St. John of the Cross School

St. John of the Cross School
January 2016
3180 Aquitaine Avenue, Mississauga, ON L5N 3S5
Tel. 905-824-3058 Fax 905-824-4413
New Year Prayer
January Newsletter
Loving God, thank you for the gift of a new year.
May it be a time to grow in faith and love and a time to
cherish family and friends.
Walk with us each day and grant a happy year to all the
May the light of Christ shine through us for others now
and forever.
Principal’s Message:
As we return from the holidays having had an opportunity to celebrate with family
and friends and a chance to renew our bodies and spirits, it is an excellent time to
look forward to the new year and the remainder of the academic year. At this time we
are presented with an excellent chance to renew our commitment to be the best that
we can be in all facets of our lives. Each of us takes on different roles within our
lives: daughter or son, brother or sister, student, classmate, friend or team-mate, but
throughout all of these roles we are called to be disciples of Jesus. As we start this
new year, together again at school it is an excellent time to think about what it means
to be one of Jesus’ followers in each aspect of our lives and make a resolution to
demonstrate this vision each day.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all students and families of St. John of
the Cross School a Happy New Year. I hope this coming year is filled with many
blessings for you and your loved ones.
Many thanks to the staff, students and their families for creating a spirit of
excitement, generosity and caring within our community during the Advent Season.
Amidst all the Christmas excitement we gathered gifts for families in need through
the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Our Food and Toiletry Drive for Eden Food for
Change was also a success. We are proud of the many accomplishments of our
students as they grow as learners and as contributing members of our Catholic faith
community. Your kind expressions of generosity are very much appreciated.
God Bless,
D. Scardicchio
St. John of the Cross School
D. Scardicchio
J. Gillis
School Council Chair
K.A. Santaguida
Dufferin-Peel CDSB
Director of Education
J. Kostoff
The registration for the 2016-2017 school year will be held on Monday, January
25, 2016 between 7:00pm and 9:00pm and January 27, 28, 29, 2016 between
9:00am and 3:00pm. The snow date is Tuesday, January 26, 2016 between 7:00pm
and 9:00pm. For mor e infor mation call 905.891.1221 or visit www.dpcdsb.or g
Junior Kindergarten - Children must be 4 years old by Dec. 31, 2016
Senior Kindergarten - Children must be 5 years old by Dec. 31, 2016
Parents/Guardians should bring the following original documents when registering their child. All documents must be in English.
proof of age (birth certificate, birth registration, passport)
original Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (for parent and
child) or Baptismal Certificate of other rites in communion with
the Holy See of Rome (if the child has not been baptized, and
the parent or guardian is a baptized Roman Catholic or is baptized in another rite in communion with the Holy See of Rome,
the parent/guardian should bring their own original baptismal
updated immunization records
proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certificate/Passport) or
permanent resident status
proof of home address (two of the following: property tax bill,
current utility bill, real estate document or Government of Canada issued forms) i.e., Passport, Service Canada documents.
Associate Director
John Hrajnik 905-890-1221
Associate Director
S. McWatters 905-890-1221
T. Cruz
E. O’Toole
emergency rural address numbers for identifying your property,
if applicable (residents of Caledon and Dufferin County)
proof of English Separate School Support (may be done at the
time of registration by completing an Application For the Direction of School Support and/or a Separate School Lease Agreement available at the school)
St. John of the Cross Church
6890 Glen Erin Drive
Mississauga, Ontario L5N 2E1
905-858-8486 Fax
 education records, if available
Please note that a Drivers License is NOT an accepted document.
For more information, contact St. John of the Cross School at 905-824-3058 or
call the Admissions Department at 905-890-0708 ext. 24500.
Pastoral Team
Dufferin-Peel hosts Kindergarten entry planning information session for parents of children with special
Fr. Joseph Kalluvila, O. Carm.
Fr. Felix Anthony, O. Carm.
Fr. Sebastian Joseph, O. Carm.
Kate Watkiss, Pastoral Associate
Mass Times
Sat. 5:00 p.m.,
Sun. 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.,
12:00 & 4:00 p.m.
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m., First Friday
only-no morning mass 7:00 p.m.
(at the Church)
On Thursday, January 12, the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board’s Special Education and Support Services Department will host a Kindergarten entry
planning information session. This meeting is for parents and guardians of children
with special needs which affect their learning, such as vision, hearing, physical,
developmental or autism, who are entering Kindergarten in September 2016. The
information session will be held at the Catholic Education Centre, Room 301 on
Tuesday January 12, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Snow date Wednesday January 13, 2016, from 7:00-8:30 pm. For more information about this session, call
905-890-0708 ext. 24284.
WHAT: Kindergarten Entry Planning for Children with Special Needs Parent Information Session
WHEN: Thursday, January 12, 2016
7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
WHERE: Catholic Education Centre – Room 301 (Third Floor)
Thank You ~
Student Punctuality
Thank you to Father Joseph for celebrating our Advent/Feast Day
Mass at St. John of the Cross School on December 7th and for
setting the tone for our Christmas season. As we enter the season
of Advent, it is easy to get caught in the whirlwind of Christmas
preparations, whether shopping, baking, party planning or somewhere in between. It was nice to spend some time praying and
preparing our hearts for Christ’s coming. Our Kindergarten classes and their Book Buddies worked together to lead the celebration. It was very special to have most of the students participating
and parents attending the mass. We would like to thank Ms.
Meany and Ms. O’Flaherty for directing and preparing our choir
members who did such a wonderful job of sharing their talents
with us. Thank you Mrs. Tomazela, Ms. Santangelo, Ms. Ricci,
Ms. Mateus, Ms. Meany, Mr. Boryszko and Ms. O’Flaherty for
organizing our special celebration. Special thanks to all of the
parents who were able to come and participate with us!!
Unfortunately, a number of students continue to
arrive late for school.
This results in
considerable interruptions to our learning community.
Arriving on time and being prepared to learn helps students
with the formation of good work habits and provides a positive
beginning to the day.
The Exceptional School studies support that increased time on
task and fewer disruptions to the learning environment help to
support improved academic outcomes.
Please ensure you are registered
as a English Separate (Catholic)
School Supporter on your property tax bill.
A huge thank you also to all the parents, friends and relatives
who were able to join us for our wonderful Christmas ‘Santa Extravaganza” evening and all who supported our “Angel on the
Tree” gift program for St. Vincent de Paul as well as the donations of food and toiletries, for Eden Food for Change. There
were many wonderful gifts for those less fortunate.
Pizza Days - Jan. 7th & 14th,
21st, and 28th.
Sub Day - Jan.5th, 12th,
19th,& 26th
All of our Christmas events were fully supported by the fabulous Rosary Apostolate
staff of St. John of the Cross School—a very heartfelt thank you
to all staff members for their creativity and dedication in putting Volunteers with the Apostolate continue to lead the stutogether our Santa Extravaganza evening and Angel on the Tree. dents to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary, during
their monthly visits to pray the rosary. The next visit by the
Rosary Apostolate is scheduled to take place on Thursday,
Angel on the Tree
January 7th.
The St. Vincent de Paul Society through St. John of the
Cross Church has asked us to express to our families
and staff their sincere appreciation for your support over
Congratulations to incumbent Mario Pascucci who was
Christmas and blessing for the New Year.
Board News!
The Christmas Angel on the Tree Project was a tremendous success! Through your generosity there were many families from
our community who were helped. It is wonderful to witness the
true meaning of Christmas and to have our children involved in
helping others.
recently re-acclaimed chair of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic
District School Board. We wish him the very best as he
continues in this important position. We would also like to
congratulate Trustee Thomas Thomas who was elected
Extended French
Students in Grade 4 this year are eligible to apply for the Extended French Program. Extended French in Dufferin-Peel starts in Grade 5.
An information meeting will be held on Thursday , January 14, 2016, 7:00 pm at
St. Therese of the Child Jesus School, 6930 Forest Park Drive. At the present time,
the above mentioned school is the designated centre for our area. Applications will
be accepted at that centre until 3:00pm Thursday, February 16, 2016. If a lottery is
necessary—February 24, 2016, time to be determined.
Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
Monday, January 18 – Professional Activity Day
Tuesday, February 2 – Term One Report Cards will be sent home
Thursday Evening, February 4 – Interview Evening
Friday, February 5 - P.A Day - Reporting to Parents
J A N U A R Y 20 1 6
Dress for Winter Weather!
P. A. Day Reminder
The colder weather is upon us and it is important
that students come to school prepared to participate
in all activities, including outdoor recess. Parents,
please outfit your children with hats, scarves, mitts,
winter outerwear and boots.
Please put identification on your child’s belongings, especially in your child's boots as at
times they are mistakenly taken by others.
All students are to have a pair of indoor shoes so that the classrooms are kept as clean and dry as possible. It is also a great idea for
our younger students to have an extra set of clothes for those ‘wet or
muddy accidents’.
On Monday, January 18, 2015
there is NO SCHOOL for students!
Cold and Flu Season
Cold and Flu Season is back and so too are children’s illnesses. Please
use discretion in keeping your child home to recover. A child who is
coughing or wheezing is not in a state to learn but is in a position to infect other
Remember, if your children are well enough to attend school, they are well
enough to go outside at recess.
As per Board policy and for safety reasons, no child should bring medication to school without prior approval from the office. The school will
store necessary prescribed mediation upon completion of the Board form,
“Request for Storage and Distribution of Prescribed Medication Form” signed by
the parents and physician and returned to the school.
School staff, without the proper board documentation, cannot distribute medication of any kind and under no circumstances should students bring medication in
their desk, backpack or lockers. Thank you for your cooperation!!
January’s Virtue
This month we will celebrate the virtue of self-control. We will work
together as a school community so that our students understand that
God has given us the ability to choose. Through prayer and concentration, we can get better at controlling our reactions. We can get better at
showing self-control.
Self-control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that we will
Self control helps us to resist the temptation to do something that will
harm ourselves or others.
Self-control is one of the marks of a spiritually mature person.
When we all use self-control, we can be sure that our school will be a
safe, caring and inclusive place to live and to learn.
J A N U A R Y 20 1 6
The teachers will be involved in
Assessment and Evaluation of
Term One Pupil Progress.
Cold Weather Season
Safe Play and Snow
Children will go outside for recesses and for 40
minutes during the lunch hour.
Research indicates that fifteen minutes of fresh air allows
students to refocus on their studies. On extremely cold
days, we may limit the amount of time that students spend
We obtain our information from Environment Canada
Weather Information and we follow Board Guidelines which
 -25C or colder with wind chill, students are kept
 -20C to -24C with wind chill, amount of outdoor
time will be reduced
If it is warmer than -20C with the wind chill, students will be
expected to be outside during the entire recess period.
Please ensure your children are dressed appropriately for
the weather conditions.
We continually remind students that
snow stays on the ground, and there
is to be no pushing of others on the
snow hills that are created when the
pavement is plowed. Every student
is made aware of the importance of
these rules in preventing injuries. We continue to
stress our ‘no contact’ rule to ensure the safety of
every student.
Students who continually break these rules will be
tracked at the office and parents will be notified.
Please take this opportunity to discuss the dangers of
rough play with your child. Thank you in advance for
your assistance in this matter.
Message from the Library!!
Welcome back. I hope everyone has had a joyous and restful Christmas break.
Once again we will be participating in the Ontario Library Association’s Forest of Reading program, by reading and discussing the Blue Spruce books. Forest of Reading is a literacy initiative created by school and public librarians that expose students from JK- High school to Canadian books and writers. The program runs until May. The reading program is divided
into various sections based upon age and reading abilities.
On Wednesday January 27th we will be celebrating Family Literacy Day in Canada.
This is a wonderful opportunity for families to get together, read, learn and have fun.
Plan an excursion to your local public library or bookstore to select/purchase the book
for the night. Once you are home curl up on the couch, get comfy and READ. After all the more you read the
more you know! For more information and fun activities please visit the website
Mrs. Lichacz
“A library is not a luxury but one of the necessities of life."
Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1620)
The Theology of the Body …
“How can I live my life in a way that brings happiness and fulfillment?”
Singles, engaged couples, married couples, and youth 18+ are encouraged to attend.
Presented over 2 consecutive Saturdays beginning Sat. Jan. 23 rd from 9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. at St. Ignatius Loyola RC
Parish Hall, 2300 Burnhamthorpe Rd W., Mississauga, L5L 3T6.
For information and pre-registration contact Anthony Mendes 416-302-4253 or Tod Markelj
A fee of $20.00 per person or $25.00 per couple, which includes a workbook, will be collected during registration at the
first session.
“Discover the Master Plan for Your Life” will be presented over 2 consecutive Saturdays beginning
January 23rd from 9:30am to 1:00pm in St Ignatius Loyola RC Parish Hall, Mississauga. Request
an information flyer or pre-registration at
J A N U A R Y 20 1 6
Report all immunizations your child receives to Peel Public
**online at www.immunizepeel/.ca
** call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7000.
Student records are reviewed annually. Over an eleven week
period, students with incomplete records receive three letters mailed directly to them to request immunization information. If
parents/students DO NOT provide the required immunization information, the student will be suspended from school.
PLEASE NOTE: Please send the above information to Peel Public Heath, not to the school . Thank you
The next School Council meeting is set for Thursday, January 21st at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.
Our Catholic School Heritage
Why did the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West keep improving separate school legislation?
It responded to Catholic parents, trustees, bishops and priests, editors of the four Catholic newspapers, members of the business
and professional world, all of whom argued for legal and financial rights for separate schools.
Was there opposition to separate schools before Confederation?
Yes, as now, there were advocates of one school system. Protestant spokepersons believed in the adequacy of the common (now
public) school’s basic non-denominational Christianity, which constituted an important element of the common school’s religion lessons and their readers. They held that beliefs specific to certain religions should be taught in the churches and homes.
Why did Catholics find the non-denominational religious education of the common school unsatisfactory?
Catholics wanted separate schools where all the beliefs of the Catholic Church would be taught, where the pupils would live their
faith in a sacramental and community manner in proximity to the parish church and priest, and where religion would permeate the
reading, literature and history curriculum. Furthermore, as modern times arrived, the multiculturalism of the public school’s student
body necessitated the eradication of the teaching of Christianity.
What sacrifices did Catholics have to make to send their children to separate schools?
Because the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West roughly had consisted of members advocating nondenominational common schools and half were in favour of them, separate school legislation, for about fifteen years, contained three
obstacles to their existence:
Catholics could establish and support a separate school, but had to continue paying common school taxes. Thus, they paid tuition for their children in the separate school;
The separate school had no permanence of existence. If the local common school board hired a Catholic as one of its teachers,
then the separate school ceased to exist. Separate schools kept opening and closing in the early years;
In the cities the separate school board required the permission of the common school board to open a new or an additional separate school. Sometimes the permission was not forthcoming.
The legislation required twelve Catholic heads of family resident within a city, town or township common school section. The
townships’ common school sections were so small that often there were not twelve resident Catholic families.
Dear Parents/ Guardians,
As a certified Eco-School, we will be continuing our work from last year trying to do our part to save
the environment. Last year our school was certified with a Silver status and we’re shooting for Gold
this year!
Here are some tips! Let’s Make a difference together!
• Get Out! – Encourage your children to spend as much time outdoors as possible. Not only is it
incredibly healthy for kids to spend time outside exercising but it's crucial that they learn and understand from an early age that they are a part of nature. This will help them become more environmentally aware and concerned when they are older.
• Waste Not, Want Not – Try to pack a "no-waste" lunch for your children whenever possible. Get
a cool re-useable lunchbox, pack a cloth napkin and some re-useable utensils. Put food and
drinks in Tupperware and recyclable containers rather than buying single serving prepackaged
• Eco-snacks - Be sure that snacks are healthy to give your child the energy he or she needs to
learn and have fun. If snacks are fresh and local, all the better for your child and the planet.
• Teach children about recycling by getting them to help you put garbage in the right bin. Children
learn through imitation and role play, so what better way to start teaching them about how to care
for our planet than by doing it yourself.
The Eco-Team will be continuing to conduct waste-audits in the school periodically
throughout the year.
We are in the planning stage of a Waste-Free Lunch Challenge to be
held during the week of January 18th – 22nd, 2016. This week has
been chosen to coincide with the roll-out of the Region of Peel’s new
cart service for homes and business recycling that begins on January
4th, 2016.
Some other ongoing campaigns will be as follows:
G.O.O. S. (Good on one side) Paper Bins – Are being implemented in all classrooms
Lights Out when we leave the classrooms.
D. Meany/ M. Hogan