January 2016 Grades two and three Curriculum Focus

January 2016
Grades two and three
Curriculum Focus
Daily Home Reading. Check out Raz Kids.
Reading: Retelling of a fictional story,
making personal connections
Writing: Written Retell, Paragraphs
(Gr.3); Descriptive Writing (Gr.2); Word
using commas to list words in a sentence;
combining sentences using conjunctions.
Oral Communication: Reading
assessments, retell.
2D Geometry: identify, describe, sort and
compare 2D figures; compose and
decompose shapes; symmetry
Upcoming unit: Addition and Subtraction
Please practice addition and subtraction
facts to 18
Social Studies: Gr. 2 Mapping Skills;
Gr. 3 New France
Family Life: Created Male and Female
(note going home)
Religion: Gr.2 Begin discussing the
sacrament of First Reconciliation
Virtue of the Month:
Self-Control: God wants us to do what
we know and feel is right.
Stop, Think and Make a Choice
Happy Birthday to:
Sarah turns 9 on January 7th!
Happy New Year 2016 and Welcome
Remember to check the weather forecast
each day, and wear appropriate clothing
such as hats, mitts, snow pants, scarves,
Book Orders are due Jan. 25th.
Cheques are payable to Scholastic
Canada, Ltd.
Begin to practice addition and subtraction
facts to 18 at home.
Gr. 2***Please contact St. Josephine
Bakita Parish if you have not registered
your child for the Holy Sacraments.
First Reconciliation will take place on
February 23, 2016.
Mark Your Calendars!!!
Library Book Exchange – Friday
Gym- Tuesdays and Thursday
Pizza Day- Wednesdays
Tuck Shop – Thursdays and Friday
Subway - Tuesdays
Kidssentials - Thursday
P.A. Day – Monday, January 18th
No Classes – Reporting Day for teachers
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