US History AP Name: __________________________ Notes

US History AP
Chapter 27 – Empire and Expansion
Name: __________________________
What is imperialism?
Who were the leading proponents for an imperialist policy and what were their arguments?
1890 Census
Josiah Strong – Social Darwinism
Alfred Thayer Mahan – The Influence of SeaPower upon History
T. Roosevelt
Henry Cabot Lodge
Describe the internat’l disputes the US was involved with during the period after the Civil War:
Samoan Islands
Fishing Rights – Great Britain
Venezuela (Great Britain)
How did the US become involved with Hawaii?
Americans in Hawaii (missionaries, plantation owners)
Treaties with Hawaii (1875 and 1887)
Queen Liliuokalani
Dole and planters revolt
Cleveland’s response
McKinley’s response
Why did the US annex Hawaii?
How did the Crisis over Cuba lead to the Spanish American War?
Early interest in Cuba
Despotic Spanish Rule
General “Butcher” Weyler
Causes of the War
Yellow Journalism (Hearst, Pulitzer)
DeLome Letter
Sinking of the Maine
How did the Philippine Islands become involved in the issue?
Assistant Sec of the Navy – Roosevelt –
Admiral Dewey
What were the US demands?
Why did the US declare war?
Teller Amendment:
Why was this “A Splendid Little War”?
How was the war fought? Heroes?
What were the terms of the Treat of Paris in 1898?
What was the significance of the war?
What do we do about Cuba now?
Platt Amendment:
What was the status of Puerto Rico?
Foraker Act of 1900
How was the dilemma of the Philippines resolved/
Emilio Aguinaldo
Who were the critics of empire and what were their arguments?
Anti-Imperialist League –
Mark Twain
Jane Addams
Andrew Carnegie
William Jennings Bryan
Samuel Gompers
Booker T. Washington
Does the Constitution follow the flag?
Insular Cases –
How did the Filipinos respond to becoming a US possession?
Aguinaldo – Bolo War
How did the US respond to the creation of spheres of influence in China?
Sec of State Hay – Open Door note
Boxer Rebellion – 1900
How did T. Roosevelt become President?
What is meant by his motto – “Speak softly and carry a big stick”
What was TR’s leadership style?
Why did the US need to build, control, own a canal through Central America?
How did the US acquire the right to build a canal in Panama?
99 year lease
French Canal Company
US recognizes Panama
Paid Colombia
What was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine?
How did TR become the Nobel Prize winner in 1906?
How did the Treaty of Portsmouth shape our relations with Japan and Russia?
What is meant by the term Yellow Peril?
What was the Gentlemen’s Agreement?
Why did TR send the Great White Fleet on a world tour?
What was the Root – Takahira agreement?