ST. BASIL CATHOLIC SCHOOL SEPTEMBER 2015 NEWSLETTER We Are God’s Family Loving God, we thank you for the gift of this new school year. Help us always appreciate the opportunity to learn And the gift of gathering at a school, a gift not available to every child. May our classrooms be places of hospitality, compassion, excitement, blessings and joy. May our minds, and our hearts be filled with knowledge of you, our world and all that will help us grow in faith of you. We ask this through your Son, the greatest teacher and student of all. Amen Principal’s Message Welcome Back to School Welcome back to a new school year St. Basil school community! A special welcome to our JK students who are entering into the school system for the first time and into full-day kindergarten! The beginning of a new school year is an exciting time and I look forward to once again working with dedicated staff and enthusiastic students and parents. Staff has been working very hard over the past few weeks in preparation for our school opening which was a HUGE job due to the extensive construction on site. Thank you to teachers who have been preparing their classrooms, Mrs. Sweeney for preparing the main office and a special thank you to our custodial team for all of their hard work! As always, we encourage a cooperative partnership between home, school and parish to promote a positive learning environment for our students by keeping contact with your child’s teacher, volunteering in the school, supporting the parish or serving on our Catholic School Council. Your support and input is necessary and valued to ensure the success of our students. We look forward to working with you and your children over the next ten months to provide a highly rewarding year, both spiritually and academically. School Curriculum/Open House Night will be held on Thursday, September 24, starting with a BBQ at 6:00 p.m. followed by in class visits at 7:00. Come out and meet our NPU Officers, Constable Karl and Constable Kevin! M. Tomczak, Principal PRINCIPAL M. TOMCZAK SECRETARY M. SWEENEY SUPERINTENDENT T. LARIVIERE 905-890-1221 STS. MARTHA AND MARY PARISH TEAM Fr. Darrin Corkum 905-625-5670 CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: M. Pascucci Mississauga Wards 1 & 3 (905) 302-3096 (905) 890-0708 x20161 Fax: (905) 890-0888 ST. BASIL SCHOOL 4235 Golden Orchard Dr. Mississauga, Ontario L4W 3G1 Phone: (905) 624-4529 Attendance Line (905) 624-4529 Press 1 PLEASE CALL THIS NUMBER WHEN YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT Virtues Initiative St. Basil Catholic School will be continuing the Virtues Program this year. This program is designed to help us nurture virtue and character development in the lives of our students. Each month, the entire school will focus on a different virtue. Classroom activities and school wide activities will all focus on the nurturing of a specific virtue. We would appreciate your support in discussing these virtues with your child and encouraging behaviours that would demonstrate these virtues. Here is a list: Sept: Faith Oct: Empathy Nov: Conscience Dec: Hope Jan: Self Control Feb: Respect Mar: Kindness Apr: Love May: Acceptance June: Fairness KISS ‘N RIDE The Kiss n’ Ride lane is ONLY FOR USE IN THE MORNING. It is a convenience provided to parents with the intention of parents remaining in their cars. Therefore, only children who are capable of safely opening and closing car doors by themselves are permitted to use the Kiss n’ Ride lane. Parents who need to get out of their cars to let their children out should park on the street in legal parking areas. CARS ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE DRIVEWAY AT THE END OF THE SCHOOL DAY. Only buses are allowed entry. The school parking lot is for staff vehicles only. Please either use Kiss ‘n Ride or park on the street at arrival and dismissal times. We welcome parent volunteers to help with Kiss n’ Ride. STUDENT INSURANCE As required by the Education Act and the Ministry of Education, the DufferinPeel Catholic District School Board annually provides parents with information about cost-effective student accident insurance coverage via student carrier: ‘insuremykids Protection Plan’ forms were distributed to students the first day of school. Effective September 2012 the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board requires parents, guardians written acknowledgement that they have received information regarding Student Insurance especially for those students participating in out-of-school excursions and/or extracurricular sports activities and is indicated on the respective parent permission forms (ref: GF115 Elements of Risk) distributed when students participated in educational excursions. Although enrolment in the student insurance is voluntary, the board encourages parents to take advantage of the inexpensive insurance coverage, especially if their child/children participate in sports, excursions/field trips, or, if parents do not have dental insurance coverage. Two options are offered for enrolment: 1) Complete the traditional form and mail it in or 2) Photocopy the form and fax it to Reliable Life at 1-905-522-7211 or 1-800-463-KIDS (5437). Parents alone have the right to insure their children. MEDICATION Please contact the office to obtain the appropriate medical forms if you require the school to store and distribute your child’s medication during the school day. These must be completed by the parent and doctor. If your child has a severe medical condition or allergy, please meet with school administration to provide up-to-date information. Children should remain at home if they are not well enough to participate in the entire day, including recesses. LUNCH HOUR ROUTINES AND SNACKS If you plan to drop off your child’s lunch, please assist us in efficient distribution by reminding your child to come to the office at lunch time. Please label the lunch bag with child’s name and teacher/grade. There is a black basket just outside the office where you can drop off the lunch. A reminder that students who regularly stay for lunch are NOT permitted to leave school property without a signed and dated note from parents each time they leave school grounds. We encourage consistency. Students either go home for lunch or stay in school for lunch. Thank you for supporting this important safety routine. A form regarding lunch routines will be sent home this week. Please return it to your child’s teacher promptly. We ask that you continue to respect our policy of sending nonfood items only for birthdays and other classroom celebrations, and nut-free products for lunches and snacks, to protect our children with severe allergies. Pizza Days will be held every Wednesday for students from Gr. 1 - 8 starting Wednesday, September 23rd. If you wish your child to participate in this school fundraiser, please send money with your child’s order. First order forms will be sent out on September 8th will cover the period of September 23rd to December 16th . Cost will remain the same at $2.00 for a pepperoni slice. Therefore, please send $26 if you are ordering ONE slice per week until Christmas break. Thank you for your continued support! Don’t forget...we also have Monday Sub Days and Friday Lunch Moms. Check your child’s backpack for order forms!! PARISH NEWS The St. Basil community is pleased to welcome all back to a wonderful school beginning. Fr. Darrin Corkum will be celebrating our Thanksgiving/Opening Mass here at the school on October 7 th at 10:30 a.m. Join us if you are available. Further dates will be provided for Masses and sacramental celebrations once they have been established in a subsequent newsletter. We look forward to a rich spiritual journey with students and parents in the St. Basil community. BUS ELIGIBILITY Bus Transportation Eligibility for 2015/16 2.0 kilometers for students in Grades 5 to 8 1.6 kilometers for students in Grades 2 to 4 1.0 kilometers for students in K- Grade 1 Applications for empty seats will be available in the school office beginning Sept. 14, 2015. No empty seats will be granted before early October. If you have questions regarding busing, call the Board Transportation Department at 905-890-6000 or obtain an appeal application at SCHOOL SAFETY—SECURE ENTRY PROTOCOL Parents are welcome to the school throughout the year. However, for the safety of children, all parents and visitors must use only the front door for entry and must sign in at the office and receive a visitor’s sticker each and every time you enter the building. We now have a new security system with speaker/buzzer/video monitoring. Remember you are not a stranger to your own children, but may appear as one to other students. Parents dropping off or picking up students are requested to wait outside the fenced area. Parents should not enter the school at lunchtime when picking up their child. Please wait outside. Classroom/Staff Organization for 2015/2016 Below is our current school organization for opening day, September 8/15. This organization is based on projected enrolment established through the School Board. Currently, there are slight differences in our actual enrolment and we await direction from the school board regarding any possible reorganization of the classrooms. Please note that your child’s class is not final until after reorganization occurs. If reorganization is necessary, it will take place during the Professional Activity Day scheduled for Friday, September 18, 2015. If your child’s placement or classroom teacher changes, you will be notified. Grade FDK FDK 1 2 2/3 3 4 5 5/6 6/7 7/8 PT SERC/SERT/ESL SERT/Library FSL/PT Teacher A. Brooks/A. Veizaj (DECE) L. Galli/A. Duliunas (DECE) K. Da Costa-Cabral R. Aiello-Restaino R. Jelavic B. Malinowski M. Diamond C. Areias-Cabral J. Roda/M. Meneses R. Ranalli-Murzydlo S. Balanyk S. Granzotto, S. Policciardi T. De Melo J. Brady M. Tollis Dates to Remember Sept. 8 Welcome Back! Sept. 18 Professional Activity Day (No School) Sept. 22 School Council Elections Sept. 23 Picture Day Sept. 23 First Pizza Day! Sept. 24 OPEN HOUSE BBQ 6PM Class visits 7PM Sept. 25 First Lunch Moms ! Sept. 25 Terry Fox Walk/Run Oct. 1 Gr. 7 Hep B/Men Gr. 8 Girls HPV Oct. 5 First Sub Day!! Nov. 4 Picture Retake Day ERW A. Haddad ERW M. Sebastian ERW C. Baca Head Custodian E. Aro Night Custodians R. Belli, S. Care Ms. Fiore, Ms. Siwek, Ms. Kapustynski (Lunch Monitors) *** HAPPY RETIREMENT MRS. ROSSIT!! St. Basil School will miss you and we want to thank you for your many, many (more than 30) dedicated years to our school community. We send you our prayers and thoughts as your begin this newest phase of your life. Come visit us and keep in touch! SCHOOL COUNCIL Consider becoming involved in your child’s school by joining the St. Basil Catholic School Council. Members meet monthly, and learn more about supporting the school community. Elections and/or selection of executive positions for the 2015-2016 Catholic School Council will be held at the first council meeting on Tuesday September 22 at 7:00 p.m. in the library. Nomination forms are available in the school office. Deadline for submission of forms is 4:00 p.m. on September 18th, 2015. CUSTODY OF CHILDREN On rare occasions, we are faced with difficult situations in which non-custodial parents arrive at school asking to visit their child or to take their child home after school. We are best able to serve and protect students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights and other special instructions. If legal custody matters affect your family, please ensure that our office and classroom teachers are aware of any custodial arrangements that may affect your child during school hours.