St. Bernard of Clairvaux April 2016 3345 Escada Dr. Mississauga, ON L5M 7V5 Tel. 905-542-9203 Love, Service, Peace, Excellence April Newsletter Dufferin-Peel C.D.S.B. Just Let Me Say... If there could be one thing in life for me to teach you, I would teach you to love… To respect others so that you may find respect in yourself; To learn the value of giving, so that if ever there comes a time in your life that someone really needs, you will give; To act in a manner that you would wish to be treated; To be proud of yourself; To laugh and smile as much as you can, in order to help bring joy back into this world; To have faith in others; To be understanding… To stand tall in this world and learn to depend on yourself; To only take from this earth those things you really need, so there will be enough for others; Do not depend on money or material things for your happiness, but learn to appreciate the people who love you. Appreciate the simple beauty that God gave you and find peace and security within yourself. To you, my child, I hope I have taught all of these things, for they are LOVE. Administrator Message It is our sincere hope that the entire St. Bernard of Clairvaux community enjoyed a special Easter weekend with their families and friends. It is our wish that the hope generated by the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and the spring season, brings everyone in the community happiness and a renewal of the Spirit for the remainder of the year. A special thank you to all who attended our school Lenten Mass and our Virtues Assembly. As always, we thank Father Mark for celebrating mass with our community. We would also like to extend a sincere thank you, as well, to all families who supported Sharelife, our food drive and our ongoing events. We will continue to live out the virtues this month as we recognize Autism Awareness Day and raise the flag for autism. We will also recognize the International Day of Pink at our virtues assembly and continue to support Sharelife through upcoming Toonie Tuesdays. Our junior students will also entertain us with our Earth Week Themed Junior Showcase. At this time, we would like to thank Mrs. S. Horvat for all of her hard work and wish her well in her future endeavours. We warmly welcome back Mrs. Vitale to our St. Bernard of Clairvaux family. We extend best wishes to our students in grades two, seven and eight as they prepare for, and receive, the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation respectively. Many of our Grade two students have already made their First Reconciliation. Later this spring they will receive the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist for the first time and our grade seven and eight students will become adults in the eyes of the Church, both pivotal moments in the lives of our Catholic children. Together in Faith B. Pullara N. Podobnik “Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” Blessed Mother Teresa Our Virtue of the Month: During the month of April will focus on the virtue of Love God wants us to give generously to others around us. God wants us to serve and to see goodness in everyone we meet. A loving person … • follows the examples of holy people • is willing to make sacrifices for the good of others • knows that we are all lovable • prays for others and cares deeply about them God has given us many people in our lives to show us examples of LOVE. Our families, teachers, and friends show us their love every day. Love can be seen in the simplest acts of kindness, such as sharing a book, playing a game, or even by saying “thank you.” We should always show our love for others because love is about seeing the good in people, even when they make us angry. Jesus is always with us and we should always try to remember His most important lesson, the lesson of love. With love, God wants us to serve and to see the goodness in everyone we meet. Let us now pray ... for the virtue of love so that we will never be satisfied until all are satisfied. AMEN. Ontario Catholic Graduate Expectations I CARE! I love God, myself and my family I care about and respect my 'family' at school, at Church, in the community, and the world I care about and respect God's creation and everything in it Because I care, I pray for all my families, and I will live my life like Jesus. St. Josephine Bahkita Parish 3600 Forest Bluff Cres. Mississauga, Ontario L5N 7W2 Phone: (289)-997-2105 FAX: (289)-997-2104 Email: Website: MASS SCHEDULE At St. Joan of Arc Catholic Secondary School (3801 Thomas St. Mississauga Ontario) Saturday Vigil Mass 5 p.m. Sunday Mass 9 a.m., 11 a.m., 12:30 p.m. Tuesday/Thursday 7:30 a.m. Wednesday/Friday 7:00 p.m. At St. Peter’s Mission Church (just north of Britannia on the Ninth Line) Sunday Mass 7:30 a.m. Monday 7 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. Sacraments We encourage any new families to our school Please Join Us… We will be gathering as a school community on Thursday April 13th, 2016 at 10:30 a.m. for our next Virtues Assembly. We thank Mr. Le Brun and Mr. Hannah for organizing this faith filled event for our students and community. community to contact the parish to inquire about registering for these sacraments. FIRST RECONCILIATION The First Reconciliation Celebration for our students took place on Tuesday February 23rd, 2016 at 9:00 a.m. at Merciful Redeemer Parish. We would like to congratulate all students on receiving this sacrament. FIRST COMMUNION First Communion for our grade 2 students will be held on Sunday May 8th, 2016 at 3:00 p.m. at Merciful Redeemer Parish. Crowning of Mary Our Crowning of Mary Liturgy will take place on Monday, May 2nd. 2016. We look forward to gathering together as a community of faith to honour Mother Mary. “This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you … You did not choose me but I chose you. And I appointed you to go and bear fruit, fruit that will last, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask him in my name. I am giving you these commands so that you may love one another.” John 15:12-14, 16-17 CONFIRMATION This year our grade 7 and 8 students will be receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation for our grade 8 students will take place on Friday April 22nd, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. Confirmation for our grade 7 students will take place on Friday May 13th, 2016 at 7:00 p.m. The sacr amental celebr ations will continue to be held at Merciful Redeemer Parish. We thank Father Vid and his parish team for their continued support and generosity as we work to build a church for our new parish community. “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith” Galatians 5:22 Papal Prayer Intention for April That small farmers may receive a just reward for their precious labour. That Christians in African may give witness to love and faith in Jesus Christ amid politicalreligious conflicts. Lenten Almsgiving As part of their Lenten journey and to live out the Lenten theme of almsgiving, Mr.Salerno's grade 5 class saved their change to Jump Start their heart. Students raised $70.00 in 40 days for the Canadian Tire Jumpstart program to help one under privileged child attend an extracurricular activity. We are very proud of our students for their efforts and thank Mr. Salerno for organizing this opportunity for the class. “God is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.” Exodus 34:6 With the season of Lent, we began our annual ShareLife campaign. ShareLife has a long tradition of assisting the vulnerable and marginalized in our community dating back to the 1840’s when our first Archbishop of Toronto, Michael Power, personally worked with immigrants who were dying of typhus. Today we continue this tradition by extending an invitation to all Catholics to take part in continuing to care for the vulnerable among us. ShareLife supports a number of Catholic organizations within the community and Archdiocese of Toronto. Student involvement in our spirit week helped to raise funds. Each student received a green Sharelife bracelet and they were proudly worn at our Lenten Mass. We will continue to support Sharelife in the month of April with Toonie Tuesdays. We thank all families for their support of this very worthwhile campaign. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK: May 1-6, 2016 JUBILEE YEAR OF MERCY officially proclaimed by Pope Francis, began on December 8, 2015 when the Holy Doors were opened at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome. “The Motto, ‘Merciful Like the Father’ serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure.” (Pope Francis) “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” Matthew 5:7 Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: “Mercy that Welcomes” (Jesus and the Woman at the Well) “Mercy that Loves” (The Good Samaritan) “Mercy that Forgives” (The Prodigal Son) “Mercy that Lives the Gospel” (Zacchaeus) “Mercy that Rejoices” (Healing of the Paralytic) God of Love and compassion, help us to open the door of mercy in our school communities, in our families and in the world. Let mercy guide our living and bring us closer to the heart of the gospel. May we live as Jesus with mercy that welcomes, loves, forgives and calls us to live the gospel joyfully. Amen. TUESDAY APRIL 2ND: WORLD AUTISM AWARENESS DAY On Monday April 4th, 2016 we are asking students and staff to wear "blue" in support of World Autism Awareness Day, and for the thir d year we will be par ticipating in "Raise the Autism Ontario Flag". The UN has declared April 2 as World Autism Awareness Day to show support for those living with autism. Famous buildings and landmarks around the world will "Light it Up Blue" to raise awareness of autism. Autism Speaks began the campaign in 2010 and we have continued to promote the campaign in Canada. To coincide with the campaign, Autism Ontario is hosting the “Raise the Flag” event. We will raise the Autism Ontario Flag at our school at 9:30 am, all are welcome to attend. We are also asking students to donate a Toonie or more to support Autism Ontario. Donations will be collected each morning beginning on Monday March 30 until April 2. All money donated will go to Autism Ontario to continue to fund research and education into autism. Autism is a neurological disorder that affects one out of every 88 births and there is no cure for autism. We hope that you will consider donating to this very important event. To learn more about these important events, please feel free to visit the following websites: Together we can make a difference. How we can help make our school a friendlier place for students with ASD: Take the time to say "Hi" even if your classmate can't easily reply. If you see a classmate being teased or bullied, get help. When in class or outside, sometimes it might help to show your classmate what to do rather than explain it using words. He or she might learn faster when they are able to watch you do something. Be aware that some people with ASD might be sensitive to certain textures, sights, sounds or smells. Invite your classmates or friends with autism to play/hang out with you and your other friends. Share the games you like to play with one another. People like to belong. Remember that your classmates have wonderful skills, special knowledge and talents that they share with you and your class. Wednesday April 13th, International Day of Pink On Wednesday April 13h, wear something Pink. The International Day of Pink is a great opportunity to help raise awareness and show your support of diversity. It’s an annual celebration of our differences. The International Day of Pink is a day of Action, born with a youth in a high school in Nova Scotia who was bullied because of his sexual orientation & wearing a pink shirt to school. Fellow students who saw the incident intervened, but wanted to do more; so, they purchased pink shirts. Two weeks after the incident, hundreds of students came to school wearing pink to show support for diversity and stop bullying and discrimination. Following the incident, students started this day of action. We will be gathering as a school **NEW**VOLUNTEERS - Criminal Reference Check/Annual Offence Declaration As you are aware, a valid Criminal Reference Check (CRC) must be provided by all new volunteers to our school. Once a CRC is provided to the school, an Annual Offence Declaration can now be completed in subsequent years. Forms and more information are available in the main office. We would like to thank all of our volunteers for supporting our staff and students and enriching the experiences in our school. Girls and Boys Night In Girls and Boys Will be participating in a great evening of fun, activities and dinner, all the while focusing on our school’s initiative this year of Acceptance. At St. Bernard of Clairvaux School we are a safe, inclusive and accepting environment. Acceptance is seeing with your heart, not your eyes. More information to follow. Please see below for the date and time for each event. Girls Night In Boys Night In Date Tuesday May 24 Date Wednesday June 8 Time 3:30 pm-7:00 pm Time 3:30 pm-7:00 pm Location St. Bernard of Clairvaux School Location St. Bernard of Clairvaux School HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. SEUSS On Wednesday March 2nd, the FDK classes enjoyed a day of stories, rhyme and fun celebrating the birthday of Dr. Seuss. Stories lead to music, drama, dance and inquiry, and with over 40 books there was plenty of opportunity to learn and have fun. As Dr. Seuss said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” And we did just that! Grade 1’s Visit Bradley Museum On March 9th, 2016 the grade 1's enjoyed a beautiful day at the Bradley Museum in Clarkson, for the Sap to Syrup Program. The students learned all about the process to make Maple Syrup, got to try some delicious Maple treats, create a stamped-tin craft, and even got to experience life in the early days of Mississauga. Thank you to all the parent volunteers that made this day possible! Reminder: New PA Day Terms of the recent contract settlement between the teacher federations and the Ministry of Education included the provision of an additional Professional Activity Day for the 2015—2016 school year. In the Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board, the designated additional PA Day has been scheduled for Monday April 11, 2016. Therefore, there will be no classes for students that day. Cyber-Safety The Internet can be a great resource for children and adults. They can use it to research, communicate with others, and play interactive games. Sometimes that access can pose hazards. One area that we are seeing an increase in abuse is in the use of social media. That's why it's important to be aware of what your children see and hear on the Internet, who they meet, and what they share about themselves online. Just like any safety issue, it's wise to talk with your children about your concerns, take advantage of resources to protect them, and keep a close eye on their activities. PLANNING AHEAD - Class Placements In arriving at the decision for placement for your child for the upcoming year, every consideration is given to individual needs. This decision is made in collaboration with all staff who have been directly involved in your child’s education this year. If you feel that there are specific needs which should be addressed in determining the placement of your child, please feel free to use the template provided to advise us of your concerns. We ask for all submissions to be sent to the office no later than Friday, May 27th, 2016. Your request will be considered at our grade promotion meetings. We remind you that it would not be appropriate to request one teacher over another as placements are subject to change. However, if there is other information regarding your child’s learning style, or other considerations of which we ought to be aware, please advise us of these facts in your letter. “Welcome to Kindergarten” Moving Kindergarten registrations for next fall are still being accepted at the school office. Parents and newly registered kindergarten students for 2016-2017are invited to attend a Welcome to Kindergarten evening at the school on Thursday May 19th, 2016. On that evening, families will participate in a variety of fun activities and will receive a gift bag of resources to help their child successfully transition to life at school. More detailed information regarding the Welcome to Kindergarten Evening will be forthcoming. If you will be moving out of the St. Bernard of Clarivaux area between now and September 2016, please inform the school as soon as possible. This information assists with our planning, organization of classes, ordering materials, etc. for 2016-2017. Updated records are also important in the event of an emergency and if we are required to contact you immediately. Thank you for your cooperation Dental Screening Dental Screening will take place for our JK, SK, Grade 2 and grade 4 students for those families interested on Thursday April 7th and Friday April 8th, 2016. EQAO-Coming Soon Once again this year, Grades 3 and 6 students will participate in Provincial Education Quality and Accountability Office testing (EQAO). The testing will take place between May 25th—June 8th. Looking ahead to these assessments, we ask that you try to schedule medical or other appointments at another time if it means that a student in these grades is required to be absent or late. EQAO Parent Tips Stay Positive Always celebrate your child’s successes and hard work each day. Remind your child that the assessment will have questions asking them things that they have already learned in class. Please avoid scheduling appointments during EQAO. Be sure your child receives enough sleep every night so that they are rested. Continue to ensure that your child eats a healthy full breakfast and remembers to keep a positive and relaxed attitude in the home environment. Do not force your child to study for these tests. They are already working hard at school. For additional information on grades 3 and 6 testing visit the EQAO website at and click on “Parent Resources”. Something to Remember: Although EQAO offers important information about your child’s learning, it is only one part of the puzzle. The levels achieved on EQAO will not be a part of your child’s report card. The results of your child’s EQAO scores will be provided to each family in the fall. Junior Showcase We are pleased to inform you that our grade 4, 5 and 6 students will be performing in a Junior Showcase. The Showcase will take place on Tuesday April 19th, and Wednesday April 20th, 2016. Both evening performances will begin at 6:30 p.m. in our school gymnasium. More information will be forthcoming. The theme of this year’s showcase is Earth Week/Spring. We look forward to seeing the classes represent this theme through the arts. We thank all our staff, parents and students involved for their time, energy and hard work in making these presentations possible. Get The Lead Out Have a drink! As part of their save the "Earth Initiative”, from April 11th—April 21st. Mr. Salerno’s Grade 5 class will be campaigning for classes to bring in bottled water for the residents of Flint, Michigan. Our goal is to collect 750 bottles of water, at least one bottle of water per student. The water will be delivered to the residents of Flint, Michigan. We are doing our part to make Canadians aware that we must keep the Great Lakes water supply clean, especially from illegal dumping and pollution. A water bottle drop off area will be located in front of the school gymnasium. We thank you for supporting this worthy cause. Let’s Wash Our Hands Appropriate Dress Hand washing when done correctly is the single most effective way to prevent the spread of infectious diseases such as the flu. Please help us to reinforce the proper techniques with your child. School Board Policy states that all students are expected to dress to standards of neatness, cleanliness, modesty and good taste. Certain items i.e.: shirts with inappropriate logos/ wording, exposure of undergarments or midriffs, tight or torn clothing, short skirts/shorts, are contrary to both the philosophy of our Catholic School teachings and to the standards we set as parents and educators. With warmer weather soon on its way, we will remind all students of dress code expectations. Your assistance in ensuring that your child is dressed appropriately is appreciated. 1) Wet our hands. 2) Soap our hands. 3) Wash our hands. 4) Rinse our hands. 5) Dry our hands. 6) Use paper towels to turn taps off. Bikes, Scooters and Rollerblades: Safety First A safety reminder to all students that bikes, scooters and roller blades are to be walked both on and off the school property. Bikes are to be locked in the bike racks. We do not have facilities to store or secure roller blades or scooters, so there is an added risk of damage or theft and they are not encouraged to be brought to school. The school is not responsible for these items. Your cooperation is appreciated. Safety in the School Yard Children need frequent reminders that name-calling, put-downs and violence are never appropriate responses to disagreements or arguments, regardless of the provocation. Parents are urged to rehearse assertiveness skills with their children such as saying firmly, ― “Please Stop”, “I don’t like it when..” “Leave me alone” Playground Safety Rules Respect each other by being polite, friendly and co-operative Keep hands and feet to yourself Allow others to join in your games Play fairly and safely Play with acceptable toys and equipment Respect school property Line up quietly till bell rings Avoid conflicts and injuries NO standing in the middle or walking through active games NO leaving school property NO name-calling or making fun of others, using inappropriate language or gestures NO fighting, pushing, tripping, lifting, grabbing, body-checking, scratching, pinching, spitting or biting NO unsafe or rough games: wrestling, tackling, play fighting Remember to: Walk Away, Ignor e, Use your Wor ds, Seek assistance STOPR (Student Transportation of Peel Region) STOPR is providing bus transportation services for the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board. The STOPR website address is This website provides access to up to date information regarding delayed buses and bus cancellations due to inclement weather. To check for eligibility for transportation, please access the following website: STOPR Telephone Contact Information: 905-890-6000 Safety in the Gym Custody of Children On rare occasions, we are faced with dif- Students are reminded that they must wear proper indoor shoes for gym and appropriate gym clothes. Jewelry must be removed when in gym class or during sports activities. Students are not allowed to wear their “outside” shoes in the gym. ficult situations in which non-custodial parents arrive at school asking to visit their child or to take their child home after school. We are best able to serve and protect students when we are made aware of legal custody arrangements, visitation rights, and other special instructions. If legal custody matters affect your family, please ensure that our office and classroom teachers are aware of custodial arrangements between parents that may affect your child during school hours. Please ensure that a copy of the Court Order is on file at the school office. Reporting Student Absences Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. Thank you to all parents who have been calling the school when your child has been absent due to an illness or an appointment. Please continue to report student absences to the school office by calling 905-542-9203 and pressing 1 for attendance. Please indicate the date, your child’s name, teacher and grade when leaving a message. Classroom Interruptions The office often gets requests from students to make phone calls home to ask parents to bring forgotten items such as running shoes, agendas or textbooks/homework. We are reinforcing with students that it is their responsibility to bring all necessary items to school and to arrange in advance their out of school activities. Also, please make after school arrangements with your children prior to school. We make every attempt to minimize interruptions to classes. Sewers & Watercourses Safety Concerns Parents are asked to remind their children to avoid all storm sewers and watercourses. Children playing in and around storm sewers and watercourses, entering storm sewers through the outfalls, and entering storm sewers through access covers are all very dangerous activities, and can lead to a fatality. Children should be aware that: Water flows in storm sewers and watercourses are unpredictable and may change quickly. Tragic falls could occur. Access is restricted and therefore, rescue attempts are dangerous. GRADE 7 STUDENTS PRESENT MULTICULTURAL NIGHT AT ST. BERNARD OF CLAIRVAUX Please join us in celebrating the varied and rich cultures and traditions of our Grade 7 students. Here at St. Bernard we are lucky to be able to learn about and honour many cultures from around the world. Multicultural Night aims to highlight the unique and varied cultural backgrounds and international origins of our Catholic faith. This year, Multicultural Night will take place during Catholic Education Week on Thursday May 5th. We strive to help students develop a sense of pride in their own heritage, as well educate each other about the land and traditions of their ancestors. We hope to see you there to enjoy our student’s hard work! Allergies/Anaphylactic Shock St. Bernard of Clairvaux is an allergen aware school. We have a number of students in our school who have severe allergic life threatening r eactions to peanuts, peanut butter , peanut oils, any peanut/nut by-products and dairy products. As in the past, we are asking you to not put any child at risk, therefore, are requesting that PEANUTS, PEANUT BUTTER, PEANUT OILS, ANY PEANUT/NUT BY-PRODUCTS NOT BE BROUGHT INTO THE SCHOOL. WE ASK THAT YOU READ THE LABELS OF ALL FOOD ITEMS SENT TO SCHOOL. A letter was sent home in September which addressed this issue for each particular class. We are asking parents not to send food items to school when celebrating your child’s birthday since there are many alternatives such as pencils, stickers, etc. We thank you for your continued understanding. Storage/Administration of Medication Parents are responsible for ensuring that all medication and forms are updated annually. If your child requires medication please have all pertinent forms completed and returned with the medication to the office as soon as possible. A reminder that children are not allowed to keep any medication in their desk, backpack or classroom (with the exception of an epi-pen if allergies are severe). All dispensing of medication requires medical permission and must be stored in the office. Immunization Updates Peel Public Health will be reviewing immunization records of all students. Peel Public Health must have proof that your child has been fully vaccinated (immunized) according to the Ontario immunization schedule. If you receive a letter, please ensure that your child has received the required vaccine(s), then give the date(s) your child received these vaccine doses(s) to Peel Public Health immediately to update your child’s record. To update: call Peel Public Health at 905799-7700, fax at 905-565-0426 (Att: Immunization Records) or online at Translation services are available. Thank you!! Mother Teresa’s Message of Love Lost and Found Our Lost and Found box is overflowing! We often find many lost items at our school. Items like shoes, socks, hats, jackets, gloves, etc. are collected and placed in the ‘lost and found’ box. Please look through to see if any items belong to you. At the end of the school year, all remaining items will be donated to charity. Our School Website We have updated our website. This site will be continually updated and has information for parents regarding school calendar information, newsletters and school updates. Visit and link onto the Elementary site at St. Bernard of Clairvaux Elementary School @ A special thank you to Mrs. Marano for overseeing this site. Newsletter Distribution If you have not provided the office with your email address and would like to receive school information via email, please contact the main office to be added to the distribution list. Kiss and Ride Please follow these guidelines when using the Kiss and Ride Program at St. Bernard of Clairvaux School. The Do’s: Children are to be dropped off or picked up, using the drop off lane between the hours of 8:30 - 8:45 am and 3:15 – 3:30 pm. Due to the high volume of cars, and dependent on weather conditions, please consider arriving early in the morning. As cars enter the school driveway, please proceed in a slow and cautious manner, around the perimeter of our parking lot. The drop off and pick up lane is directly in front of the kindergarten yard. Students are not dropped off or picked up in front of the school. This lane is r eser ved for buses only. Please drive up to the very top of the kiss and ride lane to drop off and pick up your children to facilitate a steady flow of traffic. Children are to exit the car in a safe and careful manner, with their backpacks ready to avoid a long wait time in the drop off lane. Children are to exit the vehicle on the right side of the car, onto the landing, for safety purposes and proceed to the school yard. Cars are to exit the driveway in a slow and cautious manner and must turn right in order to ease the flow of traffic. Cars may park in the parking lot in available spaces only. The Dont’s: Cars are not to enter the Kiss and Ride drop-off lane with any speed-they must proceed in a very slow and cautious manner. Do not cross through the drive through lanes from the parking lot with children. Proceed to the crosswalk Do not park or leave your vehicle unattended in the Kiss and Ride Lanes. Cars are not to stop at the turn point of the driveway and let children out-this is a very dangerous and unsafe practice. It also causes a back log of cars. Please do not attempt to move into the drop-off lane from the drive thru lane. Under no circumstances ar e car s to access the bus lane or par k in the bus lane; if you need to enter the school, please use the parking lot. Bus Lane Reminder Please be reminded that the bus lane directly in front of the school is in fact only for our buses. There has been an increase in the number of cars using this lane especially in the morning to drop off their children. We do have many different buses that arrive to our school at various times of the morning and we need to be respectful of the lane as our utmost concern is the safety of all our children. Please continue to use the kiss and ride lane to drop off and pick up your children. We thank you for your understanding and support in this matter. Dogs on School Property From 8:30 a.m.—3:30 p.m. dogs are not allowed on school property. This includes small dogs being carried. Please be respectful of the fact that some of our students have a fear of dogs. We thank you for your continued understanding and support. Sports, Intramurals, and Extra Curriculars Alive and Well: GO BEARS!!! Intermediate Boys and Girls Basketball The intermediate boys and girls basketball teams have been chosen and they are working really hard to prepare for the Mississauga North Intermediate Basketball Tournament which will be held on Thursday April 28th, 2016. We thank Mr. Kostoff, Mr. Gegeny, Mr. Dietz and Ms. Shamon for offering their time, talents and skills in coaching. GO BEARS!!!! Intramurals Many of our intermediate students participated in our lunch hour intramurals where the focus is fun and skill development. Junior students enjoyed playing basketball and our intermediate students had a lot of fun playing badminton. Our primary students will begin soccer this month. We thank Mrs. Gibson for organizing these opportunities for our students. Extra Curricular Life at St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Spotlight GAMES CLUB Our Games Club is alive and well at St. Bernard. Students meet every Monday during the lunch hour to enjoy playing a variety of board games and card games. It is a great opportunity to meet new friends, play great games and have fun. We thank Mr. Dietz and Miss Wigglesworth for helping our students enjoy this special time. PALS The P.A.L.S. program is gearing up for the Spring season. Our P.A.L.S. leaders have done a great job with rolling out our Winter and inclement weather games and now will be introducing new activities that are available to all our Primary students. Thanks to all the leaders who have shown great dedication and enthusiasm. P.A.L.S. is always looking for more students to participate and lead. THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM FOR MORE!!!! Eco-School Update Celebrated every year on April 22nd, Earth Day is the largest environmental event in the world. More than six million Canadians—including nearly every school-aged child—participate in an Earth Day activity in their communities. During the week of April 18—22nd, 2016, St Bernard of Clairvaux will be taking part in celebrating Earth Week. Earth week is usually celebrated with outdoor activities, where individuals or groups perform various tasks to help improve out Earth. Please see below for how we as a school community will show our spirit. Monday April 18th , 2016 Wear Blue to support water conservation Tuesday April 19th , 2016 Wear Animal Prints to support animal rights Wednesday April 20th, 2016 Wear Green to support Earth Day Thursday April 21st, 2016 Wear White to support energy conservation Friday April 22nd, 2016 Wear Bright Colours to support nature and all of God’s creations Earth Day Movie St Bernard of Clairvaux School Catholic School Council It’s spring! Farewell to chills and colds! The blushing flowers each unfold. All Principal: B. Pullar a things renew. All things begin. At church, they bring the lilies in. Bless the Blooms Vice-Principal: that bring new beginnings. N. Podobnik Secretaries: P. Keenan, M. Yhip, A. DidioPopcorn/Pizza/Movie Day Coletta Parish Corner St. Josephine Bakhita Parish: Temporarily located at St. Joan of Arc S. School 3801 Thomas St. Pastor– Father Mark Villaneuva 289-997-2105 Trustee E. O’Toole 905-812-5163 Dufferin-Peel CDSB Personnel Director of Education: M. Mazzorato 905-890-1221 Associate Director, Instructional Services S. McWatters 905-890-1221 Associate Director, Corporate Services, Chief Financial Officer & Treasurer John Hrajnik 905-890-1221 Superintendent: T. Cruz 905-890-1221 YMCA Coordinator: R. Hercules 647-267-2400 “Good Grief Charlie Brown!” Our Popcorn/Pizza Movie day was a wonderful success. This year’s movie, The Peanuts Movie, was a welcome break from classroom activities, followed with a bag of popcorn and slice of cheese pizza. Once more, the Catholic School Council would like to express our thanks to all the students and their families for supporting the chocolate fundraiser. Without your help these initiatives would not be possible. Spring Fling 2016 Save the date! Our end of the year Spring Fling will be held on Thursday, June 9th from 4-7pm. What a great way to celebrate our amazing school community by getting together with parents, teachers and friends. Fun games and music will be offered as well as entertainment and a barbecue. We are hoping for volunteers to help out with distribution of food, making cotton candy, staffing the barbeque grill, supervising games and staffing the prize table. If you are able to help in any way, please contact the school office to let us know. Stay tuned as more information will be shared closer to the date regarding this fabulous event. Next Council Meeting: Our next parent council meeting will take place on Wednesday April 6th, 2016 at 7pm in the school library. All parents and guardians are welcome to attend. We would love to see you there! Sincerely, Your Catholic School Council Earth week From Monday, April 18th to Friday, April 22nd, 2016 St. Bernard will be celebrating Earth Week! Here are the following dates: Monday, April 18th – Water: Wear blue to support water conservation. Tuesday, April 19th - Animal Rights: Wear something with animal prints to support animal rights Wednesday, April 20th – Earth Day: Wear green to support Earth Day Thursday, April 21st - Energy Conservation: Wear white to support energy conservation Friday, April 22nd - God’s Creations: Wear bright colours to support nature and all of God’s creations. Thank you to our Eco Team