Document 14228130

February 14, 2012
Volume 1, No. 23
It’s been six months since these HERALD updates have been coming to you, and the response has been very positive. Thanks to
so many for letting us know that you feel connected with our HSA Department via these updates and you look forward to keeping
up with our news. It’s my pleasure to communicate regularly; you can’t support something when you don’t know much about it.
A number of Alumni have asked similar questions about the HSA Department; I think these would interest many readers or will
serve as a reference resource for the future. Since today is Valentine’s Day and we think about a heartfelt expression to those we
appreciate, please consider this an on-line Valentine about HSA today:
Question: Will HSA become part of XU’s College of Business?
Answer: While there was talk of this several years ago and the initial plans for the new Williams College of Business Smith Hall
Building called for HSA to move in there, those plans changed. The Williams College of Business and HSA are today working
together and, I believe, both are operating from positions of mutual respect. I’ve had many conversations with Interim WCB
Dean, Dr. Stafford Johnson, and he, too, is eager to see operate from positions of the strength that each of us brings to Xavier.
WCB is one of three colleges at Xavier; the other two are 1) College of Arts & Sciences and 2) College of Social Science, Health
and Education (CSSHE). Our HSA Department is a vital part of CSSHE and our dean, Dr. Mark Meyers, values, supports, and
advocates for us as a vibrant part of CSSHE.
Question: Why did the HSA Alumni Association stop asking for dues? I’m confused about what I have to pay.
Answer: The HSA Alumni Association, now part of the larger Xavier University Alumni Association, decided to eliminate the
annual dues in the hope that our HSA Alumni would be even more generous with their contributions for scholarships. So while an
annual contribution is welcomed and encouraged, it’s no longer for the purpose of dues. Note also that our HSA Alumni
Association President, Chad Wiggins ’96, serves as our representative on the University Alumni Association Board.
Question: Can we still make charitable contributions to HSA? I want my money to go to HSA and not to another program.
Answer: Yes, HSA has restricted funds within the Xavier University Development Accounts. Contributions earmarked for HSA are
placed in HSA’s restricted funds and they can only be used for the donor’s intent.
Question: What restricted holdings does the HSA Department have?
Answer: The following information about our HSA Funds comes from the Xavier Development Office, Financial Aid Office, and
Provost Office as of 2/1/12. Please contact me about gifts to endowment or planned giving to expedite with Development.
Student Financial Aid
HSA Department Aid
Planned Giving
Endowed HSA Scholarships (includes the
Alinghaus and Gerowitz Funds)
Alumni Scholarship (includes Alumni contributions
in lieu of dues since 2010--$12,795)
Advisory Board Scholarship--$7,800
Total $321,000
(Endowed aid can
only award up
to 4.5% annually)
GPHSA Endowed Program Fund
(for operations and limited scholarships)
HSA General Operating Fund
$ 287,000
Several Alumni have named HSA in their estate plans
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