Graduate Studies Application and Guidelines for Graduate Assistants April 2005 Graduate Studies Nicholls State University APPLICATION AND GUIDELINES FOR GRADUATE ASSISTANTS These guidelines contain the policies of Nicholls State University concerning graduate assistants. They are intended to provide information to both the students and their supervisors, and are to supplement the contents of the University Bulletin. If conflicts are found to exist, the Bulletin takes precedence. Graduate Assistant Defined A graduate assistant is a graduate student who has been accepted into a graduate program and who is employed by the University to perform assigned duties. Graduate assistantships are contractual agreements between the student and the University. The student is employed to work for a specified period at the rate of 20 hours per week in a regular semester and 16 hours per week during a summer session. Appointment of Graduate Assistants An application for employment as a graduate assistant is included at the end of this document. Additional copies may be obtained in the graduate offices in the Colleges of Education and Business Administration, the Department of Mathematics, or from the Director of Graduate Studies. An application, transcripts, resumé, and three letters of recommendation (Applicant Evaluation forms are attached) are required. Also attached is a sample resumé, although you may wish to submit a different format of your own choosing. The completed application should be given to the appropriate graduate coordinator or to the supervisor of the unit in which employment is sought. The applicant must have been admitted into a graduate degree program before he or she can be hired as a graduate assistant. Students with full-time employment are not eligible for assistantships, unless on leave from that employer. Once the department has decided to employ an individual, an R-2 Request for Authorization of Employment is prepared by that unit and submitted, along with the proper attachments required by Personnel, to the appropriate Department Head, Director, Dean, and/or Vice President for approval. The form then goes to the Director of Graduate Studies, the Vice President for Business Affairs, and the President. A contract will then be prepared for the signature of the graduate assistant. Rev. April 1998 Assistantships are awarded on a one-semester basis by the individual department or college; therefore, a separate R-2 must be submitted for each new semester of employment. Reappointment is at the discretion of the employing unit and is contingent upon performance of assigned duties and satisfactory progress toward the degree as well as the needs of the department. All assistantships are subject to budget approval and funds availability. A student may be employed for a maximum of six semesters (to include Summer sessions) per degree. Exceptions must be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies. Course Load Minimum Load Each semester, the graduate assistant is expected to earn a minimum of six hours of coursework applicable toward the degree. At least a three hour load or registration for comprehensive examinations is expected in a summer session. In the final semester of the degree program, the student must register for at least one hour. A graduate assistant carrying six semester hours of applicable coursework (three hours in a summer term) will be considered a full-time student. Maximum Load A graduate assistant may not schedule more than twelve hours during a regular semester. Six hours is the maximum load during a summer session. Compensation Graduate assistants are paid monthly on a semester basis. Full assistantships include a waiver of resident and non-resident tuition. Certain fees, such as the technology fee, are not waived. The rate of pay in a summer session is reduced because of the reduction in work requirements. Duties and Responsibilities In return for compensation, the graduate assistant has certain duties and responsibilities, which must be carried out. Assistantships are always contingent upon satisfactory completion of the assigned duties. The assistantship may be revoked whenever the duties and responsibilities are not fulfilled. Appointments are normally effective with the first official day of the semester and end with the last official day as stated in the University 2 Rev. April 1998 calendar. One who wishes to resign his or her assistantship is expected to submit written notification of the resignation to the supervisor or graduate coordinator who will then forward it to the Director of Graduate Studies for processing. A teaching assistant will be responsible for the equivalent of two lower-division classes. The assistant will not be assigned primary responsibility for a class which may be applied toward a degree until he or she has completed at least eighteen graduate hours in the field. Non-teaching assistants are expected to work twenty hour per week in a regular semester (sixteen in the summer). Specific assignments and work schedules are made in the employing unit. Graduate assistants are required to assist in staffing registration express terminals during all registration periods. Once notified of the dates and times of registration and training, it is the responsibility of the student to contact the Office of Records and Registration to schedule training and work times. First-time graduate assistants are required to attend departmental and/or college orientation sessions. Additional orientation activities may also be required. Because of the dual roles as student and employee, graduate assistants assume particular responsibility for upholding the University policy on academic honesty. Violation will result in termination of employment and may result in disciplinary action. Students should refer to the University Code of Student Conduct for policy and procedures concerning academic honesty, grievances, and other conduct issues. Supervision of Graduate Assistants The assistantship is intended to provide the student with a learning experience which will be useful in the chosen career. The supervisor should provide the guidance necessary to ensure relevant experience. The academic department head employing teaching assistants will designate full-time faculty to supervise and coordinate the work of the graduate assistant. The supervising faculty shall provide teaching assistants with an orientation session, prior to the start of classes, to discuss such topics as instructional strategies, testing, and policies of the department, college, and University. The mentoring faculty will visit each assistant’s class for at least one entire class period just prior to mid-term and hold a follow-up conference to discuss the teacher=s performance. 3 Rev. April 1998 Evaluation of Graduate Assistants Each graduate assistant will be evaluated near the end of the semester, or summer term. The supervisor will assess the performance of the assistant. The assessment is to be used in the reappointment decision-making process. Evaluation of teaching assistants will include departmental evaluations in addition to class visitations by the supervising faculty. University Policies University policies and procedures concerning appeals, grievances, sexual harassment, anti-discrimination, students with disabilities, computer use, alcohol and drug abuse, and smoking are found in the Code of Student Conduct. A copy of the Code can be obtained in the offices of the graduate coordinators, deans, and Student Affairs. A graduate assistant should be familiar with the Code and should consult it if further information is desired. The following paragraphs briefly summarize the policies on sexual harassment and anti-discrimination. Sexual Harassment It is the policy of Nicholls State University that no member of the academic community may sexually harass another. Sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, disparaging remarks and other conduct of a sexual nature constitute harassment when: $ They are unwelcome. $ They are made under circumstances implying that one=s response might affect academic or personnel decisions. $ Such conduct is persistently abusive. $ Such conduct has the effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual=s academic or work performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or work environment. Anti-Discrimination The University is ethically committed and legally bound not to discriminate against students, faculty or staff on the basis of their sex, race, religion, national origin, age, marital status, disability or veteran=s status. 4 Rev. April 1998 To: Nicholls State University P.O. Box Thibodaux, Louisiana 70310 GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP APPLICATION (please print or type) Name of Applicant Date of Application Mailing Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Telephone Zip Code Country Fax E-mail address Place of Birth City U.S. Citizen? Yes State No Country If no, what country? Social Security Number Colleges or Universities Attended (most recent first): Years Attended College / University From To Degree Major Rev. April 1998 Academic Grades and Test Scores (as appropriate): Undergraduate Grade Point Average (4.0 scale) Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Total Score Total Verbal Quantitative Analytical Total Verbal Quantitative Writing GRE General Test GMAT References have been solicited from the following individuals: Reference #1 Reference #2 Reference #3 Name Position or Title Address If an assistantship is not currently available, would you like to be considered at a later time? Yes No NOTICE TO APPLICANT: Incomplete applications will not be considered. Complete all applicable items, including a resumé, and submit to the graduate coordinator or to the supervisor in the department in which employment is sought. Signature of Applicant Date Rev. April 1998 To: Nicholls State University P.O. Box Thibodaux, Louisiana 70310 GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP APPLICANT EVALUATION (Confidential) I am an applicant for a graduate assistantship at Nicholls State University, and am seeking a recommendation from you for that position. I would appreciate very much your completing the evaluation below and submitting this confidential form directly to the above address. APPLICANT INFORMATION (please print or type): Name of Applicant Date Mailing Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Telephone Zip Code Country Fax E-mail address Graduate Degree Sought I do hereby waive my right of access to this confidential evaluation made for the purpose of accompanying my application for employment as a graduate assistant at Nicholls State University. Signature of Applicant Date Please check the appropriate box based upon your observation of the applicant: Characteristic Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Potential for Success Quantity of Work Quality of Work Ability to Complete Work Rev. April 1998 Characteristic Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Judgement and Common Sense Emotional Adjustment Cooperativeness Initiative Problem-Solving Ability Dependability Conduct Integrity I have been acquainted with the applicant for years. My relationship with the applicant has been as: Employer Advisor or Supervisor Co-worker College Instructor Friend Other (please explain) Comments (If you wish, please comment on the strengths and weaknesses which might affect the performance of the applicant as a graduate assistant. For example, you might comment on the applicant=s personality, attitude, dependability, integrity, etc. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Signature of Evaluator Title Date Organization Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code Country NOTE TO EVALUATOR: Please accept the thanks of both the applicant and Nicholls State University for your time and effort in this evaluation. Rev. April 1998 To: Nicholls State University P.O. Box Thibodaux, Louisiana 70310 GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP APPLICANT EVALUATION (Confidential) I am an applicant for a graduate assistantship at Nicholls State University, and am seeking a recommendation from you for that position. I would appreciate very much your completing the evaluation below and submitting this confidential form directly to the above address. APPLICANT INFORMATION (please print or type): Name of Applicant Date Mailing Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Telephone Zip Code Country Fax E-mail address Graduate Degree Sought I do hereby waive my right of access to this confidential evaluation made for the purpose of accompanying my application for employment as a graduate assistant at Nicholls State University. Signature of Applicant Date Please check the appropriate box based upon your observation of the applicant: Characteristic Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Potential for Success Quantity of Work Quality of Work Ability to Complete Work Judgment and Common Sense Rev. April 1998 Characteristic Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Emotional Adjustment Cooperativeness Initiative Problem-Solving Ability Dependability Conduct Integrity I have been acquainted with the applicant for years. My relationship with the applicant has been as: Employer Advisor or Supervisor Co-worker College Instructor Friend Other (please explain) Comments (If you wish, please comment on the strengths and weaknesses which might affect the performance of the applicant as a graduate assistant. For example, you might comment on the applicant=s personality, attitude, dependability, integrity, etc. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Signature of Evaluator Title Date Organization Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code Country NOTE TO EVALUATOR: Please accept the thanks of both the applicant and Nicholls State University for your time and effort in this evaluation. Rev. April 1998 To: Nicholls State University P.O. Box Thibodaux, Louisiana 70310 GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP APPLICANT EVALUATION (Confidential) I am an applicant for a graduate assistantship at Nicholls State University, and am seeking a recommendation from you for that position. I would appreciate very much your completing the evaluation below and submitting this confidential form directly to the above address. APPLICANT INFORMATION (please print or type): Name of Applicant Date Mailing Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Telephone Zip Code Country Fax E-mail address Graduate Degree Sought I do hereby waive my right of access to this confidential evaluation made for the purpose of accompanying my application for employment as a graduate assistant at Nicholls State University. Signature of Applicant Date Please check the appropriate box based upon your observation of the applicant: Characteristic Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Potential for Success Quantity of Work Quality of Work Ability to Complete Work Judgment and Common Sense Rev. April 1998 Characteristic Outstanding Above Average Average Below Average Not Observed Emotional Adjustment Cooperativeness Initiative Problem-Solving Ability Dependability Conduct Integrity I have been acquainted with the applicant for years. My relationship with the applicant has been as: Employer Advisor or Supervisor Co-worker College Instructor Friend Other (please explain) Comments (If you wish, please comment on the strengths and weaknesses which might affect the performance of the applicant as a graduate assistant. For example, you might comment on the applicant=s personality, attitude, dependability, integrity, etc. Attach additional sheets if necessary.) Signature of Evaluator Title Date Organization Address Number & Street or P.O. Box City State Zip Code Country NOTE TO EVALUATOR: Please accept the thanks of both the applicant and Nicholls State University for your time and effort in this evaluation. Rev. April 1998 (Sample Resumé) John Deaux 1492 Columbus Street Lafourche Crossing, LA 7000 Personal: 555-555-5555 545-545-5454 28 years old. Married to Jane Faisdeaux. Two children. Professional Objective: Education: Telephone Fax Email To become a project manager in a large-project manufacturing firm, with the goal of becoming a top-level manager in the organization. B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, 1991, Tulane University. Post-baccalaureate study at Louisiana State University. Work Experience: Computer Skills: 1988-1990 J.C. Nickel & Co., Bayou, LA. Retail Sales: Started out as a part-time clerk in the Shoe Department. After nine months, promoted to Assistant Manager of the Department. Responsible for all display work and some sales promotion. 1991-1998 Fredrick Shipbuilding, Inc., Amelia, LA. Design Division Head: Responsible for the computer assisted design of small ships for government contracts. Licensed Professional Engineer in Louisiana. Advanced level skills in CAD/CAM software. Intermediate level skills in Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, and Power Point, and in the use of Internet Explorer and Netscape. Basic knowledge of HTML and web page design. Background: Grew up in the Lafourche Crossing and bay areas of Louisiana. Attended South Central Lafourche High School. Traveled extensively in the US and in Europe. Rev. April 1998