Catholic Education Week 2016 “Open the door of my Heart” Principal M. Gibson Website: St. Anne Catholic School 2016 Vice Principal L. Rossi Secretarial Staff L. Cameron T. Gout Custodian K. Allen “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy.” Matthew 5:7 Dear Lord, Help me open the door of my heart: To welcome and accept everyone. To forgive those who have hurt me. To love unconditionally. To live faithfully. To believe that whatever happens, You are with me to comfort and hold me. To rejoice in Your tenderness and love, Your mercy and justice. Enable me by your spirit to honour You in my thoughts, words and acts of mercy. Amen Superintendent S. Steer (905) 890-1221 Pastors Fr. J. Cherickal Fr. F. Marrone (905) 453-1303 Trustee A. DaSilva (416) 706-5679 Important Dates May 1-6 May 5 May 13 May 15 May 23 Catholic Education Week On Broadway Musical, 7 pm P.A. Day (No school) Confirmation Grade 7 & 8 Victoria Day (No school) GRADE 8 GRADUATION Graduating Class of 2016: St. Anne Catholic School 124 Vodden St. E. Brampton, ON Follow us on Twitter: @DPCDSBSchools Graduation Banquet: June 22nd, 2016, 11am -2:30 pm at Professors Lake Banquet Hall. This is a graduation lunch and dance for students only. They will be bussed to and from the event. Graduation Ceremony: June 22nd at Cardinal Leger Secondary School, 7:00 pm. Invitations will be forthcoming in June. STUDENT ACTIVITIES ORIENTEERING Grades 6-8 students are working on developing their skills in order to be part of the Orienteering Team. Students will also do some training at Duggan Park on May 12. This will help prepare them for the Orienteering Meet on May 18 at Albion Hills. Thank you to Mrs. DeRidder, Ms. Farrell and Mme Alaimo for getting our students ready to compete. ANNUAL BOYS AND GIRLS CONFERENCE: The Power of Resiliency. Wednesday, May 12. Our Conference for all grade seven and eight students begins with a liturgy followed by students rotating through various workshops. In the afternoon, students will hear Dr. Megan Popovic share insights on resiliency, its importance to adolescent well-being and practical strategies. INTERMEDIATE BASKETBALL BOYS: The Intermediate Boys Basketball Team competed in a Mini Tournament on April 25 after much preparation and many practices. Students put forth their best effort but faced stiff competition. Thanks for a great season: Adam P., Blake S., Jake B., Jaeden S., Jason S., Anthony E., Zach C., Gabriel A., Mateo D., Micheal B. and Richard C. Special thanks to coaches Ms. Slade and Mr. Del Pilar. GIRLS: The Intermediate Girls Basketball Team competed in the Mini-Family Tournament on April 26. They played well. Tournament on April 30. Good luck to Chelsea, Amanda, Gabrielle B, Amman, Brynja, Tara, Kaycee, Naomi, Rebecca, Emily K, Stephanie. Thanks to Mme. Alaimo for coaching! GREEN TEAM The Green Team led various classroom activities to raise awareness about sorting garbage and the importance of clean water in April. Activities were: Kindergarten & Grade One: What Belongs? Grade Two: Water Off a Duck’s Back Grade Three: Water Travel Game St. Anne’s Green Team is actively trying to raise awareness with regards to taking care of the Earth. In mid April, they ran a plastic bag recycling initiative, too. These are all ways we can reduce the amount of garbage going to landfills. Also, students shared information about clean drinking water via posters and daily announcements. May will see the Green Team shift their efforts outside as they freshen up our front gardens. Many thanks to Mrs. Mitchell who spearheads all these great initiatives and completes an extensive application in order for our school to receive our Eco Certification. Going for gold status! Green Team members: Daniel, Jennifer, Victoria, Aleyah, Letitia, Hannah, Marcus, Lukas, Mya, Elleanne, Diosa, Tesiya, Amman, Katie, Alexandra, Dante, Diego, Kevin, Sofia, Nerissa, Isaiah, Charlee and Raffa. Bravo! BRAMPTON WEST DIVERSITY CONFERENCE On April 29, ten Grade 7 students will be attending the Brampton West Diversity Conference. This year’s theme is “Mercy in Motion”. Students will be welcomed by our Superintendent Sue Steer; then hear a presentation about the Year of Mercy from Youth Minister, David Patterson of St. Francis Xavier Parish, followed by a liturgy where each school will bring up a small canvas they designed to reflect a quote. Our school created a canvas for, “Jesus, I A NIGHT ON BROADWAY trust in You”. After lunch, they will listen (and get up St. Anne School presents A Night On Broadway. Students and move!) to motivational speaker, Errol Lee. will dance, act and sing their way through a montage of famous musical numbers. A short introductory video will POPCORN SALES introduce each number. These musical We will be selling popcorn to Grades One to Three only vignettes were created by students using during the first week of May. Orders forms are due back Adobe Voice. There will also be images May 4 with popcorn to be cast onto large screens positioned on stage to add visual delivered to students on May 5. dynamics to the production. The screens will be lit from Popcorn is still sold every behind and images will reflect the musical being presented Friday during lunch in Room as well as used for shadow dancing in certain numbers. It 212; $1.50/bag. All proceeds will be a multi-faceted production where the students of go to support St. Anne athletSt. Anne will certainly shine in their Night On Broad- ics. way. Performance begins at 7 pm. Ticket order information has been sent home. STUDENT ACTIVITIES (CON’T) VIRTUE OF ACCEPTANCE DANCE TEAM Congratulations to the St. Anne Wildflowers Dance Team for performing an awesome jazz dance at the 11th Annual Dance Event on April 19th. They should be very proud of the outstanding job they did on stage. All the dance team coaches are proud of the team’s hard work and commitment to the art of dance. They represented St. Anne with style and grace. Thank you to all staff members and parents who supported and contributed to an amazing day. For some of these students, this was a huge learning experience with many hours of hard work over 5 months. They were all up for the challenge and it paid off with the highest score in their category. Special thanks to Miss Remy for volunteering her time to choreograph the dance, help the girls rehearse and for purchasing their costumes. Also many thanks to Mrs. Cameron and Mrs. Mitchell for giving up many lunches since January to coach the girls. We will showcase May’s Virtue of Acceptance and honour students who demonstrated last month’s Virtue of Love on May 10. Thank you to Ms. Farrell’ s class for organizing the assemblies. Please join us at 1 or 1:35 pm. This month we will celebrate the virtue of ACCEPTANCE. An accepting person: Is friendly and open to all God’s people Sees the positive traits in all people even if he/she disagrees with them Avoids judging or stereotyping others Understands that there may be more than one way to do things Sticks up for the “underdog” and wants the best for others. Prays for others. Accepts the things one cannot change in GRADE 7 & 8 CO-ED SOFTBALL him/herself, others and All grade 7 & 8 students are welcome to the world try out for the co-ed softball team. Letters with more details will be sent home soon with tryouts to begin shortly. We wish everyone luck at the tournament scheduled for May 26 at Fred Kline Park. Thanks to coaches Ms. Slade and FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Mr. Halverson. Play ball! We congratulate our Grade Two students who celebrated their First Holy Communion on Saturday, April 16th. SACRAMENTS SUMMER SCHOOL INFO SK- 6: Summer Literacy Program 2016 This is a literacy reinforcement and enhancement program for students in SK through Grade Six. The program runs daily from Monday, July 11- Friday, July 29 at a cost of $300 for the three week session. Registration is available through teacher referral. Registration forms are due back to the school on May 27, 2016. Elementary Summer School This program is geared to Grade 7 & 8 students in need of literacy skills and math strategies development. Applications are available from your child’s teacher and are based on their recommendation. The program is offered from Monday, July 4 to Friday, July 22, 2016 at Father C. W. Sullivan. Classes run daily from 8:30 am - 12:30 pm and students must attend the entire three week block. There is no cost to the program and busing is available with pick up/drop off at St. Anne School. Registrations forms are due to the school by May 27, 2016. CONFIRMATION We also extend best wishes to our Grade 7 & 8 students who will receive the Sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday, May 15 at St. Anne’s Church: Grade 7 students, 2 pm; the Grade 8 students, 6 pm. YEAR END MASS Please join us for our school Year End Mass organized by our Intermediate Division on Tuesday, June 3rd at St. Anne’s Parish at 10:30 am. School Council will be giving our Grade 2 & 8 students pins to commemorate the Sacrament of First Holy Communion and Confirmation. CATHOLIC EDUCATION WEEK SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS CHOCOLATE FUNDRAISER Our School Council Chocolate Fundraiser has wrapped up. A HUGE thank to School Council Parent Volunteers who set aside time each day to run the fundraiser. Thank you to the many families who supported this fundraiser; just over $6 000 was raised which will support initiatives like Graduation Luncheon, technology, First Communion Lunch, theatre presentations, etc. Prize winners will be determined in the next couple of weeks! MEETING We will be celebrating Catholic Education Week May 1st - May 6, 2016. The theme this year is Opening Doors of Mercy. During this week, the Catholic community celebrates the distinctive contribution that Catholic schools make to our students, our community and our province. Each day of the week will focus on a different sub-theme. Please join us at our next School Council meeting on Tuesday, May 3, 2016 at 6:45 pm in the Conference Room. All parents are welcome to attend RESILIENCY PARENT WORKSHOP Parents and guardians are invited to a workshop by Dr. Monday: Mercy that Welcomes Megan Popovic, to explore resiliency, why it’s important Tuesday: Mercy that Loves and how to foster it within our family as a means of copWednesday: Mercy that Forgives ing with adversity and the challenges of life we all face. Thursday: Mercy that Lives the Gospel The workshop is on May 12 from 7-8:30 pm at St. Friday: Mercy that Rejoices Anne School. Please RSVP by calling the school at 905Staff and students will be working on a variety of activities 459-7621. Hope to see you there! to celebrate Catholic Education Week at St. Anne School in their classrooms, including the following events: Daily OAPCE 77th ANNUAL CONFERENCE Prayers, Food Drive, Intermediate Boys and Girls Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education Conference and our school musical, A Night on (OAPCE) Conference: "Many Gifts, One Voice: Living Our Virtues in a Virtual World", May 6 & 7 in Toronto. Broadway. For more details, please visit SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS ST. ANNE’S 50TH ANNIVERSARY! Next year, St. Anne’s School celebrates its 50th anniversary! School Council will begin planning festivities to commemorate the event. If you are interested in being on the Fiftieth Anniversary Committee, please call the school and leave your contact information with Office Staff and they will pass it on to School Council. SUBWAY LUNCHES School Council was happy to try offering Subway lunches this year. It has been a success as many students are participating. The last two dates are May 9 and June 6. Thank you Mrs. Payne for organizing. PIZZA LUNCHES School Council continues to offer Pizza Lunches. Parents can still order Pizza Lunch for individual dates by filling out a Pizza Lunch form found in the Office. Parents are reminded that the only way to ensure your child gets pizza is to fill out an order form in advance. If students bring money to buy pizza on that day, parents should still send a lunch to school in case there are not enough slices for sale. The remaining dates for the year are: May 5 and May 19. Thank you Mrs. Payne for organizing Pizza Lunches this year. EQAO PROVINCIAL ASSESSMENTS To assist students with preparation for the EQAO provincial assessment, free after school tutoring sessions are running twice a week from 3:30-5:00 pm until May 19. The province wide assessments will take place from May 25th to June 8th. Please refrain from booking any appointments during those weeks. Visit the EQAO website and click on the link for Parent Resources for free resources and sample assessments: CLASS PLACEMENTS CLASS PLACEMENT REQUESTS The staff of St. Anne will be meeting in May to discuss class placements for September 2016. When deciding placement, some criteria we consider are: academic ability, work habits, study skills, social factors and placement history. Our goal is to create a balance of gender, ability and student needs. Parents are invited to give input to the school with regards to any special needs or learning profile. Please do not request specific teachers as teacher placements are tentative and can change between now and September. Included in this newsletter is a form parents can complete and submit to the Principal by Thursday, May 12. As there are many variables which are taken into account when creating classes, we cannot accommodate all requests. The final decision rests with the Principal. REMINDERS TO PARENTS PARENTS IN THE SCHOOL In keeping with Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School Board Policy, all visitors to the school must check in at the office and obtain a visitor’s pass from Office Staff. Parents are not permitted in the hallways; if your child is late, a member of the Office Staff will walk your child to their class, if needed. If you have an appointment with a staff member, office staff will let them know you have arrived. If you wish to speak to your child’s teacher, kindly call the school or leave a message with Office Staff and the teacher will get in touch with you. REMINDERS TO PARENTS the office area are very busy at the end of the day as bus students and visitors to the school exit by those doors. CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Teachers acknowledge students’ birthdays in different ways in each classroom. We all want to make our child’s birthday a special day, however we kindly ask that you do not send in any food items to school.. This is not only due to student allergies, but also to minimize disruptions during the school day. If you want to do something, consider sending in non food items such as pencils, stickers, etc. LATES AND ABSENCES Parents and students are reminded that school starts promptly at 9:00 am. Arriving on time is an important life skill and lateness impacts the learning of all. Please call (905) 459-7621 to let us know your child will be late or absent (you can also leave a message at any time). This information is important to the safety of your child. Any student arriving late or leaving the school during the day must be signed out by an adult at the Office. If your child will be leaving early for an appointment, please call ahead and/or send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher. LUNCH TIME ROUTINES Parents may drop off lunches at the table outside the office for their child to come and pick up at the start of indoor lunch time (12:25 pm). Please ensure you label your child’s lunch. Students who go home for lunch are reminded that lunch runs from 11:45 am - 12:45 pm with afternoon classes starting at 12:45 pm. Also, any Intermediate Students planning to go out for lunch, must provide written consent to their teacher first thing that morning and sign in/out at the Office. Students will not be given permission to call home during the day to go out for lunch. PARKING Parents are advised to please park in the designated areas and to observe parking signs on school property. The Handicapped Parking spot is reserved for drivers who hold a valid parking permit for its use. Parents must not park in front of the large dumpster located next to the visitor’s parking lot. On several occasions, the garbage disposal company was unable to access and empty the dumpster. Having the company come back outside of its scheduled pick up time results in a $100 surcharge to the school. Furthermore, parents are asked not to park in the DISMISSAL TIME Parents/guardians are reminded that school ends at 3:30 Sir John A. Macdonald parking lot. It is reserved for their pm and teachers will dismiss students through their entry/ staff use. Please consider parking in the St. Anne Church exit door NOT the main entrance. The main entrance and parking lot which is a short walk away. Thank you for your cooperation. ONTARIO CATHOLIC SCHOOL GRADUATE EXPECTATIONS PARENT ENGAGMENT Parent Engagement Night The second annual Parent Engagement Night will Catholic education views human life as an integration take place on May 17. Starting at 6 pm, all parents of body, mind, and spirit. Rooted in this vision, are invited to meet with the Superintendent for their Catholic education fosters the search for knowledge Family of Schools and their local Trustee. This will as a lifelong spiritual and academic quest. The expec- be followed by breakout information sessions led by tations of Catholic graduates, therefore, are described Dufferin-Peel teachers and consultants. Some of the not only in terms of knowledge and skills, but in topics will be: a responsive classroom, my Blueprint, terms of values, attitudes and actions. Numeracy and Literacy. Further information about the evening and how to register will be posted on Vision of a Catholic Learner our school website once it is made available. A discerning believer formed in the Catholic Faith community who celebrates the signs and sacred mystery of God's presence through word, sacrament, prayer, forgiveness, reflection and moral living. IMPORTANT DATES MAY An effective communicator who speaks, writes and listens honestly and sensitively, responding critically in light of gospel values. May 1-6 Catholic Education Week May 3 School Council Mtg. @ 6:45 pm, Conference Rm A reflective, creative and holistic thinker who solves problems and makes responsible decisions with an informed moral conscience for the common good. May 5 Night on Broadway Musical, 7 pm @ St. Anne Pizza Lunch May 8 Happy Mother’s Day May 9 Subway Lunch Day May 10 First Holy Communion Luncheon 12 pm Virtue of ) Assemblies (Large Gym) - pm May 12 Boys and Girls Conference for Gr. 7 & 8 Parent workshop on Resiliency @ 7 pm A self-directed, responsible, lifelong learner who develops and demonstrates their God-given potential. A collaborative contributor who finds meaning, dignity and vocation in work which respects the rights of all and contributes to the common good. May 13 P. A. Day - No School for students A caring family member who attends to family, school, parish, and the wider community. May 15 A responsible citizen who gives witness to Catholic social teaching by promoting peace, justice and the sacredness of human life. Grade 7 Confirmation, 2 pm @ St. Anne’s Church Grade 8 Confirmation, 6 pm @ St. Anne’s Church May 18 Orienteering Meet @ Albion Hills May 19 Pizza Lunch May 23 Victoria Day (School Closed) May 25 Grade 3 and 6 EQAO Assessments start FOOD DRIVE In keeping with being caring and responsible members of a Catholic community, student leaders have organized a food drive to coincide with Catholic Education and in support of Dr. Simone’s Canadian Food for Children. Giving to those in need is a true act of mercy. Our food drive will support our own pantry for families in need, but also help to replenish Dr. Simone’s warehouse which is in desperate need of replenishment. JUNE June 8 P.A. Day - No School for students June 22 Grade 8 Graduation @ Cardinal Leger S.S. 7:00 pm June 30 Last day of school