Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis 30 (1994) 91-100 ELSEVIER JOURNALOI ANALYTICALati APPLIED PYROLYSIS Behavior of sulfur during coal pyrolysis Dakang a Center Shao a, Erik J. Hutchinson a, Jenny Heidbrink Wei-Ping Pan a,*, Chen-Lin Chou b a, for Coal Science, Deptartment of Chemistry, Western Kentucky University, Bowling Green, KY 42101, USA b Illinois State Geological Survey, 615 East Peabody Dr., Champaign, IL 61820, USA Received 15 September 1993; accepted 8 April 1994 Abstract The behavior of sulfur in Illinois coals during pyrolysis was evaluated by thermogravimetry/ Fourier transform-infrared spectroscopy (TG/FT-IR) techniques. SO,, COS, and H,S were major gaseous sulfur-containing products observed during coal pyrolysis. The release rates of the gaseous sulfur species showed several peaks within the temperature ranges, which were due to the emission of different forms of sulfur in coal. Keywords: Coal; Sulfur; Pyrolysis 1. Introduction It is generally accepted that three forms of sulfur are present in coal: organic sulfur (an integral part of the coal structure); pyritic (generally discrete pyrite and marcasite particles or ‘lumps’); sulfate (as salts of metals such as calcium or iron). A minor amount of elemental sulfur also occurs in coal [l-3]. During the pyrolysis of coals of various types, the mechanisms of the release of sulfur species are influenced by numerous factors such as the forms of sulfur present in the coals, coal rank, and experimental conditions. Monitoring the time- and temperature-dependent evolution of sulfur-containing gases during coal pyrolysis provides insight into the sulfur chemistry affecting the * Corresponding 01652370/94/$07.00 author. 0 1994 - Elsevier SSDZ 0165-2370(94)00807-D Science B.V. All rights reserved 92 D. Shao et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 30 (1994) 91-100 evolution profiles. Programmed-temperature studies of sulfur gas evolution have often been limited to H,S [4,5]. In some cases, all the sulfur gases are studied collectively by reducing or oxidizing them to H,S or SO1 [6,7]. In 1987, Carangelo et al. [8] investigated hydrocarbon structure and the kinetics of gas evolution by using a TG/FT-IR technique to study the pyrolysis of coal, char, tar and oil shale. They identified the individual gaseous species such as CO, CO*, H,O, CH,, C2H6, CzH4, C,H,, C,Hs, benzene, heavy paraffins, heavy olefins, HCN, HCl, NH,, SOZ, CS,, COS, CH,OH, CH,COOH and CH,COCH,. In 1988, Oh et al. [9] investigated the evolution of sulfur gases during the pyrolysis of eight Argonne premium coal samples in an inert atmosphere (argon), in the temperature range 25-900°C with a slow heating rate (4S”C/min). They monitored the real-time evolution of sulfur gases during slow-heating pyrolysis using a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer (TQMS). Their studies demonstrated that the sulfur gaseous species were SO,, COS, CS,, H,S, and some organic sulfur gases such as C,H$, CH,SH, C,H,SH, C3H,SH, CH,C,H& C,H,SH, and CH,C$H$H evolved during the coal pyrolysis. In 1989, Khan [lo] investigated the distribution of coal sulfur in the gaseous, liquid, and solid products that occur during devolatilization (pyrolysis) in an inert atmosphere, at a relatively low temperature (about 500°C) of bituminous coal containing various amounts of total, pyritic, and organic sulfur. 32 coal samples, mostly of the high-volatile bituminous type, were investigated. His study demonstrated that 31% (sum of H,S and COS) of the coal sulfur appeared in the gaseous products of the coal pyrolysis, while about 61% of the coal sulfur appeared in char. Hydrogen sulfide and COS were the only gaseous sulfur species analyzed in the pyrolysis gaseous products. Khan did not establish and evaluate the release profile of the gaseous sulfur species (e.g. H,S and COS) during the coal pyrolysis. In 1990, Solomon et al. [ 1l] analyzed the Argonne premium coal samples using TG/FT-IR techniques to determine volatile composition, volatile release kinetics, and relative char reactivity. The results reported that one of the SO, peaks appears to coincide with one of the COS peaks. The paper does not report on the profile of H,S. In addition, Whelan [ 121suggested that some of the SO, from kerogens comes from organic matter. In 1991, Coburn et al. [ 131 investigated a mechanism for H,S release during the pyrolysis of Illinois #6 coal in an argon atmosphere. They used a temperature programmed, gas evolution technique with an argon sweep of 20 ml/min to study the evolution of H,S detected by a quadrupole MS at different temperatures. At a 10 K/min heating rate, the rate of H,S release from both organic sulfur and pyrite by the H-donor mechanism reaches a maximum at 700 K and then decreases. The H,S release by the unimolecular decomposition of coal pyrite to FeS and S2, also by the H-donor mechanism, then occurs sharply at 830 K (557°C). The evolution of H,S during the pyrolysis of Argonne premium coal has been studied with a mass spectrometer in temperature programmed decomposition (TPD) experiments [ 141. This work indicated that the decomposition reaction of organic sulfides to form H,S proceeds prior to most of the conversion of hydrocarbons to volatile species during pyrolysis [ 141. D. Shao et al. 1 J. Anal. Appl. Pyrqlysis 30 (1994) 91-100 93 The purpose of this work was to determine gaseous sulfur species such as H,S, S02, and COS evolved during the pyrolysis of Illinois coals, and to evaluate their release behavior using TG/FT-IR experiments. 2. Experimental Four coal samples ( -60 mesh, air dried) from the Illinois Basin Coal Sample Program were used in the experiments of coal pyrolysis. The coal samples (called IBC coals for short) contain 1.13-4.54% sulfur on a dry basis. The compositions of the coal samples are shown in Table 1. By using the combined TG/FT-IR instrumental system, the volatile species produced on a DuPont 951 TG during pyrolysis of a coal sample are analyzed using a Perkin Elmer 1650 FT-IR spectrometer (resolution, 4 cm-‘; detector, DTGS). The system is able to continuously measure the mass change of the coal sample with increasing temperature at a heating rate of lOC/min (by TG) from 20 to 950°C as well as to identify qualitatively and/or determine quantitatively the individual gaseous species such as HCl, NH3, COS, SOZ, H$, H20, CH,, C2H4, C3H6, etc. (by FT-IR) emitted during coal pyrolysis. The sample chamber in the TG furnace is connected to the 100 x 24 mm gas cell in the FT-IR spectrometer via a 1 mm diameter Teflon tube. Both the Teflon tube and the gas cell are heated by heating coils up to 150°C and the temperature is controlled continuously by a temperature controller. The time lag between the sample chamber and the gas cell is one minute with an oxygen-free nitrogen flow at a rate of 50 ml/min during pyrolysis. The corrected temperature is reported for the FT-IR results in this study. The FT-IR spectrometer could be used to automatically scan the pyrolysis gas mixture, and the spectra could be taken automatically every minute or every 10°C during heating, by using Galactic Industries Corporation’s LabCalc software. Calibration of the FT-IR spectra was made by scanning individual pure gases (SO*, H,S, CHJ or prepared gas mixtures (SO,, H,S and CH, in nitrogen). Details of the experimental setup and procedures are reported in other papers [ 15,161. Temperature calibration Table 1 Compositions of Illinois Basin coal samples Composition IBC-103 IBC-105 IBC-106 IBC-109 % % % % % % % % % 5.70 8.70 36.10 74.48 5.04 1.73 2.30 7.56 0.18 9.40 18.60 36.80 63.60 4.58 1.22 4.55 7.39 0.10 10.40 9.00 39.70 71.86 4.93 1.67 3.77 8.76 0.02 9.20 8.20 35.00 75.05 4.89 1.74 1.13 8.53 0.42 Moisture Ash Vol Matter Carbon Hydrogen Nitrogen Sulfur Oxygen Chlorine D. Shao et al. 1 J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 94 for the difference between the thermocouple system was not carried out. 30 (1994) 91-100 and the sample temperature in the TG 3. Results and discussion 3.1. TG results As shown in Fig. 1, the TG curves obtained by heating approximately 100 mg of the Illinois coal samples illustrate the decomposition behavior of the samples during pyrolysis from ambient temperature to 950°C. The second significant weight loss for the four Illinois coals occurs in the sample temperature range of approximately 350-950°C with the quantities in the order IBC-109 (27.45%) < IBC-103 (30.35%) < IBC-105 (30.49%) < IBC-106 (34.60%). However, IBC-109 and IBC106 have very close maximum rates of weight loss (1.79 and 1.69%/min, respectively) and similar T,, (433 and 425°C respectively). The two coals, IBC-103 and IBC-105, have weight loss rates of 2.42 and 2.37%/min at 426 and 411”C, respectively. The weight losses in the 350-950°C temperature range correspond basically to the loss of the volatile species resulting from the decomposition of the coals, and they are comparable with the values of the volatile matter content in the coal. The decomposition of some minerals (calcite, pyrite) also contributes to weight losses in this temperature range. 105 55 ! -200 0 200 Fig. 1. TG curves 400 600 Tempereture ('Cl for Illinois Basin coal samples 800 I 1000 1200 Overlay Vl.OD TA Inst.2000 during pyrolysis. D. Shao et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 30 (1994) 91-100 95 Table 2 Sulfur content and forms of sulfur present in Illinois coals as analyzed by the ASTM D2492 method Coal IBC-103 IBC-105 IBC-106 IBC-109 3.2. FT-IR Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Sulfur Total Pyritic Sulfate Organic 2.30% 4.55% 3.11% 1.13% 1.11% 2.52% 1.86% 0.50% 0.02% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 1.16% 2.03% 1.90% 0.63% results Table 2 outlines the results of the total sulfur and forms of sulfur as determined by ASTM D2492 method. Since there are several forms of sulfur present in Illinois coals, several gaseous sulfur species can be produced by the decomposition of the coals under the pyrolysis conditions. In this study, three gaseous sulfur species were observed: H,S, SOz, and COS. Hydrogen sulfide, H&j, has the most difficult absorption peak to resolve in the FT-IR spectra. For instance, its two largest absorbance bands overlap greatly with other major gaseous species (such as CO,, H,O, and CH,) known to form during the pyrolysis of coal. However, this can be resolved in another manner. Specifically, H,S absorbs at 1268 cm-‘, but so does CH,. Therefore, a combined H,S/CH, release profile can be created. In the CH, standard FT-IR spectrum, the absorbance intensities of both the 1304 cm- ’ and 1268 cm-’ absorption peaks can be identified. Thus, it is possible to calculate the ratio of the absorbance intensities of the 1268 cm- ’ peak to the 1304 cm-’ peak for CH,, which is 0.16. Multiplying the CH4- 1304 cm-’ peak absorbance intensities by this ratio at varying temperatures will give the net CH41268 cm-’ peak absorbance intensities for a particular temperature range. Finally, by subtracting the net CH4 gas release profile from the H,S/CH, release profile, a net H,S release profile can be created. To illustrate this, Fig. 2 shows the plotted H,S/CH, absorbance from 200 to 750°C for IBC-106 and IBC-109. There are three peak maxima at 440,510, and 570°C. However, by applying the method noted above, the 5,lO”Cpeak maximum was found to be mainly due to the evolution of CH4 (Fig. 3). Thus, the low-temperature decomposition of both the organic sulfur species and pyrite may generate H$ during the pyrolysis of Illinois coals under our experimental conditions [ 10,131, and results in the lower temperature peak of 440°C on the net H,S release profiles. The organic sulfur species, which undergoes pyrolysis decomposition at a relatively low temperature, may include aliphatic sulfides, aromatic disulfides, aromatic-aliphatic disulfides and some aromatic-aliphatic monosulfides [lo]. As controlled by the following reactions: FeS, s H2S + FeS FeS 2z$FeS+$,- H-donor H2S + FeS 96 Ll. Shao et a& / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 30 (1994) 91-100 - 106/H2scH4/1268cm-1+ Fig. 2. pyrolysis combined H,S-CH4 109/H2sCH4/12mcm1 release profiles for IBC-106 and IBC-109 by TG/FT-IR. 6ALmrbance IXE-3 . 5432l- Temperature rcl - 1O6/ktZS/126Ecmlkal + 1O9/l-W12E8cml/cal Fig. 3. Calculated pyrolysis net H,S release profiles for IBC-106 and IBC-109 by TG/FT-IR. the decomposition of pyrite could also take place to liberate H2S at the relatively low temperature of 440°C under the pyrolysis conditions [ 131. As a consequence, the combination of H2S formulated from both the organic and pyritic sulfur species decomposition contributes to the large 440°C peaks on the net H2S release profiles. The decomposition of the aromatic monosulfides and some of the aromaticaliphatic sulfur species might occur at a relatively high temperature (around 490°C) to evolve H$, leading to the small 490°C peaks on the net H2S release profiles. The small 590°C peak on the net H2S release profiles is mainly due to the emission of H,S by hydrolysis of a small part of the pyritic sulfur species, which takes place at a relatively high temperature (around 590°C) and is controlled by the following reactions [ 131: 3FeS2 + 4H,O + 4H,S + Fe,04 + Sz 3FeS + 4H,O --t 3H,S + Fe,O, + H, D. Shao et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 200250300350400450wo Temperalure ITP - 1Ec-106/m/2073cm1 + 30 (1994) 91-100 91 600660700750 IBc-m9/m/m7Xml Fig. 4. Pyrolysis COS release profiles for IBC-109 and IBC-106 by TG/FT-IR. Carbonyl sulfide, COS, can be monitored much more easily than H,S. COS absorbs at 2073 cm- ‘, and Fig. 4 shows the pyrolysis COS gas release profiles versus temperature. In Fig. 4, three peak maxima are present at 430, 560, and 610°C. The reactions to form COS could be both gas-solid and gas phase secondary reactions, as has been suggested by Attar and Dupuis [6] and Oh et al. PI. 1. Formation of COS from gas phase reactions: H,S+CO+COS+H2 (1) H,S + CO, + COS + Hz0 (2) 2. Formation of COS from gas-solid FeSz + CO + COS + FeS reaction: (3) 3. Elimination of COS: H,S + COS + CS* + H,O (4) 2cos (5) + cs, + co, Our experiments show that the COS release profiles OEraw Illinois coals have two relatively large peaks around 430 and 560°C and a small broad peak around 610°C. According to Oh et al. [9], the larger 430°C peaks are probably due to the combined release of COS from two different sources of sulfur species - the organic sulfur species and the pyritic sulfur. The release of COS from the aromatic sulfur species is controlled by the gas-phase reaction of CO and/or CO, with HIS (reactions 1 and 2), and the H,S is produced from the decomposition of different types of the organic sulfur species, as discussed above. The release of COS from one type of the pyritic sulfur is also controlled by the reaction of CO with H,S (reaction l), but the H2S is produced from the decomposition of the pyritic sulfur species. The large 560°C and small broad 610°C peaks are probably due to the release of COS by the gas-solid reactions of CO with two different types of the pyritic sulfur 98 D. Shao et al. / J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis Fig. 5. FT-IR 30 (1994) 91-100 106/HS/1268cm!/cal + 106/CCS/2703cm1 comparisons of Pyrolysis COS and net H,S release profiles for IBC-106. species (isometric pyrite and orthorhombic marcasite), and reaction 3 controls the COS release. According to Ferm [ 171, reaction 4 occurs at a temperature between 340 and 900°C and reaction 5 is slow but its rate reaches a maximum at 600°C. Thus, these two reactions compete with the formation of COS between 350 and 900°C and they probably dominate around 550 and 600°C. This probably leads to the smaller 560 and 610°C peaks on the COS release profiles of Illinois coals. As discussed above, the formation of COS should be related closely to the formation of H,S under the pyrolysis conditions (reactions l-3). By comparing the COS and net H,S release profiles of IBC-106 shown in Fig. 5, the COS profile is similar to the H,S profile in the temperature range of 300-7OO”C, except for the absence of the 560°C peak on the H,S profile. This is evidence that reactions l-3 do control the formation of COS and the elimination of H,S during the pyrolysis. SO2 absorbs at 1374 cm-‘, and Fig. 6 shows the pyrolysis SO2 release profiles of IBC-109 and IBC-106. The pyrolysis SO, release profiles are similar for both coals, the difference being in their absorbance intensities; they both have three broad Tempearture TCI Fig. 6. Pyrolysis 106/So2/1374cm-I SO, release profiles + 109/SoL/1374crnl for IBC-106 and IBC-109 by TG/FT-IR. D. Shao et al. 1 J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 30 (1994) 91-100 99 peaks around 320, 440, and 550°C. The small 320°C peak is due to the decomposition of aliphatic and/or elemental sulfur species which takes place readily at low temperatures [ 181. The large 440 and 550°C overlapping peaks are probably due to the decomposition of both the aromatic and pyritic sulfur species in the coals. The second peak is due mostly to pyritic sulfur. This assignment is confirmed by the reduced peak areas of clean coals [ 191. Most of the pyritic sulfur is removed by the deep-cleaning process. IBC-103 and IBC-105 have similar pyrolysis SO2 release profiles. 4. Conclusions The following conclusions can be drawn from this study. (1) Hydrogen sulfide, COS and SO, are the major gaseous sulfur-containing compounds created during the pyrolysis of Illinois coals. (2) Evolution of COS follows the formation of H,S under the pyrolysis conditions. (3) *Three peak maxima are present in the evolution of SO,. These peaks were probably due to the emission of aliphatic, pyritic, and aromatic sulfur. Acknowledgments This work was prepared with support in part by grants made possible by the Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources through its Coal Development Board and Illinois Clean Coal Institute, and by the U.S. Department of Energy (Grant Number DE-FG22-91334). However, any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed herein are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of IDENR, ICCI, and the DOE. References 111P.H. Given and W.F. Wyss, British Coal Utilization Research Association Monthly Bulletin, XXV (1961) 165. PI J. Speight, The Chemistry and Technology of Coal, Marcel Dekker, New York, 1983. of Sulfur in Coal, ACS Symposium Series, 429, 1990, pp. 30-52. [31 C.-L. Chou, Geochemistry [41 A. Attar, Fuel, 57 (1978) 201. [51 A.K. Burnham, N.K. Bey, and G.J. 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