Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School December 2015 Newsletter Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi Catholic Elementary School
December 2015 Newsletter
Corpus Christi
Elementary School
4155 Elora Drive
Mississauga, Ontario
L5B 3N4
Tel: 905-897-7037
Fax: 905-566-4333
Mr. E. Filippozzi
Mrs. N. Avila
School Council Chair
Mrs. Coimbra
Mr. T. Lariviere
Ward 4 Trustee and Past
Chair of the Board
Mrs. A. Abbruscato
905-890-0708 x 24239
Ward 6 Trustee
Mrs. L. del Rosario
Parish Team
Rev. Carlos Macatangga
Cristo Rei Parish
born king. Advent traditions such as the
Advent wreath serve as a visual reminders
of this time of waiting and preparing.
The Advent wreath is a popular custom that
originated in Germany hundreds of years
ago. It is a wreath of evergreen branches
holding four candles, one for each week of
Advent. The wreath is circular to remind us
of the unending love God has for us. The
A Blessing At Advent
evergreen branches also remind us of this
gift. The wreath was an ancient symbol of
May all who work for a world of peace
and reason, be granted the gifts of strength and victory and symbolizes the glory of Christ’s
birth. The candles remind us that we were
waiting in darkness until Jesus, the Light of
May the good that dwells within each human the World, was born. It is popular that
three of the candles be purple, the traditionheart be magnified…
al colour of Advent, and one rose coloured,
May the blessings of truth and understanding be for the Third Sunday of Advent called Gaudete ‘Rejoice’ Sunday.
May the joys of this Advent and Christmas season dwell within all of us…
As we continue to grow and build for tomorrow,
may we share Christ’s love and understanding
with all.
May God grant you the light in
Christmas, which is faith;
the warmth of Christmas, which is love;
the belief of Christmas, which is truth;
the all of Christmas, which is Christ.
Advent is a time of waiting for the birth of
Jesus. During Advent we prepare our
homes and ourselves to welcome the new
Electronic Communication
In October we began forwarding all communication (ie. Newletters, letters, memos,
etc.) to parents via email. Communication
via email will be sent to parents that have
provided us with their email addresses and
have completed the Canada’s Anti-Spam
Legislation (CASL) Consent Form. Hard
copies of these communication items will be
available in office and will be forwarded to
parents who have not provided us with an
email address and consent form.
Teaching for The Father Inspired by The Son Guided by The Holy Spirit
We hope that this initiative also assists us with our goal of
going green.
We do ask parents to please notify the office if they do not
wish to receive communication electronically or if their
email addresses have changed.
Remember –N’Oublions pas
On November 11th, 2015, Corpus Christ students and community participated in an assembly to remember the Canadian men and women who have defended this country
through all its wars and military obligations. Since the beginning of the First World War, more than 120, 000 Canadian soldiers have given their lives in service to this country.
deciding what weather conditions are safe for your child,
whether the school is open or closed; it is better 'to err on
the side of caution than to needlessly risk a child's safety.'
Kindergarten Registration 2016-2017
Kindergarten registration for the 2016-2017 school year,
will be held at all Dufferin-Peel Catholic elementary
schools on the following dates:
January 25* from 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
January 27, 28, 29 from 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
*Snow Date: January 26 - 7:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.
Dufferin-Peel will be offering the Full-Day Kindergarten
program in all 123 Catholic elementary schools in MissisThank you to the students and faculty for their reverence
sauga, Brampton, Caledon, Bolton and Orangeville. Regisduring the Remembrance Day Service, and to all the stutration materials will be available for pick-up at the schools
dents who made a donation of money to the Royal Canadi- by January 13. Parents/guardians are to register their child
an Legion.
in person at their designated Catholic school. To find out
which Catholic school is in your area, please contact our
Inclement Weather Procedures
Planning Department at 905-890-1221.
In the event of snowstorms which prevent safe The following documents are required for registration:
travel, please listen to the following radio stations for announcements about bus transporta-  proof of age of the child (birth certificate or passport)
 Original Roman Catholic baptismal certificate (for child
tion and school closures, usually beginning
and/or parent/guardian) or baptismal certificate from an
about 6:30 am.
Eastern Church in full communion with the Holy See of
Rome. If the child has not been baptized, and the
CKFM 99.9
CHUM 1050
parent/guardian is a baptized Roman Catholic or has been
CFTR 680
baptized in an Eastern Church in full communion with the
CFNY 102.1
CISS 92.5
Holy See of Rome, the parent/guardian must bring their
CJCL 590
CHFI 98.1
own baptismal certificate.
CHIN 100.7
1540 AM
640 AM
 updated immunization records (Immunization Card,
Peel Health Form or Letter of Exemption)
These announcements may take one of three forms:
 proof of Canadian citizenship (Birth Certifi• Some buses in some areas may be cancelled, but other
cate/Passport) or permanent resident status
buses are running and schools remain open for students
 proof of home address (tax bill, utility bill, bank statewho walk.
• Buses may be cancelled but the school will be open
 emergency rural address numbers for identifying your
• School may be cancelled entirely.
property, if applicable (residents of Caledon and Dufferin
Buses that do not run in the morning do not run in the
 proof of English Separate School Support (may be done
afternoon. If you drive your bus student to school on a day
at the time of registration by completing an Application For
when buses are cancelled, you are responsible for providthe Direction of School Support and/or a Separate School
ing transportation home at the end of the day as well.
Lease Agreement available at the school)
 education records, if available
It can be hazardous for small children to walk in extreme
Admissions are open to Catholic children and children of
weather conditions when high winds and blowing snow
Catholic parents. Kindergarten students must be at least 4
obscure their vision and also prevent them from being
years of age by December 31, 2016.
seen. Please remember, you are the ultimate authority in
School Advent Mass
Child Illness
You are all invited to attend our school Family
Advent Mass on Thursday December 10th, 2015
@ 7:30 pm at Cristo Rei Church. We will be celebrating the mass with the Bishop Scalabrini
Catholic and St. Philip’s School Communities.
Please keep your child home if he/she is sick. We discourage children who have a fever, are coughing, vomiting or
have a runny nose, from coming to school. They will recover from their illness quicker if they are resting at home.
Reminders and Resources: Cold and Flu Season
Christmas Concert
As cold and flu season approaches, the Dufferin-Peel CathThe Corpus Christi Advent olic District School Board continues to be vigilant in ensurConcert will take place on
ing that our schools are clean and that our school commuWednesday December
nities are educated regarding good hand hygiene and
16th, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m. in our cough etiquette. These practices are promoted on an ongoschool gym.
ing basis, but as the prevalence of colds and flu increases
the cleaning of contact surfaces, as well as reminds school
to review cold and flu prevention with students and staff.
Many resources are utilized from our regional health units.
Anaphylactic Shock
As a reminder, as well, that communicable diseases can be
contracted in public places throughout the year. For examWe feel that all parents would like to be aware that there
ple, cold-related viruses, such as Enterovirus, as transare several pupils in school with a severe life-threatening
ferred from person to person through hand contact. Cold
food allergy (anaphylaxis) to peanuts and nuts. This is a
and flu viruses typically peak from December through
medical condition that causes a severe reaction to certain
allergens and can result in death within minutes. Although February, but can start as early as October.
this may or may not affect your child’s class directly,
please send foods with your child to school that are free
from peanuts or nut products. Thank you for your understanding and co-operation.
Storage/Administration of Medication
Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication
and forms are updated annually. If your child requires
medication please have all pertinent forms completed and
returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible. A reminder that children are not allowed to keep any
medication in their desk, backpack or classroom (with the
exception of an epi-pen if allergies are severe). All dispensing of medication requires medical permission and must be
stored in the office.
Reporting Head Injuries
Regional Health Unit Resources
Please assist us as a school by reviewing good hand washing procedures with your children, as well as other preventative measures, as outlined in the various Peel Health resources available to you through its website. As always,
children who are unwell, should be kept at home.
Flu Clinics
Also available on the Peel Health website, are the schedules
of local Flu Clinics.
For more information, visit the health unit website:
Direct links to the above information can be found in the
Parent Section of the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School
Board Website at and our Corpus Christi
Website at
Even when it appears to be insignificant, we try to inform
parents of all reported head injuries at school. We do this
Indoor Shoes
in recognition of the potential danger of any injury involving the head area. Our intent is not to alarm you, but to
Soon we will begin to experience wet and slushy weather.
keep you informed. Please remind your child to let a staff
In order to avoid tracking mud, water and snow into the
member know if they bump their head or if they get hurt at
classroom, it will be necessary for each student to have a
pair of indoor running shoes. Students will change into
this additional pair of shoes as soon as they come to their
class. We are also requesting that the shoes the students
will wear indoors, have LIGHT coloured soles so that there Open communication between home and school is very
will be no black scuff marks on the floors .
important. Although we will be reporting to you formally
during the school year, please do not hesitate to contact us
We appreciate your assistance with this endeavor.
at any time if you have questions or concerns. A phone call
on the onset of a concern usually resolves itself before it
Dressing For Winter
becomes a problem. On our part, if we have any concerns
about your child, we will also contact you at the earliest
While we have been blessed with
moderate Fall weather, we can
expect this to change at any time.
Fall Food Drive Was a Huge Success
Please assist us in encouraging the
children to dress adequately for
The Fall food drive was a huge success! Thank you to all
this weather. When on yard sufamilies who donated a non perishable food item. Corpus
pervision, teachers are checking,
Christi students were able to collect over 1000 items and
not only on the activities/games
has since donated them to the Open Door Food Bank and
children play, but also noting that they are wearing boots, Dr. Simone's Canadian Food for Children. We worked tohats, gloves and scarves when necessary. Except when the gether as a school community to provide for those in need
weather is extremely cold or wet, the students will be going and made their Thanksgiving much brighter. Thank you.
outside during the recess and lunch periods. The DufferinPeel Catholic District School policy states that consideration should be given for keeping students indoors during
recesses when the wind chill reaches –20C. At –25C stuPARENTS’ CORNER
dents will be kept indoors. Playing outdoors is a pleasant & healthy activity when students are wearing suitable
clothing. For the younger students, it would be helpful if
parents were to label items of clothing with their child’s
The Virtues
name, so that each person can more easily locate his/her
own clothing from the class coat rack area. Each term,
December Virtue of the Month is HOPE
items make their way to the Lost and Found and are never
claimed. Labelled items can be returned more easily and People of Hope:
mixed up items sorted out more readily. If your child  Keep a positive attitude
brings home an item by mistake, please return it to the  Can bounce back from a tough situation
school so that this mix up may be corrected the next day!
 Set and stick to their goals
Excursions and Field Trips
Educational trips that extend learning opportunities are
encouraged. Teachers must follow appropriate Board procedures and by law, the school must have on file permission forms which must be signed by parents.
VERBAL PERMISSION can not and will not be accepted.
Please help us to protect your child’s valuables by keeping
them at home. Staff cannot be responsible for any valuables
that your child brings to school. In order to avoid valuables
being lost or misplaced please keep them at home.
See the good in others even when they make mistakes
Work to include others
Let others know that they are good people
The daily prayer of HOPE for December is:
Let us now pray...for the grace and courage to be people of Hope. People who can
see, participate in and contribute to God’s
goodness emerging around us.