Optical/NIR Spectroscopy A3130 John Wilson Univ of Virginia Topics: • Photometry is low‐resolution spectroscopy • Uses of spectroscopy in astronomy • Data cubes and dimensionality challenge • Spectrograph design basics • Slit • Collimation • Dispersion • Camera • Detector • Characterization of spectrographs (wavelength range, resolving power, Efficiency, number of objects) • Specific elements: • Prisms • Plane Reflections Gratings • Grisms • Volume Phase Holographic Gratings • Fabry‐Perot Interferometry • Spectral calibration Spectrograph Design Basics Telescope Focal Plane A = d/d Light from Telescope dl = fcam d Types of Dispersers: Prisms Generally used in minimum deviation mode – no astigmatism. Can be used across more than one octave (factor of 2 in wavelength), so great for cross‐dispersers. Schroeder, Ch. 3 Poor choice for UV (few glasses transmit well in the UV) Types of Dispersers: Prisms Angular Dispersion using Fermat’s Principle of Least Time ‐‐‐ travel time (optical path difference) is equal for closely adjacent paths Path Length Difference (index of refraction x distance) between top ray and bottom ray: 1 nprism t = nair 2L cos () Differentiate with respect to wavelength: t dn/d = ‐ 2L sin () (d/d) t dn/d = ‐ 2L sin () (d/d) (d/d) Schroeder, Ch. 3 Can simplify to based on geometry and differentiation to: A = (d/d) = (t/a) (dn/d) Most materials have a dispersion curve (variation of index with wavelength) that conform to: n() = A + B/2 Differentiating: dn/d = ‐2B/ 3 So finally: A = (d/d) = ‐(2t/a)(B/ 3) Negative sign: decreases as increases … blue light is deviated more FIRE: “Folded‐port InfraRed Echelette” on Magellan Telescope FIRE Magellan Telesceope Continuous spectrum 2.5 um 0.8 mirror R~250 spectrum of (J=16.7) T‐dwarf with FIRE (Magellan) in prism dispersed mode. (subtraction of two 150 sec exposures) http://web.mit.edu/~rsimcoe/www/FIRE/index.html http://nebulium.wordpress.com/2010/04/30/fire‐ on‐the‐sky‐report‐from‐fires‐commissioning‐run/ Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings • ‘Diffraction Gratings’ are poorly named ‐‐‐ they operate based on constructive and destructive interference of light. TripleSpec (APO) plane reflection grating • Diffraction Gratings, particularly ‘plane reflection gratings’, are the work‐horse dispersing optic for moderate – high resolution spectrographs in astronomy Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings Single Slit Diffraction Destructive interference when b/2 sin(m) = m * /2 sin(m) = m /b Intensity Pattern I() = I(0) sinc2 () = Io [(sin )/]2 Where = (2/)(b/2)sin Figures from Hecht, Optics, Ch. 10 Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings Double Slit Diffraction Constructive interference when a sin() = m Notice: a • As a gets smaller, gets larger a http://webpages.ursinus.edu/lriley/courses /p212/lectures/node30.html • As m, the order, gets larger, gets smaller • This assumes parallel light is incident normal to the slits Single slit intensity envelope based on single slit width b Fringes created by double slit based on slit separation a Figure from Hecht, Optics, Ch. 10 Multiple Slit Intensity Pattern I() = I(0) (sin ()/)2 (sin (N)/sin )2 Where = (2/)(b/2)sin = (2/)(a/2)sin Figure from Hecht, Optics, Ch. 10 Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings Finally we can simply write down the more general grating equation based on path length differences when parallel light is incident on the grating at some arbitrary angle : m/ = sin + sin Angular Dispersion for a grating from differentiation: A = d/d = m/( cos ) Chromey Ch. 11 Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings Ruling engines ‘burnish’ (scrape) material away in a highly controlled manner MIT ‘B’ Ruling Engine Richardson Grating Labs Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings We purchase ‘replicas’ of gratings: • Inverse shape of a ‘submaster’, which ultimately derives from a ‘master’, recorded into resin • A custom coating is applied to the resin to make it reflective Diffraction Grating Handbook Richardson Grating Lab • The substrate can be the user’s choice, e.g. aluminum or fused silica Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings ‘Blazed’ Gratings • Steer the single slit diffraction peak at zero’th order to a more useful order • Variety of blaze angles, groove frequencies available • Grating equation becomes Chromey Ch. 11 sin ( + ) + sin ( ‐ ) = m/ “Littrow mode”: incident and exit beams orthogonal to facet for highest effieciency 110 l/mm groove frequency Blaze angle 22 deg Blaze wavelength 6.2 micron TripleSpec (APO) plane reflection grating Triplespec Grating Efficiency 2nd Retest v. 1st Retest order Blaze wavelenth 1 6.2 2 6.2/2 = 3.1 3 6.2/3 = 2.07 4 6.2/4 = 1.55 1 0.9 Mauna Kea Atm Trans UVA Order 3 Unpol 1st Retest 0.8 UVA Order 4 Unpol 1st Retest UVA Order 5 Unpol 1st Retest Transmission / Efficiency 0.7 Cornell Order 3 Unpol 1st Retest Cornell Order 4 Unpol 1st Retest 0.6 Cornell Order 5 Unpol 1st Retest UVA Order 3 Unpol 2nd Retest UVA Order 4 Unpol 2nd Retest 0.5 UVA Order 5 Unpol 2nd Retest UVA Order 6 Unpol 2nd Retest 0.4 UVA Order 7 Unpol 2nd Retest Cornell Order 3 Unpol 2nd Retest 0.3 Cornell Order 4 Unpol 2nd Retest Cornell Order 5 Unpol 2nd Retest 0.2 Cornell Order 6 Unpol 2nd Retest Cornell Order 7 Unpol 2nd Retest 0.1 0 700 900 1100 1300 1500 1700 Wavelength (nm) 1900 2100 2300 2500 Etc. Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings ‘Echelle’ Gratings • Operate in high order and steep incidence angle to generate high angular dispersion and thus high resolution A = d/d = m/( cos ) Chromey Ch. 11 HARPS at ESO 3.6‐m Telescope R ~ 115,000 with mosaic echelle grating Types of Dispersers: Diffraction Gratings Problem of order overlap mm = (m + 1) (m + 1) There will be a ‘free spectral range’ in each order where there is no overlap with adjacent orders. Chromey Ch. 11 Types of Dispersers: Cross‐Dispersed • Use a second dispersing optic in the opposite dimension to disentangle overlapping orders of a grating • Often use a prism Chromey Ch. 11 • One can use another grating but be careful not to exceed a factor of 2 (octave) in wavelength Continuous spectrum 2.5 um 0.8 mirror R~250 spectrum of (J=16.7) T‐dwarf with FIRE (Magellan) in prism dispersed mode. (subtraction of two 150 sec exposures) http://web.mit.edu/~rsimcoe/www/FIRE/index.html http://nebulium.wordpress.com/2010/04/30/fire‐ on‐the‐sky‐report‐from‐fires‐commissioning‐run/ Echelle Mode 2.5 um grating 0.8 R~6000 spectrum of (J=20) quasar with FIRE (Magellan) in echelle mode. (subtraction of two 900 sec exposures) http://nebulium.wordpress.com/2010/04/ 30/fire‐on‐the‐sky‐report‐from‐fires‐ commissioning‐run/ Types of Dispersers: Grism ‘Grism’: Grating + Prism • Uses a prism to allow center wavelength of a diffracted order to go ‘straight through’ Richardson Grating Lab • Very useful for providing moderate resolution spectroscopy in a traditional camera layout LMIRCam 3 – 5 micron imager at LBT Grisms used here at pupil conjugate immediately before final focus at detector Efficiency (unpolarized) Grism 1 (40.0 l/mm) 1 0.8 0.6 L‐band 0.4 0.2 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Wavelength (um) Order 1 Atm Transmission 4.5 5 Order sorting for Grism 2 done with K and M‐band filters. Efficiency (unpolarized) Grism 2 (32.0 l/mm) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 M‐band K‐band 0.2 0 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Wavelength (um) Order 1 Order 2 Atm Trans 4.5 5 Figure 9. Photo taken during the machining process shows the tip of the diamond tool extending from a holder on the rotating spindle. A spray of light mineral oil from the right acts as a coolant and cutting fluid as well as clearing chips from the workpiece. Zygo interferometer measurement on grism #6 shows surface error in grooves to be 0.10 waves peak to valley at 633 nm over the full 14 x 14 mm aperture of the grism ‐‐‐ 0.10 waves is 63 nm. SEM photos of grism #3 (40 lines/mm). On the left are details of several grooves showing the very flat and smooth blazed surfaces. On the right is a magnified view of a single groove showing the very sharp groove angle. HD 82198 L‐band Grism Chromey Ch. 11 Types of Dispersers: Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) Grating Chromey Ch. 11 • Volume – 3‐dimensional: thickness few – 100’s of m – ‘film’ capable of recording ‘fringes’ • Phase – Diffractive element works as a ‘phase grating’, not a ‘surface relief’ grating – Optical phase = n*d • Holographic – ‘fringes’ in the grating are recorded through holography, not mechanical means such as ‘ruling’ Types of Dispersers: Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) Grating Historical Uses • • • Aircraft Heads‐up Displays Telecom Industry Laser Pulse Compression Types of Dispersers: Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) Grating Advantages: • • • • • High theoretical (and realized) efficiency Low scatter Once ‘capped’, environmentally stable and ‘cleanable’ Transmissive optic – very helpful in designing spectrographs Can record a broad range of fringe frequency Types of Dispersers: Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) Grating Disadvantages: • • • • Few vendors available to make good VPH’s – Art and science Depending on design, may not get as broad an efficiency envelope as a ruled grating. Edges of efficiency envelope ‘droop’ Hard to get higher orders Dichromated Gelatin • Gelatin: – Gelatin is a mixture of peptides and proteins produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from the skin, boiled crushed bones, connective tissues, organs and some intestines of animals such as domesticated cattle, chicken, and pigs. The natural molecular bonds between individual collagen strands are broken down into a form that rearranges more easily. ‐‐‐ Wikipedia – No artificial source has been found to have better properties. • Dichromated: – Dichromate, together with UV or blue light, cross‐links gelatin. Cross‐ linked gelatin is insoluble in water. Processing in water bath (swelling), followed by rapid dehydration in alcohol bath (collapse), produces periodic density variation (index of refraction) variation in gelatin. – Barden et al. 2000, PASP; “Optical Holography” Forming an Interference Pattern Light from a Coherent Source Laser wavelength and relative beam angle determines interference fringe spacing Beam Splitter Steering Mirror (x4) Put the film here! Recording a Volume Phase Transmission Grating Fringe planes recorded perpendicular to the film surface result in a transmission grating. Reconstruction of a VPH Transmission Grating Single wavelength in… Single wavelength out Multiple wavelengths in… Single wavelength out at it’s unique angle Volume Phase Holographic Grating Physical Construction Anti‐reflection Coated Surface (optional) Optical Adhesive Glass cover Glass substrate Thin film with recorded grating Anti‐reflection Coated Surface (optional) Gratings: Anamorphic Magnification Anamorphic Magnification = Different plate scales in the slit width and slit length directions f = f/# D so focal length for a given camera (f/#) will be different for each direction Schroeder, ‘Astronomical Optics’ Gratings: Anamorphic Magnification Both ‘normal‐to‐camera’ or ‘normal‐to‐collimator’ orientation satisfy grating equation. But choice influences efficiency, order format, resolution and scattered light Shadowing by this ‘ledge’ Reflection back towards collimator because of this ‘ledge’ Allington‐Smith 2002 Gratings: Anamorphic Magnification Peak Efficiency drops, decreases when go off littrow in normal to camera case ( > ) Schroeder, ‘Astronomical Optics’ Gratings: Anamorphic Magnification Example: Triplespec d1 d1 d2 d2 r = d1 / d2 = 71.81 / 91.13 = 0.79 Gratings: Anamorphic Magnification Example: Triplespec Slit Width (dispersion direction) 2.8 pix / arcsec Slit Length (x‐dispersion direction) 3.5 pix / arcsec r = 2.8 / 3.5 = 0.8 Final Resolution equation: read Chromey section 10.4 Ways to increase R: Higher order, higher exit angle, smaller seeing As work at larger telescopes need larger collimators (spectrographs) Chromey Ch 11 Wavelength Calibration • How do we convert from pixel position (x,y) on detector to ? – Use a calibration source with known spectral lines – Empirically derive a ‘solution’ (f(x,y) = ) using mathematical fitting routines Wavelength Calibration • Why isn’t the wavelength proportional to pixel position, I.e. linear? – Optics of Prism & Gratings, our primary dispersion elements have non‐ linear angular dispersions • A dn/d (prism) • A m/cos (grating) Wavelength Calibration Spectral Source Regime Resolution Arc Lamp UV-NIR all, but watch for blended lines OH lines NIR R > 600 to resolve blends Planetary Nebulae VIS-MIR low (insufficient lines for high res) (e.g. Argon, Neon, etc.) (H/He emission lines) Wavelength Calibration • How often must one observe a calibration source? – As often as required to be certain the ‘solution’ has not changed. – Depends on instrument mechanics, resolution, and observation program • Why would the solution change? – Movement of the orders on the detector • Mechanical Flexure of Instrument Optics • Changing thermal conditions inside instrument