April 2016

April 2016
A Prayer for the Easter Season
Christ is risen and with him all creation,
Light replaces darkness,
joy replaces sadness,
life replaces death.
There is no failure the Lord’s love cannot reverse,
no humiliation he cannot exchange with blessing,
no anger he cannot dissolve,
no routine he cannot transform.
All is embraced
by the victory of his cross and resurrection.
May we always be good stewards
of Easter’s light,
see Resurrection as a daily event,
and yearn for Jesus’ love as intensely
as he yearns for ours.
This we pray through Christ Our Lord
Virtue of the Month
This month we celebrate the virtue of love. We are reminded that people of love know that we
are all unique and special, want the best for everyone and care deeply about others. People of
love also work for the happiness of others and are willing to make sacrifices. We look to the lives
of the saints and Jesus to provide us with lessons on how to live our lives.
St. John Fisher ShareLife Week
We will be having our annual ShareLife Week from April 4th-8th. Here are a list of events for the week
Monday: Super Hero Day-come dressed as your favourite Super Hero
Tuesday: Crazy Hair and Wacky Wardrobe Day
Wednesday: Jersey Day and Teacher vs. Students Dodge ball Game (Lunch) $1.00 Admission
Thursday: St. John Fisher Spirit Day (black and red) & Just Dance Party (Lunch) $1.00 Admission
Friday: Pajama Day
Prizes will be given daily to the best dressed student in each division!
The next few months are a busy time for many of our students as they prepare to receive their
sacraments. Detailed information about preparation for the sacraments may be obtained
through St. John Fisher Parish.
First Confession (Grade 2): Sunday April 10, 2016 @ 2:00 p.m.
First Holy Communion (Grade 2): Sunday May 15, 2016 @ 2:00 p.m.
Confirmation (Grade 7 & 8): Thursday May 12, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m.
Pizza Lunch Days
Toonie Tuesday Pizza Lunch Day for this month is: Tuesday April 5, 2016
School Council Pizza Lunch Day is on: Tuesday April 12, 2016
Grade 8 Graduation Pictures
Please be advised that our grade 8 students will have their graduation photos taken on
Thursday April 14, 2016.
Farewell & Welcome Back
We would like to say farewell and thank-you to Ms. Pavao who left us earlier in the month. We
also must say farewell to Mrs. Sassano. We wish Mrs. Sassano well as she prepares for the arrival
of her bundle of joy. On behalf of the St. John Fisher school community, we would like to extend
our gratitude to Ms. Pavao and Mrs. Sassano for their contributions to our school community
especially within their own classrooms.
We would like to extend a warm welcome back to Mr. Barbosa who returned to us in March. We would also like to
welcome Mrs. Grant back to our school who will be in for Mrs. Sassano until the end of the year.
Class Placements
We will be making up class lists for the next school year in the coming weeks. In each class, we strive for a balance
of learning needs, and a cross-section of abilities. The current teachers of a grade, support staff and administrator
all take part in the process. If you, as a parent or guardian, wish to provide input into the process, please take into
consideration the following guidelines:
Input must be in written form to the principal by Friday May 20th , 2016
Frame your request in terms of educational contexts (example learning needs/style).
Please note that letters which cite the names of individual teachers cannot be considered.
Information from all sources will be pooled to assist us in making the most appropriate placement for your
Thank you for your cooperation.
Health and Wellness Event
St. John Fisher School is pleased to welcome Katie Zeppieri on Tuesday April 26th.
She will be promoting Girl Empowerment by providing leadership development training to our students to encourage positive change!
Ice Dawgs Ice Cream
We will once again be selling the popular Ice Dawgs ice cream.
The cost for each ice cream sandwich $1.25. Forms will been sent home with the students shortly.
Extra-Curricular Events
Our intermediate boys and girls basketball teams have been practicing and preparing for the upcoming tournament being hosted here at St. John Fisher School on April 19th. We wish the them the best of luck
and thank their coach Mrs. Fullan.
We also wish our dance team all the best as they compete on April 19th as well. Thank you to their
coaches, Mme. McDonough and Mrs. McGrath, for devoting much time in preparing the students.
In May, the Ontario Education Quality and Accountability Office (EQAO) will conduct its annual
province-wide testing of knowledge and skills in reading, writing and mathematics of grade 3 and
6 students throughout the publicly funded school systems. The tests for Grade 3 students and
for Grade 6 students will take place between May 25th and June 8th. Parents and guardians are
encouraged to avoid scheduling any doctor’s appointments or any other appointments that would take your child
out of school during the testing dates. Details regarding more specific dates will be forthcoming from classroom
EQAO Tutoring
EQAO tutoring has begun! Eligible students in Grades 3 and 6 are participating in the after-school program which
helps prepare them for the upcoming assessment. This valuable program is run by certified teachers and is provided
by the Board at no cost to our students.
Flex Boundary Students
A reminder to parents that they are to request in writing, every year, if they wish to attend a school other then
their own neighborhood school. We would like to draw your attention to the following conditions under which permission is granted:
a. Transportation is the parents responsibility
b. This permission for attendance will be reviewed by the Principal annually
c. The student admitted under this procedure does not automatically become eligible for the secondary school
serving this school.
In the month of April letters will be sent to all current flex boundary students as part of the annual review. Please
ensure that this letter is submitted if your child is attending St. John Fisher on Flex Boundary Permission.
Attendance and Punctuality
Attending school regularly and punctually is important not only for academic progress, but also for the growth of
personal responsibility and the development of life skills. When a child is frequently absent from
school he/ she often experience gaps in his/her learning. When a child is frequently late for school
he/she misses valuable information and disrupts the learning of classmates when entering the room.
The Education Act states that it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to ensure that their children attend school regularly and punctually. We assist parents in this endeavor by regularly monitoring attendance and punctuality and notifying parents when there are concerns.
Are You Moving?
If you are possibly moving out of the St. John Fisher area, we would appreciate knowing
ahead of time. Please notify our school office as soon as possible.
Catholic Education Week
Catholic Education Week 2016(May 1st—6th)combines both the theme of mercy and the act of opening doors of
reconciliation, mercy and forgiveness to all around us.
There are five sub-themes for each day of Catholic Education Week:
Mercy that Welcomes
Mercy that Loves
Mercy that Forgives
Mercy that Lives the Gospel
Mercy that Rejoices
More details to come.
Dressing for the Weather
With the long winter and the unpredictable temperatures, our schoolyard alternates from icy and slippery to soggy
and muddy. When conditions become dangerous or too wet, we close the field to student use. On most days, however, the students have access to the field and complete paved areas.
We have been encountering some issues, however, with wet and muddy clothing. We ask for your assistance in
ensuring that all students come to school with appropriate attire for the weather, including boots, to ensure that
they are comfortable to learn when returning indoors.
Indoor Shoes
The students should have a pair of indoor shoes to wear at school in class and for gym. Outdoor shoes/
boots will be kept for outdoor use only and out of the classrooms in order to reduce the amount of dirt
and mud brought indoors. This will assist our custodial staff in keeping the school clean. Thank you for
your co-operation.
Read & Write-Parent Session
In this hands-on workshop parents will discover how Texthelp’s Read & Write Gold software may provide reading,
writing, studying, and research support within familiar applications (e.g. Word, Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader).
Aimed at building confidence and independence with text, Read & Write can support students in both elementary
and secondary schools. Read & Write Gold software is available in school to all Dufferin-Peel students and may also
be installed on home computers running Microsoft Windows.
Tuesday, April 5, 2016
6:00-8:30 PM
(Light Dinner provided 6:00-6:30)
Dinner and Presentation in the School Cafeteria:
St. Marcellinus Secondary School (730 Courtneypark Drive West Mississauga, L5W 1L9)
RSVP: Laura Conte (905) 890-0708 x 24011 or laura.conte@dpcdsb.or
X Movement is Coming
We are excited to share that the X Movement team will be coming to SJF and delivering action-packed
movement experiences for our students and community. Using emotional, social and environmental
literacy fused with movement, X Movement helps build positive, healthy and energized school
communities. More details about this wonderful opportunity will follow shortly.
April 2016
PIRLS Testing
(Ms.Rose’s Class)
Girls Chat @
-Grade 4’s @
Mr. Fiore’s Class
@ Silvercreek
-Grade 7 & 8
Tuesday Pizza
-Trip to
for Grade 2
@ 2:00p.m.
PA Day
Parent Council -PIRLS Testing
(Ms.Rose’s Class)
No School for
-Flash Mob:
Wear Pink today
Grade 8 Grad
Earth Day
Katie Zeppieri
X Movement
X Movement