Mission *

Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
Mission *
We, at Georges Vanier Catholic School, are a faith-oriented Catholic community of educational professionals, children and parents.
As teachers we honour the unique individual gifts, talents and abilities of each child.
We work in partnership with parish and home to help
our students develop into lifelong learners who will be confident, interdependent members of the community, who will contribute to
their society by living their faith and serving God.
Together, we are dedicated to helping children reach their potential
and to respect diversity.
Teach me Goodness, Discipline and Knowledge
Catholic Focus
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Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
Georges Vanier Catholic School first opened in 1970. For 43 years, the school has been dedicated to helping children reach their potential and to
respect diversity.
Our school is named after one of Canada’s great leaders, the Right Honourable Georges Vanier, former Governor General. After an accomplished
military career, he went on to become Canada's Ambassador to France and held many other prestigious positions before becoming the first FrenchCanadian Governor General of Canada. He is remembered for being influential in changing Canada's immigration policies to allow refugees from a war
torn Europe to settle in Canada. We are proud of his legacy and inspired by his strength of character. Georges Vanier Catholic School is committed
to Catholic education. We are a caring school community that strives to develop tolerance and acceptance of others, commitment to our Catholic
faith and high academic standards. We provide a learning environment where the teaching and modeling of Gospel values, Catholic doctrine, teachings
and beliefs are an integral part of the daily life of our school.
Georges Vanier Catholic School is an elementary school of approximately 300 students, of diverse social and ethnic backgrounds, from Junior
Kindergarten to Grade 8. Beginning in the 2010 school year, our school welcomed a Full Day Early Learning-Kindergarten program. The school
community is involved in many outreach and social justice programs.
Core Principles
Our students come to us with a variety of strengths and needs, with our Catholic faith as our common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations,
the sacraments, and our faith and value system form the foundation of our school program. The lives of Georges Vanier, his wife Pauline and son
Jean are evidence that individual commitment can make the world a better place. The Vanier family is an example of social commitment to make a
difference in the world. This core belief, “Go Make A Difference”, continues to be our foundation.
We continue with our stewardship and social justice initiatives, such as the Youth Faith Ambassador programme and HARMONY, where students can
authentically reflect on “how can I contribute to the common good”. Youth Faith Ambassadors: students will be given an opportunity to strengthen
our faith community and participate in activities which nurture spiritual growth. It is based on the principles of youth ministry: presence, dialogue,
welcome, friendship, a caring community, and a calling to serve in the name of Jesus. With their help we continue to enhance the faith development
of the entire school community.
At Georges Vanier Catholic School we strive to demonstrate the Gospel teachings --faith, hope, charity, tolerance and acceptance of others building
on the Ontario School Graduate Expectations. We are responsible for building a community that expresses the joy and hope of our Catholic faith
and visibly symbolizes a deep commitment to academic excellence, life-long learning and faith development.
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Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
....................................... FAITH is CAUGHT not TAUGHT ....................................
The 21st Century is changing more quickly than at any other time. The world that our students are facing is expecting them to be life-long learners,
critical thinkers, flexible and creative problem-solvers who work well collaboratively and independently. They will need to be responsible global
citizens, open-minded and able to communicate effectively with people from all over the world. Students will need to develop habits and strategies
that will help them embrace change with enthusiasm, wonder and a critical eye. All of this while becoming quite technologically savvy.
We have worked at developing Professional Learning Communities over the last seven years, based on the work by Reeves and Dufour. Teachers have
attended conferences, Ministry sessions along with Boardwide Professional Development in establishing networks of collaborative learning. Much
time has been spent on building culture, leading change and managing complexity that comes along with this. We continue using a team approach to
maintain a high level of expectations and develop authentic, relevant and meaningful learning experiences that encourage curiousity and imagination
in students preparing for a global community. We must ensure that the essential skills are developed in our schools: critical thinking, communication,
collaboration and problem-solving, while developing curiosity and imagination.
Grade 3 Reading- 66%
Grade 3 Writing- 74%
Grade 3 Math- 57%
Grade 6 Reading- 72%
Grade 6 Writing- 72%
Grade 6 Math- 54%
Georges Vanier Catholic School is striving to be a culturally proficient faith-filled school. The school and community build partnerships to enhance
learning opportunities for students. There have been a number of parent engagement evenings in an effort to help parents take an active role in
their child's learning and become aware of school programs, strategies, and expectations: Literacy and Numeracy Nights and Early Learning
Family Sessions. Teachers also communicate through daily agendas and conversations to provide materials and information that helps parents
continue student learning at home.
At the school level, a Comprehensive Bullying Prevention Program developed by the Peel Public Health Department, which emphasizes a positive
school climate as well as our Youth Faith Ambassador Program and our school wide Virtues Program are at the center of student engagement in our
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Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
Student activism and social justice through our faith are integral components in our school, as students will have an opportunity to connect with
peers, learn from leaders through empowering speakers and become aware of important social justice issues of today. The HARMONY Movement
has worked with a group of our students. Students worked together in groups and were encouraged to think critically about issues relating to
Some of our students have been trained to be PALS leaders, as they lead the younger children in co-operative games.
We have successfully developed a number of All Star Reading Coaches, who have been trained in a variety of reading strategies to help some of
young children in learning to read. We participate in the No Child Without --Medical Alert Program.
We offer a school wide Breakfast Program for students, so that they can have a healthy snack during our school day.
Over the last couple of years, our teachers have participated in Collaborative Learning Communities that focus on improving student learning through
the use of engaging themes and texts. Through the use of a Big Idea that connects to a social justice theme, teachers have motivated students to
use their learning in concrete ways to effect positive changes in their school and community.
We continue to foster student spiritual development within the image of Christ through the celebration of virtues education with the parish and
school community. The school works with Father Grima and St. John Fisher Parish to support Sacramental Preparation and faith development with
parents. Georges Vanier School provides support for Parish charitable works initiatives: ShareLife, United Way, St. Vincent de Paul, Knights Table
and local community needs.
There have been substantial renovations in the last few years:
new exterior doors
new treads on stairs leading to the second floor
new student tables and chairs
SMARTBoards continue to be used and a new one installed in our library.
new bathroom fixtures in boys and girls bathrooms on both floors.
new water fountains on main floor with filtered water systems.
Financial Accountability
Georges Vanier Catholic School adheres to procedures and regulations that ensure fiscal responsibilty. Board, school generated and Catholic School
Council funds are aligned to the Catholic School Learning Plan, Financial Accountability Guidelines and the Boards communication with community.
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Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
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Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
By June 2016, the proportion of students indicating they feel safe all or most of the time at school will increase.
Action Plans
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of self regulation.
Action Plans
Building Capacity
Focus on the 3 part math lesson
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of Grade 8 students who are prepared for Secondary School transition through a variety of
contexts and active engagement.
Action Plans
Grade level transitions
Intermediate transition
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate strategies supporting their learning as demonstrate by
perceptual data results.
Action Plans
Assessment for Learning
Numeracy and the three part math lesson
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Georges Vanier Catholic School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students improving their EQAO
achievement level between assessment years.
Action Plans
Numeracy Expected Practice - 3-Part Lesson Model
Writing Workshop
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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