Ch 30 & 31–The Overextended Society 1974-80 The Conservative Ascendancy& The New Millennium 19802015 How Essential Questions: did Ford confront economic problems and handle foreign policy of the 1970’s? What was significant about Carter’s election in 1976? What was Carter’s approach to solving economic problems? What was Carter’s foreign policy? What were Carter’s achievements and failures in foreign policy matters? **Causes of Stagflation Between 1967-1973 the US faced high unemployment and high inflation (Stagflation) High Inflation was caused by LBJ funding the war and the Great Society through deficit spending Increased International Competition in trade Ex. Japan & West Germany Floods of new workers (Domestic Baby Boomers and Foreign) Falling productivity/US Complacency Heavy dependence of foreign oil (OPEC) **OPEC and War During the 1960’s the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) raised the price of oil The Six Days War in 1967 impacted prices The 1973 Yom Kippur War between Israel and Egypt and Syria rose prices The US sent massive military aid to Israel, Arab OPEC nations cut oil sales to the US (Oil Embargo) By 1974 price increased 4x Major gas lines and shortages in the US early, mid 1970’s ’74,’75 worst econ. Downturn since the GD **Rough Road for Ford Ford gave Nixon a full pardon for Watergate ( Most Controversial) Inflation rose form 6% in ’73 to 10% in ’74. (Related to the Oil Embargo) Ford started the “WIN” campaign, (Whip Inflation Now) It failed. Ford urged Americans to cut back on use of oil and gas Ford cut gov. spending, interests rates went up triggering the worst recession in 40 years (Stagflation) **Carter in the White House Former peanut farmer, born again Christian and Gov. of Georgia Promised he would never lie to the American people (DC Outsider) In the Election of 1976 Carter and Ford squared off over energy, inflation, and unemployment Carter won by a close margin He talked to the American people through FDR like “fire-side” chats by radio and TV He granted draft amnesty for those who fled to Canada during the Vietnam War Carter’s Domestic Agenda Carter urged Americans to cut back their consumption of oil and gas The National Energy Act – taxed gas guzzling cars, removed price controls on oil and gas produced in the US, and gave tax credits for development of alternative energy. In 1979 inflation hit 11.3%, 14% by ’80. Carter gave his now famous “malaise speech” in which he complained of a “crisis of spirit” in Americans. It looked like he gave up. ( Reagan in 1980) Blue Collar Blues In the 1970’s the US economy changed Less manufacturing jobs, more jobs in communication, transportation, and retail. Overseas competition hurt the US. (EX . West Germany, Japan, Korea. Iron, Steel, clothing were hit with cutbacks, lay-offs and plant closings *Human Rights Foreign Policy Carter felt the US should promote human rights around the globe, such as freedoms and liberties listed in the Dec. of Independence and Bill of Rights. The US gave control of the Panama Canal back to Panama as of 12/31/99. The feeling of Détente with the USSR ended due Carter’s protest on civil rights issues. SALT II talks were delayed, not ratified by the Senate, and the USSR invaded Afghanistan (1979) **Triumph in the Middle East The Camp David Accords – Carter invited the leaders of Egypt and Israel to Camp David (Summer of ’78) Triumph for Pres. Carter Israel agreed to withdraw from the Sinai Peninsula,Egypt recognized Israel’s right to exist Carter was the peacemaker (Carter Doctrine – Persian Gulf) **The Iran Hostage Crisis Jan. 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini led islamic militants in overthrowing the Shah or King of Iran. ( They wanted a strict religious state or theocracy) Nov. 4th 1979 armed students stormed the US Embassy and captured 52 hostages because we (US) let the Shah into the US for cancer treatment Diplomatic, economic, and military action failed 444 days later the hostages were released just two hours after Reagan was Miracle at Lake Placid ‘80 /watch?v=qYscemhnf88 The Conservative Tide Goals of the Conservative Movement • Shrink the size of the Federal Government and reduce spending • Promote family values and patriotic ideas • Stimulate business by reducing government regulations and lowering taxes • Strengthen the national defense Ronald Reagan •Pres. Screen Actors Guild/ Friendly Witness (HUAC) • Elected CA Governor 1966 •Election of 1980 elected Pres •Attempted Assassination 1981 •Re-Elected in 1984 Essential Questions • What was Reaganomics? • How did President Reagan feel about big government? • What was President Reagan’s role in helping to end the Cold War with the USSR? Conservative Policies under Reagan and Bush **Reaganomics Takes Over • Reagan wanted to reduce the size and influence of the Federal Government • Deep Cuts in Social Programs – Urban Mass Transit, Food Stamps, welfare benefits, job-training, Medicaid, school lunches and student loans. • Supply-side economics – Tax cuts by 25 %, money saved would be reinvested to improve business and productivity, lowering price. • Increased Defense Spending – MX Missile, B-1 Bomber, and SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative) *Recession, Recovery, & The DEBT • Severe Recession – July 1981- Nov. 1982 • Tax Cuts and the 1983 Consumer Spending Spree sparked the economy • Stocks surged, unemployment declined, and GNP went up 10%. • Stocks crash 1987 then rebounded • Federal Spending still exceeded Federal revenue due to the tax cuts. By 1984 the National Debt almost doubled. ($ for National Defense) Election of 1984 • Reagan (R) vs. Walter Mondale (D) VP under Carter • Landslide for Reagan • Geraldine Ferraro of NY Mondale’s VP candidate was the first women on a major party’s Presidential ticket. Foreign Policy and ending the Cold War **In 1981 Reagan had referred to the USSR as “an Evil Empire” New Leadership under Mikhail Gorbachev offered opportunity ‘84 • INF Treaty –Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty) –’87 • Eliminated two classes of weapon and allowed on site inspections **Iran-Contra Scandal • In 1985 seven Americans were taken hostage in Lebanon by Pro- Iranian group • President Reagan approved the sale of arms to Iran in exchange for the hostages release • National Security Council Aid Colonel Oliver North had diverted millions in profits from the arms sale to the Anti- communist Contras fighting in Nicaragua •Oliver North – American Dad to explain the Iran Contra Scandal • 2JyFAlE Election of 1988 • George HW Bush (R) vs. Michael Dukakis ( D) • Moral Majority, comfortable economy, no reason to change. • Bush “Read my Lips: no new Taxes!” **The Persian Gulf War 90-91 • On Aug. 2nd, 1990 Iraq led by Saddam Hussein • • • • • invaded the oil rich nation of Kuwait Saddam then looked to Saudi Arabia Pres. Bush organized an international coalition and with the support of the UN and Congress launched Operation Desert Storm On Jan 16th, 1991 the air war began, in February the ground war began Kuwait was liberated, Iraq was weakened Less than 400 American casualties, but Gulf War Syndrome? President Clinton -1992-2000 • Bill Clinton(D) defeated George H.W. Bush(R) and Ross Perot in the election of 1992 Health Care Reform • Clinton appointed Hillary Clinton to head a health-care reform plan • Clinton had promised affordable health care • The bill never made it through Congress **Economic Boom -1990’s • Spending was cut, taxes increased for the rich, more spending for programs to help children and health care • Budget surplus-1st time in 30 years*** • Unemployment fell, stock market took off Reforming Welfare-1990’s • 1996 – Limits were put on how long people could collect benefits • “Block Grants” given out to states • People moved from Welfare to Workfare • **Strong Economy –Internet Trade and The Global Economy • 1994 -NAFTA- North American Free Trade Agreement – Canada, US, Mexico • ***What about US jobs being shipped to Mexico? Election of 1996 • Clinton (D) vs Dole ( R) • Strong Economy and Welfare Reform helped Clinton The President Investigated • The Clinton’s were investigated for the White Water land deal in Arkansas in 1979. ( R) Lead • Did Illegal $ go towards Clinton’s run for Governor? • Independent Investigator Kenneth Starr led the investigation *Clinton’s Impeachment – Partisan Politics • Starr discovered Clinton had an improper relationship with a White House Intern • Clinton was charged with lying under oath and obstruction of justice • Senate could not convict him 2001- WTC, Pentagon and PA crashed planes, 3000 killed ***Motives of Al-Qaeda to attack the US •The presence of U.S. troops in Saudi Arabia •U.S. support of Israel •The sanctions against Iraq. The War on Terror • The World Wide Hunt for Al-Qaeda and Bin Laden post 9/11 • The War in Afghanistan – Removal of the Taliban – Oct. 2001-2014 • The War in Iraq – March 2003 -2011 **Anti-terrorism Measures • Office of Homeland Security • *The Patriot Act-(Anti-Terrorism Law) – Suspects can be held for 7 days without being charged – All phones , Internet, and e-mail tapped – Search warrants valid across state lines – U.S. Banks can investigate foreign accounts – No time restrictions prosecuting terrorists – Aviation Security – The responsibility of President Bush’s 1&2nd Term • 1.35 trillion in tax cuts • NCLB (No Child Left Behind) • Privatize Social Security • Dealing with 9/11- The War on Terror • The War in Iraq/Afghanistan • Dealing with Iran and North Korea • Energy Issues/Dependence on Foreign Oil • Prescription Drug benefit- Medicare Issues for the 21st Century • • • • • US role in the Global Economy ***The War on Terror-Bin Laden The Immigration Debate Issues in Education (NCLB) The Communication Revolution ( Internet) • Curing the Health Care System – ***Affordable Health Care Act ( Obama Care) • • • • Breaking the Cycle of Poverty Tough Choices - Social Security/Gun Control Women in the Workforce Environment or Global Warming/Oil/Energy