Principal M. Gibson Website: St. Anne Catholic School November 2015 Vice Principal L. Rossi Secretarial Staff L. Cameron T. Gout Custodian N. Bahadir Superintendent S. Steer (905) 890-1221 Pastors Fr. J. Cherickal Fr. F. Marrone (905) 453-1303 ALL SAINTS DAY (NOVEMBER 1ST) Heavenly saints of God, you knew what it was like to be totally devoted to God and your neighbour. You were selfless to your own needs and dedicated to the needs of others. Like Saint Francis, you knew that in giving, we receive. Help us be aware of others’ needs. Help us share what we have so all people have what they need. When someone needs our help, may we give it freely. When someone needs a friend, let us be a friend. Then we will know how good it feels to live like you. We ask this through you. Amen St. Anne Remember, O holy mother St. Anne, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help and sought thy intercession was left unaided, for thou art a most merciful mother and aid all who are in distress. St. Anne, pray for us. IMPORTANT DATES Trustee A. DaSilva (905) 459-7089 Follow us on Twitter: @stanne_bw November 17 - Progress Reports go home November 19 - Parent-Teacher Interview Night December 2nd- Advent Mass @ St. Anne Church, 10:30 am VIRTUE OF CONSCIENCE The students at St. Anne School will focus on the Virtue of Conscience during the month of November. A person with Conscience… listens to the voice of the Holy Spirit inside can see how their actions can help or hurt others chooses to do what Jesus would do admits their sins and feels badly about poor choices says sorry and tries to make up for hurtful actions God wants us to know the difference between right and wrong choices, and how our choices can impact others around us. STUDENT ACTIVITIES STUDENT LEADERS Thank you to our student leaders who organized a variety of activities for our Halloween Spirit Week. Staff and students participated in Pyjama Day, Twin Tuesday, Black, Orange and White Day, Throwback Thursday and Costume Dress-Up. Both students and staff showed great spirit throughout the week. INTERMEDIATE VOLLEYBALL Intermediate Boys and Girls Volleyball tryouts are well under way. Teams will be picked shortly and be preparing to compete in Brampton West Mini-Tournament on November 23 and 24. Thanks to boys’ coaches Ms. Slade and Mme. Kroeplin, and girls’ coaches Mr. Pender and Mr. Gomes. Good luck to all! Boys’ Team: Mateo D., Jason S., Bodhan M, Blake S., Anthony E., Jaspheth C., Adam P., Jake B., Zach C, Zach N., and Jaeden S. Girls’ Team: Naomi I., Julianna C., Amanda P., Mikayla R., Victoria H., Hailey R., Stephanie L., Angel C., Brianna N., Meghan P., Madison R., and Chelsea A. STUDENT ACTIVITIES (con’t) GREEN TEAM NEWS In October the Green Team completed their first Waste and Energy Audit. We would like to thank Ms. deLemos' class for their almost perfectly uncontaminated garbage and blue bins. Well done! We will be doing another random audit in November. Here are some helpful hints: Blue Bins: Paper Yogurt, pudding or jello containers (cleaned!) Drink boxes Water Bottles * Lunchables containers (cleaned!) & cardboard wrap Clear plastic drink cups Styrofoam Garbage: Food Foil Plastic Utensils Any snack wrapper that's got silver/foil lining Paper towels! Shredded paper, tiny scraps of paper *Plastic water bottles are being collected in a marked bag in each class as part of a school wide audit, by Mme. Kroeplin's class. We would like to encourage ALL students to bring re-usable water bottles to school instead of one use plastic bottles. Many of these one use bottles are left in classrooms, partially filled and unclaimed at the end CROSS COUNTRY After several weeks of training for any interested students, of the day. Bring your own refillable bottle with your the Cross Country Team was finally selected. The Bramp- name on it to avoid water waste. With thanks from the ton West Family Cross Country meet was held at Green Team! Chinguacousy Park on October 14th. Runners showed great team spirit and everyone finished their race. Way to BRAMPTON BEAST HOCKEY GAME Students, family and friends are all invited to a Brampton go team! Congratulations to the Grade Six team of Daniel V., Bryce N., Nathaniel M., Joshua M., and Noah Beast hockey game on Friday, November 6. Student tickD. who finished first and qualified to compete in the ets are free (thanks to Save Max) when accompanied by an Board finals along with Stephanie L. in Grade Seven and adult. Adult tickets are $16. Game is at the Powerade Aidan N. in Grade Eight. Fantastic effort! Thanks to all Centre; gates open at 6:15 pm and game starts at 7:15. the coaches: Mrs. Degabriele, Mrs., Fazi and Mrs. Nichol- Come on out and enjoy the show with your fellow stuson for their time and dedication in getting runners ready dents and support your local pro hockey team, the Brampton Beast! to compete. DUFFERIN PEEL PROGRAMS SCHOOL COUNCIL NEWS French Immersion Information Meeting Senior Kindergarten parents/guardians, who wish to enroll their child in Grade 1 French Immersion class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting. For Brampton parents, the meeting will be held at St. Angela Merici School on Wednesday, November 11 at 7 pm. For further information, please visit the Board website at under Programs & Services. COUNCIL MEETINGS Council meetings are a great way to get information about the school and what initiatives council will be undertaking through the year. All St. Anne community members are welcome to attend. Our next Catholic School Council Meeting will be held on Tuesday, November 10 at 6:45 pm in the Conference Room. Hope to see you there! Extended French Information Meeting Grade 4 parents/guardians who wish to enroll their child in a Grade 5 Extended French class for September, 2016 are invited to attend an information meeting at: St. Anne School on Wednesday, January 13, 2016 at 7 pm. Applications will be available at the Information Night and accepted as of January 19, 2016 and are due to the office by 3 pm on February 16. Should a lottery be required to determine enrolment, it will be held on February 24, 2016 at 2:00 pm in the Small Gym. DANCE-A-THON Thank you to School Council for organizing this year’s Dance-a-thon which took place October 28. Presswood Entertainment created an exciting atmosphere of fun and dancing. A special thank you to Mrs. Milleman who helped assemble countless glo bracelets! We would also like to take this opportunity to thank the many families for their donations: big or small, all donations added up to a very successful fundraiser for School Council. We raised $6 400! All money raised goes to support the Community Fund, Grade Eight graduation, field trips, and literacy and numeracy initiatives. Thank you/Merci! Cardinal Leger S. S. Gr. 8 Open House CURRICULUM FOCUS The Grade 8 Open House for Cardinal Leger has been rescheduled for Tuesday, November 17th at 7 pm at PROGRESS REPORTS Cardinal Leger, 75 Mary St., 905-453-2232. Progress reports will be sent home on November 17. Teacher or parent requested interviews will take place on Holy Name of Mary Catholic Secondary School: the evening of November 19. This is an opportunity to Regional All Girls School There will be a Grade 9 information night at Holy Name discuss progress and next steps for success. of Mary, 115 Glenvale Blvd., on Thursday, November 19 at 7 pm For more information, please call 905-458-5541. RAZ KIDS ONLINE READING PROGRAM This reading program is aimed at our primary students as St. Roch C. S. S. - Regional Arts Program a means of supplementing our school Literacy Program, There will be a parent information meeting at St. Roch, with enriching reading activities that can be done at home. 200 Valleyway Dr., on Wednesday, November 12, 2015 at We encourage parents/guardians to log their child onto 7 pm. Contact the school for details RazKids a minimum of 3 times/week for 20 minutes per 905-456-8543. session. The books are well written and selected to be at the appropriate level for them to read independently. St. Martin C. S. S. - Regional Sports Info Night Parent Information night is Wednesday, November 18, MATH PRODIGY IS BACK 2015, 7 pm at St. Martin’s, 2470 Rosemary Dr. For more Math Prodigy is a free online math game for students in info, call 905-279-3171. Grades 1-8 that is curriculum focused fun! Students play the game while practicing math skills at the same time. Teachers can set up tasks for their classes in order to check a specific skill and are able to track student progress. For every half hour of math practice at school usRegistration for Full Day Kindergarten for the 2016-2017 ing Math Prodigy, students spend an additional half hour school year will take place at St. Anne School on Monday, at home. Play on! January 25, 2016, 7 - 9 pm. SNOW DATE for evening registration is Tuesday, January 26, 2016. Daytime regis- BIG KIDS ENTERTAINMENT tration will take place from January 27-29, 2016 from On November 12, students will enjoy a live theatre 9 am - 3 pm at the school. presentation of Jack and the Beanstalk. While students KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION 2016-2017 STUDENT LUNCH MONITOR needed from Nov. 20 - Dec.18. This is a paid position. You will need a criminal reference check. Call the Office if interested. enjoy the show, teachers will be involved in Professional Development around Guided Reading, assessment tools and exploring math instructional strategies. HERE COMES THE COLD! Although we are experiencing a mild fall, colder weather is around the corner. Please ensure that your child comes to school prepared to participate in all activities, including outdoor recess. Now is a good time to check clothing sizes and ensure that your children have hats, scarves, gloves, warm coats and boots, labeled with their names. REMINDERS TO PARENTS Start Time 9:00 a.m. AM Recess 10:23 a.m. Lunch 11:45 a.m. PM Recess 2:08 p.m. Dismissal 3:30 p.m. BE ON TIME! Being organized and on time are important life skills. Consistent morning routines and a good breakfast reduce stress and help everyone start the day right. Ultimately this is a parent’s responsibility. Letters have been sent home for students with delivery personnel and parents picking up students for appointments. All visitors to the school, including parents, must stop in at the office. This is our way of keeping the school safe. Students should be lining up with their peers at their designated door and not coming in the front door. Congestion in the front hall makes it difficult to track who is coming in and out of our building. Parents are not permitted to escort students to classrooms nor should they be in the hallway watching their children walk to their class. One of the office staff will be more than happy to walk a younger child down to their classroom once announcements are done. PARISH EVENTS The Over 55 Group will be holding their Christmas Bazaar and Bake Sale on the weekend of November 21st & 22nd. All proceeds go to support church needs. See parish bulletin for more details. BUS NEWS All students have now received orange bus tags (red ffor FDK or Grade One) for the current school year. Should you have any questions with regards to busing, please conAttendance: Please call (905) 459-7621 (press 1) to tact the school or the Transportation Department at the let us know your child will be late or absent. This Board Office at 905-890-6000 (option 2 for West). Also, information is important to the safety of your child. the STOPR website has busing information, including bus delays and cancellations. frequent lates or absences. All visitors must report to the office and sign in. Appointments: Any student leaving the school dur- ing the day due to appointments, etc., must be signed out at the office. Please ensure that you send a note in this regard to your child’s teacher. IMPORTANT DATES November 6 Brampton Beast Hockey Game, Powerade Center, 7:15pm November 9 Lockdown drill November 10 Catholic School Council Meeting @ 6:45 pm, Conference Room November 11 French Immersion Info Mtg. @ St. Angela Merici, 7 pm November 12 St. Roch (Regional Arts Programs) Parent Info Night @ St. Roch RAINY DAYS On rainy days, students in Grades 1-8 are supervised in the school from 8:45 - 9 am. They should enter via their regular doors: students with classes in the portapak can go directly to their classrooms, FDK students should enter via the Library door in the FDK (a staff member will take them to the Library to be supervised) and all other students must go the Small Gym. November 17 Progress Reports go home Cardinal Leger Open House, 7pm November 18 St. Martin S.S.- Regional Sports Info Night @ St. Martin November 19 -Progress FRONT ENTRANCE The main doors of our school are intended for visitors, such as supply teachers, volunteers, maintenance staff, November 23 Girls’ Int. Volleyball Tournament November 24 Boys’ Int. Volleyball Tournament SUPERVISION Parents/Guardians are reminded that the school yard is supervised by staff from 8:45-9:00 am to ensure safe arrival and entry into the school. Students should not be dropped off or arrive before that time. Should you require supervision before then, please contact PLASP which offers a before/after school program at the school. Report Parent-Teacher Interviews -Holy Name of Mary C.S.S. Grade 9 nfo Night @ Holy Name of Mary