299 Landsbridge Street Bolton, Ontario L7E 2K4 Phone (905) 951-8788 Fax (905) 951-8798 MARCH 2016 EASTER SEASON PRAYER Principal: K. Barton Vice Principal: F. Troiani Secretaries: K. Badger & V. Lombardi Lord as we prepare to enter the Easter Season SERVING OUR We ask you to illumine our minds and hearts COMMUNITY With the hope and promise of Christ’s passion, death and resurrection. SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS Give us eyes to see Him in the breaking of bread and L. Storey 905-890-1221 Hearts that reach out to Him in service to one another. TRUSTEE We ask this through Christ Our Lord. F. DiCosola 905-951-8898 Amen. HOLY FAMILY CHURCH Rev. L. Leger and Fr. D. Gikonyo 905-857-1938 ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair: M. Cardinale 905-951-8788 OUR VIRTUE FOR MARCH—KINDNESS Please visit our website at: www.dpcdsb.org/JBAPT In the month of March we will highlight the virtue of kindness. A kind person: Follow us on TWITTER Says nice things about others so they feel good about themselves @JBAPT_DPCDSB Sticks up for people who are picked on or need help Refuses to join others who are insulting, intimidating, mean or hurtful Watches and looks for ways to help those in need THE NEXT VIRTUE ASSEMBLY WILL BE ON THUR. MARCH 10 2016 AT 1:35 P.M. Page 2 CLASS LISTS FOR SEPTEMBER 2015 Staff will soon be meeting to organize class lists for September 2016. If there are any special learning needs your child has that you feel we should know when making up classes, please do so in writing to the pr incipal by April 30th. Letter s that list a request for a specific teacher will not be considered. Please limit comments to specific learning styles. Requests for your child to be placed with a “friend” will not be considered. If you feel your child has an ongoing conflict with another child, please write us a letter and we will do our best to separate them. All staff work hard to balance class lists by abilities, gender and learning style. Please bear in mind that small primary classes (max 20) often result in combined classes throughout the school. These are a fact of life that children will have to experience from time to time. Requests for students not to be placed in a combined grade will not be consider ed. PLAN AHEAD . . . We are in the process of planning staffing and organizing classes for the 2016-2017 school year. If you are planning on moving out of the St. John the Baptist area, or simply changing addresses within our boundaries, please let the office know as soon as possible. Families with students who live outside of the school area are reminded that they must apply through the Flex Boundary policy to the Principal for permission to attend the school in September 2016. Consideration will be based on the following: Attendance and punctuality Consistent good behavior as deemed by the principal Class sizes DROPPING OFF CLOTHING AND HOMEWORK IN THE OFFICE Parents please encourage your children to remember to bring all their items to school in the morning. Calling classrooms to remind students to pick up materials, causes interruption to the class and lessons being taught and the school does not have enough personnel to make these calls. Page 2 EQAO EQAO for all grade three and grade six students will take place for this year during the period starting May 25th to June 8th. We kindly ask that parents refrain from booking appointments or holidays during this time. Parents may visit the EQAO website at www.eqao.com for many resources and useful information regarding EQAO, including sample tests from last year. More specific information will be coming shortly. HAVE YOU BEEN RECEIVING OUR NEWSLETTERS??? There are still several parents who are not receiving the school’s newsletter and other notifications through email. Those parents are encouraged to come by the front office to sign up to receive email notifications. Thank you for your support! Lenten Season Our Liturgical Season of Lent is well underway and continues until Easter weekend (March 25-28). During our six week Lenten journey we recognize and discuss with our students our human frailties which causes us to sin. We prepare for the coming of Easter through reflection, prayer and charity. We respond to Jesus’ call for a “change of heart” by becoming stronger in our will to say ‘yes’ to God and ‘no’ to our selfishness. We look forward to our Lenten journey together, a strengthened and renewed faith in God’s will. The Grade 4 students in Mrs. Killman's class have worked to raise $1500 USD towards the Healing Classrooms Challenge hosted by Students Rebuild, Global Nomads Group, and the International Rescue Committee. Inspired by a student-led inquiry asking, "How can we change the world in 5 minutes a day?" students worked as a team to meet their goal of creating 500 pinwheels towards the challenge. Each pinwheel made would be matched by the Bezos Family Foundation with a $2.50 donation towards "Healing Classrooms" for Syrian children refugees living in Iraq and Lebanon. Healing Classrooms trains teachers in special techniques to engage conflict-affected children with social-emotional learning opportunities and to create secure, nurturing learning environments. This program helps children heal and learn during crisis. The Grade 4s have worked diligently since September on their goal and surpassed it, creating 600 pinwheels in total. Congratulations Grade 4s! The pinwheels you created represent a Call to Action and will work towards giving Syrian youth the peace and security that all children deserve. Page 3 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED AS ALL STAR READING COACHES The All Star Reading Program provides opportunities for students to develop and to enhance their reading and thinking skills. The students, who have previously participated in the program, have achieved very positive results. This term we are implementing the program with our grade one students. This entails a half day training session and then an hour or two hours per week commitment for ten weeks. We look forward to working with you to support our reading program. We really need volunteers to be All Star Reading Coaches. If you are interested in helping in this capacity, please return the form attached to our newsletter or pick up one at our school office. Please contact Ms. Cecchetto if you have any questions regarding this program. ANNUAL OFFENCE DECLARATION for VOLUNTEERS In order to be a volunteer in a school setting (this includes going on field trips as a parent volunteer), a Criminal Reference Check is required. Please see the front office for the package. For those parents/guardians who have completed a Criminal Reference Check, an Annual Offence Declaration (AOD) must be completed on a yearly basis and returned to the school. If you have not completed the AOD, please see the attachment at the end of this newsletter and return it to the front office. If you are uncertain as to when you completed your reference check, please contact the school for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation. KISS N’ RIDE Thank you to all our parents who are respectful of our Kiss and Ride and of the parking signage. Caledon By Law Enforcement officers do regularly enforce the signage both at school and on the roads near the school. Do not PARK your cars in the Kiss and Ride lanes as this causes unnecessary traffic backlog. If you require more time, please park your car. Please do not drop off your children in the drive through lane. Students should exit from the RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE CAR. It is dangerous to have students cross the drop off lane. Our number one concern is the safety of our students. We appreciate your assistance in this matter. Greetings from the Eco Team, Wow! February is already behind us and we would like to thank all of those people who have joined us in celebrating our special days: Winter Walk Day and National Sweater Day. On Winter Walk Day, we had a lot of participation before and after school, but the best part was our Lunch Walk! On sweater day, we sure were warm and cosy as we “toasted” the possibility of turning down the heat (in our homes) to save money and more importantly energy! The WWF has great information on their website about why sweater day matters. In fact, you can make every winter day a sweater day, just by turning down your thermostat by a couple of degrees. Nationally, the savings can be huge! We look forward to two important events in March: The Great Gulp, which St. John the Baptist will join in on Thursday, March 24th, at 11:40 am; and Earth Hour, celebrated at home on Saturday, March 19th from 8:30 to 9:30 pm, and at school, TBA. Look for our Twitter announcements! Remember to follow us @JBAPT_DPCDSB Page 4 ATTENDANCE AND LATES Why is it important for my child to be in school every day and on time? Parents and the school can work together to keep kids in school. One of the most important first steps is for parents to become aware of the dangers that school absenteeism poses to a child’s success in school and later in life When students miss school, they fall behind. When your child comes home from school after an absence and tells you they didn’t miss anything, remember, they were away and can’t begin to know what they missed during the hours the class was together. Each school day a teacher presents new material and builds on work given the previous day. When students return from an absence they must catch up which can be difficult for students who are not strong independent workers. Even strong students find it difficult to do their best when there are gaps in their knowledge Insist that the kids leave the house in time to arrive at school at least five or ten minutes before the bell. The time spent in the school yard before school is a transition time that allows your child to reconnect with classmates and to refocus on school issues. Lining up to enter the school with the rest of class allows your child to become part of the group and ease into the routines of school. Arriving to school on time makes a difference. Your children learn the importance of punctuality from the example you set. The first few minutes in the classroom are critical. During these minutes the teacher deals with important messages, dates, and opening lessons. As parents, you have many responsibilities toward your child. One is the ensure your child is in school every day, ready to learn. In fact, it is the law. The Provincial Education Act states that every child between the ages of 6 and 18 is required to attend school every day on time from September to June. Consistent absences and lates are required to be referred to the school social worker. The habit of non-attendance established in elementary school typically continues into secondary school. By the time your child is in high school, he or she will have more independence and you will have less influence. Begin now to set the standard that every school day is compulsory, even on days your child is not ready for a test, or is tired. Consider too, the messages you send about your own attitudes toward missing work or using sick days If you are thinking of taking your child out of school for a week or more, reconsider. Most children cannot afford to miss a week or more of class work. STAYING HEALTHY Wash Your Hands Frequently: washing your hands is the best way to stop germs from spreading. Sneeze Into Your Elbow: don't cough or sneeze into your bare hands; use a tissue or if none are available -- cough or sneeze into your elbow Stay Healthy: Eating healthy, be active and get lots of rest, keeps your immune system strong. WELCOME MRS. LOMBARDI!!! The St. John the Baptist School community would like to welcome Mrs. Lombardi, our new part-time secretary. Kindly take the time to welcome her to the school! The school looks forward to having her as part of our staff. MARCH BREAK 2016 There will be no school for students during the week of March 14-18. School will resume on Monday, March 21st. EASTER WEEKEND There will be no school for students on Good Friday, Friday, March 25 and on Easter Monday, Monday, March 28. School will resume on Tuesday, March 29. Page 5 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ALL STAR READING COACHES The All Star Reading Program provides opportunities for students to develop and to enhance their reading and thinking skills. The students, who have previously participated in the program, have achieved very positive results. This term we will implement the Program with our Grade 1’s. We really need volunteers to be All Star Reading Coaches. This entails a half-day training session and then an hour to two hours per week commitment for ten weeks. We are beginning our first week on March 28, 2016. We look forward to working with you to support our students’ reading. Please complete the form below and return it to the school if you are interested in volunteering as an All Star Reading coach. Please contact Ms. Cecchetto if you have any further questions. Please note: All new coaches require training that will take place at the school. The date of the training will be forwarded to you. If you were a coach in previous years you do not require training. ALL STAR READING PROGRAM I would like to volunteer to be an All Star Reading Coach. Full Name:_____________________________________________________________ Telephone Number: (Home)_______________________________________________ (Work) _______________________________________________ Name of child(ren) in the school ____________________________________________ Days and Times you are available___________________________________________ I am a new coach and require training _______ I have coached previously and do not require training I have had a recent criminal reference check ______ I require a criminal reference check _______ _______ MARCH 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Gr. 4 to Cold Creek 2 Pizza Day 3 Gr. 8s Drop off 4 See/Hear Clin. Registration at St. Hockey Tourn. Michael’s 3-5pm H.Sch. Math Visit &6-8pm 5 6 7 8 Rosary Apostolate 9 Immunizations for 10 Virtues Assembly 11 at 1:35 Int. Speech Compt. Gr. 7 students and Gr. 8 girls / Pizza 12 13 14 MARCH BREAK 15 MARCH BREAK 16 MARCH BREAK 17 MARCH BREAK 18 MARCH BREAK 19 20 PALM SUNDAY 21 22 23 Pizza Day 24 Stations of the Cross 1:00 (no kinders) 25 Good Friday 26 HOLY WEEK Leone Meats Fundraiser Begins NO SCHOOL Gr. 8 Grad Pics 27 EASTER SUNDAY 28 Easter Monday 29 30 Pizza Day 31 NO SCHOOL APRIL 2016 Sun 3 Mon 4 Tue 5 Virtues Assembly at 1:35 Wed 6 Spring Photos Thu Fri Sat 1 Junior Speech Compt. 2 7 8 Sharelife Hock- 9 ey Game at 1:00 14 Easter Mass at 9:00 and 10:20 15 16 Pizza Day Parent Council at 7 10 11 P.A. DAY NO SCHOOL 12 Rosary Apostolate 13 Pizza Day Welcome to Kinder Night 6:00pm 17 18 19 Dance Competi- 20 Pizza Day tion @ Rose Theatre 21 Diversity Conference at St. Mikes 22 23 24 25 26 28 29 30 27 Pizza Day Read and Write Gold – Literacy Support Software for Home” On Tuesday April 5th, 2016, the Dufferin-Peel Special Education Advisory Committee (S.E.A.C.) is inviting parents and guardians of elementary and secondary students with diverse learning needs to attend a Parent Engagement Workshop: “Read and Write Gold – Literacy Support Software for Home.” This event will take place at St. Marcellinus Secondary School, 730 Courtneypark Drive West, from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. The evening, presented with funding from the Ministry of Education’s Parent Reaching Out (P.R.O.) Grant, is intended to provide a hands-on learning opportunity to discover how Texthelp’s Read and Write Gold software may provide reading, writing, studying, and research support within familiar applications (e.g. Word, Internet Explorer, Adobe Reader). A light dinner will be served at 6:00 p.m. and the learning session will begin at 6:30 p.m. Please direct parents to RSVP via e-mail or by phone to Laura Conte at: laura.conte@dpcdsb.org (905) 890-0708 ext. 24011 by March 22, 2016