midnight is the cut off time for each assignment, no matter what good
reason you have, so plan ahead, and get the work done early to save yourself
frustration. I will use the date and time indicated on the post to determine if it is late. You
also need to allow time to post response comments on other student’s messages.
At this level we have a continuous focus on the 6 themes that will be the basis of the AP
Spanish Language and Culture Exam.
1) Families and Communities/ Las familias y las comunidades
2) Global Challenges; Los desafíos mundiales
3) Personal and Public Identities/ Las identidades personales y públicas
4) Contemporary Life/ La vida contemporánea
5) Science and Technology/ La ciencia y la tecnología.
6) Beauty and Easthetics/ La belleza y la estetica
The summer assignments have been selected to continue the development of more
advanced communication skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills, while
endeavoring to deepen our knowledge of these themes and how they compare among
different Spanish speaking countries as well as with our own.
Read the assignment descriptions carefully and complete all parts of the assignment.
You may use dictionaries, grammar books, etc but never an online translator. You
should write your post in Spanish that can be understood by your classmates, the ones
who will post responses to you. If you use a translator, it will use advanced Spanish that
neither you nor your friends can understand. I need to know what you can do, not what
your computer can do. When I have a false understanding of your skill level, I cannot
accurately assist you.
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Required Summer Assignments
Assignment 1
June 1-14
Listen to a level 2 podcast from
Think about what you heard, then write eight to ten sentences in good Spanish
telling which theme was the primary one in evidence and a summary of the
broadcast. Include your opinion or compare it to one of your personal experiences.
Post your thoughts on the assignment spot in Edmodo. (100 points)
Required Summer Assignments
Assignment 2
June 15-29
Watch or listen to a TV program in Spanish. (Lide our TV stations, they have
programing available on their web sites.)Think about what you saw or heard,
then write eight to ten sentences in good Spanish telling which theme was the
primary one in evidence and a summary of the broadcast. Include your opinion or
compare it to one of your personal experiences. Post your thoughts on the
assignment spot in Edmodo. Include the web address of the sites you choose in
your response. (100 points)
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Required Summer Assignments
Assignment 3
June 29-July 12
You will need to read the assignment and write to reinforce advanced grammar
structures in the target language. Respond to the prompt in eight to ten sentences. Use
letter format including greeting and salutations.
Imagine that your parents have just told you that they will take a vacation and you are
able to invite a friend. Write an e-mail to your friend and
Greet them
Give details about the vacation
Invite them to join you
Give them advice about the trip
Say good bye
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Required Summer Assignments
Assignment 4
July 13-26
Go to the website Choose one reading
from the menu on the left side of the page. First, listen to the story/article without
reading along. (The audio button is on the page) What information were you able
to gather orally? Then listen again while reading along. Spend as much time as
you need and repeat as many times as you want. Gather information from the
text and oral presentation. Which of our themes seems to be predominate?
What exactly happened? Where did this take place? When? Who is involved?
What is your response to the article/story? Did it make you happy? Sad?
Hungry? Tell us about your experience in a 100+ word post. (100 points)
Comment on at least 2 other post (100 points)
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Advanced Placement Spanish
Required Fall Assignments
As we enter the fall semester we will still need to keep up our skill practice as well as get
serious in our AP exam preparations. Here is how we will work out the logistics.
There will be three Saturday AP exam preparation days: September 12, October 17 and
November 7. These days, especially September 8th, will be vital to our exam preparation
because we will go over the complete exam format so that you can identify assessment
areas that are your specific weaknesses. Thus you can dedicate your personal study
time in a more directed and individual way. This will free up a week of time once we
enter AP class in January. Bad weather possibilities make this very valuable time.
If you are unable to attend one of the 3 sessions, then you will need to complete the
alternate assignment
Alternate Fall Assignment
September 12
Go to In the upper right corner of the page you can select
Spanish as your language for songs. If you have a favorite Spanish musician or
group, there is a search box at the top of the page, or you may select from the
recommendations below. If you begin listening and decide you prefer something
else, then press the Other Lyrics or More Lyrics buttons for more choices. This will
provide you with a list of possibilities that is many pages long. Once you have a song
that is to your liking and have listened to it several times to get the feel of the rhythm
and sound, then select your game mode level and play. You may replay passages
as many times as you need to find the correct words. What was your score? Do you
want to try again? When you finish, tell us all about it in your post for this month.
(100 points)
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Alternate Fall Assignment
October 17
This month is dedicated to working with verbs. Select 3 verbs and do the Great
Conjugations for them. Translate for the 2nd person singular.
Alternate Fall Assignments
November 7
You will need to read the attached assignment and write to reinforce advanced
grammar structures in the target language. Respond to the prompt in eight to ten
sentences. Use letter format. (100 points)
Imagine that your parents have just told you that they are moving the family to
Argentina. Write an e-mail to your best friend and
Greet them
Share your feelings about the situation
Offer specific frustrations and positives
Offer a way that you can maintain your friendship
Say good bye
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Advanced Placement Spanish
Required Summer and Fall Reading/Assignments
Assignment Dates:
June 1-14
June 15-28
June 29-July 12
July 13-26
September 12
October 17
November 7
Asignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Prep Session or Alternate Assignment
Prep Session or Alternate Assignment.
Prep Session or Alternate Assignment
at I will check my messages weekly
For urgent questions or emergency situations you may call my cell at 670-6226.
Please treat my number with respect so that I can continue to share it with students.
If you text me, please identify yourself so that I will know who I am speaking to.
Please sign, detach and return the section below to me then post the section above
on your computer or other prominent place to remind you of due dates.
Dear Mrs. Mattingly,
I have read the AP Summer and Fall Assignment package and understand that I/ my
child is responsible for completing the work that has been assigned and that the
assignments are a part of the AP course grade. I also understand that the work is not
given to punish students but to assist them in keeping up with their language skill when
they are not in class. I further understand that all the due dates are firm (as in a 300
level college class) and that I/ my child should complete the work in advance of the due
date in order to avoid last minute technical difficulties.
Student Printed name and Signature
Parent Signature
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
Success on the AP Spanish Exam
Former students encouraged me to start this page out with the statement….. It is
important to begin preparing as soon as possible--- long before you actually enter
the AP classroom. With that in mind, here we go with tips from successful
The AP Spanish Language Exam is a 3-4 hour skill-based exam testing your
abilities and proficiency in Spanish. It is not a knowledge-based exam like most
other AP exams. You are “on stage” in Spanish for over 3 hours integrating all
four of your skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Familiarize yourself
with the AP Spanish Language Exam Format included in this packet. It is in table
form. The exam assumes and demands critical, integrated expression in
Spanish. You must maintain your focus during these 3+ hours. The AP Spanish
Exam IS REQUIRED for all students enrolled in the class.
In addition to the reading and writing portions of the AP Spanish Language exam,
you must record an improvised two-minute formal oral presentation. You will
read a short selection; then, you will listen to a different spoken selection. You
are given 2 minutes to organize your thoughts about these two selections.
Immediately afterwards, you speak for 2 minutes integrating the two selections
into your recorded monologue. You must show a high level of analysis, synthesis
and evaluation in this presentation to receive a 4 or 5.
The AP Spanish Language class is an intense, demanding course. My goal is for
you to receive a 3 or above on the exam, however we keep in mind that any
preparation for this most difficult language exam will also prepare us for the
CLEP exam and the STAMP test, as well as the various University Placement
Exams. If you have questions, contact me and/or visit the website at:
Ready to step up to the challenge? 
If you are taking the AP Spanish class, here are some recommendations for
things to do over the summer and during the school year to help prepare you.
These are in addition to your assignments and school activities.
1. Everyday, pick up a Spanish publication and read some of it. Some possible
choices include People Magazine en Español, Reader’s Digest en Español,
Hola, or other such publications. These are available at local
bookstores/magazine shops. Car magazines, fashion magazines, etc. are all
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
good alternatives. It is essential to do some reading and to be exposed to
Spanish publications.
You can also go on the internet and read articles in Spanish such as online newspapers, magazines, and web sites. Many search engines are
available in Spanish. If you click on or type “video” at
or, you can find videos in Spanish that will help with
visual, audio and gestures in Spanish.
Have some daily contact with Univisión or other Spanish programming on
television or video. We recommend watching news programs such as “Primer
Impacto,” or “Noticiero.” You will see and hear speakers from all of the
Spanish-speaking countries. “Tu Desayuno Alegre,” is a morning talk show
with music videos. There are soap operas, “Telenovelas,” if that interests you.
Additionally, there are many different game shows. You will need frequent
contact over the summer with Spanish language and cultures.
Videos and DVDs are excellent resources, too, for listening to Spanish. While
watching your favorite DVD this summer, select to hear or watch your DVD in
the Spanish language. Watch the program and jot down some words or things
you don’t understand or want to learn then. You probably will not understand
everything, but over time your understanding will increase. Another option is
to tape a show, then pick a 3-5 minute segment and keep rewinding it,
working with it until you get most of what is going on. You might like working
with music videos or commercials when you do this at first.
Seek out opportunities to listen to “live” Spanish. There are community
cultural events and local churches that have activities and services in Spanish
and local service organizations that provide services to the Spanish-speaking
community. Bowling Green in particular has a thriving Latino community.
You can help others while helping yourself. Speak Spanish with family,
friends, and co-workers. You may be surprised at how many people in this
area speak Spanish.
Listen to Spanish music. Visit local music shops, department stores or
download songs from the internet. You may even want to consider podcasts
available in Spanish. There are some designed to teach Spanish as well as
some for entertainment.
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AP and Special Topics Spanish
In our class discussions, you all have mentioned the need for more
face time with native speakers. The Wespeke site has recently
come to my attention. I have not used it with a class but I have
gone in and set up a class for my students who want to give it a try.
Please watch the videos and discuss your participation with your
parents before you jump in. If is it all that it appears to be, you get
the chance to text and video chat with native Spanish speakers. It
looks like you get the chance to browse the members to find
students who have similar interest. There are a number of links to
answer questions that you and your parents may have about your
security. There is an Instant Disconnect button if you feel that you
need to stop the conversation and there is an easy way to report
anyone you feel is not using the site appropriately. This is
complexly optional and is not required at all.
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