BARREN COUNTY SCHOOLS SCHOOL-BASED DECISION MAKING FUNCTIONAL SCHOOL OPERATIONAL POLICIES District: Barren School: Red Cross Elementary Policy Type: Function Policy Number: 4.01 POLICY TOPIC DESCRIPTION Red Cross Elementary School Behavior Management Plan POLICY STATEMENT A school wide behavior management plan has been developed in partnership with Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline (KYCID) and will be implemented. Instructional staff members are to implement the following plan. The plan has the following components: • Code of Conduct • Classroom rules/consequences • Positive interventions/rewards • Curriculum The Red Cross staff requires high standards of personal conduct from all students and embraces the concept that each student shall respect the rights of others. Students shall abide by the regulations of the school district, the Red Cross SBDM Council, and the laws of the community, state, and nation. A detailed copy of the Red Cross Behavior Management Plan is attached to the policy. DATE ADOPTED__________________ SIGNATURE___________________________ (COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON) KY-CID (Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline) Mission Statement: The mission of the Kentucky Center for Instructional Discipline is to train and support schools in the implementation of positive, proactive, and instructional strategies so students become self-disciplined, responsible, and productive citizens of the Commonwealth. KY-CID Objectives: • Enhance school ability to achieve proficiency by 2014 • Promote healthy school climate and effective school leadership • Involve families, schools, community and related agencies to understand and support the model • Promote social and emotional wellness of all children and youth • Use on-going data collection for decision-making on multiple levels • Support creation of local and regional capacity to implement and sustain the model Components of the school-wide approach: • An agreed upon and common approach to discipline • A positive statement of purpose • Positively stated expectations for all • Procedures for teaching the expectations • A system to encourage responsible behavior • An effective system to discourage irresponsible behavior • Procedures to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the system 3 Elements used for Data-based Decision-Making: • High quality data from clear definitions, processes, and implementation (e.g. school-wide behavior support, SCORE, Primary and Intermediate Consequences Continuum, and Comprehensive School Improvement Plan • Effective data storage and manipulation system (e.g. School-wide Information System— SWIS) • Process for data-based decision-making and action planning process (e.g. Red Cross KYCID Team and SET (School-wide Evaluation Tool) and keep in contact with area coordinator-Lea Brown) RED CROSS BEHAVIOR MANAGEMENT PLAN Good discipline is essential to our school program. Student self-discipline is our primary aim. The primary responsibility for classroom behavior management rests with the teacher. Every teacher must maintain a classroom in which mutual trust and respect prevail. A school-wide behavior management plan has been developed and will be implemented. Instructional staff members are to follow this plan. The plan has the following components: 1. Code of Conduct – Posters will be displayed in classrooms, hallways, library and cafeteria. Each letter stands for a concept students are to incorporate into their daily behavior while at school and hopefully at home. We hope that the simplicity of this acrostic will make is easy for the students to remember and will be meaningful to them. 2. Classroom rules/consequences – Each teacher will create and enforce his/her own specific rules/consequences as appropriate to age/grade level. These should coincide with our code of conduct and the Barren County Student Discipline Code. It is recommended that classroom rules/consequences be established during the first week of school with involvement of the students. 3. Positive interventions/rewards – The Family Resource Director will implement Character Education programs on a monthly basis. Students who demonstrate appropriate behavior will be recognized on a regular basis as determined by faculty and staff. 4. Curriculum – Teachers will integrate lesson plans from KYCID appropriate to grade level. RED CROSS ELEMENTARY STUDENT BEHAVIOR The Red Cross Elementary staff requires high standards of personal conduct from all students and embraces the concept that each student shall respect the rights of others. Students shall abide by the regulations of the school district and Red Cross Council, and the laws of the community, state, and nation. STUDENT CONDUCT Appropriate behavior is required of every student. Each student is expected to follow staff directions, show respect for people and property, stay on task, and to use hands and feet appropriately. Teachers shall distribute and enforce the specific rules of conduct as set forth in the Student Discipline Code Handbook. The principal, teachers, and staff shall implement the Red Cross Elementary School-wide Behavior Management Plan. The School KYCID Committee shall meet annually to review, update, and make recommendations for changes in the plan. These recommendations shall be submitted to the council by May 15th of each year. The principal may develop and enforce additional rules for the school, consistent with the Board and Council policies. HOMEWORK POLICY The SBDM Council believes that homework is an important form of independent practice for all students. It has a positive effect on learning when teachers grade and comment. The council also believes that frequency is important. All students will have homework assigned by their teacher daily (length and assignments shall be grade level appropriate). It would be our policy that homework would not be assigned over the weekend unless the student failed to return homework on time, or a long-term project was assigned, or an advanced class that prepares student for middle school advanced classes. These circumstances will be determined by individual teachers. CONSEQUENCES Consequences for each infraction shall be sent home in the Student Handbook on the first day of school. Each teacher will review discipline rewards and consequences with their students. Red Cross Students will S.C.O.R.E.! S use SELF-CONTROL C be COURTEOUS O OBEY school rules R be RESPONSIBLE E Excel