Laser Plasma Acceleration for Electrons and Protons Laser-Driven Targetry: The Road to Clinical Applications Laser beam 1 mm C-M Ma, Ph.D. 1 µm Department of Radiation Oncology Proton beam Laser beam Fox Chase Cancer Center Philadelphia, PA 19111, USA Electron beam Ma et al Med Phys (2006) POINT/COUNTERPOINT Laser Proton Acceleration at LLNL Present status of the proton generation(2004) Laser proton acceleration: intensity vs energy Proton spectrum Snavely et al Phys Rev Lett (2000) Maximum Proton Energy (Mev) 1000 Proton angular distribution Initial goal LULI After upgrade VULCAN Therapeutic energy range LLNL 100 3D PIC Simulation Double Target 63MeV QuasiMonochromatic High energy sub-ps lasers RAL CUOS ILE Osaka 100fs 10 LLNL 30fs LOA CRIEPI 50fs 1 17 10 50fs 10 18 100fs Ultra-short pulse lasers JAERI, Univ.Tokyo Hiroshima 10 19 10 20 Laser Intensity (W/cm2) 10 21 10 22 CRIEPI Theoretical Results Proton and Electron Densities (t=100 fs) Particle in cell (PIC) simulation results (Ueshima 1999b) on ion and electron acceleration by laser irradiation on three thin targets. A laser intensity of 1021 W/cm2on the target surface is applied. Energy conversion Ion Electron Peak energy H+ Peak energy Al10+ Peak energy electron Average energy H+ Average energy Al10+ Case 1 50% 4% 48% 200 MeV 1 GeV 25 MeV 58 MeV 130 MeV Case 2 24% 8% 16% 400 MeV 2 GeV 15 MeV 95 MeV 500 MeV Case 3 31% 14% 17% 400 MeV 2 GeV 20 MeV 115 MeV 500 MeV E. Fourkal et al. Medical physics (2002) Electrons and protons expand ballistically into vacuum Energy and Angular Distribution Particle Selection and Beam Collimation There is a large spread in energy and angular distribution. E. Fourkal et al. Medical physics (2002) V. Malka et al., Med. Phys. 31, 6 June (2004) Combined Dose Distribution Particle Selection and Beam Collimation Ma (2000) Movable aperture to select protons of desired energy with sharp beam penumbra Nb3Ti superconducting coils can provide I = 85 A per loop with magnetic field to 4.4 Tesla by BiotSavart law: B= µ 0 Idl × r = 4π r 3 4 i µ 0 Idl × ri 3 4π ri Luo et al Med Phys 2005 Monoenergetic Laser-driven Ion Beams 7 10 -1 Ions [MeV msrd ] 6 10 -1 Energy and Dose Rate 5 10 4 10 1 10 Energy [MeV] Demonstration and modelling of monoenergetic carbon ions from shortpulse driven laser acceleration. Experiment: 30 TW LANL Trident laser using ~20 µm palladium targets. 10 C5+ simulated Pd21+ simulated 8 10 C5+ meas. Pd22+ meas. Pd4+ meas. 7 10 Simulation: Hybrid code BILBO (Backside Ion Lagrangian BlowOff), parameters set to match experiment. Monoenergetic Proton Acceleration 9 6 10 5 10 4 10 0 1 2 3 4 5 Hegelich et al., Nature 439, 441 (2006) Courtesy of S. Bulanov B. Albright X-1, LANL Monoenergetic proton acceleration Future steps to improve results: Experiments with foil targets at intensity 1018 - 1020 W/cm2 show that the ion energy depends on PIC-Simulation for POLARIS: • E =150 J, τ = 150 fs, dfoc = 10:m P ~ 1 PW • obtain peak at E = 173 MeV with DE/E ~ 1% • total proton number ~ 109 • Reduce dot size - better localization of dot within homogeneous field - higher stability • Increase laser power -for sufficient thin targets cutoff energy scales with Ecut = 230 MeV x (Plaser/1 PW)1/2 1,0 proton counts [a.u.] • ddot = 2,5 :m, sdot = 0,1 :m Indications of a multi-parametric scaling law 0,5 0,0 0 155 160 165 170 proton energy [MeV] Courtesy of R. Sauerbrey 175 model parameters • intensity (e.g., E max∝ I 1/2) dimensionless amplitude a=eE/meωc • foil thickness • material • pulse contrast effective plasma density, ne effective plasma thickness l • focal spot size focal spot size D • laser polarization fixed (p-polarized) • target geometry fixed (planar) Ion max. energy vs. laser energy and power Multistage proton acceleration Up to 100% increase in max. proton energy with multistage stages. [Timo.Esirkepov et al., PRL 96, 105001, 2006] Veltchev et al 2007 Comparison of Isodose Distribution Treatment Optimization 7 field IMRT 7 field laser protons Fourkal et al 2003 Comparison of DVH Comparison of Isodose Distribution Target Rectum Bladder Femur 7 field IMPT(mono-E) 7 field laser protons Comparison of DVH Target Bladder Rectum Femur Shielding for the Treatment Head Secondary Sources for Shielding Considerations Head Leakage Measurement Fan et al 2007 Phys Med. Biol. 0.5cm steel, 10cm polyethylen, 3cm lead Head Leakage Dose Shielding Issues for Laser-Accelerated Protons (5) Primary collimator shielding Low-energy proton (2) Low-energy proton shielding (4) High-energy proton/neutron shielding Electron High-energy proton (1)Electron shielding (3) High-energy proton shielding Leakage dose < 0.1% of treatment dose Fan et al 2007 Med Phys Biol mirror Adjustable distance for scanning along y Adjustable distance for scanning along x System Design Gantry rotation Target and beam selection system Proton beam Main laser beam line y x Couch The Cost of a Laser-Proton Unit The building/shielding – $0.5million × N The Laser-Proton Facility Renovation completed in June 2005 An off-campus facility for experimental studies The high-power laser – $2-3million The gantries - $1-2million × N The cost of a carbon unit will be slightly higher! SystemMaDesign 2000 Laser/target chamber/shielding installed/commissioned in Sept 2006 Research laser-proton accelerator license granted by the State The FCCC Laser System The Experimental Setup The FCCC Laser-Proton Team Acknowledgments Dr. Charlie Ma Program director Dr. Eugene Fourkal Physicist, target and PIC studies Dr. Jason Li Physicist, dosimetry and treatment planning Dr. Iavor Veltchev Physicist, laser physics research Dr. James Fan Physicist, shielding calculations, Monte Carlo Dr. Teh Lin Physicist, laser-proton acceleration. Dr. Alain Guemnie Tafo RA, laser-proton acceleration experiments. CM EF JL IV JF TL HRSA, US Dept of Health and Human Services Strawbridge Family Foundation Kim Family Foundation Varian Medical Systems AGT