February 2016 St. John of the Cross School 3180 Aquitaine Avenue, Mississauga, ON L5N 3S5 Tel. 905-824-3058 Fax 905-824-4413 Website: www.dpcdsb.org/JCROS LENTEN PRAYER February Newsletter DUFFERIN-PEEL CDSB As we begin this season of lent we call on you to help us to love you more and more and to reach out to others in friendship especially those who need us most. May the ashes we receive on our foreheads remind us of our call to change our ways by making greater efforts to show our love for our families and classmates. May your spirit give us courage and strength we need to be people of faith. This we ask in Jesus’ name Amen LENT What does the word “Lent” mean? Why have we given this name to the time of preparation before Easter? Lent comes from an old word meaning “springtime”. During the spring of the year, daylight increases, trees begin to bud and flowers start to appear. The new life that comes to the world each spring is like the renewal of life that comes when we pray and try harder to follow Jesus. PRINCIPALS MESSAGE On February 10, 2016, at 10:45 a.m., our Ash Wednesday Liturgy will be held in our school gym in order to acknowledge the most important time of our Liturgical year, the beginning of Lent and the Easter Season. During the 40 days of Lent, we are trying to become more aware of the presence of God in our daily life. Lent is a journey we make together, in solidarity with each other. It is a journey we make daily until we are ready to “recognize” God as Father and recognize ourselves as sons and daughters. During this time of Lent we try harder to follow Jesus. We look at ourselves to see how our relationship with Jesus can become stronger and more meaningful. During the Lenten season our students will be involved in several projects. With our Lenten focus on “doing” rather than “giving up”, it is my hope that the combined experiences of liturgy, the receiving of ashes and our social justice projects will help students enhance their personal understanding of the significance of Lent so that they may truly “live the gospel”. St. John of the Cross School Principal D. Scardicchio Secretary J. Gillis School Council Chair A. Cardamone Dufferin-Peel CDSB Personnel Director of Education 905-890-1221 M. Mazzorato J. Hrajnik Associate Director 905-890-1221 Associate Director S. McWatters 905-890-1221 T. Cruz Superintendent 905-890-1221 Trustee E. O’Toole 905-812-5163 School Council News! WORLD’S FINEST CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER St. John of the Cross School Major Fundraiser!! World’s Finest Chocolates!! Our Kick-off Assembly will be held on Thurs., Feb. 4th in the gym. Product will be sent home during parent/teacher interviews on Thurs., Feb. 4th and Friday, Feb. 5th. Any chocolates that are not sent home during interview times will be sent home with the students at the end of the day on Monday, Feb. 8th. Fundraiser Event Dates: February 4th-February 26th Funds raised this year will go toward Scientists in the School, Sacramental Gifts and Celebrations, Student Agendas, Classroom and Instructional supplies, Dance Maxx, Artists in the School and Play Day as well as various other activities throughout the year that our School Council supports. Upcoming Pizza and Sub Dates: Pizza Days - Feb. 4, 11, 18, & 25, March 3, 10, 24,& 31 and April 7 & 14. Parish Sub Days - Feb. 2, 9, 16, 23 and March 1, & 8. St. John of the Cross Church Upcoming School Council Meeting Dates: 6890 Glen Erin Drive Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2E1 905-821-1331 905-858-8486 Fax e-mail: stjohnofx@rogers.com website: www.saintjohnofthecross.com Pastoral Team Fr. Joseph Kalluvila, O. Carm. Fr. Felix Anthony, O. Carm. Fr. Sebastian Joseph, O. Carm. Kate Watkiss, Pastoral Associate Monday, March 7th & Monday, May 16th in the School Library at 6:30 pm All parents are invited to attend! New Director of Education - Marianne Mazzorato We welcome Marianne Mazzorato as our new Director of Education. Ms. Mazzorato began her career at Dufferin-Peel in 1983. During her 32 years as an educator, she has served as Elementary Teacher, Vice-Principal, Principal, Superintendent of Schools, Superintendent of Program and, for the past two years, as Superintendent of Early Years, Community Partnerships/Relations. From 2011-2013, she was seconded to the Education Quality and Assessment Office (EQAO) as Chief Assessment Officer.. Mass Times Weekends Sat. 5:00 p.m. Sun. 8:00 and 10:00 a.m., 12:00 & 4:00 p.m. Weekdays Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m., First Friday only-no morning mass 7:oo p.m. Reconciliation Saturday 4:00- 4:45 pm EQAO Primary & Junior Assessments for Grades 3 and 6 The dates for the Primary and Junior Assessments for Grade 3 and Grade 6 in Reading, Writing and Mathematics are: May 25 – June 8, 2016. Please keep this in mind when booking appointments! Bus Cancellations & School Closures on Inclement Days: For information on bus cancellations and school closures please check the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board website at www.dpcdsb.org/cec or check the STOPR website at ww.stopr.ca and press Delays and Cancellations. Eco Team Announcement! Every Wednesday is Waste-free Wednesday Let’s use recyclable containers for lunch and reduce our garbage. Therefore, reducing our carbon footprint! Wednesday, February 3rd, is Winter Walk to School Day. Let’s give our cars a break and reduce pollution. We would like to get students to walk to school with their families. So bundle up and get ready to walk! Also, on Thursday, February 4, Dufferin-Peel Catholic schools and board sites will turn down the heat and put on a sweater in honour of World Wildlife Fund’s (WWF) National Sweater Day. The event is held each year across Canada to raise awareness about the importance of energy conservation. According to the WWF, heating makes up 80% of all energy used in homes and schools across Canada. If every Canadian home and school turned down the temperature of their home or school by two degrees during the winter for four months, that would save enough energy to close an entire coal-powered plant. BLACK HISTORY MONTH February is black history month which coincides very well with our school efforts year to promote a positive understanding of diversity in our community. Along with classroom activities and a library display, our school is hosting a special presentation on Wednesday, February 3rd. Students in grades 2-8 will have the opportunity to experience and enjoy a presentation on St. Josephine Bakhita. As well, the FDK –Grade 1 students will partake in a hands-on drumming presentation. During the entire month of February, students will be involved in various activities that celebrate diversity. The Kindergartens will be involved in a Cultural Day on February 18th. F E B R U A R Y 20 1 6 Indoor Shoes!! We are once again requesting that your child have a pair of indoor shoes to be left at school. As you know, it is always important for your child’s health and safety to have shoes to wear in the classroom and in the halls. It is imperative that your child has shoes on if an emergency, such as a fire drill, occurs. There is no time to stop and put on boots or other footwear. Report Cards will be sent home on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd. Parent/Teacher Interviews will take place on Thurs. Feb. 4th from 3:45-9:00 pm and Fri., Feb. 5th from 9:oo am -12:00 pm. Feb. 5th is a P.A. Day - no school for students Grade 8 Graduation Photos ~ Will take place on: Wednesday, February Provincial Family Day! Monday, Feb. 15th, 2016 24th in the morning. Enjoy activities with your family! Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016 Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on Monday, April 11, 2016. Use of School Phones Our office is limited in the number of incoming and outgoing calls it can accommodate. Telephone lines need to be available for emergencies, daily school business and parent calls. Students will only be permitted to use the school phone in cases of emergency. An emergency is considered to be an illness or injury. School Yard Safety In consideration of the safety of the students, please do not park your vehicle in front of the school during dismissal time. This causes unsafe conditions, where students may run between the parked buses to get to your vehicle. Parking is available before 3:15pm in the west parking lot, however, please be advised that pylons will be placed at the exit in order to deter anyone from exiting the lot during bus loading times. Please exercise extreme caution when leaving the parking lot and driving through the Kiss ‘n Ride lane. NO vehicles are allowed to drive or park on the school playground. The safety of the students is our highest priority - please drive safely! Healthy School Focus St. John of the Cross continues to participate in the “Healthy Schools Challenge”. There are a number of initiatives that support the development of a safe, caring, inclusive and healthy school community. Bullying prevention and positive behavior are promoted through our Virtues and Steps to Respect Programs. Other activities include our Eco School activities, promoting healthy eating and activities and Virtues discussed in class. Students and parents are reminded to pack health snacks and lunches, preferably in litter less containers. Our ultimate goal is to make EVERY day an ACTIVE week and a Healthy Day ! We are pledging to make our school a healthier environment. KINDERGARTEN CULTURAL HERITAGE DAY Our Full Day Kindergarten Students will be celebrating their cultural heritage in class on Thursday February 18, 2016. Their parents will be able to visit our classroom at 10:00—11:30 am for a Trip Around The World. The Kindergarten Children will be performing a few special selections for parents followed by a multicultural luncheon. F E B R U A R Y 20 1 6 BEHAVIOUR IN THE PLAYGROUND! Students are encouraged to experience their outdoor recess breaks in an active, enjoyable and safe manner. To ensure that students play safely we have a couple of very important rules for all students to follow: 1. “NO CONTACT” We have a ‘no contact’ rule in the schoolyard. This means that students are to play games that do not involve physical contact. Students are reminded that if a game develops where contact becomes a part of that activity, they are to remove themselves from that activity and report to the adults on duty. Bus Safety Please take some time to review with your children the importance of playing safely while waiting for the school bus. Winter conditions can be hazardous at the bus stops, especially around snow banks. When the snow banks are high, the appropriate location to wait for the bus is where the area has been shoveled and a pathway exists. Bus drivers have been instructed to be cautious about where students are picked up and dropped off. 2. “SNOW STAYS ON THE GROUND” Every child in the school is made aware of the importance of this rule Please ensure that arrangements are made for in preventing injuries to others. A snowball that hits another and your children to be picked up from their bus causes injury is viewed very seriously. Students are encouraged to stop. constructively use snow and build forts, sculptures and so on. Please review these rules with your children so that together we can create a schoolyard that is safe for students during the winter months!! Library News! This year we will, once again, be participating in the Forest of Reading. This is a literacy initiative created by school and public librarians that expose students from JK- High school to Canadian books and writers. The intent of these programs is to foster a love of reading and discussions on literacy. The students in our school in grades K-2 will participate in the Blue Spruce section of the Forest of Reading Program. The Blue Spruce program brings recently published Canadian children’s picture books to our JK to grade 2 students. This program will run in our library and be led by myself. The students will have the opportunity to have each story read to them and discuss various literacy components and text features. Our final task will be to have each child vote on their favorite book from Blue Spruce. This is a wonderful and exciting program that our students in the past have enjoyed. Mrs. Lichacz "A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life." Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1620) From Your Student Council ~ During the Valentine season, The St. John of the Cross Christian Student Council is planning the following activities: Monday February 8th: PJ Day Tuesday February 9th: Mardi Gras Day (Wear Purple and Green and Be Wacky) AND Valentine Cookie Day (Nut Free-Peanut Free) - $2 (proceeds go to ShareLIfe) Friday, February 12th: Valentine’s Dance. Each class will be assigned a set time in the gym to ‘dance’ away the day. Students from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 5 are asked to bring $2.00 and Grade 6, Grade 7 and 8 students are to bring $3.00 as they will be dancing all afternoon! The theme this year is linked to the Jubilee of Mercy, “Love One Another As I Have Loved You”. Friday February 12th: Wear Red, Pink and White Prayer to St. Valentine We are thankful for the gift of love, and for the gift of knowing that you are watching over us in everything that we do. Your power of healing and love for others has shown us the true meaning of loving others, ourselves and most of all, God. The first blooms of crocus flowers in spring symbolize a celebration of new life, a new beginning and a new person in all of us. Your continuous blessings of hope, strength, courage and love will strengthen and enrich our faith in you. Carry us on your wings of love and sweet flowing grace. Inspire us to help others and dedicate our lives into service for others. Guide us through life and through all obstacles and difficulties. Let us not be tempted to do things against your will. Let peace and justice be in our hearts and let helping others be our mission. This we ask through Jesus Christ’s name. St. Valentine pray for us. Amen. Eco-team Campaign St. John of the Cross will be getting some TLC! As an on-going initiative to cut down on our energy usage at St. John of the Cross, we are starting an Operation TLC campaign. This message will be posted by the light switches in every classroom. It will remind us to do 3 things before we leave our rooms. 1. Turn off our computers and smart boards, 2. Turn off the lights when we leave the room and finally, 3. To close the doors. Time for some TLC! Ms. Meany/ Mr. Hogan