Mission *

St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Mission *
Mission Statement
We believe that through a co-operative partnership among the school, family and the Church, the development of the spiritual, academic, physical, emotional
and social aspects of growth are reflected in the values of St. Gertrude Catholic School. As Catholic Educators, we must strive to nurture and model faith
development so that all can experience God on their own personal journeys.
We believe that as educators, we are facilitators, fostering in our students the self-confidence and ability to cope with a challenging and ever-changing world.
We believe that interactions, reflection and action are parts of learning and that all students have the right to educational experiences that serve their
individual needs and learning styles.
We believe that through its inviting, caring and supportive environment, St. Gertrude Catholic School will foster within each student a sense of direction and
excellence as they strive to reach their potential.
"Guided by Faith, Committed to Excellence."
Catholic Focus
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
St. Gertrude’s Catholic Focus
St. Gertrude Catholic School is an elementary school of approximately six hundred fifty students from Early Years, (Full day Kindergarten) to Grade Eight.
French Immersion is offered from Grade One to Seven. Our students reflect a diversity of cultures and ethnic backgrounds. Our school lies within the central
region of Mississauga close to all major amenities. We are bounded by Matheson Boulevard to the North, Eglinton Avenue to the South, Mavis Road to the
West and McLaughlin Road to the East. Our community is a densely populated area of Mississauga that consists of a variety of dwellings, both rental and
privately owned. Development within our community has stabilized.
Our school provides a faith filled learning environment for all. The teachings of our Catholic Faith are an integral part of our day. Our Gospel values, Catholic
Virtues and the Catholic Graduate Expectations are woven into everything we do. Within our community, faith is a lived experience modeled by staff,
students, and those who choose to share in the teaching of our children. We celebrate our faith throughout the academic year by reflecting on the liturgical
calendar. We come together at various vibrant and spiritual liturgies to share in communal prayer and to acknowledge the spiritual seasons and holy days.
Throughout the year, parents, staff and students share with others through outreach to the greater community. We make donations to a number of charitable
organizations throughout the course of the year. We continue to use the resource Our Story. Our Tradition. Our Journey, which provides a deeper connection
and understanding of the struggles and sacrifices that were faced by the pioneers with the church and community who laid the foundation for the success of
Catholic School Boards. This book is a celebration of the Church-School connection in the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board.
We currently have 39 teachers, 2 Designated Early Childhood Educators and 4 full time Educational Resource Workers on staff at St. Gertrude School. We
also have the support of a Child and Youth Worker, Social Worker, Speech and Language Pathologist, and School Psychologist.
We are able to offer our students an educational experience to best address their intellectual, spiritual, and social needs. In their commitment to educational
excellence, our dedicated and professional teaching staff continuously seeks professional growth opportunities to enhance their teaching and improve
learning for all. Through various extra curricular activities, staff provide opportunities for students to extend their interests, skills and leadership qualities. Our
school was designated as a French Immersion site and has two classes each from grade one to grade seven. Our secretarial and custodial staff assist us in
the daily operations of our school, and contribute to making St. Gertrude a welcoming and caring school. In every aspect of school life, we consciously
promote excellence through higher learning expectations, behavioural standards and the achievement of the Catholic Graduate Expectations.
Our school community is informed of the activities at St. Gertrude through the distribution of school newsletters, which are often supplemented by classroom
newsletters, the school website and classroom sites, Twitter presence, and emails to parents and the community. Our parents attend teacher-parent
conferences and communicate with the teachers directly. Parents are informed of student progress via on-going assessments; formative and summative
assessments, as well as the annual progress report, report cards and EQAO results. The student agenda is used in grades 1 to 8 and is an excellent
communication tool. We have established an active School Council, which understands and compliments the goals of our school through their efforts and
Core Principles
1. The school community models, celebrates and nourishes gospel values in the teaching and learning of our Christ-centred programs
and services in the following ways:
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
The Ontario Catholic Curriculum resources are used by classroom teachers
Catholic values are infused within all curriculum areas
Social justice projects; Food drives, Toiletry drives, Share Life, Terry Fox
Sacred spaces are maintained and respected in each classroom
Virtues are celebrated as a whole school on a monthly basis
Virtues are embedded in Liturgical celebrations, school Masses and morning annoucements
Students and staff participate fully in liturgies and masses
Learning Environment
1. The school’s most recent EQAO primary division (Grade 3) assessment performance:
Primary Reading: 82%
Primary Writing: 85%
Primary Mathematics:69%
Observations regarding school progress in primary EQAO:
School scores In Reading and Writing significantly outperform the Board and Provincial scores
Scores in Mathematics slightly outperform Board and Provincial scores
Over the past five years, students at or above the provincial standard has increased in Reading and Writing
2. The school’s most recent EQAO junior division (Grade 6) assessment performance:
Junior Reading: 85%
Junior Writing: 88%
Junior Mathematics: 67%
Observations regarding school progress in junior EQAO:
Junior EQAO scores continue to outperform Board and Provincial scores
School scores outperform the Board and Provincial scores in all areas
Over the past five years, students at or above the provincial standard has increased steadily in Reading and Writing
Over the past five years, students are at or above the provincial standard in Mathematics
3. The school community supports and provide opportunities for life-long learning in the following ways:
School Council has a meaningful role in supporting student learning (e.g. fundraising, guest speakers (PRO grant)
Participation in community activities are supported (e.g. Charity events, Skills Canada)
Process is in place to establish co-op placements with St. Francis Xavier Secondary School
Welcome to Kindergarten Night/Curriculum Night
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
4. The school demonstrates commitment to continuous improvement in student achievement and supports the well-being of all learners in the following ways:
Continued participation Professional Teacher Learning Cycles
Continued implementation of Board initiatives and expected practices
Continued participation in Numeracy/Literacy Networks
Team approach for diverse learners, Teachers, ERW support,Special Education Service Personnel and Parents
Continued focus on differentiated curriculum that provides needed modification and/or accommodations for all learners
SAT teachers, to support and focus on high-yield strategies in Literacy, Numeracy and Assessment strategies
School Evidence Portfolio maintained
Assessment of learning provides varied and appropriate evidence for evaluating the quality of student learning
The use of Assistive Technology eg. Smart Board technology, Software, Elmo’s
Community Engagement
1. The School community ensures that Catholic School Councils reflect the diverse Catholic community in the following ways:
An open and transparent process for Catholic School Council elections is followed
A friendly and inviting Catholic School Council presence is evident in community events
Continued shared dialogue and use of School Board personnel, outside agencies (where applicable)
Participation in Connections process for ASD students
Community engagement, partnerships and/or collaborative: e.g. Peel Police, Peel Health, and School Health Support Services.
Support local community agencies
1. The school promotes the engagement and active participation of the parish and home as a fundamental component of
success in the following ways:
Continued practice of positive school-parish-community engagement through special events (Curriculum Nights, Performances, Guest speakers,
School Council, Newsletter/Website/Classroom correspondence.)
Parish priest celebrates Masses throughout the year
Parish Priest visits students in classrooms
Sacramental preparation is a joint responsibility between home/parish and school
Physical Environment
1. The school engages in the following activities that model and promote good stewardship of resources:
Early Implementation of Green projects e.g. decrease use of water bottles, recycling
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Work with community to gain an understanding and implementation process of Healthy Schools Program eg. Walk to school
Litterless lunches encouraged
Waste & Energy reduction programs
Commitment to a cleaner school yard by continuing to not allow snacks outside
2. Our School demonstrates financial responsibility in the following ways:
School Council budget transparent- budget decisions are aligned with school goals and students needs
School Budget committee uses clear process to align budget with school goals
Strict adherence to Board financial protocols through the use of Board accounting software and tracking of expenditures
The school budget is aligned to system/school goals
Our School demonstrates a committed and responsible approach in addressing the technology needs of our learners in a global context in the
following ways:
Continued focus on Digital Citizenship and the appropriate use of technology for educational purpose
To ensure an equitable access to technology, Budgeting Committee & Council consider Technology needs of the school when deciding on the
allocation of funds.
Sacredness of our Environment
Our School encourages the respectful and sustainable environmental practices of reducing, reusing, and recycling in our facilities in the following ways:
Support and encourage ECO team initiatives such as 'Walk to School', ' Lights out lunch' Waste audits, Waste-free lunches
Greening of the school yard; planting in the 'Peace Garden' and preparing for an Outdoor Classroom
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Creating Catholic Conditions for Well-Being, Learning and Leading
1.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the number of students reporting that they feel included and welcome as compared to the CCCC School Climate
Survey conducted 2012.
Action Plans
Bullying Prevention
Catholic Graduate Expectations
Co-curricular Activities
ECO Schools Initiative
Healthy Schools Initiatives
PALS program
Rosary Apostolates
Student Engagement and Inclusion Plan
Virtue Program
Youth Faith Ambassadors
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Building Collaborative Practices Through Inquiry
2.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of
Action Plans
Success Criteria
Accountable Talk
Anchor Charts
Catholic Graduate Expectations
Guided Reading
Peer Assessment
Peer Mentoring
Professional Development
Shared Reading
Teacher Moderation
2.1 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who are confident to apply knowledge gained through professional development
opportunities as demonstrated by the CBLP professional learning feedback.
Action Plans
Peer Mentoring
Professional Development
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Enhancing Transitional Practices
3.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students who have demonstrated improvement on the learning skill and work habit of selfregulation.
Action Plans
Assistive Technology
Case Conference
Catholic Graduate Expectations
Cross Panel Discussions
IPRC- Identification,Placement and Review Committee Meeting
Link Crew Program
My Blue Print
Student Profiles- Faces to the Data
Team Meetings
Transition Meetings
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Knowing the Learner through Assessment
4.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students able to articulate strategies supporting their learning as demonstrated by perceptual
data survey results in the EQAO questionnaire.
Action Plans
Success Criteria
Assistive Technology
Descriptive Feedback
Learning Goals
Peer Assessment
Self Assessment
Student Profiles- Faces to the Data
4.1 By June, 2016 there will be an increase in the proportion of educators who increased their understanding of assessment for and as learning as a result of
professional learning opportunities and as demonstrated by the CBLP feedback.
Action Plans
Growth Mind set- Open to learning stance
Peer Assessment
Peer Mentoring
Professional Development
Self Assessment
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St. Gertrude Separate School
Learning Plan
Responding through Effective Instruction
5.0 By June 2016, there will be an increase in the proportion of students attaining a high level of achievement on EQAO in the areas of critical thinking and/or
problem solving.
Action Plans
Accountable Talk
Anchor Charts
Assistive Technology
Catholic Graduate Expectations
Gradual Release of Responsiblity Model
Guided Reading and Guided Practice
Peer Mentoring
Professional Development
Shared Reading
Teacher Moderation
Three Part Math Lesson
Outcome Timeframe
Action Plan Priority
Not Assigned
Not Assigned
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