ST. JOHN BOSCO SCHOOL 1025 North Park Drive Brampton, Ontario Phone ((905) 792-0890 Newsletter #7 SAINT VALANTINE In the month of February we celebrate Saint Valentine’s Day. Saint Valentine was a bishop who bravely died for his faith. The name Valentine means “Valiant” or “Strong”. This day is connected with love because of the legend that birds pick their mates on February 14th. Secret notes of love and friendship sent on this day are called Saint Valentine’s notes or valentines. FAX (905) 792-1299 February 2016 The Virtue of the Month This month we will celebrate the virtue of respect. God has given us the gifts of friends and companions to keep us company and to help us out along the way. Every person in our lives carries the Spirit of God – and so every person is our brother or sister through Jesus Christ. As brothers and sister who share one Holy Spirit, we are all valuable to God. We all deserve to be shown courtesy, consideration, sensitivity and thoughtfulness, which are different ways of saying respect. Respect should come first and foremost from ourselves. We have to respect our selves and then we will be able to respect others. We should also be able to expect to be treated with respect by everyone we meet – our brothers and sister in Jesus. ASH WEDNESDAY CELEBRATION Wednesday, February 10 at 1:15PM All are welcome. Principal C. Young Secretary M. Barbe ~ Superintendent D. Finegan-Downey (905) 890-1221 Trustee S. Xaviour Parish Priest Fr. Mignella (905) 792-7497 Visit our School Website: Twitter ogs Newsletter #7 Page 2 February 2016 Family Day—February 15th Sun Family Day is on February 15th, 2016. There will be no school on this day. Enjoy the day with family and friends. Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Book Fair Reports sent home Book Fair Interview Evening Book Fair Ends Book Fair P.P. Day Pizza Day (interviews) 10 11 12 Ash Wednesday Grad Photos Pizza Day Skiing— Grade 7&8 Book Fair SNOWBALLS AND ICE THROWING Beginning and End of Day Drop off and Pick up A reminder to the parents and students that yard supervision does not begin until 8:45 a.m. It is important to not arrive at school before this time as the yard is not supervised. School dismissal is at 3:30. We have students waiting to be picked up long after the dismissal bell. We respectfully ask that arrangements be made for pick-up promptly at 3:30. Playing in the snow can be a lot of fun, however the school has a rule that does not allow the throwing of snowballs and the kicking of snow onto others. Students are regularly reminded of the dangers of throwing/kicking snow and ice chunks. Students are reminded that this rule is in place to prevent the injuries of others. We encourage students to constructively use the snow to build snowmen or sculptures. Students getting caught throwing snowballs or ice chunks will receive consequences. Please review these rules with your children. Thank you for helping us make the playground a safe place. 7 8 9 Jr. Speeches 1:00 Celebration 1:15PM 14 15 16 17 18 19 Valentine’s Day Family Day– No School Confirmation Retreat Skiing— Grade 7&8 Pizza Day Skiing— Grade 7&8 Carnival Carnival 21 22 23 24 25 School Council Meeting 6:30PM Pizza day 28 Carnival 13 20 Carnival 26 27 29 Dancea- thon Upcoming Events February 5 February 10 February 15 February 29 March 3 March 16—20 March 25 March 28 P.A. Day Ash Wednesday Celebration 1:15 Family Day—no school Dance-a-thon Gifted Information Session March Break Good Friday—no School Easter Monday—no School The Virtue for February is Respect Newsletter #7 Page 3 Each year, the Catholic School Council organizes ONE major fundraising activity for St. John Bosco School. Our major fundraiser for the 2015-16 school year is: Late For School . DANCE-A-THON FUNDRAISER On Monday February 29, 2016 This will be a fun and memorable celebration to the Leap Year! This is a new fundraiser for our school, in response to parent feedback that they would like a change from selling chocolate. The money raised will benefit the entire school community, helping to fund events, activities and special items that support curriculum goals and enhance the students’ overall academic experience. In past years, funds have been used to purchase agenda planners, update athletic and 21st Century learning equipment and much more. Today, Tuesday, February 9, 2016 at 2:30pm will be our fundraiser kick-off with a visit from: PROFESSOR JAMZ AND THE SPIN MACHINE Parents, be ready! You will have some pretty excited kids this evening! Each student will be provided with an envelope for sponsor donations from family and friends. To reach our school goal of $8000, we challenge each student to raise at least $25, or $50 per family, for our dance-athon fundraising event. If you have family and friends that you’re not able to see in person before the event, email, facebook or tweet them the link so they can make a pledge on-line. The pledge form is to be returned back to the school by Thursday, February 25, 2016 All students are welcome to participate in the Leap Year celebration on Monday, February 29. In addition to the dance-a-thon, there will be draws for prizes and incentives awarded throughout the campaign. More details to follow. A number of students are arriving late for school everyday. Students and parents are reminded that being punctual for school is a very important habit to follow. Our school entry times are 9:00am for morning classes and 1:01pm for the afternoon classes. Students who arrive even a few minutes late for school not only disrupt classes already underway, but put themselves at a disadvantage because they have to “catch up” with classmates once they arrive into class. All students who arrive late must report to the office and receive a late slip before going to class. Punctuality is an important aspect of children’s development. It is important for all students to arrive at school on time and ready for learning. The routine of being prepared for the beginning of classes on a daily basis ensures that each day gets off to a good start. Student lates are reviewed regulary and a note may be sent home if the number of lates become a concern. Gifted Information Evening for Parents—March 3, 2016 A Gifted Information Meeting for Parents will be held on March 3th at 4:30-5:30. This meeting is for new families to the program.The meeting will be held in Room 115 at St. John Bosco School. Saying Farwell to Superintendent Denise Oude-Reimerink Brampton North East (BNE) Family of Schools and St. John Bosco has been very blessed to have had Superintendent Denise Oude-Reimerink as part of our community. We thank her for all the support and leadership she has given St. John Bosco and for her many years of service in Dufferin-Peel. We wish her all the best in her retirement. Welcome to Superintendent Deb Finegan-Downey We welcome our new Superintendent, Deb Finegan-Downey as of February 1, 2016. Ms. Finegan-Downey, who was previously assistant Superintendent of Program, will be joining the Brampton North East Family of Schools as Superintendent. We look forward to working with Superintendent FineganDowney. Newsletter #7 Page 4 P.A.L.S. Playground Activity Leaders in Schools We continue to run the P.A.L.S. program in our school for our primary students. The main goals of this program are to: encourage students to become physically active by playing games at recess, preventing bullying from happening at school and to give the older students the opportunity to be leaders on the playground. Thank you to the Region of Peel Health network and Ms. Rizzuto-Caterina and Ms. Hamill for organizing and promoting this initiative. Thanks also to our student leaders for volunteering to help in this activity. Page 13 Winter Weather Even though we are having some warmer days, we do still have cold weather upon us. We respectfully remind you to ensure that your children come to school dressed warmly to participate in recess activities. When weather conditions are severe we may reduce the outdoor play time, or have indoor recess entirely, but fresh air and exercise are vital components for successful learning, so we will endeavor to have children play outside whenever possible. Help your children by having them come to school appropriately dressed with scarves, hats and mittens. As well, all students should have indoor footwear at school. This is essential in case of an emergency evacuation. The students will not have time to change their footwear. We also recommend that students keep extra clothing su ch a s sock s a nd pa nts at school in case their original clothing gets wet. . Newsletter #7 STUDENT INFORMATION Parking/Kiss ‘N Ride It is very important that we have up to date records of your address, phone numbers and emergency contacts in the event that the school must contact you regarding your child. If there are any changes, please ensure that we have updated information. If your child’s medical condition also changes please let us know as soon as possible. We ask that parents continue to use and follow the Kiss ‘N Ride procedures that were established at the beginning of the school year. The Kiss ‘N Ride can be a safe and effective way of allowing children to enter and leave the school grounds properly providing that it is used properly. CARNIVAL It’s Carnival time again! St. John Bosco will be celebrating Carnival During the week of February 15th. Looking forward to an exciting week with many activities for the students to enjoy. A few reminders: Please follow the driveway up to the unloading/loading area. Please do not let your child get out of the car before you arrive at the unloading area – having a child walk across the parking lot full of moving cars would be extremely dangerous. Students should only be exiting the car once it is in the Kiss and Ride Lane and at the curb by the sidewalk. Please bring your vehicle to the front of the Kiss ‘N Ride drop off area, rather than stopping at the beginning. This allows for greater flow of traffic. Do not reverse while in the Kiss n’ Ride lane Please encourage your child(ren) to exit from the right side of your vehicle. This will prevent any unforeseen accidents. In the interest of the safety of all children, please drive slowly and carefully. Thank you for your continued co-operation. Page 12 Newsletter #7 Page 5 Newsletter #7 SECURITY During the month of February we will celebrate Black History Month, by recognizing the historical achievement and present day contributions by people of African heritage. This will be accomplished by highlighting this theme in various units of the curriculum, with displays of books, posters, resources and announcements. Prayer During Black History Month Pediculosis A reminder that all visitors INCLUDING PARENTS must come into the office, sign in and pick up a visitor’s badge when on a prearranged visit. Anyone not wearing an identification badge will be asked to return to the office immediately. This procedure will help students and staff recognize visitors to our school. For the safety and security of your children ONLY staff and assigned supervisors are allowed in the school yard during all recesses. Parents are kindly asked to NOT go into the students’ play yard at the back of school. If you need to speak to your child during a recess, arrangements can be made in the front office. We thank you for your cooperation in supporting the safe environment of our school. Father of creation Whose Son Jesus incarnated in time and whose Spirit enlivens our lives today, May we honor the height of your creation, the Human Family In every hue that you chose to give each person of our Human Family Jesus, brother of us all Your prayer to the Father “that they all may be one” Through the Holy Spirit May we witness this Unity of One Spirit of God in the month of appreciating the gift of your children of African descent May we be inspired to see your kingdom mystery Lenten Mass March 4, 2016 10:30 All are welcome to attend GRAD PHOTOS FEBRUARY 11, 2016 For Grade 8 and Year 2 FDK . ulosis (head lice) is a concern to parents and teachers. Each year it is common for breakouts of pediculosis to occur. Unfortu- ST. JOHN BOSCO SCHOOL COUNCIL IS PLANNING A DANCE -A-THON AS A FUNDRAISING INITIATIVE FOR THE SCHOOL. THERE WILL BE A PEP RALLY ON FEBRUARY 9TH WHERE THE STUDENTS WILL RECEIVE THEIR PLEDGE ENVELOPES AND ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. Wednesday, February 10, 2016 1:15 p.m. All Parents Welcome to Attend nately, in recent years, head lice have become increasingly common throughout North America. They are parasites, which have been common among human beings for centuries. They are not connected in any way to dirt or neglect. Anyone can become infected with them. If a case of lice is found at school, we inform all parents within the class. However, we request that you also check your own children regularly and, if you find them to be WE ARE LOOKING FORWARD TO A FUN-FILLED DAY. ASH WEDNESDAY CELEBRATION In one facet of the jewel of our Human Family’s descent Amen Although not a communicable disease, pedic- infected, we ask that you inform the school. Please review with your child to not put on other people’s scarves or hats, even when playing. DANCE ATHON DATE: FEBRUARY 29, 2016 (Class schedules to come) We thank you for your continued efforts and co-operation. Page 6 Newsletter #7 Page 11 Newsletter #7 Allergy Alert . Lent 2016 beings on Wednesday, February 10th and ends on Thursday March 24. Lent is a period of forty days during the church’s liturgical year, which begins on Ash Wednesday (Feb. 10) and ends during Holy Week. It is time for Christians to turn away from sinfulness – to have a change of heart – as they prepare for the joyous feast of Easter. It is a time for prayer, penance, sacrifice and works of charity for others. We will be distributing ashes to the students after our Ash Wednesday celebration at the school – 1:15 p.m. Parents are welcome to attend. What does the word “Lent” mean? Why have we given this name to the time of preparation before Easter? Lent comes from an old word meaning “springtime”. During the spring of the year, daylight increases, trees begin to bud and flowers start to appear. The new life that comes to the world each spring is like the renewal of life that comes when we pray and try harder to follow Jesus. Lord of heaven and earth, you lead us up the mountains to show us something new, You show us the beauty of life, the wonder of creation, the goodness of family, the fun of good friends. You ask us to let go: Of pride Of selfishness Of meanness You invite us to open ourselves: At St. John Bosco School we are an allergen aware school. To date, here are some of the steps we have taken: Gathered medical history on students/staff with severe allergies; Keep up to-date medical record and medications for students with severe allergies in a centralized location . Informed students and parents about the needs of students with severe allergies; Educated staff about students with severe allergies and the use of an epipen in case of emergencies. March Break March 14—March 18, 2016 A reminder that March Break is from Monday , March 14, 2016 to Friday, March 18, 2016. There will be no school for the students on these days. The students return to school on Monday, March 21, 2016. School Council Meeting We need your cooperation! We want every student to be safe, therefore we are sending the following reminder: Wednesday, February 24, 2016 6:30 PM All parents are welcome to attend PLEASE DO NOT SEND ANY NUTS, NUT BUTTER, NUT OILS AND ANY NUT BY-PRODUCT TO SCHOOL. In order the keep our students who suffer from severe life threatening allergies to nuts and nut products safe, we are asking that no treats be brought into the classrooms to be shared among the students. Class celebrations will continue throughout the year and students will be asked to bring their own snack following the peanut free guidelines of the school. BUS SAFETY Winter weather can cause changes to road and sidewalk conditions; we ask that you review the following bus safety rules with your child. 1. Be at your bus stop early, at least 5 to 10 minutes before scheduled pick up times, in order to avoid chasing the bus. 2. Wait in a safe place, away from the road. 3. To love Exit the bus carefully, holding the handrail, and walk 10 giant steps beyond the front bumper, look both ways, and wait for the driver’s signal before crossing the road. Never cross behind the bus. 4. To You. Always look both ways and NEVER reach under the bus for something. 5. If you have to cross the road, always cross when the flashers and stop arm on the bus are activated. Do not wait for the bus to leave before crossing. To gentleness, Newsletter #7 Page 10 FundScrip Gift Card Fundraiser . Our FundScrip fundraiser continues to be available. Thank you to everyone who has ordered already. Please also share this fundraiser with friends, family and neighbours who may be interested. Families can purchase gift cards through the FundScrip website and a per centage of the gift card value is donated back to our school. This program will run throughout the school year and is a great way to turn everyday purchases into a benefit to our school! To order visit and use the invitation code for St. John Bosco: 2NQXF4 Have a busy month of birthdays coming up? Looking forward to a Family Day and March Break? Why not plan ahead and purchase gift cards through FundScrip for movie theatres, toy and department stores, gas, groceries, restaurants and more than 170 retailers while contributing to our school. Links to the FundScrip program can also be found on the Catholic School Council webpage: About/School+Council Page 7 Important notice for Parent(s)/Guardian(s) of students in SK/Year 2 Kindergarten ECO STARS NEWS Our Eco Stars have been hard at work promoting energy conservation through announcements, promoting Lights Out Lunches (LOL), recycling and many other activities within the school. Our Eco Stars are active in educating our students and staff on how we can save energy and our planet. Thank you for supporting our Book Fair. This helps to support our library programs and purchases of additional resources. Newsletter #7 . A reminder to REPORT ALL ABSENCES & LATES on the Attendance Line (905-7920890 Option 1) before 9:00am. The message system is available 24 hours for your convenience. On days that buses are cancelled and your child is NOT a bus student but will remain at home an absence must be reported. Please arrive at school on time 9:00am or 1:01pm. Students who arrive even a few minutes late must receive an admit slip from the office. Arriving at school on time and being punctual is an important building block in every student’s learning foundation from Junior Kindergarten to grade 8. The routine of being prepared for the beginning of classes on a daily basis ensures that each day gets off to a good start. The French Immersion Online Application System is now open for submissions. To apply, go to Applications will be accepted until February 12, 2016 Reminder: • All eligible submissions are accepted and, in the event that the number of applications is greater than the number of spaces available at a French Immersion school, a centralized, computer-generated lottery will be held at a date yet to be determined. • Some French Immersion schools offer Grades 1 to 8 and others offer Grades 1 to 4, with Grade 5 to 8 offered at a nearby school. Please refer to the Board website for more information. • Parents and guardians of students registered in the program are responsible for providing transportation for their child(ren) to and from their registered French Immersion school. *****Please note that for students living inside the regular school boundaries of a French Immersion school, eligibility for student transportation is based on the policies established by the school board.***** • A successful placement in the French Immersion School does not guarantee placement of younger siblings in future years. If more details are required, please review the board website for up-to-date information. You may also contact your child's present school, the principal of the French Immersion school in your area, or the board's French as a Second Language Consultant at (905) 890x- 0708 extension 24307. Page 8 Newsletter #7 MINIMIZING CLASS DISRUPTIONS The instructional day begins promptly following morning announcements until 3:25 daily followed by recess dismissal at 3:30. In order to not miss valuable instructional time, students should not be picked up from school early, if possible. By trying our best not to disturb classes, except in very important situations, we are reducing disruptions to quality teaching and learning time. We understand that there will be times when disruptions will be necessary and unavoidable. To this end, we ask the following; If you wish to discuss something with your child’s teacher, we ask that you set up an appointment with the teacher. Approaching the teacher before, during and/or after school makes it difficult for the teacher to focus on her/his students. This also becomes a safety issue. Please leave a message at the school and the teacher will call you back. Send a note in advance, to your child’s teacher when your child needs to be picked up early, who will pick them up and then meet them in the office and sign them out. If delivering lunches to your child at school, write your child’s name on the lunch bag and leave them on the lunch table in the front hall. Please ensure that the Lunch is there by 12:40pm. We appreciate continued parental help and support in minimizing disruptions to classes, whenever possible. Page 9 LOST & FOUND If your child is missing any items at school, please be sure to check the Lost & Found in the Foyer for any items that may belong to your child(ren). We will be donating all remaining items during the March break. Student Yard Supervision Please note that teachers are on duty in the school yard at the following times: 8:45-9:00am Bus Duty/Before School/Kindergarten 11:06-11:21am Morning Recess 12:01-1:01pm Lunch Recess & Lunch 2:24-2:39 pm Afternoon Recess 3:30-3:40pm Bus Boarding and Departure ***Students should not arrive to school earlier then 8:45am and must be picked-up at 3:30. Newsletter #7 COLD & FLU SEASON . Cold and Flu season is back and so too are children’s illnesses. Please use discretion in keeping your child home to recover. A child who is coughing, wheezing, etc. is not in a state to learn and is in a position to infect other children. Remember, if your children are well enough to attend school, they are well enough to go outside at recess. Please continue to be vigilant in reinforcing good hand washing practices. The EQAO Assessment will be occurring between May 25- June 8, 2016. Grade 3 and 6 students are preparing diligently for this assessment. It is very important that all students are present at school during this time. More information to follow. ADULT AND CONTINUING EDUCATION – DPCDSB INTERNATIONAL LANGUAGES ELEMENTARY PROGRAM: Elementary International Saturday morning classes are available to students in grades JK to 8. No prior language experience is necessary. International Language programs comply with the Ministry of Education curriculum. Please contact the Adult & Continuing Education Office at 905-891-9263 for information regarding language offerings at specific IL Sites and registration information as well. ESL Programs for Adults We offer a variety of ESL, Citizenship and Coop Programs for Adults throughout Mississauga and Brampton. Registration is on-going for many of our programs. Please see our Winter Flyer posted on the board website at n/ or call us at 905-891-9263.