Energy Basics


Energy Basics

Before the bell rings…

 Get your binder/folder and a pencil/pen for

Mr. Bell to check.

 Grab a sheet off the middle stool. 

Watch this video…

 Best Hockey Hits …

 On a piece of paper in your notes, write down as many vocabulary terms about energy that you can that you see in the video.

 Try and remember from what you have learned in the past….

What is Energy?

What is Energy?

 Energy is ability to do work.

Work is exerting force (F) over a distance (d)

W = F X d

Force (F) is a push or pull

1 st Law of Thermodynamics

 Law # 1 :

Energy can be changed from one form to another, but cannot be created or destroyed.

How does energy relate to the

Big Bang?

What are the 2 types of energy?

What is Potential


 Stored Energy!

 Stored in 3 ways:

Gravitationalstored energy from object held above the ground

Chemicalstored energy in bonds of a substance.

Elasticstored energy in a stretched substance.

What is Kinetic Energy?

 Energy of motion



What types of energy transformations do we see in these demonstrations?

 Rubber Band

 Isopropyl Alcohol

 Ball

What is happening to the energy of the Bball?

2 nd Law of Thermodynamics

 Law # 2 :

Energy goes from a more usable form (high quality) to a less usable form (low quality)

• High quality  Solar

• Low quality  Heat

• Heat is considered waste energy, it cannot be reused to do work


Looking at Energy

Transformations in Real Life


What energy transformations takes place?
