Document 14223431

Astr 3130 Objectives
Understand sky motions. Target accessibility vs. time of year.
Coordinate systems → Pointing a telescope/scheduling a program
Follow a photon from outside the atmosphere to a scientific paper.
Atmospheric transmission, turbulence, refraction
Image formation by a telescope. Limitations to image quality –
diffraction, seeing, aberration.
Detectors and capturing photons, conversion of photon signals to
numbers, image representation
Observing techniques
Image math and calibration
Photometric and astrometric extraction of point sources
Introduction to basic astronomy research tools
Quantitative analysis of results and associated statistics.
Write up lab results and develop professional skills (proposal writing)
Astr 3130 Grade Breakdown
Observing Notebook – 15%
Midterm – 15%
Lab Prep / Day Assignments – 20%
Labs – 40%
Final Assignment – 10%
The ASTR 3130 Iceberg
Astr 3130 Time Investments
Class – Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-12:15
Lab sections – Tuesday or Wednesday 9:00-11:00
Or as otherwise arranged
Alternative times driven by weather or extended field trips
e.g. Fan Mountain visit/observation
“Day” problems
Lab-prep quizzes
Observation, data reduction, and report writing
Astr 3130 Time Investments
Class – Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:00-12:15
Lab sections – Tuesday or Wednesday 9:00-11:00
Or as otherwise arranged
Alternative times driven by weather or extended field trips
e.g. Fan Mountain visit/observation
“Day” problems
Lab-prep quizzes
Observation, data reduction, and report writing
Teamwork vs. Individual Work
Astr3130 – o - Meter
course you'll
ever love
(Majewski odd years)
Why are they
doing this to
(this semester?)
Astr 3130 Tools
Clear Sky Chart
SAOimage ds9
Aperture Photometry Tool
The Celestial Sphere
From our perspective on Earth the stars appear embedded on a
distant 2-dimensional surface – the Celestial Sphere.
The Celestial Sphere
Although we know better, it is helpful to use this construct to think
about how we see the night sky from Earth.
The Sphere turns, the Earth stays fixed.
Some terminology
Great circle vs. small circle
For a rotating sphere there are
two well defined “pivots” - the
poles and a fundamental plane
perpendicular to the polar axis
through the center of the
Note that the circumference of
a small circle is cos(δ) smaller
than the great circle.
The fundamental plane defines
a great circle – the equator.
Meridians are great circles that
intersect the equator at 90
Coordinates on Spheres
Two angles define a location on a spherical surface.
A prime meridian establishes the zeropoint of longitude
Longitudes increase positively in the direction opposite the planet's spin.
Local Perspective: Altitude, Azimuth, and Zenith
Local (Altitude/Azimuth) coordinates
Azimuth measured positively toward the East from North
Altitude measured up from the Horizon plane
A Personal Perspective: Horizon and Zenith
A Personal Perspective: Horizon and Zenith
Reference Points on the Celestial Sphere
Extend the Earth's poles and equator onto the sky and you have
defined the celestial poles and celestial equator.
The Celestial Poles
The “North Celestial Pole” lies overhead for an observer at the
North Pole and on the horizon for an observer on the Equator
The altitude of the pole equals your latitude.
The Celestial Poles
The “North Celestial Pole” lies overhead for an observer at the
North Pole and on the horizon for an observer on the Equator
The altitude of the pole equals your latitude.
To Pole
John Dobson 1915 - 2014
The Celestial Poles
The “North Celestial Pole” lies overhead for an observer at the
North Pole and on the horizon for an observer on the Equator
The altitude of the pole equals your latitude.
Why is This Important?
As an observer you need to develop a comfortable “feel” for the accessible sky.
Where are your sources? Which are setting???
Which are too “low” for reasonable observation?
Will the Sun or Moon interfere?
For ground based observation the Earth is your spacecraft. It enforces hard limits on
your observations.
In space (e.g. Hubble or Spitzer) there will be Sun and/or Earth avoidance constraints.
Angle c is the altitude
Angle b is the zenith angle, z
Airmass =
= sec( z )
cos( z )
For a plane parallel atmosphere
(not what is pictured at left, but a
good approximation for the small
zenith angles most astronomers
care about).
The Celestial Poles
The “North Celestial Pole” lies overhead for an observer at the
North Pole and on the horizon for an observer on the Equator
The altitude of the pole equals your latitude.
The Celestial Poles
The rotating Earth makes it look like the Celestial Sphere is
spinning about the celestial poles.
In the Southern Hemisphere
there is no good pole star (at
Note that there are some
stars (near the pole) that
never set below the horizon
- “Circumpolar Stars”
For an observer at the
North or South pole
every star is circumpolar.
At the Equator there are
no circumpolar stars
Given the altitude of the
pole, circumpolar stars have
declinations between 90 and
90-lat degrees.
The Celestial Equator in the Sky
The Celestial Equator is the locus of all points lying 90 degrees
from the celestial pole.
It is a great circle around the celestial sphere.
Since the celestial sphere “turns” around the poles. The celestial
equator is a fixed reference line in the sky (rotating over itself).
The celestial equator runs from the horizon due east, up in the sky
(90-lat) degrees and back down to the horizon due west.
Stars “above” the celestial equator have positive declination (at least as
seen from Charlottesville).
The Meridian
Every line of celestial longitude is a meridian of longitude, but we
recognize the line of longitude, or simply the great circle line,
running overhead as “THE” meridian.
Locating Stars on the Celestial Sphere
Just like geographical coordinates on
the Earth each star has a celestial
This address is impermanent because
Stars move steadily as they randomly
drift in the Galaxy.
The coordinate system (tied to the Earth)
shifts as the Earth precesses like a top.
Precession is slow (26,000
years/cycle) but even over a decade
its effects are significant.
Coordinates are the analog of latitude and longitude, called
Declination and Right Ascension respectively.
Declination is straightfoward and is simply the angular distance a
star lies above or below the celestial equator measured in degrees.
The north celestial pole is at a declination of +90 degrees
The declination of the bright star Vega is +38:47:01.9 (at least in the
year 2000 it was – more on that later), so +dd:mm:ss.s in general.
Celestial Motion at Different Declination
Right Ascension
Right Ascension (longitude) is trickier
If you point your finger at a particular Declination the declination value
remains unchanged, but Right Ascension ticks away as the sky (actually
the Earth) rotates.
Right Ascension is thus naturally measured in units of time – hh:mm:ss.s
One hour of right ascension is 15 degrees of celestial longitude (not 15
angular degrees, except at the equator)
The sky rotates by at 15 arcseconds per second at the Equator
Since lines of RA converge toward the pole – 1 minute of RA spans a
different angle depending on Declination – a factor of cos(Dec) comes into
Right Ascension/Longitude needs an arbitrary zeropoint (Greenwich
on Earth, the “First Point of Aries” on the sky).
This reference point is the intersection celestial equator and ecliptic at
of the location of the Sun at the Spring Equinox.
The Sun and the Celestial Sphere
As the Earth orbits the Sun we seen the Sun in different locations
against the backdrop of stars.
The Earth reaches the same location in its orbit on the same
calendar date each year.
The Sun and the Celestial Sphere
Said another way, the Sun finds itself fixed at a different location
on the celestial sphere each day (more or less) – as a result on
that day it behaves like any other given star, following a path
dictated by the rotation of the Earth.
The Sun does not lie on the
celestial equator but
follows a path inclined by
23 ½ degrees.
The path crosses the
celestial equator at 2 points
(the vernal and autumnal
equinox) marking the
instant of the beginning of
Spring and Fall
The intersection point
depends on the absolute
direction of the Earth's
rotation axis. Since this
axis precesses the
reference point drifts
around the sky.
The Precession of the Equinox
The Sun does not lie on the
celestial equator but
follows a path inclined by
23 ½ degrees.
The path crosses the
celestial equator at 2 points
(the vernal and autumnal
equinox) marking the
instant of the beginning of
Spring and Fall
The intersection point
depends on the absolute
direction of the Earth's
rotation axis. Since this
axis precesses the
reference point drifts
around the sky.
Celestial Motion at Different Declination
Celestial Motion at Different Declination
Convergence of Longitude at the Pole
On Earth one degree of latitude (equivalent of declination) is
111.3 km at any latitude.
One degree of longitude is 111.3km * cos(latitude)
A minute of Right Ascension is 15 minutes of arc at the equator, but a smaller angle at
higher latitudes.
Equatorial Telescope Mounting