Fuel Processing Technology 59 Ž1999. 35–50 TGrFTIRrMS study of organic compounds evolved during the co-firing of coal and refuse-derived fuels Richard Lu, Shobha Purushothama, Xiaodong Yang, John Hyatt, Wei-Ping Pan, John T. Riley ) , William G. Lloyd Department of Chemistry and Materials Characterization Center, Western Kentucky UniÕersity, Bowling Green, KY 42101, USA Received 15 September 1998; received in revised form 21 January 1999; accepted 1 February 1999 Abstract Complementary thermal analytical techniques were used to analyze gaseous products evolved during the co-firing of coal with refuse derived fuels. The combined thermogravimetric ŽTG.rFourier transform infrared ŽFTIR.rmass spectrometry ŽMS. techniques were employed to study the reaction pathways for the formation of gaseous products during combustion, as well as identify molecular chlorine, HCl, CO, CO 2 , H 2 O and various organic compounds. The discovery of molecular chlorine has led us to look for the possible formation of chlorinated organic compounds in the combustion process. Chlorine and hydrocarbon species are released in the same temperature range and in higher concentrations during fast heating rates compared to relatively slow ones. These results indicate that there may be more opportunities to form chlorinated organic compounds during the co-firing of coals with refuse-derived fuels ŽRDF. at the faster heating rates that may occur in a fluidized-bed combustor ŽFBC. system. q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Co-firing; Coal; Refuse-derived fuel; TG; FTIR; MS 1. Introduction Waste-to-energy conversion of municipal solid waste ŽMSW. has been an important practice to relieve the pressure from increasing waste generation and as a source of cheaper energy. An ongoing project at Western Kentucky University has demonstrated ) Corresponding author. Tel.: q1-502-745-6244; fax: q1-502-745-6293 0378-3820r99r$ - see front matter q 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII: S 0 3 7 8 - 3 8 2 0 Ž 9 9 . 0 0 0 1 1 - 9 36 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 that co-firing high heat content coal with low heat content MSW or refuse-derived fuels ŽRDF. in a fluidized-bed combustor ŽFBC. can obtain high combustion efficiency. However, some technical problems need to be solved to reduce the possible release of toxic chlorinated organic compounds during co-firing coal with MSW. Additional research is needed to optimize the co-firing conditions and parameters. Considerable work w1–3x has been done on the application of thermogravimetric ŽTG. analysis interfaced with a Fourier transform infrared ŽFTIR. spectrometer to the on-line analysis and characterization of the gaseous products evolved from the pyrolysis and combustion of various materials. However, diatomic molecules that do not possess a permanent dipole moment are not infrared active, and therefore cannot be detected using infrared absorption. Also, overlapping peaks, such as the O–H stretching vibration in water and carboxylic acids, presents a problem in the analysis of mixtures as a result of interpreting the infrared absorption data. Only a few reports w4–6x have been published about the on-line analysis of volatile products using TG interfaced with mass spectrometry ŽMS.. The mass spectrometer is very sensitive and can identify the mass range of the species in a sample. Also, it has a faster response time than the FTIR systems. The detectability of the MS system is usually less than 1 ppm, which is more sensitive then an FTIR spectrometer having a general detectability of approximately 10 ppm. However, an MS has a relatively high cost and since it measures only mass-to-charge ratios, it does not have the capability to determine isomers. Also, oxidation can reduce the lifetime of the MS instrument by destroying the filament. Once the TGrFTIRrMS techniques are combined they are a powerful method for the characterization of the gaseous products, analysis of the decomposition kinetics, and investigation of the combustion conditions and parameters during the combustion of a variety of fuels. A recent special issue of Thermochimica Acta provided a survey of the present state of instrumentation and the main application areas of coupled thermal-analysis and gas-analysis methods w7x. In previous work w8x, the study of individual materials has provided a reasonable understanding of the characteristics and thermal behavior of these materials, their relative thermal stability and temperature relationships, their decomposition products and the evolution profiles of different gaseous products. The formation of molecular chlorine during the combustion process could be a key step for the formation of chlorinated organic compounds. The production of phenol and furan during the combustion of newspaper and cellulose could provide the important precursors for the formation of polychlorinated dibenzodioxin ŽPCDD. and polychlorinated dibenzofuran ŽPCDF.. These results can help trace the sources of thermal decomposition products of blends, as well as evaluate their combustion kinetics and interaction mechanisms. The purpose of this study is to investigate conditions leading to the possible formation conditions of PCDDs and PCDFs during co-firing coal with RDF. A possible mechanism that has been suggested for the formation of PCDDs during co-firing coal with RDF starts with the Deacon reaction w9x: 4HCl q O 2 | 2Cl 2 q 2H 2 O Substitution of molecular chlorine on phenols leads to polychlorinated phenols: Cl 2 q phenol™ chlorinated phenols R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 37 Condensation of chlorinated phenols leads to polychlorinated dibenzodioxins: chlorinated phenols™ PCDDs Following the same experimental conditions as those used with the individual materials, a series of experiments on the blends containing different amounts of coal, PVC, newspaper, and cellulose was conducted at two heating rates. Studying the combustion processes at a low TG heating rate allows one to determine the kinetics and dynamic performances of different gaseous products. The studies at a fast heating rate allows one to develop a more realistic picture for combustion performance during the combustion of coals with refuse-derived fuels. The fast heating rate conditions more closely approximate those in an FBC. 2. Experimental The detailed TG combustion profiles of the blend materials, including two coals, polyvinyl chloride ŽPVC., newspaper, and cellulose, were investigated. The coals were a high-chlorine, low-sulfur Illinois a6 coal Ž90003. and a low-chlorine, high-sulfur Kentucky a9 coal Ž92073.. The PVC was a homopolymer resin Oxy225 from Occidental Chemical, the cellulose was from Whatman, and the newspaper was from a local news agency. The analytical values for the materials used are given in Table 1. The major source of chlorine in RDF materials is PVC. About 7% of RDF is plastic, and PVC accounts for about 1% of MSW w10x. A greater amount of PVC was used with the fuel in this study to provide conditions more favorable for the formation of chlorinated hydrocarbons. The blends of fuels used in this study are given in Table 2. The TGrFTIR system consisted of a DuPont Instruments Model 951 Thermogravimetric Analyzer interfaced to a Perkin–Elmer 1650 Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer. The Model 951 system has a horizontal quartz tube furnace with a ball joint Žsize 12r5.. The socket joint Žsize 12r5, length 5 cm. was clamped by a joint clamp. The socket was connected with a permanent heated Teflon Ž1r8 in. OD. transfer line Table 1 Analytical values of coals and raw materials used in the study Parameter a Coal 90003 Coal 92073 PVC Newspaper Cellulose Moisture Ž%. Volatile matter Ž%. Ash Ž%. Carbon Ž%. Hydrogen Ž%. Sulfur Ž%. Chlorine Ž%. Heating value ŽBTUrlb. 8.76 34.25 8.12 75.07 5.21 1.26 0.38 13,248 9.88 32.56 26.34 59.53 3.50 4.44 0.03 10,334 0.0 100 0.36 38.71 4.20 0.22 56.45 8,556 4.21 81.21 4.12 45.67 6.67 0.05 0.03 7,741 3.12 96.88 0.0 43.44 6.80 0.02 0.00 6,723 a All parameters except moisture are given on a dry basis. 38 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 Table 2 Composition by weight of the fuel blends used Blend no. Component 1 Component 2 1—03PVC 2—03New 3—03Cell 4—03PN 5—35122 6—73PVC 7—73New 8—73Cell 9—73PN 10—735122 50% coal 90003 50% coal 90003 50% coal 90003 50% coal 90003 50% coal 90003 50% coal 92073 50% coal 92073 50% coal 92073 50% coal 92073 50% coal 92073 50% PVC 50% newspaper 50% cellulose 25% PVC 10% PVC 50% PVC 50% newspaper 50% cellulose 25% PVC 10% PVC Component 3 Component 4 25% newspaper 20% newspaper 20% cellulose 25% newspaper 20% newspaper 20% cellulose using a custom-made Teflon reducing connector in which the Teflon heated transfer line was controlled by a Powerstat at 30 V. The ball, socket joints and Teflon connector were wrapped with a heating coil which was controlled by a variable autotransformer with a thermocouple. The heated gas cell was covered with a heated jacket which was controlled by a Barnant temperature controller. Silica tubing formed the connection between the teflon heated transfer line and the outlet Ž1r4 in. glass tubing. for the gas cell. This entire portion was then wrapped by a heating coil controlled by a variable autotransformer. The heated gas cell was 10 cm by 24 mm with a KBr window. In our TGrFTIR experiments, all samples Ž; 100 mg. were heated in air Ž50 mlrmin.. Heating rates used were a slow heating rate of 108Crmin to 7008C, a fast heating rate of 1008Crmin to 9008C, and this temperature held for 5 min. Using the FTIR system, the spectra and profiles of gaseous species evolving from the TG system were recorded and analyzed within the temperature range from 100–7008C for the 108Crmin heating rate and from room temperature to 9008C for the 1008Crmin heating rate. The TGrMS system consisted of a DuPont Instruments Model 951 Thermogravimetric Analyzer interfaced to a Fisons Instruments model VG Thermolab Mass Spectrometer. In the TGrMS system, the mass detection range is 1–300 atomic mass unit Žamu. and uses an electron impact ionization energy of 70 eV. A capillary transfer line heated to 1708C was used to connect the TG to the MS, while the inlet port on the mass spectrometer is heated to 1508C. These temperatures are necessary to minimize the condensation of high boiling point gases in the transfer line. The capillary inlet Ž1.8 m. was constructed from fused silicon encased within a stainless-steel sheath. It was then covered with PTFE and then with a red fiberglass sheathing. Such a construction allows for good mechanical strength and a means to resistively heat the long capillary line. Another major advantage of this interface is that it produces a partial pressure in the MS ion source proportional to that in the atmospheric pressure gas sample at the inlet probe. A sample size of ; 20 mg was used in all runs. The same heating and air flow rates used in the TGrFTIR experiments were followed with the TGrMS system. The MS system can automatically sample the gases evolved from the TG system, analyze them R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 39 with its quadrupole analyzer, and save the mass spectra. The detailed experimental conditions are discussed elsewhere w11x. 3. Results and discussion 3.1. ThermograÕimetricr differential thermograÕimetric (TG r DTG) results Fig. 1 is a comparison of TG curves obtained for blend 035122 and its components Žcoal 90003, PVC, cellulose, and newspaper. at the slow heating rate. It is obvious that the blend has a much lower decomposition temperature than the coal because of mixing with the more volatile and more easily decomposed components—newspaper, cellulose, and PVC. This indicates that there are some mutual chemical interactions among the components during the combustion process. For the blend curve, the first weight loss is from loss of the moisture. The second weight loss mainly comes from the decomposition of PVC, newspaper and cellulose. The third weight loss is from the combustion of coal and carbon residue from PVC. It is likely that the combustion of newspaper, cellulose and PVC induces a shift in the coal combustion curve to a much lower temperature. The temperature of 50% weight loss ŽT1r2 . for coal is about 5008C, whereas the corresponding temperature is 3708C for the blend. Fig. 2 is a comparison of TG curves obtained for blend 035122 and its components at the fast heating rate. The same trend is observed in that the blend decomposes at much Fig. 1. Comparison of TGA curves for blend 035122 and its components at the low heating rate. 40 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 Fig. 2. Comparison of TGA curves for blend H035122 and its components at the faster heating rate. lower temperatures than the coal. The T1r2 for coal is about 7508C, and that for the blend is about 4508C. Upon comparison with the blend curve in Fig. 1, one can see that the combustion profile of the blend becomes more continuous, so that the second and third weight losses noted clearly in Fig. 1 can not be separated in Fig. 2. This indicates that the combustion behavior is different at different heating rates. Also, the T1r2 values for the blend in the two figures suggest that the combustion curves shift to a much higher temperature Žin the case of the above example, from 3708C to 4508C. as the heating rate increases. The same results obtained for blend 035122 are observed in blend 735122. Table 3 is a summary of the TGrDTG results at both heating rates for all the blends. The maximum rates of major weight loss Ž R max . at the fast heating rate are much higher than those at the slow heating rate for all the blends. In the case of 035122, for example, the second weight loss rate increased from 10%rmin for the slow rate to 62%rmin for the higher heating rate. This indicates that the decomposition reactions of fuels occur at a faster reaction rate as the heating rate increases. The heating rates in an FBC system are much faster than those in TG experiments. Thus, one can expect decomposition reactions to occur at a greater R max in FBC systems. Upon comparison of the data for the blends with that from the single materials, there is an important difference. For most blends, the combustion profiles are compressed into a continuous stage of weight loss at the fast heating rate. This indicates that the different decomposition stages for most blends can only be separated from each other at a slow heating rate. It is difficult to distinguish each decomposition stage in the combustion R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 41 Table 3 Summary of TGrDTG results for duel blends Samplea 03PVC H03PVC 03NEW H03NEW 03CELL H03CELL 03PN H03PN 035122 H035122 73PVC H73PVC 73NEW H73NEW 73CELL H73CELL 73PN H73PN 735122 H735122 DW1 Ž%. b c Tmax R dmax 3.2 3.4 3.8 2.9 3.2 1.8 3.0 4.3 70 106 60 112 60 102 61 93 1 2.7 1 2.9 1 1.3 0.5 3.8 2.5 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.0 2.5 5.7 5.2 113 70 103 70 109 64 100 60 93 1.9 1 4.0 1 3.3 0.6 2.3 1 4.8 DW2 Ž%. Tmax R max DW3 Ž%. Tmax R max 30 42 30 93 43 92 27 94 49 51 37 82 51 73 53 82 52 85 40 49 307 354 340 349 341 361 302 345 300 325 306 347 337 374 346 383 336 344 300 331 6 71 19 41 17 67 7 81 10 62 7 57 33 99 23 99 31 98 6 70 64 55 59 457 435 463 6 32 8 48 442 18 64 419 13 44 39 51 444 595 437 7 13 5 24 444 14 30 423 19 29 432 12 42 43 418 538 8 12 a ‘H’ indicates the TGA higher heating rate was used. D is weight loss. c Tma x is the temperature at R max Ž8C.. d R ma x is maximum rate of weight loss, percent per minute. b profiles at the fast heating rate, except for the moisture loss stage. Unlike those at the slow heating rate, the profiles of decomposition reactions for most blends display only one continuous weight loss at the faster heating rate. Also, the Tmax values at the fast heating rate are in between the two Tmax values at the slow heating rate. For example, the Tmax for H73PN Žfast heating rate. is 3448C, but the Tmax values for 73PN Žslow heating rate. are 3368C and 4328C. 3.2. FTIR results All the TGrFTIR results obtained show that there is not any significant difference between the combustion products for the two coals. These coals essentially differ only in the chlorine and sulfur contents, which are not rank dependent. Therefore, one needs only to analyze the data for one coal in detail. Table 4 is a summary of the tentative identification of FTIR absorption bands for the evolved gases from the coal 92073 blends during combustion at both heating rates. Fig. 3 is a 3D FTIR plot for blend 10, 735122, obtained at the slow heating rate. The combustion begins around 2308C Ž z coordinate ; 800 s., speeds up after 2608C, and reaches a maximum around 3008C Ž z ; 1200.. The combustion process can be illus- R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 42 Table 4 Tentative identification of FTIR peaks for coal 92073 blends Žwavenumber, cmy1 . a Name 73PVC H73PV 73New H73Ne 73Cell H73Cel 73P2N2 H73PN 735122 H73122 methane hydrogen chloride carbon dioxide carbon monoxide carbonyl sulfide carbonyl group Žmultiplet. sulfur dioxide acetic acid formic acid methanol ethylene 1,3-butadiene p-xylene furan chlorobenzene hydrogen cyanide 3018 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1175 1107 – 950 908 793 – 741 712 a 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 – – 1034 950 – – – 741 – 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1175 1107 1034 – – – 745 741 712 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1175 1107 1033 950 908 793 745 741 – 3018 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1175 1107 – 950 908 – 745 741 712 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 – 1107 1033 950 – – 745 741 – 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1175 1107 – 950 908 – 745 741 712 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1176 1107 1033 950 908 793 745 741 – 3016 2798 2358 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 1176 1107 – 950 906 – 745 741 712 3016 2798 2360 2178 2074 1800; 1700 1374 – 1106 – 950 – 793 745 741 712 Reference: Ref. w12x. trated by following the emission of CO 2 Ž2230 and 670 cmy1 ., and H 2 O Ž3851 and 1652 cmy1 .. This corresponds to the second weight loss Ž DW2 . in its TG curve Žas shown in Table 3.. In the decomposition stage, a lot of organic and inorganic species Fig. 3. 3D FTIR spectra of gases from the combustion of blend 10 at a heating rate of 108Crmin. R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 43 such as HCl Ž2600–3000 cmy1 ., water, organic acids and alcohols are released and can be identified in the spectra. From the analysis of single materials, it is known that the evolution of HCl is due primarily to the decomposition of PVC. The organic acids and alcohols are mainly from the combustion of newspaper and cellulose. The sulfur dioxide peaks appear around 2808C Ž z ; 1100. and reach their maxima at about 3408C Ž z ; 1400.. This indicates that the coal starts to decompose rapidly at this temperature, and reaches another combustion maximum at about 4208C Ž z ; 2000., which is the third weight loss in Table 1. This is supported by the presence of peaks for carbon mono- and dioxide and methane in the FTIR spectra. Similar results can be found in blend 5 Ž035122. except for the evolution of sulfur dioxide due to low content of sulfur in coal 90003. Fig. 4 shows a 3D FTIR plot for blend 10 heated at 1008Crmin. The decomposition reactions of the fuels occur at about 3008C and reach a maximum at 3308C, which corresponds to the second weight loss in Table 3. As the heating rate increases, the spectra show a trend similar to that with the raw materials, in which the decomposition of fuels is compressed into a much narrower time range Žshorter z axis.. Compared with those at the slow heating rate ŽFig. 3., the spectra from the combustion at the fast heating rate display two important differences. Compounds such as hydrocarbons, HCl, CO, COS, SO 2 , organic acids, alcohols and ethylene are produced at the same range of time Ž Z s 200–400.. After this time, the major gaseous products are carbon dioxide and water, which are from the complete combustion of carbon residue in the fuels. This is different from the results at the slow heating rate in which methane and carbon monoxide are released along with carbon dioxide, rather than with HCl. The second Fig. 4. 3D FTIR spectra of gases from the combustion of blend 10 at a heating rate of 1008Crmin. 44 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 change is that the decomposition products at the fast heating rate have much higher concentration Žhigher absorbance., as indicated by absorbances of methane and HCl. The assignments for the FTIR absorption bands for some gaseous products of the combustion of blend 10 at the fast heating rate are given in Fig. 5. The spectrum corresponds to ; 3208C. At this temperature, furan and chlorobenzene can also be identified at 745 and 741 cmy1 , respectively. In summary, the concentrated hydrocarbon and chlorine species formed during the combustion of blends are released in the same time span at the fast heating rate whereas they evolve at different times for the slow heating rate. This supports the conclusions from the combustion of the individual materials. This also may be a starting point for understanding the formation of chlorinated organics. It suggests that there are more opportunities to form chlorinated organic compounds when the combustion occurs at a faster heating rate, which can happen in an FBC system. 3.3. Mass spectrometry results Table 5 summarizes the identification of some peaks in the MS spectra of evolved gases from the blends of coal 92073 at both heating rates. The compounds in bold type were detected by using the combination of a gas trap and GCrMS techniques. Fig. 5. Identification of some gases from the combustion of blend 10 at a heating rate of 1008Crmin. R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 45 Table 5 Tentative parent structures of MS peaks for coal 92073 blendsa Name dimethylnaphthalene vinylnaphthalene acenaphthene biphenyl methylbenzothiophene phthalic anhydride dichlorobenzene indan-1,3-dione methyltetrahydronaphthalene methylnaphthalene chlorobenzaldehyde chlorobenzaldehyde-H benzodihydrofuran naphthalene trimethylcyclohexane benzodihydrofuran propylbenzene acetophenone methylbenzaldehyde trimethylbenzene chlorobenzene xylene benzaldehyde ethylbenzene xylene-H benzaldehyde-H 3-methyl-2-furanone methylthiophene furfural toluene toluene-H hexene thiophene benzene furan sulfur dioxide a 73PVC H73PV 73New H73Ne 73Cell H73Cell 73P2N2 H73PN 735122 H73122 156 154 154 154 148 148 146 146 146 148 148 146 146 146 148 148 146 146 146 148 148 146 146 146 142 140 142 140 139 134 128 126 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 142 140 139 134 128 126 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 142 140 139 134 128 126 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 134 128 126 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 139 134 128 126 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 134 128 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 120 120 120 120 120 112 106 106 106 105 105 98 98 96 92 91 84 84 78 68 64 The numbers represent m r z values for peaks in the mass spectra of products. It is difficult to interpret the complicated spectra obtained from the combustion of all the blends. However, one can use FTIR data as a second set of clues and concentrate our attention on the sulfur and chlorine containing species in the evolved gases. Because of the similarity of the different coals, we need only to discuss the data from coal 92073 as presented in Section 3.2. Fig. 6 shows some mass profiles from the combustion at the slow heating rate for blend 9 Ž73PN.. There are two major decomposition stages in this figure. The first stage 46 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 Fig. 6. Profiles of some masses from blend 9 at the slow heat rate. occurs around 3008C. In this stage, HCl Ž mrz s 36 and 38. and chlorine Ž70, 72 and 74. from PVC, as well as furan Ž68. and furfural Ž96. from newspaper are major products. The second stage is around 3408C. In this stage, larger aromatic molecules such as toluene Ž92., methylthiophene Ž98., xylene Ž106., chlorobenzene Ž112., ethylbenzene Ž120. and naphthalene Ž128. are released, which indicates the coal matrix has begun to decompose. These two stages consist of the second weight loss in its TG curve. There are more complicated results for blends 5 Žfile 035122. and 10 Žfile 735122.. In Fig. 7 Žblend 10., only moisture Ž mrz s 18. evolves from the fuels around 1008C. When the temperature approaches 3008C, the fuels start decomposing and releasing as Fig. 7. Profiles of some masses from blend 10 at the slow heat rate. R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 47 combustion products small organic and inorganic molecules such as HCl, benzene and toluene Ž mrz s 92. from PVC, acetic acid andror carbonyl sulfide Ž mrz s 60., furan Ž mrz s 68., phenol Ž mrz s 94. and furfural Ž mrz s 96. from newspaper and cellulose, while carbonyl sulfide Ž mrz s 60. and sulfur dioxide Ž mrz s 64. are released from coal. The decomposition reactions reach their maximum rate at 3208C and finish at about 3708C. This corresponds to the second weight loss in the TG curve. After then, only a few peaks such as mrz s 18, 36, 44, 64 and 70 appear in the mass spectra. The absorption bands for carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide display their maxima at about 4208C, which is consistent with the third weight loss at around 4208C in the TG curve. As further evidence, water, HCl, carbon dioxide, methane, and sulfur dioxide all appear as predominant peaks after 3708C Ž z ; 1500. in the 3D FTIR spectra of blend 10. In the profiles of HCl Žmass 36. and molecular chlorine Žmass 70., three maxima appear around 3008, 3908, and 4408C, respectively. The first maximum is due mainly to the decomposition of PVC. The second and third ones should be attributed the decomposition of coal and newspaper. In the mass profile of newspaper, HCl Ž mrz s 36. and molecular chlorine Ž mrz s 70. are evolved around 3808C. An important finding in this work is that molecular chlorine, phenol and furan are released in the same temperature range. This indicates there is the possibility of producing chlorophenol at this temperature. However, we cannot identify chlorophenol from the MS results due to two reasons. First, the amount of phenol Ž mrz s 94. present in the gas phase is very small. This is evident from the profile of mrz s 94. Secondly, chlorophenol has the same mass Ž128. as naphthalene. These two species cannot be distinguished from each other in the TGrMS system. The ambiguity over the mrz s 128 problem was resolved using a separation system and identification system. In tube furnace studies conducted in our laboratory, larger samples were loaded to produce more phenol. Also a GCrMS system was used to separate the components to identify each compound in the gaseous mixture. The results from reacting 10 g of blend sample showed that there was mainly naphthalene in the Fig. 8. Profiles of some masses from blend 5 heated at the slow rate. 48 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 Fig. 9. Profiles of some masses from blend 5 at the fast heat rate. gaseous products, and only a small amount of chlorophenol. The results from reacting 100 mg phenol with a purge gas containing 0.5% chlorine in nitrogen at the heating rates used above showed that mono-, di-, and trichlorophenols can be formed. This indicates that during co-firing coal with MSW in the TGrMS system, the amount of phenol produced is too small to form chlorophenol, or the amount of chlorophenol produced is too small to be detected by the TGrMS system w13x. There are similar results illustrated in Fig. 8 Žblend 5, file 035122.. The peaks for mrz s 60 Žacetic acid and carbonyl sulfide. and 64 Žsulfur dioxide. display the same Fig. 10. Profles of some masses from blend 10 at the fast heat rate. R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 49 changes observed in the results from coal 92073. That is, sulfur dioxide Žpeak 64. is produced during three decomposition phases and the peak for mrz s 60 shows two. The first mrz s 60 is predominantly from acetic acid and the second one from carbonyl sulfide. This was confirmed by the FTIR results. In the profiles for HCl and molecular chlorine there are some differences. Both molecules show two peaks around 3008C and 3408C. The first peak may be attributed to the decomposition of PVC. The second peak is due to the decomposition of coal 90003 Žhigh chlorine, low sulfur. and newspaper. At the fast heating rate, the combustion of blends 5 Žfile H035122. and 10 Žfile H735122. becomes much more complicated. The oxidation reactions of fuels at the high temperature could rapidly produce many segments having different masses. This complicated scheme could allow two or more products having the same mass. Therefore, it may be expected that the analysis of the MS results is very difficult. For example, in Figs. 9 and 10, the profiles of sulfur dioxide from blend 5 Žfile H035122. and 10 Žfile H735122. have only one decomposition stage due to the compression effect at the fast heating rate. In addition, the expected isotope ratio of peaks 36 ŽHCl., 70 ŽCl 2 ., and 112 Žchlorobenzene. can not be observed due to the complexity of the reactions at high temperatures and the contribution from other segments with the same masses as the chlorine species. 4. Conclusions . The combination of the complementary TGrFTIR and TGrMS techniques provides a versatile analytical system for the detection and identification of gaseous combustion products. . The TGrFTIRrMS system makes it feasible to study the reaction pathways for formation of gaseous products during combustion. . The TGrFTIRrMS system was used to identify molecular chlorine, along with HCl, CO, CO 2 , H 2 O, and other hydrocarbons in the gaseous products of combustion of PVC resin with other fuels in air. This finding is significant in that it led to further experiments to examine this combustion step further to look for the formation of chlorinated organic compounds. . Chlorine and hydrocarbon species are released in the same temperature range and in higher concentrations at the fast heating rate. This finding indicates that there are more opportunities to form chlorinated organic compounds during co-firing coals with RDF at the faster heating rate that may occur in an FBC system. Under the operating conditions of a real FBC, it is possible to produce the amount of phenol needed to react with molecular chlorine to form polychlorophenols, and react further to form PCDDs. Further experiments will be done at Western Kentucky University to confirm this mechanism. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support from the following agencies: the U.S. Department of Energy through the University Coal Research Program 50 R. Lu et al.r Fuel Processing Technology 59 (1999) 35–50 ŽDE-FFG-22-94 PC 94211., the National Science Foundation through the Research at Undergraduate Institutions Program ŽCHE-9320182., Huntsman Film for a Thermal Analysis Fellowship, and the U.S. Department of Energy University Coal Research Internship Program. References w1x D.R. Clark, K.J. Gray, Lab. Pract. 40 Ž6. Ž1991. 77. w2x J. Mullens, R. Carleer, G. Reggers, M. Ruyser, Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. 101 Ž4. Ž1992. 267. w3x C.L. Putzig, M.A. Leugers, M.L. Mckelvy, G.E. Mitchell, R.A. Nyquist, R.R. Papenfuss, L. Yurga, Anal. Chem. 66 Ž12. Ž1994. 26R. w4x J.V. Thomas, Anal. Chem. 67 Ž12. Ž1995. 317R. w5x X. Nie, K. Lui, W. Maswadeh, A. Tripathi, H. Meuzelaar, Prepr. Pap. -Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Fuel Chem. 39 Ž1994. 558. w6x G. Fynes, A.A. Herod, N.J. Hodges, B.J. Stokes, W.R. Ladner, Fuel 67 Ž1998. 822. w7x E. Kaisersberger ŽEd.., Special Issue, Coupling Thermal Analysis and Gas Analysis Methods, Thermochim. Acta Ž1997. 295. w8x H. Lu, S. 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