Mentoring: A Key to Success in Science and Medicine for Women… and Men Elizabeth L. Travis, Ph.D., FASTRO Associate Vice President Women Faculty Programs July 27, 2009 What is Mentoring? A form of voluntary aid favoring development and learning based on an interpersonal relationship of support, exchange and learning, in which an experienced person invests his/her acquired wisdom and expertise to promote the development of another person, who has skills to acquire and scholarly or professional goals to attain. Less formally: An interpersonal relationship in which a senior or more experienced person helps a junior or inexperienced person to succeed. 25 years ago Daniel Tosteson, Dean of the Harvard Medical School, said: “We must acknowledge that most important, indeed the only thing we have to offer our students is ourselves. Everything else they can read in a book.” Elements for Success in Academic Medicine • Superior competency • Determination to succeed • Maintaining good working relationships with peers and superiors • Having an advisor/mentor Source: AAMC Faculty Vitae, Fall 2006, the University of Arkansas Medical School Advisor Mentoring Program Brochure Who is a Mentor? A typical definition of a mentor (from Greek, Mentor) is a “wise and trusted teacher.” In Greek mythology, king Odysseus asked his trusted friend, Mentor, to educate and guide his son Telemachus. Source: Omary MB. Mentoring the Mentor: Another Tool to Enhance Mentorship. Gastroenterology 2008; 135:13‐16 Why Should YOU be a Mentor? Mentorship is an important influence on • personal development • career guidance • career choice • productivity Mentoring has an important effect on • research productivity • publications • grant success Source: Sambunjak D et al. Mentoring in Academic Medicine: A Systematic Review. Journal of Academic Medical Association, September 6, 2006, Vol. 296, No.9, pp.1103‐1115 Why Do We Need Mentoring? In a study of mentoring in Academic Medicine, “lack of mentoring” ranked as the first (42%) or the second (56%) most important factor hindering their career progress in academic medicine. “Without a mentor, … I had no idea really what to expect from academic medicine. I have been feeling my way through the tunnels because I don’t know where the roadblocks are, I just kind of deal with them when I get there.” Source: Jackson VA et al. “Having the Right Chemistry”: A Qualitative Study of Mentoring in Academic Medicine. Academic Medicine, Vol. 78, No.3, March 2003 Mentoring has two categories… (at least) Research Mentor Goals To develop the research career of the To focus on more global aspects of an mentee academic career Scope • acquisition of research skills • selecting and conducting research projects • presenting research findings • ensuring the completion of research manuscripts • assisting in networking • teaching the mentee how to obtain extramural funding • securing funding Skills Career Mentor • balancing family demands and work • career promotion • juggling the different aspects of academic life (teaching, administration, clinical care and research) • major career decisions such as changing institutions or research direction Well versed in their field and research Accumulated years of experience and wisdom in academia methods, but may lack comparable years of experience in academic medicine Source: Bauchner H. Mentoring Clinical Researchers. Archives of Disease in Childhood 2002; 87: 82‐84 Mentoring Approaches Informal Mentoring Formal Mentoring Time‐tested career decision support, Assistance with academic advancement Transition into faculty mentor Facilitates linkage of mentors & mentees Provides instruction in gender, socioeconomic, cultural & ethnic sensitivity Requires substantial mentee initiation & persistence Established objectives, process and evaluation Better meet mentees’ needs through self‐ selection of mentor & learner‐initiated agenda Trains mentees to seek mentors & develop self‐awareness of professional needs Requires self‐initiated & uncompensated commitment from the mentor Not meet the needs of a diverse group of learners different from their mentors Requires administrative support & funding Provides a mandate for mentoring, although not usually a financial incentive Source: White HK et al. Mentoring: A Key Strategy to Prepare the Next Generation of Physicians to Care for an Aging America. Journal of American Geriatrics Society 2009; 57: 1270‐1277 Traditional vs. Functional Mentoring →chemistry between mentor & mentee →based on specific skills to match mentor & mentee Source: Thorndyke LE et al. Functional Mentoring: A Practical Approach with Multilevel Outcomes. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 28(3):157‐164, 2008. Evaluation of mentoring programs must include multilevel assessment of outcomes to demonstrate impact and return on investment Source: Thorndyke LE et al. Functional Mentoring: A Practical Approach with Multilevel Outcomes. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions, 28(3):157‐164, 2008. Do We Need Specific Mentoring Programs for Women? The women do not need “fixing” But there are issues unique to women Yes, because… Women have more difficulty finding mentors than their male colleagues1 Women with mentors report2: • greater job satisfaction • more likely to be promoted • more time engaged in scholarly activities Women without mentors2: • have problems with stress and confidence • are less likely to establish a solid career network when compared to males Women are role models for other women Source: (1) Sambunjak D et al. Mentoring in Academic Medicine: A Systematic Review. JAMA, September 6, 2006, Vol. 296, No.9, pp.1103‐1115 and (2) McNamara MC et al. A Pilot Study Exploring Gender Differences in Residents’ Strategies for Establishing Mentoring Relationships. Med. Educ. Online 2008; 13:7 Women M.D. and Ph.D. Graduates 1966‐2006 50% biological sciences 40% medical school 30% mathematics 20% physical sciences* physics 10% * Physical sciences include astronomy, chemistry and physics Sources: National Science Foundation, Division of Science Resources Statistics, Science and Engineering Statistics 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 0% Gender of Medical Students And the gender of medical students has shifted to equality. 100.0 male % Medical Students 90.0 female 80.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 1981 1983 1985 1987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 Year Source: Timothy J. Ley, M.D. (2008) Demographics of Women in Biomedical Research: What is the Current Reality? Female Medical School Faculty BUT no change in the proportion of female medical school faculty. 90,000 U.S. Medical School Faculty Male Female 60,000 30,000 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Year Source: Timothy J. Ley, M.D. (2008) Demographics of Women in Biomedical Research: What is the Current Reality? Projected Year of Equality* Instructor: 2005 Assistant Professor: 2023 Associate Professor: 2038 Full Professor: 2058 *Assume no change in trends Source: Timothy J. Ley, M.D. (2008) Demographics of Women in Biomedical Research: What is the Current Reality? Shortage of Oncologists by 2020 An aging population and an increasing number of cancer survivors will result in: 48% to 56% increase in demand for oncology services but only 14% increase in supply of oncology services Bottom Line? Shortage of 3,800 oncologists, 1/3 of 2005 supply. Source: Leaks in the Academic Pipeline for Women Graduate School Entry Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Ph.D. Receipt Associate Professor (Tenured) Full Professor (Tenured) Women Ph.D.s Water Level Leak Leak Women Women With Married Babies 20% less 29% less likely than likely than single women women to without enter a babies to tenure‐ enter a track tenure‐track position position Source: Mason, M. et. al. Leak Leak Women 23% less likely than men to become an associate professor Women 25% less likely than men to become a full professor within a maximum of 16 years Graduate School Entry Ph.D. Receipt Women Ph.D.s Water Level Leak Reasons for the leak Personal Interventions Institutional Interventions Family issues Discuss family friendly policies Do you have family friendly policies? Ask if tenure track offered/discouraged Stop tenure clock policy Travel Employment status of spouse Day care Career concessions Professional preparation (Imposter syndrome) Source: Mason, M. et. al. Role models to talk to Share your thoughts, did you feel like this? Flex/part time policy to interview them Affordable day care Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) Graduate School Entry Women Ph.D.s Water Level Leak Reasons for the leak Personal Interventions Institutional Interventions Fixed time to obtain tenure Help identify sources of grant funds Grant writing course Read grants/papers from start to submission Junior Faculty Development Program Childbearing years Gender schemas Do not assign to too many committees Suggest as speakers at national conferences Help with Personal Advisory Board Networking events w/senior women faculty Send to development programs (AAMC, etc) Source: Mason, M. et. al. Mid tenure track review Stop the clock policies Associate Professor (Tenured) Graduate School Entry Women Ph.D.s Water Level Leak Reasons for the leak Personal Interventions Institutional Interventions Family Nominate for awards, honors Stop the clock policies Gender schemas Suggest as speakers for national meetings Time to promotion Advise on navigating politics Annual salary equity review Monitor promotions Find women faculty, leadership candidates Examine institutional policies for those that inadvertently disadvantage women Focused workshops on relevant topics (negotiation, speaking up) Informal networking with senior women Source: Mason, M. et. al. Time to promotion analysis Women in Leadership in Science and Medicine In NCI‐designated cancer centers1 (2009): • 14% of directors In medical schools2 (2008): • 10% of medical school deans • 12% of department chairs • 21% of division/section chiefs • 17% of full professors • 29% of associate professors • 40% of assistant professors In physical sciences (inc. physics)3 (2006) • 8% of full professors • 17% of tenured/tenure track faculty In mathematics3 (2006) • 9% of full professors • 17% of tenured/tenure track faculty In life sciences3 (2006) • 26% of full professors • 32% of tenured/tenure track faculty Source: (1) NCI: (2) AAMC: (3) NSF: Why Do We Need Women Leaders IMPROVES THE BOTTOM LINE! Top management teams with highest representation of women experience better financial performance. This finding holds for both financial measures analyzed: Return on Equity (ROE), which is 35 percent higher, and Total Return to Shareholders (TRS), which is 34 percent higher. In each of five industries analyzed, companies with the highest women’s representation on their top management teams experienced a higher ROE than the companies with the lowest women’s representation. In four out of five industries, the companies with the highest women’s representation on their top management teams experienced a higher TRS than the companies with the lowest women’s representation. In academic science/medicine, leadership gender improves gender demographics. Source: The Bottom Line: Connecting Corporate Performance and Gender Diversity, Career‐Related Mentor Support • • • • • Sponsorship Exposure and visibility Coaching Protecting Giving challenging assignments that lead to professional growth Source: Turner SP. Letting the Girls into the Clubhouse. National Leadership Workshop on Mentoring Women in Biomedical Careers, Office of Research on Women’s Health, NIH 2007 We Have to Move Beyond Talk • Recognition that structured mentorship must occur • We cannot rely on department chairs, chance, or the sheer “pluck” of young faculty • We must move beyond competition to true collaboration, and measure and reward what we say we value • Leaders have to advocate for appropriate changes • Leaders have to budget for faculty development for all levels of faculty, including our leaders and emerging leaders Source: Turner SP. Letting the Girls into the Clubhouse. National Leadership Workshop on Mentoring Women in Biomedical Careers, Office of Research on Women’s Health, NIH 2007 Psychological Mentor Support: AKA Ole’ Boys (GIRLS) Network Benefits of a female mentoring network are many • Role modeling • Acceptance • Confirmation • Counseling • Friendship The goal is to confer an enhanced sense of competence, identity and effectiveness on the job Source: Turner SP. Letting the Girls into the Clubhouse. National Leadership Workshop on Mentoring Women in Biomedical Careers, Office of Research on Women’s Health, NIH 2007 The Many Faces of Mentoring… • • • • • • • • • • • Professional parent Teacher Guide Counselor Motivator Sponsor Coach Advisor Role model Referral agent Door opener Nobody can be all of them! Personal Advisory Board Source: Omary MB. Mentoring the Mentor: Another Tool to Enhance Mentorship. Gastroenterology 2008; 135:13‐16 Role of Professional Associations • • • • • • • • • Provide opportunities for those considering a career choice Enhance the institutional mentoring for academic faculty Provide support and encouragement to newly practicing scientists/physicians Raise visibility by nominating women for awards and office Women on program committees and as speakers Proportional representation women on program committees Competitive travel awards for women students Networking events at annual meeting Lectureships honoring women Mentoring via Personal Stories Overlapping trends in medicine include: • Increasing number of women entering medicine • Growing number of generation X physicians • Implementation of duty hour regulations • Diversifying workforce In pace with the increasing complexity of their lives and practices, women trainees (and men) are seeking creative solutions to the challenges of simultaneous work and parenting. Source: Harrison R. Evolving Trends in Balancing Work and Family For Future Academic Physicians: A Role for Personal Stories. Medical Teacher 2008; 30:316‐318 “The strength and intelligence of these phenomenal women are overwhelming. They will impact the lives of those dealing with the challenges of cancer for generations. I applaud them and celebrate their successes.” ‐‐ Former First Lady Barbara Bush Life Member of M. D. Anderson’s Board of Visitors “…The extraordinary women of M. D. Anderson invite us on their journeys and along the way inspire countless young girls to realize that they can be whatever they want to be too." ‐‐ Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D. NBC News Chief Medical Editor Mentor Athena Extension of Tenure‐Track/Tenure Clock (not requiring approval) → Legends and Legacies The Authors