Mission *

St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
Mission *
The mission of St. Gregory School is that we are a community of Catholic educators devoted to the spiritual, intellectual, emotional and social
development of each child in the image of Christ. We inspire, serve and guide our children to become confident, capable, lifelong learners and
productive citizens who bear witness to Christ's teachings.
We care, we share and we dare!
Catholic Focus
St. Gregory Catholic School is an elementary school of approximately 320 students, of diverse social and ethnic backgrounds, from Junior Kindergarten to
Grade 8. The surrounding community consists of single family homes situated in a geographic area that is located in Mississauga. Our student population has
continued to decline over time.
For 18 years, St. Gregory Catholic School has been a beacon for Catholic Education in the area. Catholic Education, rooted in Christ, is called to a unique
way of seeing and interacting with our world. Through the examples of our master teacher, Christ, we take our calling to “reach out into the deep” and “be
community” for others seriously. Our Catholic view of academics, spiritual and moral development, sacramental preparation, prayer, discipline, and
community, challenge us to use our learning for the benefit of others. We are called to be Christ for others.
At St. Gregory Catholic School our commitment to academic excellence is a shared responsibility. As a Staff and School Council, we work hard bringing
together students, parents, teachers, pastoral team, trustees and other partners to form a Catholic community in the service of the spiritual, intellectual,
physical and emotional needs of students in our care.
Our students come to us, with a variety of strengths and needs, with the Catholic faith as their common bond. Our prayer life, liturgical celebrations, the
sacraments, and our faith and values system form the foundation of our school program. The curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant to the needs and
aspirations of all our students. A wide range of subjects and learning experiences are offered to develop the skills, abilities and talents of individual students.
Accordingly, appropriate assessment procedures are employed to motivate and encourage student success. To ensure coherence and wholeness, subjects
are taught within the context of The Ontario Curriculum, Gospel values and sound educational practices.
The St. Gregory School community, shares the belief that all students can and will learn. To support our students on their lifelong journey of continuous
learning we are committed to providing:
A safe and orderly learning environment;
A climate of high expectations;
A variety of assessment and evaluation tools and opportunities; and
A means of enhancing a positive home, school and parish partnership.
Core Principles
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
1. How does the school community model, celebrate and nourish gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services?
- Model Gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs and services;
- Celebrate and nourish the distinctive Catholic nature of our school communities as made evident by i.e., classroom prayer corners, crucifix in each
classroom/workroom, Chapel worship space, bulletin boards, liturgies, religion and family life lessons, virtues assemblies, Masses, classroom visits by Parish
priests, Confessions, social justice projects i.e., World Vision child sponsor, Terry Fox Walk, food/clothing drives through the St. Vincent de Paul Society,
Christmas hampers to support needy families, maintaining positive school-parish relationships, maintaining on-going communication with Catholic School
Learning Environment
1. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance.
Primary Reading: 86%
Primary Writing: 86%
Primary Mathematics: 81%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO:
1. We have a high number of ELL students working at Level 4.
2. There has been gradual growth in all three areas.
3. There is an ample number of students working at Level 4.
4. Girls and boys achievement has been increasing over 4 years, specifically in Reading and Writing.
5. Students have a good attitude towards Mathematics.
6. There is a low gender gap in Writing and Mathematics.
2. Please summarize the school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance.
Junior Reading: 84%
Junior Writing: 88%
Junior Mathematics: 61%
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO:
1. There has been a gradual growth over the past four years, with respect to Reading and Writing.
2. There is an ample number of students working at Level 4.
3. There is a low gender gap in Reading and Writing.
4. Students have a good attitude towards Literacy.
5. The boys' achievement is increasing in Reading and Writing.
3. Describe how the school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning.
- Build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships: Best Start Early Learning, PLASP, Mississauga Library, Peel
Regional Police, Peel Regional Health Department)
- Continue to enhance and use technology to communicate and connect with our partners in support of student needs.
4. Outline ways the school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners.
- All Star reading
- FDK - grade 2 Special Assignment teacher
- Student Assessment Officer to support school planning as needed
- Continue liaising with Special Services team members (psychologist, speech/language pathologist, social worker, child and youth worker)
- All staff are involved in our mathematics inquiry: " If students use the problem solving method in mathematics, they will be able to name a variety of
strategies and understand and communicate their thinking and learning in problem solving. A long term goal is to have the students transfer and apply
problem solving skills to other subject areas."
Community Engagement
1. How does your school community ensure that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community?
- We welcome participation from the diverse Catholic community to take part in the St. Gregory Catholic School Council.
- We have and OAPCE representative, who serves as a link between the school, parish and the greater community.
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
- Support and advocate that the St. Gregory Catholic School Council receives resources required to fulfill their role, in a timely manner.
- We have a parish representative who serves as a link between St. Joseph's Parish, St. Gregory Catholic School and our community.
2. In what ways does the school team build and sustain community partnerships and collaboratives (e.g., collaborative relationships, Success By 6 Peel)?
- Best Start Daycare/PLASP collaborative relationships
- Peel Region - Health
- Peel Region - Police
- Mississauga Public Library
- Welcome to Kindergarten Night
1. Comment on how the school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of student success.
- St. Joseph's Parish is an essential part of the Catholic school community
- Active participation of home and parish are a fundamental component of student success
- Sacramental preparation: Confirmation, First Holy Communion, First Reconciliation
- Sacramental Retreats for Confirmation will be held at Mount Alverno
- Masses held at the school and at St. Joseph Church in Streetsville
- Reconciliation is made available for grade 4, 6 and 8 students
- School-wide retreats: Advent and Catholic Education Week
- School Council sponsors First Communion celebrations, i.e., prayer service, prayer books
- Social justice: on-going support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society through the collection of items for Christmas baskets, food drives, clothing drives,
promotion of summer day camp, "Totus Tuus", promotion of Church activities in school newsletter, i.e., Edge Night for teens, World Vision child sponsor,
Christmas hampers for needy families, grade 7 and 8 initiative: backpack drive for Guatemala (in partnership with St. Marcellinus SS)
- On-going emphasis on Virtues through assemblies, daily virtue announcements, living the virtues
Physical Environment
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
1. What activities does the school engage in that models and promote good stewardship of resources?
- Model and promote good stewardship of resources i.e., EcoSchool initiative - we have achieved silver certification level
- Washroom monitors (grade 6)
- Recycling team (grade 5)
- Youth Faith Ambassadors (grades 4 - 8)
- "Circle of Friends" - to support special needs students
- Promotion of Litterless lunches and GOOS bins through our ECO team (grades 1 - 8)
- On-going emphasis on the Virtues program, especially with emphasis on our Youth Faith Ambassadors
2. Outline the ways the school demonstrates financial responsibility.
- Staff will continue to use the Financial Support Tool provided through the Finance Department in order to report a balanced school budget
- School budget is closely monitored, on a monthly basis, throughout the year
- School Council has received the DP Catholic Resource Handbook outlining process in handling funds - on a yearly basis so that there is adherence to the
collection, recording and reporting process for funds that are generated through their activities
- Respond to the emerging needs and trends within our diverse community, on an as needs basis
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By the end of June 2016, the number of grade 8 students that feel safe reporting bullying, fights and other problems will increase as measured by the CCCC
School Climate Survey baseline data.
Action Plans
CCCC Virtue Formation
CCCC Plan for School Climate
Continue monthly virtues assembly, increase Church visits, increase clergy presence in school
Continue to liaise with Peel Health to promote a safe, caring and healthy school community
Liaise with Special Services Team (Psych, CYW, SW, SLP, ASD team and ADOS team)
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By the end of June 2016, all teachers are to deliver a balanced literacy program and the use of common language and common assessment tools with a
continued focus on guided reading.
Action Plans
Common instruction and assessment language used in all classrooms
•During learning, students receive ongoing, descriptive feedback based on the success criteria from the teacher and from peers
Continue implementation of balanced literacy teaching strategies in all classrooms
Focus on Five
Guided Reading
2.1 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the number of teachers who are confident to apply knowledge gained through collaborative
professional learning opportunities, analysis of student assessment data and professional learning opportunities.
Action Plans
Common instruction and assessment language used in all classrooms
•During learning, students receive ongoing, descriptive feedback based on the success criteria from the teacher and from peers
Continue implementation of balanced literacy teaching strategies in all classrooms
Focus on Five
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the successful practices that support transitional grades - FDK to Gr.1; Gr.8 to Gr. 9; and grade to
grade transitions; and transitions of exceptional students.
Action Plans
Pathways and Transitions Kindergarten
• further opportunities for students and parents to investigate all secondary programs and pathways in order to develop a better understanding of
secondary program options available so that they can set goals and make informed decisions
Continue to implement transition plans for all students who have individual education plans
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in successful practices that support knowing the learning through assessment as evidenced by an increase
in the proportion of students who have demonstrated an ability to articulate strategies supporting their learning (i.e., on EQAO student questionnaire).
Action Plans
Common instruction and assessment language used in all classrooms
•During learning, students receive ongoing, descriptive feedback based on the success criteria from the teacher and from peers
Focus on Five
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By the end of June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students achieving a Level 3 or 4 on the Grade 3 and Grade 6 EQAO assessments, as
demonstrated by EQAO results.
Action Plans
Common instruction and assessment language used in all classrooms
•During learning, students receive ongoing, descriptive feedback based on the success criteria from the teacher and from peers
Assistive Technology Training
Continue implementation of balanced literacy teaching strategies in all classrooms
Focus on Five
Guided Reading
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St. Gregory Elementary School
Learning Plan
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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