Literature review Most of my attitudes on skepticism were shaped by the writings of Carl Sagan. The main inspiration for my passion in the issue stems from his book: “The Demon Haunted World: Science as a candle in the dark” Copyright 1996, Ballantine Books, New York Title: Contemporary Approaches to Critical Thinking and the World Wide Web Author(s): Buffington, Melanie L. Source: Art Education, v60 n1 p18-23 Jan 2007. 6 pp. (Peer Reviewed Journal) ISSN: 0004-3125 : Internet, Thinking Skills, Critical Thinking, Academic Achievement, Web Based Instruction, Art Teachers, Educational Strategies, Art Education, Elementary Secondary Education Teaching critical thinking skills is often endorsed as a means to help students develop their abilities to navigate the complex world in which people live and, in addition, as a way to help students succeed in school. Over the past few years, this author explored the idea of teaching critical thinking using the World Wide Web (WWW). She began in-depth research on the topic to understand what critical thinking entails and the potential for art educators to use the WWW to help their students develop critical thinking skills. This article begins with a review of the history of critical thinking and some current ideas on the topic. Then, the author explains her working description of critical thinking and how critical thinking is currently articulated in discussions of the WWW in schools. She concludes with ideas for teachers related to developing critical thinking in art classrooms using the WWW. (Contains 1 figure and 3 endnotes.) : ERIC: 37: English: 6 Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive National Art Education Association. 1916 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191. Tel: 703-860-8000; Fax: 703-860-2960; Web site: JUL2007 2007 EJ766956 ERIC Title: The Domain Generality--Specificity of Epistemological Beliefs: A Theoretical Problem, a Methodological Problem or Both? Author(s): Limon, Margarita Source: International Journal of Educational Research, v45 n1-2 p7-27 2006. 21 pp. (Peer Reviewed Journal) ISSN: 0883-0355 Epistemology, Learning Theories, Beliefs, Debate, Context Effect, Inquiry, Intellectual Disciplines, Research Problems, Research Methodology, Concept Formation, Interdisciplinary Approach, Thematic Approach Research on epistemological beliefs has clearly increased in the last decade. Even though the construct is clearer and relevant data are being collected, there are important theoretical and methodological issues that need further clarification. One of them is the debate about the domain generality-specificity of epistemological beliefs. I argue that there are both theoretical and methodological difficulties that hinder a more fruitful approach of the domain generalityspecificity debate. Differences in goals and scope of the diverse conceptualizations about epistemological beliefs and how they devise the role of content-domain and context are a major source of difficulties. Methodological problems such as whether such epistemological beliefs can be measured "in isolation"--free of content and context influence--or the impossibility of collecting direct measures of epistemological beliefs may influence how the domain generality-specificity question is approached. Some suggestions about how these difficulties may be overcome are developed. The relevance of exploring epistemological beliefs across domains and across contexts is emphasized.: Author: English: 21: Journal Articles; Opinion Papers Elsevier. 6277 Sea Harbor Drive, Orlando, FL 32887-4800. Tel: 877-839-7126; Tel: 407-345-4020; Fax: 407-363-1354; e-mail:; Web site: DEC2006 2006 EJ746405 ERIC Title: Teaching Students to Think Critically Author(s): Black, Susan Source: Education Digest: Essential Readings Condensed for Quick Review, v70 n6 p4247 Feb 2005. 6 pp. ISSN: 0013-127X : Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills, Faculty Development, Teaching Methods, Teacher Expectations of Students, Teacher Student Relationship, Classroom Environment In this article, the author stresses that teachers need to teach their students to think critically and to reason their way. One prerequisite for teaching critical thinking is a classroom climate of high expectations, teacher warmth and encouragement, and pleasant physical surroundings. Schools should see to it that students become progressively more disciplined in their reasoning, and more self-critical and selfdirected in the process and products of their thinking as they advance through the grades. She also states that the students need opportunities to analyze their own thinking according to standards of clarity, accuracy, relevance, logic, and fairness. Moreover, she notes that teachers should give necessary information and thinking tools to solve problems that focus more on affective and cognitive features of learning; and for students to become good critical thinkers, teachers must be good thinkers themselves. Furthermore, she discusses some of the possible things that a teacher should do in order to develop the students' thinking skills. ERIC: Englis: Journal Articles; Opinion Papers; Reports - Descriptive Prakken Publications, 832 Phoenix Dr., P.O. Box 8623, Ann Arbor, MI 48108. Tel: 734-975-2800; Fax: 734-975-2787; Web site: SEP2006 2006 EJ741259 ERIC Academic Search Premier Title: Teaching Critical Thinking: Some Lessons from Cognitive Science Author(s): van Gelder, Tim Source: College Teaching, v53 n1 p41 Win 2005. 6 pp. (Peer Reviewed Journal) ISSN: 8756-7555 Cognitive Psychology, Critical Thinking, Teaching Methods, Beliefs, Thinking Skills, Skill Development, Transfer of Training, Guidelines, Higher Education This article draws six key lessons from cognitive science for teachers of critical thinking. The lessons are: acquiring expertise in critical thinking is hard; practice in critical-thinking skills themselves enhances skills; the transfer of skills must be practiced; some theoretical knowledge is required; diagramming arguments ("argument mapping") promotes skill; and students are prone to belief preservation. The article provides some guidelines for teaching practice in light of these lessons. Author: 22: English: 6 Teachers Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive Heldref Publications, Helen Dwight Reid Educational Foundation, 1319 Eighteenth Street, NW, Washington, DC 20036-1802. Web site: DEC2005 2005 EJ708705 ERIC Academic Search Premier Title: Problems with Two Standard Models for Teaching Critical Thinking Author(s): Nosich, Gerald M. Source: New Directions for Community Colleges, v2005 n130 p59-67 Sum 2005. 9 pp. (Peer Reviewed Journal) ISSN: 0194-3081 : Intellectual Disciplines, Critical Thinking, Teaching Methods, Role, Community Colleges, Higher Education, Two Year Colleges Two common models of teaching critical thinking in a discipline fail to do justice to the essential role critical thinking plays in all learning or to its role in the discipline as a whole. This chapter describes a model that emphasizes a more central role for critical thinking in shaping all course activity and in focusing on the most fundamental and powerful discipline-based concepts. : 2: English: 9 Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Subscription Department, 111 River Street, Hoboken, NJ 07030-5774. Tel: 800-825-7550; Tel: 201-748-6645; Fax: 201-748-6021; e-mail:; Web site: MAY2007 2007 EJ761035 ERIC Academic Search Premier Title: If X, Then Y: Teaching Critical Thinking Skills. Author(s): Powell, Gwynn M. Source: Camping Magazine, v73 n1 p22-23 Jan-Feb 2000. ISSN: 0740-4131 : Camping, Counselor Training, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Job Skills, Skill Development, Staff Development, Thinking Skills Offers advice to camp professionals on teaching critical thinking skills to staff. Lists components of teaching critical thinking and the characteristics and skills of a critical thinker. Describes staff orientation activities that emphasize critical thinking: role playing in an "if, then" format; discussing developmental stages and needs; interpreting parent responses; modeling decision making; and using training videos. (CDS) Theme issue title: "Staff Development.": English: Guides - Non-Classroom; Information Analyses; Journal Articles: CIJJUL2000 2000 EJ600012 ERIC MasterFILE Premier Title: Common Misconceptions of Critical Thinking. Author(s): Bailin, Sharon; Case, Roland; Coombs, Jerrold R.; Daniels, Leroi B. Source: Journal of Curriculum Studies, v31 n3 p269-83 May-June 1999. ISSN: 0022-0272 : Cognitive Processes, Critical Thinking, Decision Making, Educational Practices, Higher Education, Methods, Misconceptions, Problem Solving, Skill Development, Thinking Skills : Analyzes three widely-held conceptions of critical thinking: as one or more skills, as mental processes, and as sets of procedures. Considers each a misconception and offers alternative proposals for teaching critical thinking. (CMK) English: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive: CIJSEP2001: 2001 EJ623970 ERIC Academic Search Premier Title: Conceptualizing Critical Thinking. Author(s): Bailin, Sharon; Case, Roland; Coombs, Jerrold R.; Daniels, Leroi B. Source: Journal of Curriculum Studies, v31 n3 p285-302 May-June 1999. ISSN: 0022-0272 : Concept Formation, Critical Thinking, Educational Practices, Educational Theories, Elementary Secondary Education, Heuristics, Higher Education, Knowledge Level, Psychological Characteristics, Standards : Provides a conception of critical thinking and the critical thinker, who is characterized by five intellectual resources: background knowledge, operational knowledge of good thinking, knowledge of critical concepts, effective heuristics, and habits of mind. Explains, with examples, each intellectual resource. Discusses the task of teaching critical thinking. (CMK) : English: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive: CIJSEP2001: 2001 EJ623971 ERIC Academic Search Premier Title: Critical Thinking: Teaching Students To Seek the Logic of Things, Part II. Author(s): Paul, Richard; Elder, Linda Source: Journal of Developmental Education, v23 n2 p34-35,40 Win 1999. ISSN: 0894-3907 : Critical Thinking, History Instruction, Instructional Design, Instructional Innovation, Learning Strategies, Logical Thinking, Student Development, Teaching Methods, Thinking Skills : Advocates teaching critical thinking through showing students the logic of a subject. Uses one example of instruction in history that allows students to think their way through the logic of the subject rather than memorize bits and pieces of someone else's thought (never grasping its logic). (VWC) : English: Journal Articles; Opinion Papers: CIJJUN2000: 2000 EJ597643 ERIC Academic Search Premier Title: Teaching Critical Thinking for Transfer across Domains: Dispositions, Skills, Structure Training, and Metacognitive Monitoring. Author(s): Halpern, Diane F. Source: American Psychologist, v53 n4 p449-55 Apr 1998. ISSN: 0003-066X: Cognitive Psychology, College Students, Critical Thinking, Higher Education, Metacognition, Personality Traits, Teaching Methods, Teaching Models, Thinking Skills : Presents four-part empirical model for teaching and learning critical thinking. Model consists of dispositional or attitudinal component, instruction in and practice with critical-thinking skills, structure-training activities designed to facilitate transfer across contexts, and metacognitive component used to direct and assess thinking. Contains 24 references. (MMU) English: Journal Articles; Reports - Descriptive: CIJOCT1999: 1999 EJ582977 ERIC Title: Teaching Critical Thinking for Transfer across Domains: Dispositions, Skills, Structure Training, and Metacognitive Monitoring.Find More Like This Author(s): Halpern, Diane F. Source: American Psychologist, v53 n4 p449-55 Apr 1998. ISSN: 0003-066X Cognitive Psychology, College Students, Critical Thinking, Higher Education, Metacognition, Personality Traits, Teaching Methods, Teaching Models, Thinking Skills Presents four-part empirical model for teaching and learning critical thinking. Model consists of dispositional or attitudinal component, instruction in and practice with critical-thinking skills, structure-training activities designed to facilitate transfer across contexts, and metacognitive component used to direct and assess thinking. Contains 24 references. (MMU) Title: Focus on Teaching: Critical Thinking. Author(s): Dyrud, Marilyn A.; Worley, Rebecca B. Source: Business Communication Quarterly, v61 n3 p62-63 Sep 1998. ISSN: 1080-5699 Assignments, Business Communication, Class Activities, Critical Thinking, Higher Education, Thinking SkillsI Blooms Taxonomy Discusses Bloom's Taxonomy of Cognitive Skills and presents a table that outlines and defines its six skill levels. Introduces articles in this journal describing assignments for business communications which involve the these higher-order thinking skills. (SR) See CS 757 429-433 for related articles. English Journal Articles; Opinion Papers; Reports - General CIJJAN2000 2000 EJ587507 ERIC Business Source Premier Title: Effectively Teaching Critical Thinking Skills to High School Students. Author(s): Brown, Elizabeth A. Source: 18 pp. Publication Date: 1997: Class Activities, Critical Thinking, Debate, High School Students, High Schools, Instructional Effectiveness, Problem Solving, Student Development, Thinking Skills Today's highly technical information society is marked by constant change. To be competent, functional, and prepared to deal with the future, students need to be able to analyze, question, and evaluate information critically. Therefore, the educational community has renewed interest in teaching critical thinking. Unfortunately, educational practices often concentrate on rote knowledge of facts while neglecting problem solving skills. This paper addresses the effectiveness of classroom debate as a tool to teach problem solving skills. The strategies given enable high school teachers to prepare their students for classroom debate. Contains 18 references. (Author/BT) English: 18: Guides - Classroom - Teacher: Full Text from ERIC Available online RIESEP1999 1999 ED429850 ERIC Title: Teaching Critical Thinking: A Metacognitive Approach. Author(s): Wilen, William W.; Phillips, John Arul Source: Social Education, v59 n3 p135-38 Mar 1995. ISSN: 0037-7724: Cognitive Processes, Comprehension, Critical Thinking, Curriculum Development, Decision Making, Educational Objectives, Elementary Secondary Education, Interpretive Skills, Learning Processes, Learning Strategies, Metacognition, Social Studies, Teaching Methods, Thinking Skills: Asserts that a primary goal of social studies is to prepare students to make informed decisions on public and political issues. Maintains that the most effective approach to teaching critical thinking is through infusion--teaching thinking skills in the context of subject matter. (CFR) Theme issue topic: "Teaching Students to Think.": English: Teachers; Practitioners: Reports - Descriptive; Journal Articles CIJAUG1995 1995 EJ502217 ERIC