1680-1759. Disposition of Slaves on the East End of Long Island Source: Patricia and Edward Shillingburg (2003). The Disposition of Slaves on the East End of Long Island from 1680 to 1796. http://www.shelter-island.org/disposition_slave.html Date 1680 Location Shelter Island Owner Nathaniel Sylvester 1684 Southold John Budd 1684 1690 1692 1692 Southampton Southold Southold Southold Thomas Jessup Benjamin Horton John Swazey John Tooker Enslaved Africans and Natives Six men; five women; six girls; three boys. Tamero, his wife Oyou and their four children; Black John and his daughter Prescilla; Negro J.0. and his wife Marie; Negro Jenkin; Jaquero, his wife Hannah, and their daughters; Tony, his wife Nannie, and their four daughters; and Japhet and his wife Semnie. “negro woman Catherine and her child” Unnamed negro man my man Joseph Besse Negro man called Richard or Dick Disposition in Will To his children 1693 1693 East Hampton Smithtown Stephen Hand Richard Smith Indian boy Robin 1701 1702 Southampton Southampton “melatto boy George” Will and Isabel 1706 Southold James Herricke Peregrine Stanborough John Conkling To be “freed after four years” “his time to be out next May day” “shall be free & set at liberty at my decease” “shall behave himself submissively faithfully and diligently to my said dear wife Hannah, . . . said wife shall at her death fully free discharge” to his eldest son Stephen To son Job “for ye term of twelve years ... and at ye end of ye said twelve years, the said Robin shall be freed.” Given to his daughter Sarah “forever.” Given to to his wife Sarah Unknown number of slaves To sons John and Henry. To his wife Mary Date 1706 Location Southampton Owner Matthew Howell Enslaved Africans and Natives 3 slaves 1707 1708 Southold Southampton John Paine Daniel Sayre Unknown number of Negro slaves Jerry and Moll 1714 Southold Thomas Youngs 2 negro slaves 1716 Southampton Susanah Pierson Two Indian girls and unknown number of Negroes 1717 1719 1724 Southampton Southampton Southampton Samuel Woodruff John Cook Anthony Ludlam 1725 Southampton Joseph Fordham, Jr. Negro slave John negro woman Hitt “Cesar,” “Cofe,” “Firns,” “Peter,” “Stephen.” 3 negro children and a woman 1727 1728 1728 East Hampton Shelter Island Shelter Island 1729 1731 Shelter Island Southold John Mulford John Knowling Hannah Knowling Jonathan Hudson James Reeve 1732 1732 1733 1733 1733 1736 Southold East Hampton Southampton Southold Southampton Southold Jabez Mapes Thomas Mulford Isaac Raynor Joseph Youngs Josiah Halsey William Halliock Two negro girls “My negro slave Betty and my negro boy Dick.” “a negro man” “2 Indian servants” 2 negro girls and a boy “my negro man” John Unknown niumner of Negro men 1737 East Hampton John Hedges “negro girl” “negro woman” ‘a negro boy and a negro girl” ‘a negro boy and a negro girl” Disposition in Will Reuben to his eldest son Nathan; Negro boy Felix to his son Israel; Archibald to his son Ezekial. To be sold. To be sold to master of their choice and money distributed among his sons. One to his sister Martha Gardiner; one to his nephew Joshua Youngs Indians given to her daughters Hannah and Sarah; Negroes sold as a group “for I would not have them parted.” To his wife Hester To his wife Elizabeth One to each of his children Children sold to pay debts; woman given to his wife Martha. To his wife Hannah. To his wife Hannah. Girl to daughter Mary Merrow and boy to grandson John Merrow To daughters Hannah Spencer and Deborah Parker One each to wife Deborah and son James To his son Joseph To his wife Mary To his daughters Phebe and Hannah To his son Josiah “be free after the death of my wife.” “If my wife does not sell my negro men, then my sons Zebulon and Peter shall have them equally between them, and they are to pay £4 in produce of this town to my daughters Abigail and Margaret.” To my wife Ruth Date 1739 1740 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 Location East Hampton Southold Southold Southold Southampton Southold Southampton Owner Theophilus Howell Sanuel Lore Ananias Conkling Samuel Beebee Joseph Hildreth Joseph Hull Theophilus Pierson Enslaved Africans and Natives “a negro man and woman” “negro boy” “a negro man” “negro boy Josiah” “also my negro man” Titus Four adults and a child 1744 1746 Southampton East Hampton Daniel Foster Matthias Burnet “my negro girl Leah” Indian girl and boy and negro boy 1746 1747 East Hampton Southampton Samuel Dayton Silas Sayre negro wench Hagar “my negro slave” 1747 1748 1749 1750 Southampton Southold Southold Southold John Topping Jeremiah Vaill David Horton Henry Tuthill 1750 Shelter Island John Havens negro boy “negro girl Hagar” “York” “my negro Tim” and “a negro woman and her child” 5 slaves 1750 1750 Southampton Brookhaven Abraham Howell Samuel Thompson 1750 Southampton Elisha Howell “a negro man” A Negro man, a negro girl and negro children. 6 negroes 1751 1751 Brookhaven East Hampton Samuel Thompson David Gardiner “Sharper” and a “negro girl” “the choice of my negro slaves” Disposition in Will To my wife Abigail To his son Samuel To his wife Hannah To his daughter Patience Beebee “to my dear wife Deborah” Sold and money to be held for his three daughters “a negro boy Peter” to his son Henry, “my negro girl Peg” to his wife Sarah, and “my negro Hector and my wench Dol and her child are to be sold.” To my wife Lydia Indian girl to his wife Elizabeth and Indian boy and negro boy to grandson Burnet Miller. “to my beloved wife Dorothy” For use by his wife until his son Ezekial becomes of age To his wife To his wife Elizabeth To his son David Tim to his son Henry, the woman and child to his daughter Bethia Landon The two oldest slaves to his wife and then to his daughters Sarah and Elinor. One slave each to his three other daughters. To his wife Patience “Sharper “ to his wife Hannah, the negro girl to one daughter and the negro children to be sold. “to my wife Damaris . . . 2 negroes,” to his son Arthur “my negro man Adam,” to his son Elisha “my negro man Pompey,” to his son Samuel, “a negro boy,” and to my daughter, Susanah Halsey, “a negro girl.” To his wife Hannah and daughter Mary “To my wife Mehetabel” Date 1752 1752 1752 1752 1752 Location Southampton Southhold Southampton Southampton Southold Owner Ephraim White Josiah Howell Job Halsey Isaac Halsey Jr. John Corey Enslaved Africans and Natives “a negro man” “a negro woman” “negro boy” “a negro woman and a negro boy” 6 slaves 1752 Southold John Budd 1755 Southold Benjamin L’Hommedieu The bulk of the estate was sold and money was distributed amongst his children 4 negro slaves, a man, two women and a girl 1755 Southold Sarah Conkling An unspecified number of people were divided up amongst her children or sold to benefit them. 1755 1756 1757 Southold Bridgehampton Brookhaven Joshua Youngs Rev.Ebenezer White Nicoll Floyd “a negro girl” “Tower and negro woman Quaw” “All my negro or Indian servants on my farm” except 5 negro girls. 1758 1759 Southampton Hashamomack Jeremiah Culver David Corey 1759 Southold William Salmon “negro wench Ruth” “negro boy called Crack,” “a negro boy and my silver hilted sword,” and three negro girls Negro boy was sold and negros girls were given to his daughters Disposition in Will To my wife Sarah” To his son Elias To brother John Halsey To his wife Phebe “Juhah” to his wife Dorothy, “Shubaal” to his son Abijah, “Violet” to his daughter Elizabeth Lewis, “a negro girl” to his daughter Dorothy Dickerson, and “Dorcas and Thankful” were to be sold. “Except my negro boy, whom I leave to my daughter Jemima.” “A negro man and woman” to “my beloved wife Martha” and the “negro girl Hagar” to his daughter Mary L’Hommedie. The “other negro woman” to be sold and money paid to his daughter Elizabeth Bloom. Gave her “negro man” to her son Joseph, a “negro girl” to her daughter Elizabeth, one half of “all stocks of cattle and negroes” to her son Thomas, and all the rest of the “cattle and negroes” were to be sold to benefit her children Henry, Joseph, Sarah, Rachel, and Elizabeth. To his wife Mary To his sons Elnathan and Silvanus Most of the “servants” were left to his eldest son William (later a signer of the Declaration of Independence). The 5 others were left to his daughters. “to my wife Damaris” One each to his children Jasper, David, Anne, Deborah and Sarah. To his daughters Hannah and Abigail