Document 14228186

October 16, 2012
Volume 2, No. 10
Congratulations to HSA faculty member Dr. Eddie Hooker on having these two articles published in “e-medicinehealth” on
September 14, 2012:
“Biological Warfare”
“Immunizations and Antibiotics for Oversea Travel”
Dr. Hooker was also quoted in the October 2012 issue of MEN’S HEALTH Magazine on p. 130: “Three out of four hospitals don’t
scrub mattresses before dousing them with disinfectants, a new Xavier University study reveals. ‘They slop the chemical onto the
bed, wipe it around, and let it dry. They’re not removing blood and infection,’ says study author Edmond Hooker, MD.
‘Contamination comes right through the sheets.’”
Now that we have an active and growing undergraduate program in HSA, our HSA core faculty members are engaged in an effort
to map-out our courses. The undergraduate courses have to be both discrete as well as correlated. For students that will only
earn the BSHSA and not go on for a master’s, the courses need to be discrete, e.g. stand-alone and somewhat terminal in
concepts. For students that will earn the BSHSA and the MHSA as well, the courses need to be correlated, i.e., leading into
graduate work with more intensity of content and assignments. Prof. Karen Kent from the MHSA core faculty and Dr. Rick
Browne, undergraduate program director, are leading this work. They’ve done research among other universities and there
don’t seem to be many examples of how this process is done best.
MHSA coursework has five domains, and these are also being used as the foundation for the undergraduate courses: 1)
Knowledge of the Healthcare Environment; 2) Business Skills and Knowledge; 3) Communication and Relationship Management;
4) Law, Ethics and Professionalism; 5) Leadership. Undergraduates will have a sixth domain—the Liberal Arts Core of XU.
Thanks to the efforts of Dr. Sue Schmidt, Director of Xavier’s School of Nursing, XU received a three-year grant in the amount of
$827,256 from HRSA (US Department of Health & Human Services “Health Resources and Services Administration”) for Interprofessional Collaboration among our College of Social Sciences, Health and Education (CSSHE) health professions departments.
The grant will, among other things, support the development and implementation of an inter-professional collaboration one-hour
credit course for all our health professions students. This has the potential to develop a model for the USA, and our faculty will
have the means to disseminate their scholarship about what we will be learning.
Our 1,448 Graduate Alumni are the pride and joy of Xavier and our HSA Department. We applaud your achievements and
commitment to the highest quests in health services administration, we hold you up as models for our students to emulate, and
we happily claim you as “ours”. Celebrate with us this alumni news:
• Richard Doan MHA ’86, Chief Executive Officer at the Barnesville Hospital Association in Barnesville OH has retired after 25
years of service.
• David Strong MHA ’92, CEO of Rex Healthcare in Raleigh NC, has accepted a concurrent appointment as COO of the
University of North Carolina Healthcare System with responsibility for all the affiliated hospitals across the State of North