299 Landsbridge Street Bolton, Ontario L7E 2K4 Phone (905) 951-8788 Fax (905) 951-8798 February 2016 A VALENTINE PRAYER Principal: K. Barton Vice Principal: F. Troiani Secretaries: K. Badger and G. Odoardi SERVING OUR I said a Valentine prayer for you and asked the Lord above to fill your heart and bless your soul With the precious gift of love. COMMUNITY SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS L. Storey 905-890-1221 I asked Him for sincere love The kind that's meant to stay Just like the generous love You give to those you touch each day. TRUSTEE F. DiCosola 905-951-8898 HOLY FAMILY CHURCH I prayed for love from family And from every cherished friend Then I asked the Lord to give you His love that knows no end. AMEN Rev. L. Leger and Fr. D. Gikonyo 905-857-1938 ROMAN CATHOLIC SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Chair: M. Cardinale 905-951-8788 VIRTUE - RESPECT Please visit our website at www.dpcdsb.org/JBAPT Follow us on TWITTER @JBAPT_DPCDSB During the month of February we celebrate the virtue of respect. A respectful person: Treats himself/herself and everyone else with equal consideration and courtesy Uses a positive tone of voice and body language Avoids swearing, name-calling, put-downs and inappropriate gestures Says “Excuse me”, “Please” and “Pardon me” Avoids gossip Our next Virtues assembly is scheduled for February 23rd at 1:35 a.m. Page 2 Page 2 FAREWELL MRS. ODOARDI!!! The St. John the Baptist community would like to wish Mrs. Odoardi, our assistant secretary, the best of luck and blessings as she will be moving on to a full time position at another school. Her final day at our school will be Friday, February 5, 2016. The joy, laughter and enthusiasm she brought everyday and the care she demonstrated towards our students and staff will be greatly missed. Thank you for all you have done for the St. John the Baptist school community! Greetings from the EcoTeam! Hello St. John the Baptist Community! Here is some of our latest news, reminders and coming events: The Eco Team is very proud to have received a Town of Caledon Green School Grant. The grant money comes to $2000 and St. John the Baptist will soon be getting an Elkay EZH20 Water Filling Station and Fountain. This will make refilling water bottles a cinch and hopefully end our dependence on bottled water (Google: The Story of Bottled Water, if you need to know more!!). Our school has conducted 3 waste audits in the past few months and based on the weights of our garbage, each of our students produce between 5 to 7 kg of garbage per school year. Our best diversion rate of recycling from overall waste has been 20%, and our worst as low at 11%. Our goal is to increase our diversion rate and mostly, try to produce LESS garbage! Our school has also been given targets and numbers as far as our Energy output is concerned and we have learned two important things: A school of our size within our board has been given a target to reach NO MORE than an output of 12 EKWH per school year. As of 2014 data we were at 15 EKWH, and so we have to push our energy needs downwards. While we have improved in our used of electrical energy for lighting, computers, etc, we are challenged to reduce our heating and cooling energy draw. The ecoTeam will discuss and suggest improvements for our school to see this goal into success. We have three upcoming events which we are excited to announce: On Wednesday February 3rd, it is our Winter Walk to School Day. So far, the weather forecast says a high of 6 degrees C, and windy.... so we should have a fairly successful day! Come on out and meet our Eco Team as we greet you on your morning walk on Wednesday. On Thursday, February 4 th it is National Sweater Day: we encourage families to set their thermostats 2 degrees cooler and reduce your daily draw on your home heating bill. At school, wear your favorite and cosiest sweater and get caught in a class photo with your friends! Also, on Thursday over the lunch hour a special guest is coming from Milk Bags Unlimited. Angela Kethsely will be teaching our Eco Team how to make bedding from milk bags and teaching about the humanitarian benefits of creating and sending these durable blankets to areas of crisis around the globe. Interested parents or grandparents may join, if you let us know in advance. Look forward to more news in March and April (the Great Gulp, Earth Hour, Earth Day...) And a final reminder: for all those who come by car, especially at the end of the day, when you are waiting for your children to come out of the school so you can drive them home...PLEASE Do NOT leave your cars IDLING!!! Engine pollution near a school yard is the WORST place for our children’s health. If you need a refresher on how detrimental car pollution is on children, your car and the environment, please visit our winning YouTube video on Idle Free Caledon (https://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=JErGQrQMsr0&feature=youtu.be) The Eco Team Page 3 FEBRUARY IS BLACK HISTORY MONTH Every year Canadians are invited to participate in Black History Month festivities and events that honour the legacy of Black Canadians, past and present. Canadians take this time to celebrate the many achievements and contributions of Black Canadians who, throughout history, have done so much to make Canada the culturally diverse, compassionate and prosperous nation it is today. During Black History Month, Canadians can gain insight into the experiences of Black Canadians and their vital role in the community. (www.cic.gc.ca) St. John the Baptist will be celebrating black history month and diversity in February. A number of events will take place to promote, celebrate and honour Black History and Diversity. The library will have on display books about Black History and Diversity Black History lessons will be incorporated throughout the month within individual classes ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST WINTER CARNAVAL SPIRIT WEEK!!! Join the St. John the Baptist community by celebrating WINTER CARNAVAL SPIRIT WEEK with us! The French team has organized a week of activities! Each day there is something new to do in support of school spirit and community building. Each student is asked to bring in a donation of $2 for the week. The days include; Winter Carnaval at SJB (Feb. 8-12) Day of the Week Activity Monday, February 8 Toque Day Tuesday, February 9 Wacky Hair Day Wednesday, February 10 Sports Jersey Day Thursday, February 11 Pajama Day Friday, February 12 Red and White Day Gr. 7 &8 Dance Knights of Columbus Free Throw Challenge Congratulations, to the following students who represented our school at the local Knights of Columbus Free Throw Council Championship on Saturday January 23, 2016 at St. Michael’s Catholic Secondary School; Luca Q (8), Nicole B (8), Alessandro L (7), Nicole R (7), Michael (6), Emily U (6), Arianna F (5), Korbyn P (5), Joseph (4), Emma G (4). Way to go Jaguars! Page 4 PEDICULOSIS CAPITIS “HEAD LICE” We would like to be proactive in advising you that lice can often occur at this time of year. It is important at this time of year, to check your children regularly for lice, in order to help stop the spread within the classroom and school. Individual classroom letters are sent out with the students when an occurrence of lice is found. Names of students are never given. Siblings are also given a letter to help prevent the spread. If your child has “head lice” please report this to the school secretary immediately and please keep your child at home until all of the live lice have disappeared. If there is another situation we should be aware of, such as students who are in the same daycare, then please let us know, so letters can be sent to all classrooms affected. In some cases a classroom check may be required if there is more than one case of lice reported. Lotions and shampoos containing 1% permethrin often work well. They can be bought at the store without a prescription, see a pharmacist. If these do not work, a doctor can give you a prescription for stronger medicine. Thank you for your cooperation. REMEMBER… February 2, 2016 - Report Cards Come Home February 4, 2016 - Parent/Teacher Interview Night February 5, 2016 - Parent/Teacher Interview Day NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS February 15, 2016 - Family Day NO SCHOOL 2015-16 School Year Calendar Additional Professional Activity Day: Monday, April 11, 2016 Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015-2016 school year for both elementary and secondary schools. Recently, boards were directed to schedule this additional Professional Development Day on or before April 15, 2016. In the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional Professional Activity Day has been scheduled for Monday, April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for either elementary or secondary students on; Monday, April 11, 2016. Thank you for your attention to this addition to the 2015-16 School Year Calendar. Page 5 STUDENT ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY Thanks to our many parents who regularly call the school to report their child(ren) are going to be absent from school. Your phone call to the school saves our secretary a tremendous amount of valuable time in trying to track down unexplained absences. Remember that you can call the school twenty four hours a day to report your child’s absence. On days that buses are cancelled and schools are open and students remain at home, it is expected that parents will report the absence of their children. Students and parents are reminded that being punctual for school is a very important habit to follow! Our school entry times are 8:45 am for morning classes and 12:45 pm for the afternoon classes. Students who arrive even a few minutes late for school not only disrupt classes already underway, but put themselves at a disadvantage, because they need to “catch up” with classmates once they arrive into class. All students from Junior Kindergarten to grade 8 who arrive late to school must report to the main office to check in before going to class. PICKING UP YOUR CHILD ON TIME Parents please be on time to pick your child at the end of the day at 3:15 pm. Please remember we don’t have supervision for your child after these times. We want to ensure that your child is safe at all times. OUR CATHOLIC SCHOOL HERITAGE What sacrifices did Catholics have to make to send their children to separate schools? Because the United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West roughly consisted of members advocating non-denominational common schools and half were in favor of them, separate school legislation, for about fifteen years, contained three obstacles to their existence: Catholics could establish and support a separate school, but had to continue paying common school taxes. Thus, they paid tuition for their children in the separate school; The separate school had no permanence of existence. If the local common school board hired a Catholic as one of their teachers, then the separate school ceased to exist. Separate schools kept opening and closing in the early years; In the cities the separate school board required the permission of the common school board to open a new or an additional separate school. Sometimes the permission was not forthcoming. The legislation required twelve Catholic heads of family resident within a city, town or township common school section. The townships’ common school sections were so small that often there were not twelve resident Catholic families. Were these four obstacles removed? Yes. The United Legislature of Canada East and Canada West in 1853, 1855 and 1863 removed all four hindrances. There was no more double taxation. It did not matter if there was a Catholic teaching in the common school. The separate school board did not need the permission of the common school board to open a new or additional separate school. The number of Catholic heads of family to establish school was lowered from twelve to five. As a result, the number of separate schools grew considerably. What effect did the Canadian Constitution, create in the British North America Act (1867) (now entitled either the Constitution Act or the Canada Act), have on separate schools? When the Fathers of Confederation came from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Canada East and Canada West to meet in Charlottetown and Quebec, they quickly concluded, in the words of one of the Fathers, Sir Charles Tupper, that “Without this guarantee for the rights of minorities being embodied in that new constitution, we should have been unable to obtain any Confederation whatever.” FEBRUARY 2016 Sun 7 Winter Carnaval Spirit Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Report Cards sent home 3 Pizza Day 4 Parent/Teacher Interviews 5 Parent/Teacher Interview Day 6 8 Toque Day 9 Wacky Hair Day 10 Pizza Day 11 Pajama Day 13 Rosary Apostolate Ash Wed Liturgy at 1:00 12 Red & White Day Int. Dance Jersey Day 14 15 Family Day NO SCHOOL 21 22 28 29 16 Junior Basketball Tournament 17 Pizza Day 18 Parent Council Meeting at 7:00pm 19 20 23 Virtues Assembly 24 Pizza Day 25 26 27 MARCH 2016 Sun 6 Mon 7 Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 Pizza Day 3 4 5 8 Rosary Apostolate 9 Pizza Day 10 Virtues Assem- 11 bly Immunization Clinic Gr7 students & Gr8 Girls 12 13 14 MARCH BREAK 15 MARCH BREAK 16 MARCH BREAK 17 MARCH BREAK 18 MARCH BREAK 19 20 21 22 23 Pizza Day 24 Stations of the Cross 25 Good Friday 26 Grad Pics 27 EASTER 28 Easter Monday NO SCHOOL 29 30 Pizza Day 31 NO SCHOOL