October 2015

October 2015
Father in Heaven,
Creator of all and source of all goodness and love,
please look kindly upon us and receive our heartfelt gratitude in this time of giving thanks.
Thank you for all the graces and blessings. You have bestowed upon us,
spiritual and temporal: our faith and religious heritage.
Our food and shelter, our health, the loves we have for one another, our family and friends.
Dear Father, in your infinite generosity, please grant us
continued graces and blessing throughout the coming year.
This we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord.
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone and may God Bless your families and
homes with good health and happiness.
Monday, October 12, 2015.There is no school for students or staff on this day.
Thanksgiving Food Drive
We have begun our annual Thanksgiving Food Drive. We will be collecting non-perishable food items to help provide for those in need. Donated items can be sent in with your child or brought into the school and placed in the
collection boxes in the front foyer.
Our students in Grades 3, 4 and 5 will have the opportunity to receive Reconciliation on:
Wednesday November 18th at 9:45 a.m. at the school.
Virtue Corner
Our Virtue for the month of October is Empathy.
God has given us the ability to form connections with each other - to live together. Empathy helps us to
connect and live together in safe, caring, inclusive communities.
An empathetic person…..
Listens attentively
Watches people’s body language
Notices and responds when someone is upset
Can name her/his feelings
Can see a situation from another person’s point of view
Terry Fox Walk
The Terry Fox Committee would like to thank all the SJF Students and Staff for participating in the Terry
Fox Walk on Friday September 25, 2015. Students and Staff walked just under 5km - way to go!!!!
The Committee would also like to thank all the families and staff members who generously donated a
“toonie” or more to the Terry Fox Foundation. The school was able to raise more than $700.00. All
monies collected will be donated to The Terry Fox Foundation for cancer research. Thank you to
Ms. Emanuele, Mrs. Fullan and Mdme. McDonough for organizing this event for our students.
School Hours Supervision
Supervision in the school yard begins at 8:15am. Please DO NOT drop off your children prior to that
time as they will not be supervised. The doors of St. John Fisher are open to parents who wish to
visit or confer with staff, however, an appointment is necessary, as the classroom teacher’s first
priority is teaching the class during regular school hours. Please report to the office upon entering the
school. Thank you for your support in keeping classroom interruptions to a minimum.
Courtesy Seats Update - We are in the process of reviewing our numbers. Students who
have applied for courtesy seats will be notified this month regarding the status of their
Bus Safety
Students are cautioned against bouncing balls or playing by the side of the road while waiting for the bus. Students
are to remain seated on the bus and should refrain from eating and making loud noises on the bus. We ask for your
cooperation in reviewing these safety precautions with your child(ren).
Kiss n’ Ride and Parking Lot
Our Kiss and Ride program is set up to assist in the safe arrival of students to our school. Parents are
reminded not to leave their car parked in this area. Our driveway is a fire route and it is illegal to
park there. If you need to park your car when dropping off or picking up your child please park on
the road in front of the school. We would also like to remind the community to refrain from driving
onto the school property using the Church driveway as this driveway serves as an exit for our Kiss n’Ride and our
buses. Thank you for your cooperation in helping make St. John Fisher a safer place.
St. John Fisher Website
Please visit our school website regularly for the latest information on school events and important dates.
Lockdown Drill
It is a policy in Dufferin-Peel CDSB that all of its schools conduct a “Lockdown Procedure” twice a year. This will be
initiated should an emergency exist on school property or in the surrounding neighborhood. Part of the process is to
practice the “Lockdown Procedures” as we practice our Fire Drills. During the month of October, we will be
conducting a Lockdown Drill with our staff and students. The procedures that we will follow have been
recommended by the Board. Students will be instructed that when they hear the announcements “Initiate Lockdown
Procedure” followed by the a message played over the PA system, all staff and students will follow the following
•All students and staff inside the building will remain in their classrooms.
•Students or staff in the hallways or washrooms will be expected to go to the closest classroom.
•Students and staff will remain in the classroom until further instructions are given,
•All students and staff who are outside the building are to quickly move as far away from the building
as possible and remain there until further instructions are provided.
The drill will be conducted with as much sensitivity as possible in order not to cause undue concern with students. If
you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.
Special Assignment Teacher
This year Dufferin-Peel will have a Special Assignment teacher visiting each school in the system on a monthly
schedule to assist with the teaching of literacy and numeracy. We are excited to welcome our new SAT teacher, Mr.
Orofiamma, to St. John Fisher School. Mr. Orofiamma will be working in partnership with classroom teachers
throughout our school in the area of mathematics as well as providing literacy support. He will be working with
groups of students as well as individual students alongside the classroom teacher to target the learning needs of all
students. Mr. Orofiamma will be working in your child’s classroom from time to time throughout the year. Our goal is
rooted in the faithful practice that each individual is a child of God and belongs to our Catholic community of learners
and is an integral part of our Catholic School Learning Plan. Teachers and students will benefit from additional
classroom help to ensure greater learning success.
Breakfast Program
Research shows that starting the day off with nutritious food contributes to improved learning.
St. John Fisher School is pleased to announce that we will be running our Breakfast Program once
again this year.
Permission forms will be sent home this month. Only students with signed consent forms will be
able to participate. The Breakfast Program will run from 8:15-8:30 a.m. from Monday to Friday on
days when school is in session. Participating students will enter through the front door and will go
to the Staff Room to eat. A variety of foods will be served during the week such as yogurt, fresh fruit, cereal, milk,
cheese, toast, pancakes , etc.
We are so very grateful to Breakfast for Learning and to the generosity of the many staff members and parent
volunteers who are giving of their personal time and efforts to support our Breakfast Program. Without them, this
valuable initiative would not be possible. We are still looking for additional parent volunteers who would be able to
donate 30 minutes between 8:15-8:45 a.m. one morning a week . If you are able to volunteer, please contact the
News from our Catholic School Advisory Council
St John Fisher School and the School Council would like to thank you for your wonderful support in selling the
chocolate boxes for our school council fundraiser. At this point we would just like to send a friendly reminder to all
those who currently have chocolate boxes with them. If you have any chocolate bars remaining that you are unable
to sell in this last week of our campaign and they are in GOOD CONDITION, can we please request you to return
these in the chocolate box with the money collected to your child’s class teacher. There has been some tremendous
selling. We have had families who were able to sell all their chocolates in the first week!! We even have some
families who have already sold multiple boxes of chocolates.
Way to go students! Keep up the great work!
The fundraiser is still on. We have one more week to go. The final date is October 15, 2015.
Please remember all CHEQUES must be made payable to : St. John Fisher School.
There are still boxes of chocolate at the school. If any family feels they may be able to sell any more chocolates,
please send a note to your child’s teacher and we will send a box home with your child.
Remember every box sold not only helps our school and students but also gets you an entry into the prize draw. So
the more you sell the more chances you have to win some great prizes! All proceeds from our fundraising endeavor
will go towards student agendas as well as other student and classroom essentials. We hope that you will continue
to actively support our fundraising campaign. Thank you to the families who have already returned their payments
and taken extra chocolates to sell.
Thank you again for your support.
School Council Pizza Day
The school Council Pizza day will be on Tuesday October 20th, 2015
Parent Council Meeting
Our next Council Meeting is on Thursday November 5th @ 4:00 p.m.
Family Movie Night
We are happy to announce our Family Movie Night which will take place on: Friday November 13th, 2015.
The movie, brought to you by the St. John Fisher School Catholic School Advisory Council & ACF film licensing, will
be voted on by students and announced shortly. Grab your blankets, pillows & lawn chairs! Load up the family and
come out and join us in the St John Fisher School gym for an evening of fun & entertainment.
Popcorn, other snacks and drinks will be available for purchase.
Prices and more details to follow.
Visitors and Volunteers
For the safety of staff and students, all visitors to our school (including parents) are required to enter
the building through the front doors, report immediately to the office and sign in. Please note that
pets are not permitted on school property at any time. As you are aware, any individual who works as
an employee of the Board or volunteers to assist with our programs MUST have a Criminal Reference Check (CRC)
completed by the Peel Police. Beginning in September 2013 all volunteers MUST have a valid CRC even for onetime events, such as field trip supervision. We strongly recommend that parents/guardians who are interested in
supporting school programs in this manner, please begin this process ASAP. For all volunteers, CRC are free of
charge. Further information and forms are available through the main office or on the school website.
All Star Reading
We are currently looking for volunteers for our All Star Reading Program. All Star Reading is a
remedial program aimed at supporting struggling readers in Grades 1 and 2. Volunteers must
commit to 1 ½ hours weekly. The requirements to volunteer include providing a copy of your valid
Criminal Reference Check, an interest in working with young children and proficiency in reading and
writing in English. A training session will be provided for new volunteers. If you meet the above requirements and
are able to volunteer, please contact Mrs. D’Agostino, our SERT teacher, through the school office.
Allergy Alerts
A friendly reminder to all parents that St. John Fisher School continues to be a nut-free and allergy aware
environment. Please do NOT send lunches, snacks or treats that contain peanuts or nut products. We
have many students at St. John Fisher School with life threatening allergies. By working together, we can
protect the safety and well-being of all students.
Visitors In The School
In order to maintain a safe school environment for your child, please remember that if you are
visiting our school, you MUST sign in at the front office and obtain a Visitor’s Pass to identify yourself
as a visitor. Teachers will be questioning adults on school property without proper identification. If you are picking
up your child, please send a note to your child’s teacher or notify our office to inform us of this arrangement. If you
are picking up your child after school, we ask that you use the Kiss’n’Ride laneway. We thank you for adhering to
this policy.
Pupil Accommodation Review Policy Public Consultation
The Ministry of Education released the new Pupil Accommodation Review Guideline (PARG) in March 2015. This
guideline sets expectations for all school boards on managing and reviewing underutilized school space, including
potential school closures, and for the greater coordination and sharing of planning related information between
school boards and other community partners. The guideline requires all school boards in the province to develop or
revise Pupil Accommodation Review Policies and to invite public input into the policy before it is finalized. A survey
to collect feedback on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s draft amended Policy 6.51 Pupil Accommodation Review will be available for review and comment on the Board’s website at www.dpcdsb.org until 4:30 pm
on Friday, October 16, 2015. Supporting documents will also be available for reference and review. Please consider
reviewing and providing input on this policy.
Attendance and Punctuality
We ask that parents/guardians continue to support their children during their morning routines so
that they can arrive to school on time. This ensures that your child learns an essential life skill, participates in the entire school day , and that disruptions to the learning environment are minimal.
PARENTS, please note, if you are late dropping off your children, please bring them to the front
doors so that we can mark their attendance. Please do not go to the back doors of the school.
Leaving During the School Day
When it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please send a note to your child’s teacher
advising him/her of the time that you will be picking up your child. Your child will meet you in the office
at the indicated time. When dropping off or picking up students during school hours, please go to the
office to sign your child in or out.
International Baccalaureate
An information meeting for Grade 8 parents and students interested in the International Baccalaureate program at
Notre Dame Catholic Secondary School will be held on Thursday October 29th at 6:30 p.m. at Notre Dame
(2 Notre Dame Avenue, Brampton Ontario).
Secondary School Information Meeting at St. Thomas Aquinas
An information meeting will be held on November 25th @ 7:00 p.m.
The information meeting for St. Thomas Aquinas Regional Arts Program is on November 12th @ 6:30 p.m.
Trick or treating can be great fun. To be sure it is safe and fun, follow these simple rules:
1. Go with parents or another adult. If you are older, go in groups.
2. Stay within your immediate neighbourhood.
3. Accept only wrapped or sealed treats and take them home to be inspected before eating any of them.
4. Wear light coloured Halloween costumes decorated with reflective tape so that you can easily be seen.
5. Do not wear masks that restrict vision. Painted faces work well too.
6. Use flashlights after dark.
7. Obey all pedestrian safety rules.
8. Go trick or treating only at lighted homes
Many of today’s Halloween traditions go back to the time of the Celtic people who
lived in Britain and Northern Europe more than 2,000 years ago. The Celtic’s
calendar was based on seasons and the farming community. October 31st was their
New Year’s Eve and a festival of the dead. When the Romans conquered Britain and
Europe, their festival honoring the dead was celebrated at the same time.
During the early years of Christianity, the church leaders found it best to add the new religious ideas to earlier,
already established beliefs. All Saints Day was proclaimed on November 1st so that the people could continue to
celebrate a familiar festival which respected spirits. The mass that was said on that day was called All Hollows Mass,
so the evening before became known as Hollows Eve or Halloween. Eventually, the church recognized that
Halloween had become a cultural rather than a religious event.
Halloween should be considered a cultural ritual in which children participate. In today’s culture, it is rarely a
celebration of the Celtic religion. Children today often dress in costumes which reflect the heroes of the culture, for
example, Batman. While some claim that Halloween’s association with the ancient Celtic religion is a threat to
Christianity, clearly the church did not, when establishing All Saints Day and the Day for the Commemoration of All
Souls Day. In the same way, Father’s Day is a cultural event which does not detract from our understanding of God
our Father.
St. John Fisher School recognizes the cultural event of Halloween but attention will be paid to the religious
significance of All Saints Day, which is the honouring of the whole Church Triumphant, united in Christ, in the
enjoyment of the vision of God and All Souls Day, where we pray for the souls of the faithfully departed.
Open House
A most sincere thank you to the St. John Fisher School Community for making our Open House
and Curriculum night a great success. It was wonderful to see so many members of the community gathered together. A special thank you to our Catholic School Advisory Council for organizing the barbecue!
Christmas Bazaar & Craft Sale
St. John Fisher Parish Catholic Women’s League is holding their Christmas Bazaar and Craft sale on :
Saturday November 7th, 2015 from 9:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m.
This special event will be held in the Church Hall. Come and start your Christmas shopping early!
Progress Reports
Progress reports are quickly approaching. These will be sent home with your child on
Tuesday November 17th, 2015. Parent Interviews will be held on Thursday November 19th, 2015.
October 2015
Immunizations Author Visit:
for Grade 7 & 8 Angela Walker
Board Cross
Country Meet
FDK Trip to
the Farm
Picture Day
FDK trip to
the Farm
Grade 2 & 3
Country Meet
Montreal Trip @ Heartlake
Mtg@ 6:30pm
Parent(s)/Guardian(s)/Adult Student
Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) prohibits the sending of commercial electronic messages, including e-mails
and other forms of digital messaging if the electronic message encourages participation in a commercial activity,
unless the sender has received the recipient’s consent prior to sending the message.
The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board and St. John Fisher School require your consent to send any
electronic messages which promote, advertise or offer for sale goods and services. While partaking in commercial activities is not a core activity of the board or its schools, information about some of the following example
activities, included in an e-mail or in an electronic newsletter, may be construed as commercial in nature, or may
fall under an exception:
Promoting the sale of school products, services or other activities, e.g., offering the sale of tickets to a school
play or other event.
Promoting the sale of products or services of third parties, e.g., offering the sale of discounted tickets to a
sporting event, inviting parents/guardians to a seminar where the speaker may promote his/her products/
Providing information about school photos, field trips, sale of yearbooks, team uniforms, fundraising events,
lunch programs, pizza days, prom or dance tickets, athletic events or similar events and offers.
If you consent to receiving electronic communications, which may contain commercial electronic messages,
such as the examples described above, please sign and date this form, and return it to your school. You may
withdraw your consent at any time by notifying the school Principal, or by unsubscribing to any further commercial electronic messages you receive from the board/school.
Student’s Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
E-Mail Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Signature: ____________________________________ Date: ___________________________________
Personal information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Education Act, as amended, and will only be
used to administer the Board/School’s electronic newsletter, e-mail communication process, in order to comply with Canada’s
Anti-Spam Legislation, and for no other purpose. Questions may be directed to the School Principal or to the General Manager, Communications & Community Relations, Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, 40 Matheson Blvd. West, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 1C5 (905) 890 – 1221/1-800-387-9501.