ST. BONAVENTURE SEPTEMBER 2015 Principal: A. Brown Vice-Principal: M. Miller Head Secretary: L. Pietrantuono Assistant Secretary: K. Leonard Custodian: P. Lavieille Trustee: D. D’Souza Superintendent of Brampton West Family of Schools: S. Steer Parish Priest: Father Jan Gogolewski Parish: Guardian Angels Parish, 905-970-9175 OPENING PRAYER Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather once again as your community of believers. We thank you for the energy and the spirit that you renewed in us through the summer months. We thank you for the time to enjoy our family and friends and to reflect on what is important in our lives. Let this year be marked by enthusiasm and love so that, with the inspiration of your Spirit, we may continue to grow in our faith. Help us to fulfill Your hope for us with honest intentions and works of faith. Let us be gentle with ourselves and bring laughter, joy and love to others. We ask this in your name. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE - Mrs. A. Brown A Message for the New School Year! 2015 - 2016 Welcome to the 2015-2016 school year! We hope that your summer holiday was a safe and enjoyable one. We enjoy being part of a school community where students, staff, parents and our parish team work together to create a safe, caring, and positive learning environment that reflects our Catholic values and traditions. We wish to extend a warm welcome to all of our new families and students who have moved into our community over the summer months. We are also very excited to have a brand new group of kindergarten children who will be starting school for the first time and returning in our Full Day Kindergarten Program. We look forward to meeting all of you over the next few weeks as we start our new school year together. Ongoing communication between the school, home and parish is essential to supporting your child’s progress and success. As parents/guardians, please feel free to contact the school at any time if you have any questions or concerns. Please get involved in your child’s education and faith journey by participating in our volunteer program or perhaps by joining our Catholic School Council. Your involvement in your child’s education is vital. Communication is essential in the teaching/learning process. We along with the staff at St. Bonaventure School, are committed to developing and maintaining strong community relationships. Our staff has been working hard these past few weeks preparing for the beginning of the new school year. Thank you to the teachers who have spent a great amount of time preparing both their curriculum and their classrooms. Also, a great big thanks to our secretaries, Mrs. Pietrantuono and Mrs. Leonard, and our custodial team, Mr. Lavieille, Mr. Farren and Mr. Stafrace for doing such a wonderful job of preparing our school to welcome back our students. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at our annual BBQ, Open House and meet the teacher night. Wednesday September 23, 2015. Sincerely, A. Brown Principal M. Miller Vice Principal PA DAY/ CLASS REORGANIZATION St. Bonaventure staffing for 2015/2016 is based on a “projected” student enrolment that is calculated each spring. This projected student enrolment number attempts to take into account any new students who are moving into our school as well as any students who may be moving out of the area. Friday, September 18, 2015 is a PA Day/Re-Organization/Faith Development. We will keep all parents informed if any changes are to occur with your child’s class or placement. TERRY FOX RUN The Terry Fox Run will take place on Friday, September 25th, 2015. Please br ing in a toonie for Ter r y as our goal is to raise $1000. This money will be donated to the Terry Fox Foundation. A permission form will follow. Don’t forget to wear red for this event! VIRTUES STUDENT SUPERVISION TIMES This year, we will again be focusing on a particular virtue Please note that teachers are on supervision duty 15 each month, making the presence of God visible in the minutes before the start of the school day. world around us. The Virtue for the month of September is Faith. For safety reasons we ask that you not drop your child off at the school prior to 8:30 am and to please pick Faith believes the incr edible, sees the invisible and r e- them up ON TIME at 3:15 pm. ceives the impossible. A faithful person believes that God’s plan for us includes the right to be safe, cared for LUNCH HOUR and included, especially at school. During the lunch hour, all students who stay for lunch are FAITH is the gr eat vir tue of believing and tr usting in expected to remain at school, and all students who go God. Our faith helps us to remember the importance of home for lunch are expected to go home every day. If there God in our lives, and calls us to deepen our relationship is a change in the regular lunch hour procedure for with God, when things are going well and when they are your child, parent/guardians are asked to provide the not. teacher with a note explaining the change. A letter has gone home with your child in regard to your child’s Thank you, parents, for continuing to review all virtues: lunchtime arrangements. Please indicate your child’s regular lunchtime arrangements, sign the form and return it to Faith, Empathy, Conscience, Hope, Self-Control, Respect, Kindness, Love, Acceptance and Fairness with the school as soon as possible. There is also a section for your children. parents to sign authorizing lunchtime arrangements in the Together we can continue to make a difference and help to student agenda. Parents are asked to ensure that both the make the world a better place for ourselves, our children form and the section in the agenda are signed and returned and those generations which will follow. Stay tuned for our to school. first Virtue Assembly in September—parents/ guardians are welcome to join us! DELIVERING LUNCHES ST. BONAVENTURE HOURS JUNIOR AND SENIOR KINDERGARTEN Full Day 8:45 am - 3:15 pm GRADES ONE TO EIGHT 8:45 am - 3:15 pm Lunch 11:30 am - 12:30 pm RECESS TIMES 10:10-10:25 10:25-10:40 1:55-2:10 2:10-2:25 Grade 7 & 8 Grade 1-6 Grade 7 & 8 Gr. 1-6 ATTENDANCE VERIFICATION Daily attendance and punctuality are very important. If your child is going to be absent from school, or late, please inform the office by leaving a message on the school’s attendance line at (905) 970-9069 ext. 1. When delivering your child’s lunch to school please advise your child in advance you will be doing so, and write his/her name and teacher’s name on the bag. Your child can come down to pick it up from the lunch table with minimal disruption to the class. The lunch table is located in the hallway, in front of the office. We would greatly appreciate your co-operation in this matter. LEAVING DURING THE SCHOOL DAY When it is necessary for your child to leave school early, please send a note to your child’s teacher advising him/ her of the time that you will be picking your child up. Your child will be asked to meet you in the office at the indicated time. When dropping off or picking up students during school hours, please go to the office to sign your child in or out. VISITORS TO THE SCHOOL All visitors and parents are requested to enter the building through the front door, and to go directly to the office. Please under stand that dur ing instr uctional time, teachers are not available to meet with you or to take phone calls. Students are expected to enter and exit through their designated doors. These reminders are outlined for safety, security and protection of staff and students in our school. PERMISSION TO RELEASE CHILDREN BUSSING Each School Year we send home verification forms in terms of who has access to your child i.e., parents, guardians, grandparents and babysitters and we keep that on file at the office. Children can be picked up by the people listed on the (blue) Student Verification Form. If for some other reason one of these people are not picking up your child at the end of the day we cannot release your child without a written note or a phone call to the office stating this. We cannot release children to people whose name that we do not have on the form for safety reasons. Students who are eligible to take the school bus should be waiting at their bus stop at least ten minutes prior to the scheduled bus arrival time. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure that kindergarten children are met at the bus stop at their drop off times at the end of the day. Children who do not see a parent or babysitter will remain on the bus and will be returned to the school to be picked up there by the parent/babysitter. Please visit ... for detailed information. CROSSING GUARD SCHOOL BUS COURTESY SEAT POLICY Kindly assist us in reminding children to cross with the Crossing Guard at Leagate when coming to and going home from school. The Crossing Guard is on duty at 8:15 - 8:45 am and 3:15 - 3:45pm. Thank you for your co-operation in looking out for the safety of all our students. At this time, transportation is only available to students who are deemed eligible by the Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR). Those wishing to access the Courtesy Bus Seat policy are asked to pick up an application form at the school office and return it to Ms. Miller. Depending on availability, seats will be allocated no earlier than mid October as per STOPR’s transportation policy. The Courtesy Bus Seat policy requires parents/guardians to apply every year for a seat on the bus if they live beyond the eligibility requirements. Please visit for detailed information. Questions and/or concerns can be addressed by calling Student Transportation of Peel Region (STOPR) directly at 905-890-6000. PARKING LOT SAFETY/KISS AND RIDE Our school driveway is a matter of great concern in regards to the safety of our students. Please use the Kiss ‘n’ Ride lane at the SIDE of the school to drop off or pick up your child. For the safety of all of our children, CARS ARE ALSO NOT PERMITTED TO DROP OFF or PICK UP students in the driveway or bus lane located at the FRONT of the school. Thank you for your continued support! STUDENT AGENDAS We ask that you make a special note of your child’s student agenda as it contains the school Code of Behaviour, expectations, serves as an invaluable tool to assist them with daily homework planning, develops proper organizational skills and good study habits. The agenda is also a daily means of communication between teachers and parents and a way to assure that homework is being completed each night. The cost of the school agenda is complimentary, however, students will be expected to submit a replacement fee of $5.00 if their agenda is lost or damaged. Students in Junior and Senior Kindergarten will also receive agendas towards the end of September! DISTRIBUTION AND STORAGE OF MEDICATION AND EPI-PENS If a child is required to bring medication to school, procedures relative to the administration of medication shall only be adopted: when requested by the parents/guardians; and when authorized by a physician; and when medication must be provided during school hours If a designated staff member must administer medication, signed request/authorization forms from the parents/guardians and the supervising physician is initiated and/or changed at the beginning of every school year. These forms are available through the school office. The required authorization forms and the medication is to be delivered to the principal or designated person by the parents/guardians or other responsible person. All medication will be stored in a safe location in the Health room. If your child has an allergy requiring an EPI-PEN please send two EPI-PEN’s to school, one for the Office and one for the student to wear in a fanny pack around the waist. Fanny packs are available at the Dollar Store. even if there are no corrections needed. It is very important that we have accurate phone numbers and emergency contacts. AN IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING NUT ALLERGIES HEPATITIS AND HPV INNOCULATIONS Did you know that peanuts are the leading cause of severe allergic reactions followed by shellfish, fish, tree nuts and eggs? We have several students at St. Bonaventure who have life threatening allergies to nuts, especially peanuts. We are asking that you make St. Bonaventure a peanut safe school by refraining from sending your children with peanut butter or other products containing nuts or nut oils (e.g., Nutella). If these students come into contact with anything containing nuts, nut oils or derivatives, it could be life threatening for him/her. It is only necessary that physical contact with these substances be made, even on a second hand basis. For example, a severe reaction may occur should the child touch a desk, toy or book previously handled by another student who has touched peanut butter, peanuts or peanut oil. Children with severe food allergies are advised to be very much aware of his/her allergy are discouraged from sharing snacks. Safety First! In our Catholic School Community we have an obligation to be responsible for one another. Thanking you in advance for your continued support, co-operation and understanding regarding this matter. STUDENT EMERGENCY INFORMATION Your child received a package of forms when school started; containing a lunch letter, school excursion, media, internet and their Student Verification form (blue form) which contains your address, phone numbers, emergency contacts and health information as it currently exists in our computer. We ask that you take a few minutes and check over this information to ensure that it is accurate. Please add area codes for all phone numbers. ALL SHEETS NEED TO BE SIGNED AND RETURNED TO THE SCHOOL as soon as possible HEALTH AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION INFORMATION FORM (GF 401 - Green form) The “Health and Physical” Education form was sent home with the optional insurance pamphlet. Please make sure you read, sign and return only the “GREEN FORM” to your child’s teacher. Peel Health will continue to offer free immunization against Hepatitis B for students in grade 7. It is given as a series of two injections over a period of six months. Grade 8 girls are also given the opportunity to receive the HPV inoculation. If you have any questions, please call the Peel Health Department at (905) 799-7700. The following date has been assigned to St. Bonaventure School: Dose #1 Hep B for Grade 7’s - November 18, 2015 HPV for Grade 8 girls - November 18, 2015 FIRE DRILLS AND LOCKDOWN PROCEDURES We are required to conduct three fire drills in the fall and three in the spring. We are also required to practice three lock down drills during the year. Lock down drills involve students moving away from the classroom door to a location within the classroom away from windows. Lights are turned off and the doors are locked. These practices are to ensure that students and staff are prepared in case we should need to go into lock down. Lock down would be initiated by police and Board security personnel. CRIMINAL REFERENCE CHECKS Parents are reminded of the Ministry and Board Policy that requires all volunteers to provide the school with a valid (dated within the last six months) Criminal Background Check befor e they can begin wor king with students or volunteer on school trips. These forms are available in the school office. GATEWAY CAMPUS Catholic Education Centre Schools Program Once again, we are delighted to welcome the Catholic Education Centre Program to our school. This is a Ministry of Education funded program that provides an alternative learning opportunity for students who require specialized support. The focus is on literacy, numeracy and This program responds to the educational needs of young people for whom the regular pattern of school and/or family life is interrupted for a variety of reasons. The Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board continues to offer support for these programs in collaboration with community agencies and the Ministry of Education. We look forward to another successful year welcoming our CEC School Program students, as well as their parents/ guardians. OPEN HOUSE Our Open House will be held on Wednesday, September 23rd. The BBQ will take place from 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm. Classroom visits will be from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm. SCHOOL PICTURES Picture day for all our students will be held on Thursday, October 15, 2015. Retake day will be held on Thursday November 12th. PARISH NEWS Our School Masses have not been scheduled as of yet. We will let you know the dates as soon as we get them. They will also be highlighted in our Pastoral Plan for 2015-2016. There will be a Parent Meeting after 12:00 pm Mass on November 29th, 2015 for those children who will be making their First Holy Communion and their First Reconciliation. FOR PARENTS OF CHILDREN IN GRADE 3, 4, 5, 6 AND 7 WHO HAVE NOT RECEIVED THEIR FIRST HOLY COMMUNION AT SCHOOL. Guardian Angels Parish is providing classes to prepare your child for this Holy Sacrament. Please contact Guardian Angels Parish at 905-970-9175. DPCDSB is now on Twitter! For the latest Board news and information, follow us at DPCDSBSchools. CATHOLIC SCHOOL COUNCIL There are two primary roles of the Catholic School Council: to promote the vision, values, sacramental life and Catholic practices of the School Board and the Catholic community it serves to being an advisory body to the Principal and the School Board As well, the School Council’s role is to establish and maintain good communication flow within and among the school community, the parent community and the community at large. They also play a role in improvement of students learning by: complimenting educational directives and programs working to support and promote Catholicity, both in the school and in the parish building community through support of sports, school spirit and community events The School Councils are comprised of parents/guardians, teaching and non-teaching representatives, a parish representative and administrators. Parents and guardians form the majority on Council. 6-10 parents and/or guardians of students enrolled in the school shall form a majority the Principal a member of the teaching staff a member of the non-teaching staff a parish representative (designated by the local parish) one person appointed by the Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education We welcome your participation and encourage you to consider being a member of the School Council. A nomination form for the St. Bonaventure School Council will be available at the school office from September 26 during school hours. Nomination forms will be available on September 21st until September 25th 2015. You can pick up a nomination from the Parent Council table at BBQ/Open House as well. Elections will take place at the first School Council meeting on Wednesday, October 7, 2015 at 7:00 pm in the school library. All are welcome to attend. DATES TO REMEMBER SEPTEMBER 18 22 23 25 21 - 25 No School for Student First Day of Autumn Open House and BBQ Terry Fox Run School Council nomination forms available AROUND THE SCHOOL AND IN THE HALLS! Lost and Found It is amazing how many personal items collect in our Lost and Found bin. Please stop by the school at anytime and have a look if your child has some items missing. Please make sure to sign in at the Office first. Lunch Policy We have a large number of students eating lunch at school and often the children have to be reminded of proper behaviour while eating. We ask for the parents’ cooperation in reinforcing with your children appropriate behaviour in their lunchroom. OCTOBER 7 12 15 31 School Council Meeting @ 7:00 pm Thanksgiving Day-no school Picture Day Halloween NOVEMBER 9 11 18 Dental Screening JK, SK, Grade 2’s only Remembrance Day 1st dose of Hep C - Grade 7 HPV vaccine for - Grade 8 girls The students are expected to: eat in their assigned classroom remain seated while eating chat quietly to their neighbors dispose of all garbage in the proper receptacle Students who stay at school for lunch are not permitted to leave the school property. If ever there is a need to do so, a written request signed and dated, from a parent is required for each occurrence. Thank you for going over these expectations with your children and for supporting us in our efforts to make eating lunch at school a pleasant experience for all. There are many great opportunities to get involved in school life! St. Bonaventure School staff will be offering many teams, clubs and activities. Excursions & Field Trips Educational trips, which extend learning opportunities, are Stay tuned for what’s coming soon! a wonderful means by which curriculum can be developed and expanded. However, appropriate Board procedures Please encourage your child(ren) to be active school must be followed. The school must have on file permission contributors and build St. Bonaventure School Spirit! forms, which must be signed by the parents/ guardians. If on the day of an excursion, your child did not return his/ her form, and the parents/guardians cannot come into the school to sign the permission forms, the student will remain at the school. Students will be reminded by their teachers about this policy prior to the trip taking place. WE WILL BE HAPPY TO UPDATE YOU ON OUR SCHOOL STAFF AND ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE 2015 - 2016 SCHOOL YEAR IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS. Brampton West Family of Schools Dufferin Peel Catholic District School Board September, 2015 Dear Parents and Guardians, The warm days of summer are leading into the even warmer days of fall as we welcome your family back to the Brampton West Family of Schools and to Fr. C.W. Sullivan Catholic School. For those of you who have relocated over the summer; those who have transitioned to secondary school; those who are excitedly watching their child begin the Full Day Kindergarten experience; and of course, for those who are returning to a familiar school setting…. Welcome back, and may peace be with you. It is my privilege to welcome you to the Brampton West Family of Schools. We are a very active and vibrant Family of Schools where the love of Christ is ever present within our hallways, our classrooms and, most especially, within our daily endeavors. Jesus is indeed the reason for our schools; He is the unseen but ever present teacher in our classrooms. He is the model to our faculty and the inspiration of our students. We will continue to celebrate the gift of Catholic Education this year within the theme of Catholic Education Week: “Opening Doors of Mercy” which combines both the theme of mercy and the act of opening doors of reconciliation, mercy, and forgiveness to all around us. The Gospel passages associated with this theme allow us to contemplate how Jesus’ entire life journey manifested the fulfillment of mercy through respect, kindness, reconciliation and above all, loving sacrifice. Within our schools we are fortunate to have dedicated staff who have worked diligently to prepare the school and classrooms for learning. I know that your child is being greeted to a classroom that is supported not only by devoted teachers, but also school administrators, administrative assistants, custodians, support staff, bus drivers and crossing guards who have spent many hours preparing for the upcoming school year. The Brampton West Family of Schools is constantly growing and welcoming new students and their families within our schools. As of August 2015 our population includes 7658 elementary and 4453 secondary students, with new arrivals every day. We consist of 16 elementary schools and 3 secondary schools, all of which are served by extremely dedicated staff who put the needs of every child first and truly believe in the potential of each and every child. Five parishes support our schools’ liturgical plans, working in partnership with teachers and students to provide spiritual nourishment and development of our students and their teachers. Our school communities are privileged to be served by three dedicated trustees: Anna da Silva, Darryl D’Souza and Frank Di Cosola each of whom brings a wealth of experience and a relentless passion for Catholic Education and the success of all students. As the superintendent to Brampton West, I have the unique blessing to work with your Trustee, Anna da Silva, the parish team from St. Anne Church and the administration and staff of Fr. C.W. Sullivan. I look forward to the upcoming year, as I anticipate working with each school team to support your child in meeting their full potential. As Franklin D. Roosevelt once said “We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” You have instilled a sacred trust within the faculty that comprises the Brampton West Welcome Wisdom Wonder Worship Witness Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Blvd. W., Mississauga, ON L5R 1C5 905-890-0708 Family of Schools. Together, we have a rich task before us as we support progress for all learners within each aspect of their educational well-being: spiritual, academic, social, emotional and physical. As we anticipate the successes of the year ahead, I encourage you to remember that each success will be the result of the mutual support and respect that parents and educators show one another. Our students are venturing into a 21st Century world that is, in many ways, unpredictable for the parents who encourage and inspire these young individuals. As our students mature we are reminded that their beliefs, ideals and sense of responsibility, friendship and family are constantly challenged and the common values and support we share as role models in their lives will impact greatly on their decisions as they grow into Catholic leaders of the future. We are happily committed to working with our partners to continue to support each child in their quest for knowledge, happiness and, above all, spiritual development that will enable them to be successful citizens within the community. It is indeed my pleasure to welcome each of you to the Brampton West Family of Schools for the 2015/2016 school year and offer my sincerest prayer that the upcoming year will be one filled with new opportunities to learn, to discover, foster relationships that promote self-respect and dignity and serve one another as we build our Catholic School community together. All my best for a wonderful school year. May you know and be richly blessed by the love of God, S. Steer S. Steer Superintendent, Brampton West Family of Schools Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board SS/cc I present, therefore, this Extraordinary Jubilee Year dedicated to living out in our daily lives the mercy which the Father constantly extends to all of us. In this Jubilee Year, let us allow God to surprise us. He never tires of casting open the doors of his heart and of repeating that he loves us and wants to share his love with us. From the heart of the Trinity, from the depths of the mystery of God, the great river of mercy wells up and overflows unceasingly. It is a spring that will never run dry, no matter how many people draw from it. Every time someone is in need, he or she can approach it, because the mercy of God never ends. The profundity of the mystery surrounding it is as inexhaustible as the richness which springs up from it. Given in Rome, at Saint Peter’s, on 11 April, the Vigil of the Second Sunday of Easter, or the Sunday of Divine Mercy, in the year of our Lord 2015, the third of my Pontificate. Pope Francis Welcome Wisdom Wonder Worship Witness Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Blvd. W., Mississauga, ON L5R 1C5 905-890-0708 Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board 40 Matheson Boulevard West, Mississauga, ON, L5R 1C5, Tel: (905) 891221 September 8, 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: RE: Elementary School Organization Plans for 2015-2016 As you know, the provincial government has imposed a cap on the maximum number of students that may be enrolled in primary classes (Grade 1 to Grade 3). Primary classes are capped at 20 students. For many schools, this will mean smaller primary class sizes. In rare instances a small number of classes may have a maximum of 23 students. The exception to this cap, of course, is the Full Day Early Learning Kindergarten Program. The Board average in such classes is 26 students. The provincial government also requires that the size of Grades 4 to 8 classes not exceed a boardwide average of 24.5 students. Because this is an average, not a cap, some classes in these grades will have more than 25 students, and others will have less. Parents/Guardians should know that grade/class reorganization for September will be necessary in order to meet these government-mandated requirements. While lowering class size is positive, this initiative can lead to a number of combined grade classes in many schools. Teachers will be provided with the resources needed to ensure appropriate curriculum delivery for all students assigned to their classes. All school organization plans are subject to review in early September, based on actual enrolment. Where a need to adjust class plans is identified due to unanticipated enrolment fluctuations, reorganization will be implemented effective September 18, 2015. The effect of school reorganization may result in your child moving from one class to another. Where such is the case, your principal will keep you duly informed. The Ministry of Education publication “An Introduction to Combined Grades” provides information for parents/guardians regarding combined grade classes and is attached for your additional information and reference. Kindly be assured that the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board will continue, as always, to provide quality education for all students entrusted in its care. Yours sincerely, Sheila McWatters Associate Director, Instructional Services HOW CAN I HELP MY CHILD SUCCEED? 1 2 3 Get involved in your child’s school life Ask about their day – school work, friends, their teacher. Let them tell you about the best part of their day, and about what was not so good. This will help you share their successes and uncover any problems. Stay connected with the school Talk to your child’s teacher. Ask questions. This can be as simple as sending a note to school with your child. Or check with the school to see if you can volunteer to help. Make learning fun Learning is not limited to the classroom. Simple activities can build your child’s skills and confidence. Talk about prices on a trip to the grocery store to help older kids with math. Make reading fun for younger ones by pointing out the words all around you – on street signs, posters, even cereal boxes! The Ministry of Education has many tools to help both teachers and parents. Visit and discover how you can help your child succeed in school. Printed on recycled paper 06-377 ISBN 978-1-4249-3388-4 (Print) ISBN 978-1-4249-3390-7 (PDF) © Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2007 Cette publication est disponible en français. This publication is available on the Ministry of Education’s website at AN INTRODUCTION TO COMBINED GRADES WHAT IS A COMBINED CLASSROOM? Combined classes group children from two or more consecutive grades in one classroom. Schools combine classes for a variety of reasons. This includes organizing classes to meet student learning needs and combining grades to balance class size. All classrooms include students with a range of skills and abilities. Combined classes are neither better nor worse than single-grade classes. They are simply one of the many ways schools meet students’ academic and social development needs. HOW ARE STUDENTS CHOSEN FOR COMBINED CLASSES? Principals and staff consider a variety of factors when grouping children into classes, including: > Learning styles > Social skills > Academic needs > And many other factors All classrooms, whether single-grade or combined, include students performing at a range of achievement levels. In every case, schools strive to create a classroom environment that will support the needs of all students. HOW WILL A COMBINED CLASS AFFECT MY CHILD? WILL MY CHILD GET ENOUGH INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION? ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT Several studies have found that students in combined classes do just as well as students in single-grade classes. In fact, some students actually do better in language and reading. IMPROVED SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Canadian studies show that children in combined classes have more opportunities for emotional and social growth. The rich social environment helps students: > Learn how to work on their own and as part of a team > Build leadership abilities as they work together and help each other > Develop decision-making skills, and become more self-motivated and responsible > Learn in an environment that reflects the real world. The diverse ideas and opinions of classmates help expand students’ perspectives. Every day, in both single-grade classes and combined grades, teachers work with large groups, small groups, and individual students. But students in combined classrooms also benefit from a broader support structure. Younger children can ask students from the higher grade for help. Older students learn by explaining problems to their younger peers. In fact, peer tutoring can help higher achieving and older students reinforce their knowledge and positive social behaviours. HOW CAN THE TEACHER TEACH MORE THAN ONE GRADE AT A TIME? Teachers use many different strategies to teach students in combined grades. They may: > Introduce a common topic then give each grade a different task or problem. > Break students into groups to study different problems and report back to the class. These groups can be flexible, including students with varied interests and skills. > Bring students together for activities like health, physical education, and the arts. The Ministry of Education has developed strategies that help teachers reach a range of learners. For example, teams from every school in Ontario have been trained in differentiating instruction. This is a strategy that looks at the individual learning needs and progress of each student. The teacher can then identify the range of needs in the classroom and plan a program that meets the needs of all the students.