Principal’s Message 2015 FEBRUARY

Principal’s Message
98 Wanita Road
Mississauga ON,
L5G 1B8
Phone 905.891.7619
Fax 905.278.6539
Mario Pascucci,
Bruno Iannicca,
Sharon Hobin,
Esther O'Toole,
Luz del Rosario,
Anna Abbruscato,
Anna Da Silva,
Thomas Thomas,
Darryl D’Souza,
Frank Di Cosola,
Shawn Xaviour
T. Lariviere
Spirit of God, breathed into our hearts,
As we prepare for Jesus’ resurrection
Lift us up with new life,
New courage, new passion today.
Spirit of God, breathed into our midst
As we prepare for Jesus’ resurrection,
Transform us with new fellowship,
New vision, new joy today.
Spirit of God, breathed into the world
As we prepare for Jesus’ resurrection,
Work through us
To change the face of the earth.
May God Bless You,
Brian Diogo
B. Diogo
A. Litster
Living Our Faith & Eco News
School Council
Inquiry Corner
School Council
Jayhawk News
Take Note
Upcoming Dates
M. Giovanniello
J. McCarthy
Our liturgical Season of Lent begins with our
“Celebration of Ashes” on February 18th and
continues until Easter. During our six week
Lenten journey we recognize and discuss with
our students our human frailties which causes
us to sin. We prepare for the coming of Easter
through reflection, prayer and charity. We respond to Jesus’ call for a “change of heart” by
becoming stronger in our will to say “yes” to
God and “no” to our selfishness. Our school
community will once again continue the important commitment to our Catholic charity of
ShareLife and encourage everyone to support
our activities as best as they can. We look forward to our Lenten journey together, a strengthened and renewed faith in God’s will.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 Registration
Registration will take place on February
2nd, 2015 from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
and on February 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th,
from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Living Our Faith
Virtue Corner
This month we will celebrate the virtue of RESPECT.
A person with respect…
Treats himself/herself and everyone else
with equal consideration and courtesy
Uses a positive tone of voice and body language
Avoids swearing, name-calling, put-downs,
and inappropriate gestures
Says ‘Excuse me’, ‘Please’, ‘Pardon me’
Avoids gossip
God has given us the virtue of friends and companions
to keep us company and to help us out along the way.
Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God - and
so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus
As brothers and sisters who share one Holy Spirit, we
are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown
courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness,
which are different ways of saying respect..
That respect should come first and foremost from ourselves and then we will be able to respect others. We
should be able to expect to be treated with respect by
everyone we meet - our brothers and sisters in Jesus.
St. James Eco Team
We have now started our next environmental initiative, Litterless Lunch Mondays, to help reduce
The purpose of Litterless Lunch
Mondays is to raise awareness
around the importance of minimizing the waste that is produced via
our lunches. Lessening, and ideally
eliminating the production of garbage from our lunches is an important step in “greening” our ecological footprint
and becoming more responsible Catholic citizens. It
is hoped that activities like the Litterless Lunch
Mondays will help St. James students see how important (and how easy!) it can be to bring waste-free
lunches to school. Litterless Lunch Mondays commenced on Monday, January 12, 2015 and will occur every Monday for the remainder of the year.
Coming up in February: Sweater Day!
Stay tuned for details!
Through prayer and concentration, we can
get better at respecting ourselves as well as
respecting those around us.
Please join us for our Ash Wednesday Liturgy to be
held in the gym on
Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 at 1:30 p.m.
All are welcome.
Your support with our environmental initiatives in
honouring and protecting the gifts given to us from
God is greatly appreciated.
Going Green Together!
Inquiry Corner
As a Catholic school we emphasize the virtues
program along with the PYP learner attributes
and attitudes. Together we encourage our students to be collaborative contributors who find
meaning, dignity and vocation in work which
respects the rights of all and contributes to the common
good. This month will celebrate the virtue of Respect.
Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true,
whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything
worthy of praise, think about these things.
Inquiry Corner
The Learner Attribute for this
month is Principled. Students
will be encouraged to understand
that being principled means listening to the voice inside of
them that tells them right from
wrong. Students will learn the
importance of being responsible for their own actions
and being honest and fair.
The Attitude for this month is
Respect. Students will be
encouraged to respect themselves, others and the world
around them.
Philippians 4:8
We also align the Catholic Graduate Expectations with
our program’s focus on the development of the student
The Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations
Vision of the Learner:
The graduate is expected to be a collaborative contributor
Works effectively as an interdependent team member.
Develops one's God-given potential and makes a
meaningful contribution to society.
Finds meaning, dignity, fulfillment and vocation in
work which contributes to the common good. Respects the rights, responsibilities and contributions of
self and others.
The Primary Years Programme is based upon the
following 5 Essential Elements
Knowledge: Transdisciplinary Themes – What do we
want the students to know about?
Attitudes: What do we want the students to feel, value
and demonstrate?
Skills: What do we want the students to be able to do?
Concepts: What do we want the students to understand?
Action: How do we want the students to act?
This month the Attitudes will be highlighted. The attitudes are dispositions that are expressions of fundamental values, beliefs and feelings about learning, the
environment and people. We encourage our students to
demonstrate these attitudes throughout their learning
Inquiry Corner
APPRECIATION: Seeing and being gr ateful for the wonder and beauty of our world.
COMMITMENT: Being r esponsible for your own lear ning,
showing self-discipline, responsibility, and perseverance.
CURIOSITY: Being cur ious about the natur e of lear ning,
about the world, its people and cultures.
CONFIDENCE: Having cour age to take r isks, using what
you have learned to make good decisions.
COOPERATION: Wor king with other s and being willing
to lead or follow as necessary.
ENTHUSIASM: Being excited about lear ning and life!
EMPATHY: Being in someone else’s place in or der to understand his/her thoughts and actions.
INDEPENDENCE: Thinking and acting on your own and
being able to defend your decisions.
INTEGRITY: Having a sense of fair ness and honesty with
respect to yourself and others.
TOLERANCE: Accepting, under standing, and appr eciating the differences in others.
RESPECT: Respecting other s, themselves, and the wor ld
around them.
CREATIVITY: Using your imagination and your own ideas to do things and solve problems.
Grade 4 Unit of Inquiry
Last month Mrs. Oteiza’s class used the theme How the World
Works to inquire into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and
human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
During this unit the students focused on understanding the central idea that habitats and communities support the basic needs
of living things. The lines of inquiry that were used to focus the
students’ learning and deepen their understanding included:
Factors affecting habitats and communities of plants and
Interrelationships of living things within a specific habitat
Plants and animals within a specific habitat
Inquiry Corner
As a summative task, students created dioramas of the
habitat they were most curious about. After inquiring
about these habitats, students began to work on demonstrating their understanding of how different habitats
function all over the world. Through this inquiry, students demonstrated an understanding of the plant and
animal life in their chosen habitat, the transfer of energy (food chains), as well as the human impacts and environmental concerns affecting the habitat.
Inquiry Corner
Inquiry Corner
MYP - Faith in Action
Mrs. Marchesan’s grade 6/7 class truly had a faith in
action moment when visiting the Canadian Food for
Children foundation with Dr. Simone. Canadian
Food for Children supports children and families
around the world in need of clothing and food. The
organization was founded by Dr. A. Simone who
gave up much of his personal wealth and belongings
to help support those who have nothing.
As Catholic leaders and globally minded individuals,
our students are gaining an understanding of how
our lives locally can impact those in places so far
away. Our students are able to understand that even
one individual can make a big change in the world
just as Jesus taught us.
The Middle Years Program has a strong emphasis on
service and action. The IBO states ‘service for others, with others’, our students are setting a great example for their fellow peers and community members - that big change can come from small actions.
“Our mission is to give every person on earth the opportunity to develop their soul. To allow them the health
to go to school and work to live a life of dignity, to be
protected from abuse, to freely choose the faith they
wish to follow. I would like to help the poorest of the
poor in the world.” ~CFFC
MYP Feature of the Month
How we can further MYP learning at home…..
Global Contexts-Dimensions of time
and space
What is the meaning of ‘where’ & ‘when’?
Students will explore personal histories; homes
and journeys; turning points in humankind; discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind;
the relationships between, and the interconnectedness of, individuals and civilizations, from personal, local and global perspectives.
Possible explorations to develop:
civilizations and social histories, heritage; pilgrimage, migration, displacement and exchange
epochs, eras, turning points and ‘big history’
scale, duration, frequency and variability
peoples, boundaries, exchange and interaction
natural and human landscapes and resources
evolution, constraints and adaptation
School Council
Tuesday, February 24th at 6:30pm. Childcare is
Thank you to all those families who donated mugs
to the School Council. We can now be ‘disposable
-cup-free’ at all of our council meetings !
We are once again planning a St. James Family
Skate night. Details to follow ....
-Family Social Rink rental
-Refreshments for Upcoming School Lottery
-Lego Bricks for Lego Club
-Frames for School Cross Art Project
-Author in Schools
-Bussing for French Play (Grades 3-7)
-Director’s Cut Shortfall (Grades 6/7)
-Gingerbread cookies for all students
-Hallowe’en Spook-A-Thon Glo Bracelets and Pizza Lunch for all students
-Caribou Math Contest program for grades 3-7
-RAZ kids on-line reading program for K-3
-The Great Big Crunch Apple Event
-Bussing to church: 2 school masses
-Welcome Back BBQ
-Academic Team Golf Shirts
-Council meeting supplies (reusable cups, refreshments)
-Childcare costs for council meetings
For meeting minutes and other council information,
visit us at
Jayhawk News
Student-Led Conferences
Thursday, February 5th & Friday. February 6th,
Please be advised that beginning this term, every
classroom will hold STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES, r ather than the usual for mal par entteacher interview. Due to the nature of these conferences, student attendance is essential.
Student led conferences are a new experience for all
parties involved, one that is intended to provide you
with a deeper view into your child’s learning this
term at St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre.
We look forward to partaking in this new innovative
and collaborative experience with you and giving
our students at St. James the opportunity to lead
their own learning.
As St. James continues on in the process towards
accreditation as an IB Programme, the staff stays
committed to implementing the IB’s programme
standards and practices. Student-led conferences are
a recommended practice in the IB Programme and a
means to communicate information about assessment. Reporting on assessment is about communicating what students know, understand and can do. It
describes the progress of the students’ learning,
identifies areas for growth, and contributes to the
efficacy of the programme. The purpose of conferences is to share information between teachers, students and parents.
Overview of student led conferences from the Ministry of Education:
Jayhawk News
Jayhawk News
Kindergarten to Grade 8 Registration (2015-16)
St. James Lottery for 2015-2016 Enrolment
Registration will take place on February 2nd, 2015
from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. and on February 3rd,
4th, 5th and 6th, from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
(February 3rd, from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m., has been
designated as a snow day for St. James registration.)
Potential registrations for Kindergarten for the St.
James Catholic Global Learning Centre are advised
to register at the home school.
The following documents will be needed when
registering for all grades:
proof of age (Birth Certificate)
original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate
(for child and/or parent/guardian) or baptismal
certificate from an Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of Rome. If the child
has not been baptized, and the parent/guardian is
a baptized Roman Catholic or is baptized from
an Eastern Church in full communion with the
Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must
bring their own baptismal certificate.
updated immunization records
proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certificate
or Passport) or Landed Immigrant status
proof of home address (two of the following:
property tax bill, current utility bill, real estate
document or Government of Canada issued
Only complete registrations will be accepted. All documentation must be received at
the time of registration.
The St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre
is an optional program offered at the St. James
School Site.
If we have not exceeded our allotment of student spaces, your registration will be complete
and you will be notified.
If we have exceeded our allotment of student
spaces, we will conduct a LOTTERY on Tuesday, February 10th, 2015 at 7 p.m. in the
school gymnasium.
If you are not successful in the lottery for
available spaces, your child will be placed on
the waitlist according to the lottery results,
should spaces open up during the 2015-2016
school year.
As a program of choice with limited pupil
places, the Board practice of lottery to determine eligibility will apply should applications
received by the registration deadline exceed
available pupil places. Siblings of students
currently in the program would also be part of
the lottery and are not automatically guaranteed a pupil place to ensure equity of access to
the regional program. A waitlist for the current school year will be maintained should pupil place become available during the year.
Available Spaces for 2015-16
We will have 23 spaces available for JK in September 2015.
Currently all other grades are full and we are
working off our current waitlist until June 30,
2015. Any registrations received during the period
of February 2 – February 6 will be included in our
2015-16 lottery being held on Tuesday, February
10, 2015.
This lottery will create and identify our new 201516 waitlist (replacing the previous year’s waitlist).
Jayhawk News
Be sure to visit our school website. All newsletters
and other pertinent information are always updated.
St. James is now on Twitter! For the latest news
and information, follow us @StJamesDPCDSB
Book Fair
Our book fair is coming! The book fair will be held
in the library from February 2nd to 6th. Please feel
free to come and browse the various items.
Mon. 3:30 - 4:15 p.m.
Tues. 2:30 - 3:25 p.m.
Wed. 2:30 - 3:25 p.m.
3:45 - 5:00 p.m.
Thurs. 2:30 - 3:25 p.m.
3:45 - 5:00 p.m. & 6:00 - 8:30 p.m.
Fri. 9:15 - 10:30 a.m.
P.A. Day Reminder
Friday, February 6th, 2015 is a Pr ofessional Activity Day for all students. Please note there will be
NO SCHOOL for the students on Fr iday, Febr uary 6th, 2015 as teachers will be conducting Student
Led Conferences.
Jayhawk News
The Junior Basketball team has
now been selected. We look
forward to an exciting season.
The following is a list of the
February 3rd at St. Domenic (girls first)
February 9th at home (boys first) vs. St. Timothy
February 11th at St. Alfred (girls first)
February 17th at Queen of Heaven (girls first)
February 18th at home (boys first) vs. St. Edmund
(February 26th Family Tournament if qualify)
No students will be allowed to stay and watch the
home games without a note from their parents.
Please be aware there is no supervision by a staff
member at the games.
Peel Health will be reviewing student immunization records. Children whose records are not complete will be receiving a notice from Peel Health
requesting that immunizations be completed. Suspension from school as required by Peel Health
can result if student immunization is not up to
date. If you receive a notice from Peel Health
please take the time to reply to their request.
Valentine Cake Raffle
We are pleased to announce that St. James School
will be holding a valentine cake raffle on Friday
February 13th. In order to be a success, we ask for
the community to help by donating a cake for this
event. Please remember peanut and nut free only.
Forms will be sent home
providing details of the event.
Proceeds will go toward a
Sharelife donation as well as
student activities in the spring.
Take Note
Take Note
Parents In The Yard
For your child’s safety we request that he/she not be on
school property until supervision begins at 8:45 a.m.
Please do not drop your child off at the school prior to
8:45 a.m.
We would also like to remind you that parents should
drop off/pick up their children outside the school gates.
Parents are not permitted to be in the school yard at any
time. Although you may be known to your own child
you are a stranger to the other students in the yard.
Anyone entering the school must come to the office
right away. The school is a very busy place and we
have many visitors/parents dropping in for a variety
of reasons. To ensure we maintain the integrity of
the classroom program by avoiding interruptions, and
for the safety of our students, all visitors must come
to the office. We ask that you also convey this
information to older brothers and sisters of our
students. This way we know that anyone in the halls
or in the school yard an authorized visitor. All
students leaving the school early will be released
through the front office as they must sign out. If
Kiss and Ride
The safety of our students and parents is of great
concern to us here at the school.
Please drive SLOWLY through the Kiss and Ride lane
as well as the drive through lane.
Please do not block the Kiss and Ride zone and areas
that would hinder the movement of cars.
Cars cannot be left in the lanes at any time.
Student Absences/Lates
Please use our 24 hour answering service to inform the
school of late or absent students. We must hear from a
parent or guardian if a student will be absent,
arriving late or leaving early. Phone 905-891-7619
If a pattern of unexcused lateness or absents
becomes apparent, parents will be contacted by
the school.
your child arrives late we ask you to
NOT accompany them to class.
Snack and Treats for Students
We are asking that all parents please refrain from
bringing in eatable snacks and treats to the
classrooms. Several students in our school suffer
from a severe food allergy to all nuts, peanuts and all
nut products. There is also a Ministry PPM where
the purpose of this memorandum is to set out
nutrition standards for food and beverages in publicly
funded elementary schools in Ontario. For more
information about the new PPM please visit, http:// If
you would still like to do something special for the
classroom, a small non-eatable gift for each student
or perhaps a classroom gift, i.e. board game for
inclement recess, may be a great alternative. Again,
we thank you for your co-operation.
Feb 10
- Lottery 7:00 p.m.
Feb 2 to 6 - JK to Grade 8 Registration
Feb 13
- Valentine Cake Raffle
Feb 2 to 6 - Book Fair
Feb 16
- Family Day, No School
Feb 5 & 6 - Student Led Conferences
Feb 17
- See/Hear Clinic
Feb 5
- Soldier Presentations In Class
Feb 18
- Ash Wednesday Liturgy 1:30 p.m.
Feb 6
- P.A. Day, No School
Feb 26
- Gr. 6/7 Trip to Microsoft Store