St. Basil Catholic Elementary School February Valentine’s Day Prayer for Friendship 2016 You have blessed us, O God, with the gift of friendship, the bonding of persons, in a circle of love. We thank you for such a blessing: for friends who love us, who share our sorrows, who laugh with us in celebration, who bear our pain, who need us as we need them, who weep as we weep, who hold us when words fail, and who give us the freedom to be ourselves. Bless our friends with health, wholeness, life, and love. Amen M. Tomczak Principal M. Sweeney Secretary T. Lariviere Superintendent 905‐890‐1221 Father Darrin Corkum Sts. Martha and Mary Parish 905‐625‐5670 CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: M. PASCUCCI Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 (905) 302‐3096 (905) 890‐0708, x20161 Fax: (905) 890‐0888 ST. BASIL SCHOOL 4235 Golden Orchard Dr. Mississauga, Ontario, L4W 3G1 Phone: (905) 624‐4529 Attendance Line (905) 624‐4529 Press 1 Fax: (905) 624‐015 Winter Walk Day February 3, 2016 In This Issue IT'S WINTER! DON'T HIBERNATE- WALK TO SCHOOL AND CELEBRATE If you need more information you can find it at: National Sweater Day February 4, 2016 National Sweater Day is a fun way to learn about the importance of saving energy and to inspire you to use less heat all winter. Heating accounts for 80% of residential energy use in Canada and is a significant source of emissions. If all Canadians lowered their thermostats by just 2 degrees Celsius this winter, it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions by about 4 megatons – that’s equivalent to shutting down a 600 mega watt coal-fired power station or taking nearly 700,000 cars off the road! If you need more information or fun activities (create your own sweater/stories about sweaters...) you can find it at When we serve others, we serve God. · · · · · · · · · · · · ECO Highlights The Virtue of Respect Parish News Additional PA Day French Cafe ECO NEWS School Council Book Fair/Battle of the Books P.A. Day – February 5th Additional P.A. Day – April 11 Bus Cancellations Dates to Remember Parish News The liturgical season of Lent begins with Ash Wednesday, celebrated this year on February 10, 2016. SACRAMENTAL PREPARATIONS: Grade 2 Tour of the Church: Tuesday, February 9, 2016 10:00 a.m. with the class Grade 2 Sacrament of Reconciliation: Tuesday, February 23, 2016 @ 7:00 p.m. First Communion: Sunday, April 10, 2016 @ 2:00 p.m. Sacrament of Confirmation: Thursday, April 14, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. ** All sacraments are celebrated at Sts. Martha and Mary parish Virtue of the Month: Respect We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect. That respect should come first and foremost from ourselves. We have to respect ourselves in order to respect others. Through prayer and concentration we can become better at respecting ourselves as well as respecting those around us. A respectful person… *Treats him/herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy *Uses a positive tone of voice and body language *Avoids swearing, name‐calling, put‐downs, and inappropriate gestures *Says “Excuse me”, “Please”, and “Pardon me” *Avoids gossip Bonjour a tous! February is an exciting month for French! Jeudi le 18 février, St. Basil présente le Café Français! Students will have the opportunity to join in the gym for « une présentation fan-tas-tique! » where they will watch as their friends from Mrs. Diamond’s , Mrs. Areias’ and Ms. Meneses’ classes present a collection of plays they have been working on so diligently this year! Students will also have an opportunity afterwards to bask in the ambience of a true french cafe… french music, a collection of artwork, and their choice of a « croissant » or « pain au chocolat ! » and juice. Mmm…délicieux! Jeudi le 23 février, Helene Nicole vient à St. Basil! Students from grades 4 – 8 will be invited to the gym to join in an exciting concert performed by Helene Nicole. She will transform the gym into a mini Quebec City as students celebrate mardi gras and carnaval! She and St. Basil students will be singing and dancing along to popular french music, and will be in for a surprise guest! Who will be crowned le roi et la renne du carnaval? We will find out! What an exciting time to be learning French! Merci Mlle. Tollis for organizing these cultural events for our St. Basil community! When we serve others, we serve God. SPORTS NEWS ECO TEAM NEWS On February 2 and 3, St. Basil School will participate in waste reduction workshops offered through Ecosource and the Congratulations to all of the junior boys and girls that tried out for basketball this year! They have been practicing actively and are excited to play their Region of Peel. The workshops are hands‐on and curriculum games; good luck to our teams! Thank you to our linked lessons based on local and contemporary waste issues coaches; Ms. Balanyk, Ms. Tollis and Mr. Policciardi. aimed to increase awareness and inspire change in waste reduction practices, initiatives and study in each classroom. Some of the topic titles are: Green Heroes (FDK), Recycling Detectives (Grade1), Waste Warriors (Grade 2), Curb your Organics (Grade 3), Drastic Tales of Plastic (Grade 4), Love Junior Boys’ Basketball Team List Jesse F. Nick S. Kevin W. Raine Ryan R. Michael C. Food, Not Waste (Grade 5), Thinking outside the Lunchbox Sebastian L. (Grade6), Electronics Unplugged (Grade 7), Waste Not, Want Dominic C. Marco B. Oscar Not (Grade 8). Thank you to Ms. De Melo for organizing these in school workshops for our students. Junior Girls’ Basketball Team List Ella C. Maria H. Marissa M. Savannha F. REMINDER Princess C. Alyssa M. FEBRUARY 5, 2016 ‐ NO CLASSES FOR STUDENTS Natalia A. REPORTING DAY Summer P. Alyssa L. Lily U. BATTLE OF THE BOOKS IS BACK! Battle of the Books has started with a vengeance! Junior division students were invited to participate in this event and those interested meet twice a week with Ms. Brady in order to become familiar with the books presented to them. That being said, they are avidly reading books from a variety of different genres to prepare themselves for a competition against other battle members from the Mississauga East Family of Schools. Students will be asked comprehension based questions that relate to the various texts; the school with the most knowledge of the reading material wins the competition. The Battle of the Books competition will take place on May 10th at Queen of Heaven Elementary School. Happy reading Battle members! When we serve others, we serve God. Your Catholic School Council Valentine’s Day will be celebrated here at school on Friday, February the 12th. St. Basil students will have an opportunity to buy a heart shaped Cookie and exchange Valentine wishes to their friends! We are also making that day a RED and PINK day! On Friday, March the 4th the entire St. Basil School will be participating in our “Spring Fling” dance! This event will be followed by Spirit Week on Monday, March 7‐11. Lots of fun and excitement in store for our students! Thank you to our School council for all of their hard work and commitment to education and the students at St. Basil Catholic School. Minutes of all the meetings are posted on the school website at http// Bus Cancellations In the event of extreme weather conditions, buses may be cancelled. When buses are cancelled in the morning, they will not be available to take students home after school. Bus students are not marked absent. Information is available on the board website, at 905‐ 890‐0708, or on the following radio stations after 7:00 am: CHUM 1050 CFNY 102.1 CHF 198.1 TALK 640 FOXY 88.5 AM CHEZ97.3 CJBC860 AM CFTR 680 CBC740 CJMR/CHWO 1250 CKFM99.9 CFRB 1010 CHIN 100.7 FM/1540 AM CJCL 590 CFTO ENERGY FM 93.1 Buses cancelled in Caledon and Dufferin will not affect our school. 2015-16 School Year Calendar Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016 Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016. Book Fair Mrs. Brady will be opening up the library for our annual book fair. Students will be able to visit the library on Thursday, February 4th to formulate a wish list of items they hope to purchase. Parents and students will have an opportunity to purchase items on a variety of occasions. All are welcome to come on Thursday, February 4th during the day and evening (interview night); on Friday, February 5th from 8:45‐noon and then again on Monday, February the 8th. We encourage you to support the book fair as all money raised is used to bring additional resources into our school library! Dates to Remember February 2 February 2 & 3 February 4: February 5: February 9 February 10 February 15: February 18 February 23: March 14: March 21: March 25: March 27: April 10: April 14: Report Cards sent home ECO workshops Parent/Teacher Interview Evening P.A. DAY and Interview Day Grade 2 – Tour of the Church Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday – Lent begins Family Day – No school French Cafe Reconciliation – Grade 2 @ Church French Concert – Grade 4‐8 March Break Holy Week Begins Good Friday Easter Sunday Grade 2 – First Holy Communion Confirmation – 7:00 p.m. When we serve others, we serve God.